Heartthrob Snob // D.O.

By Monikeu

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Being a part of Korea's popular boy band, EXO-K, Do Kyungsoo lives a normal and happy celebrity life. Practis... More

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Chapter 1: Sandwich Shop
Chapter 2: Move out
Chapter 3: It was a dream
Chapter 4: Mr Mean Kyungsoo
Chapter 5: The tease
Chapter 6: Abrupt announcement
Chapter 7: The first day
Chapter 8: Saturday ( I )
Chapter 9: Saturday ( II )
Chapter 10: Kkamjong knows all
Chapter 11: What a feeling
Chapter 12: So dead
Chapter 13: White piece of paper
Chapter 14: Outside the gates
Chapter 15: A thing to not expect
Chapter 16: Off-course not of course
Chapter 17: Fortune will tell
Chapter 18: Jealousy and its works
Chapter 19: Attack of something
Chapter 21: Diverged
Chapter 22: Where are they?
Chapter 23: A sad aura
Chapter 24: So close
Chapter 25: Sukira Kiss the Radio
Chapter 26: Manager Hyung's ways
Chapter 27: Fan-girl mode
Chapter 28: Way back
Chapter 29: Rescue and Close
Chapter 30: Golden Maknae
Chapter 31: You are mine. I am yours.
Chapter 32: Oh, father
Chapter 33: Unfolding
Chapter 34: Welcome to my world
Chapter 35: Unheard of and never expected
Chapter 36: Let's go downhill
Chapter 37: "Idol Life Gossips"
Chapter 38: Stakeholders
Chapter 39: Cousin Jojo
Chapter 40: Jung Bomi
Chapter 41: One step forward
Chapter 42: Sail the night away
Chapter 43: Adding fuel to the fire
Chapter 44: Don't go
Chapter 45: Haruman
Chapter 46: The whole's unravelled
Chapter 47: Back where it started
Chapter 48: Apologies
Chapter 49: Realisation
Chapter 50: Make a call
Chapter 51: Tell me a lie
Chapter 52: Jump
Chapter 53: Back to school
Chapter 54: Unexpected visits
Chapter 55: Window shenanigan
Chapter 56: Hunches
Chapter 57: Oh, year books
Chapter 58: Getting somewhere
Chapter 59: Revelation and decision
Chapter 60: Nerving talks
Chapter 61: Closer
Chapter 62: Came a long way
Chapter 63: Cake Shop
Bonus Chapter: Wedding bells

Chapter 20: The stalker mode

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By Monikeu

Third person Point of View

“MWO?!” they shouted.

Eunmi’s heart pounded heavily against her chest and her breathing seemed to hitch with the scream of D.O’s fans. They walked towards her and all Eunmi could do was lean back on her chair, hoping that they would not get her if she did this. The more they walked closer to her, the more she got scared. What could they possibly do to her?

Suddenly, Baekhyun got off from his seat and stepped in front of Eunmi’s desk to defend her. His expression was blank and no one knew what he was thinking. He glared at them warningly and the fans felt terrified enough that they backed away, returning to their seats. D.O felt so useless because he did not even have the courage to stand up for the girl he liked against his ‘crazy’ fans. He did, however, face Hye Jin in his ‘satan-like’ look.

“Why do you keep making other people’s lives miserable, huh?” he asked her.

“And why not? It’s really fun, you should try it some time,” she snickered at him.

D.O did not like her arrogant manner. He felt so irritated that he swore if Hye Jin was not a girl, he would have punched the life out of her skinny body. But, it was unfortunate for him… Hye Jin was a girl so instead, he just imagined punching her and that brought a smile on his face.


During lunch time, Sanghyun and his sister, Sandy, sat with Eunmi, like they often did since they started at the school. For some really weird and odd reason, Chanyeol began sitting with them but, it was mostly because of the fact that Sandy was there and it seemed as if he had grown very fond of her. He tended to tell lame jokes in front of her, which just made him appear not-idol-like.

“Why do seagulls fly over the sea?” Chanyeol asked Sandy.

She knew where this was going but, to spare his heart, she smiled a forceful smile and played along with him.

“Why?” she asked.

“Because if they flew over the bay, they’d be bay-gulls,” he laughed, slapping his thigh. “Get it? ‘Bay-gulls’? It sounds like bagels.”

