The Naive Princess

By Abha3006

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''People say you don't know what you've got until it's gone. Truth is, you knew what you had, you just never... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter -18


12K 915 111
By Abha3006


Throwing my back on the bed, I took a deep sigh of relief. I had been shivering in fear finding Adi in the mansion and that to when I have my over protective brother sleeping in a room on the opposite side of the corridor. I just wanted him to leave and when he did, that was the moment I could breathe. The mere thought of being caught by bhai gave me goose bumps all over my skin. Breathing deep I turned my eyes to have a look at Rolli. To my surprise she was awake , laying  on her tummy she kept watching me giving me I know your secret kind of look. I smiled and turned to her, ''Don't tell daddy.''

She squealed thinking I was playing relaxing my tense nerves the same moment. Pulling her to my chest , I dozed  off quickly.

Ananya took Rolli early morning as I had my classes, I was moving down the stairs when Bhai's voice alerted me, ''Whose shoes are these and why are they here?'' I turned cold as blood in my veins froze that moment, I am sure Adi left them there because staff never takes their's off. Plus, the stupid guilty conscious of mine kept hammering me from all sides I didn't knew what am I going to tell him. I kept stepping up and down at same place on the staircase not able to think of any excuse. Just when I felt I was doomed, I heard the change in Bhai's voice, his feet moving away from the hall, ''What's wrong, are you not well?'' His voice held concern 

I descended the stairs like a thief peeping in every corner. Walking into the dinning hall, I heard uncontrollable sneezing of Ananya as Bhai tried  comforting her, ''I...think its too cold for me. I went for walk without my jacket'' I frowned, Ananya isn't stupid then why she acting like one. Her eyes met mine , the eyeballs moved in a direction. After a minute I realized what she meant, quickly moving to the hall I picked the shoes and shoved them in a corner where bhai can't see them. For now he is completely distracted worried about his wife, hope he forgets about the shoes, ''I am leaving for University.'' I informed. He nodded once and I ran out at first chance.

''Those were Adi's shoes?'' Hansa questioned, I nodded chewing my nails. She groaned , ''Is that guy out of his head?'' I nodded again

''Do you think bhai would give up the shoe thing?'' I asked. I just wanted someone to tell me that he would overlook the matter. My eyes kept staring at Hansa expecting her to respond positively, she instead added to my fears. With a shrug of her shoulder she replied, ''I don't think so, its about you. He will definitely find the Cinderella who owns the shoes.'' I slumped in my seat, I just want to be at peace but this crazy guy will get me doomed. 


Evening when I entered my house, I found Ananya being wrapped like a baby in multiple layers of clothes. I couldn't control my laughter, ''Not fair, I sniffed that pepper for you and you are laughing.'' She complained

Crashing next to her I hugged her, ''How did you guess it was Adi's?''

''First , no one wears those kind in the house. Second,  they looked too expensive for anyone in staff and Third, why would someone from the house leave the shoes at the entrance hall? It has to be an intruder and only Adi has the spare pair of keys''

''WOW! No wonder Bhai married you. But how did you conclude all this so fast?''

''I was the first one to come across them, but before I could do a thing your brother popped out from no where and now I being punished with these clothes.'' Laughing I gave my darling friend another hug, ''Thanks for saving me, I don't know what bhai will do if he knows of the intruder.''

Ananya gave me a forced smiled, she turned to pick something and then handed me a set of keys, ''All the locks have been changed. Now, a pair each resides just with Ranvijay and Hansa. Not to forget, till you are here  your family will keep visiting you at short intervals.''

My face turned pale, ''he doesn't trust me''

''If that was the case, he would have questioned you upfront. He trusts you, but can't stop being what he is , a brother who loves his baby sister. You will never grow up from him. And Adi shouldn't have done that.'' Ananya looked quite pissed.

''You think Bhai is mad at me?'' 

''No, but he is mad at that lover boy of yours.For now I stopped him from ripping Adi's head off, but he will definitely have a visit from me.'' I nodded, Ananya visiting Adi is far better than bhai visiting him. We were still talking when Bhai made his presence with the little Princess, ''God she is so demanding. She wouldn't relent till I gave her one whole round of the garden.'' he complained handing the over excited princess to Ananya. I was nervous about facing him, I kept my eyes glued to the floor waiting for the interrogation to begin.

''How was your day sweet heart.'' Bhai asked caressing my head. The tense nerves of my body started relaxing hearing his loving address. Jumping of the couch I hugged him, ''Good, but I wanted to get home soon.'' He pressed his lips to the top of my head, Ananya was right Bhai loves me too much to ignore any small glitch. 


I woke up to continuous buzzing of my phone. Someone had no job other than messaging me. Stretching once, I  extended my arm to pick my phone. Squinting I tried reading the messages, 20 messages one after the other and still pouring. I quickly sat up, Adi has lost his head completely.

'I am going to invite your brother for a boxing match...then he will know who is the boss here.'

'He took the keys back from me....he thinks of me as a thief. Arrogant...#@%^&* ....whatever.'

'Your darling brother must have changed  the locks by now...what does he think of himself? Nonthig can stop me'

'If he is Ranvijay Rathore...I am Aditya Ranawat...I am not backing out'

There were so many more. I rolled my eyes at the phone. While I am trying to mature, this guy is turning kiddish. Throwing my quilt , I sat up. Quickly freshening up, I hopped down the stairs to  get my morning coffee. The weather looked awesome, I decided to have coffee on the terrace . Its still time for Ananya and Bhai to be up, yesterday my niece had turned too cranky and I sure she must have kept them awake. 

Clasping the cup in both palms I enjoyed the warmth of it against my skin. Leaning on the railing, I watched the morning strollers taking their morning run. There were people who were walking with friends, some with partners and many just alone. A guy dressed in smart jogging suit waved at me, may be I felt that he must be waving at me. Ignoring I took a sip of my warm coffee to spit it next moment, the guy was indeed waving at me and then he threw kisses at me. I blinked then shook my head once, I wasn't sure if it was true. When I opened my eyes again, he was dancing and many stood watching him. He started throwing kisses at me again and he did few somersaults on the road, though very pathetic ones it still gathered the crowd. Few people pointed towards me and I knew it was time  to run.

Stomping, I went down with a grumpy face. What does he want? If he thinks this can win me he ought be mad. ''Raksha, I will drop you today. I have to meet few people.'' Bhai informed, I just nodded. It's a breather for me, I am really don't want him dancing  infront of my car. With bhai, he wouldn't dare to do that. I hope so.

As we drove out of the mansion, my eyes kept darting at every nook and corner praying to almighty that Adi shouldn't appear from no where dancing around my car. Bhai will definitely put him in some asylum, ''Something wrong?''

'''' How should I tell him everything is wrong

''Why do you look pale?'' He asked. I wanted to yell at the top of my voice that a guy had turned mad and is making me go nuts, but....the big but, I can't just open my mouth. The shoe incident is still raw, his dancing act will definitely  leave bhai fuming. Controlling my thoughts, I stretched my lips into a smile, ''Nothing, nervous about coming internals. '' He didn't reply but just frowned with a smirk. Why do I have a feeling that he has already read my mind. Damn you ADI!!!


 After reaching university without any further drama, I finally relaxed. Waving at bhai, I ran inside. These walls seem safe for next 5-6 hrs,  I decided to concentrate on my studies. We were being informed about a guest lecture and asked to gather in the auditorium. Every month we had around two guests lectures, the visiting faculty would be from different backgrounds sharing their experiences with us. 

Pulling my notepad and pen out I was all ready for the guest to begin his subject. But when the guest appeared, I choked . Adi stood tall on the center stage smiling at the audience, he was here to share his experience on customer satisfaction. I was aware about his firm being one of the best being rated by customers , but I didn't expect him.

he greeted all with the smile and started. ''So how do you define SATISFACTION?'' I gulped at the stress on the word

Few answered and he applauded them , then it was his turn and his words made feel like disappearing in air. ''For me the ultimate satisfaction is when I kiss my girl.'' There were many who laughed and gasped, but Adi twisted his words, ''It does sound cliche, but that's what your customer should feel after doing the business, the customer should be in awe of you just like your girl friend or boy friend. They should never think of breaking up with you. What say?'' There was loud applauds and I my pen broke into 2 due to the pressure I was putting on it.

''Since you have compared a customer with a lover, what should be done if the customer cheats?'' Asked one between us. I rolled my eyes, I had the little idea about the answer

''That's unfortunate. You should keep the thrill in romance alive, whether its about a partner or a customer. Try doing new things, make them feel special. I think sometime you shouldn't hesitate chasing them around.'' I dropped my broken book and its sound echoed the room turning all eyes on me.

''Sorry!'' I mumbled

''Can I help you miss.'' He asked with a knowing smile

''NO!'' with that I closed the conversation, in reality I wanted to tell him to get out and let me breathe.

''All right lets move forward. Lets take an example of the lady who just dropped the book. Either she is too bored or too impressed.'' There were some laughs as all eyes moved to me again. After a minute he added, ''Sometimes your customer looks for a little attention, and he or she has all the right to demand it. You as a service or product provider should ensure to give that special attention so that your customer doesn't feel left out. Add a little music to their experience.'' 

Damn him, he just called me an attention seeker. I will skin you alive before Bhai Adi.

''How do you handle an aggressive and very mad customer ''

''hmm, even I am trying to woo one very angry customer. I think for now, I am just looking for one chance to make that customer talk.''

''How would you managed that, if customer is not interested in even talking?'' asked the girl next to me

he smiled, ''I am trying to gain their attention with some stupid acts. So the jest is, sometimes you will have to act stupid or think out of the box to make your angry customer talk.'' The audience applauded his simple explanation

He was about to conclude when another got up, ''So did your customer gave you the chance for a dialogue.''

''Not yet, but I will manage that. Even if I have to do a striptease  for that.'' There was a round of laughter but blood in my veins froze. What was this mad guy planning to do? 

I scurried  off the hall without waiting for anyone. To my relief , Hansa was already at the door waiting for me. I was getting in the car when my eyes fell on Adi standing on the opposite side, he smiled and then looked at his phone. My phone beeped, I tapped the screen waiting for the picture to get downloaded. When it did, my eyes popped out. It was him, shirtless with a caption, ''Don't take it just to be words....I can do anything.'' 

God help me!!!


Happy Sunday friends. hope this brings smile to your faces. Please leave your comments and don't forget to vote.

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