Chanyeol continued to laugh at his own joke but, Sandy laughed with him anyway because she did not want to hurt the poor boy’s feelings. She knew he liked her in a way and she felt wrong turning him down at such an early time. Instead, she decided to tell him when it was right… if that time ever came.

“So, Eunmi, how was class?” Sanghyun asked her.

“Uh… it was good, I guess, nothing special really happens to me so…” she replied.

What Eunmi did not know was that D.O had been listening to their conversation. He looked towards her table and narrowed his eyes, trying to listen to whatever he could of their conversation. Nothing special? D.O asked himself. At that moment, he had a light bulb and an idea entered his mind but, it was interrupted too soon.

“Are you okay?” Baekhyun asked him.

“Shh, I’m trying to listen,” he hushed his friend, who ate his meat-lovers pizza quite happily.

“Eavesdropping is bad, you know,” Baekhyun told him.

“I’m everything bad so, what’s new?” D.O replied.

“Well, for a starter, you’ve started to like someone other than yourself.”

“That’s… yeah, that’s true.”

D.O could say nothing smart as a comeback, like he would usually do. He was too engulfed in the world of Eunmi and Sanghyun’s conversation that his mind was ‘less idiotic’ than usual, if one would describe.

“Why do you guys think Chanyeol-hyung likes that girl so much?” Kai suddenly asked.

“Probably because she’s pretty,” Sehun answered. “But, not as pretty as Miranda Kerr, that’s for sure.”

Kai and the other two boys rolled their eyes at the typical maknae, who was dearly crushing on the Australian model, Miranda Kerr. Sehun began to stare into space and the boys knew he was thinking of her again. Ever since she wrote him a message for his birthday, he lived in the fantasy that she, too, liked him.

“Hey, Eunmi, are you… are you busy after school today?” Sanghyun asked.

“Not really, why?” she asked, rather puzzled.

“Do you mind going to dinner? You know, with my family?”

“He’s asking you out,” Chanyeol blurted, causing Sanghyun’s eyes to grow wider in embarrassment. Eunmi almost choked on the salad she was eating as she looked up from her food to Sanghyun.

“Are you?” she asked him.

“Is it bad if I am?” he asked her, hoping for a somewhat positive reply.

Eunmi hesitated. She knew she would feel bad if she went out with him because of D.O but, when she thought again, she realised that she was not really in any sort of relationship with D.O; she was just his fan. Pursing her lip in a deep thought, she looked at Sanghyun’s hopeful face and decided that maybe it was not a bad idea.

Her eyes turned into crescents and the corners of her lips curved up into a smile. She punched his shoulder playfully and chuckled slightly.

“I would love to,” she told him.

“EH?!” D.O shouted out of nowhere, standing up from his seat.

The whole cafeteria got shocked and they turned their heads towards him, including Eunmi’s table. D.O did not even realise until a few minutes later that he had caught everyone’s attention. He looked around, seeing everyone’s weird-out faces, and slowly sat back down.

When Eunmi turned back to her table, a hefty sigh escaped D.O’s lips and he felt somehow hopeless and disappointed; he had hoped she would say ‘no’ but, it only left him in an upset state. I thought I’m the only one she liked, he thought. How could she agree to go out with that nobody guy?


When school ended, D.O pretended he did not ‘overhear’ Eunmi’s previous conversation with Sanghyun and insisted on going to the arcades before walking home.

“I can’t,” she said. “I’m actually going somewhere.”

“With whom?” he asked bluntly, as if he did not already know.

“Sanghyun. Do you remember him? But, anyway, I’ll be having dinner at their place so, don’t wait up, okay?”

With that, she left D.O standing there. He thought that he could actually feel his heart tearing with her every step away from him. Sanghyun caught up with Eunmi and D.O watched as they parted from the school… together… laughing… giggling. It was all an unpleasant sight to him.

He discovered that he was, once again, feeling jealousy and he realised it was a feeling he hated most in the world; that feeling of wanting to keep someone to yourself but, not able to because it was not yours to keep in the first place.

“Heart, why did you choose her? I hate this feeling,” he said to himself.


Eunmi and Sanghyun arrived at the Park residence. To her surprise, Sanghyun’s family was actually well-off. They had quite a huge house and the yard was big enough to have a match of American football. When Sanghyun rang the doorbell, he did not expect for Chanyeol to answer him at the door.

“Dude, why are you here?” he asked slowly, a bit crept out, to be honest.

“For the dinner,” Chanyeol answered, making way for him and Eunmi. “Come in.”

The inside of the house was even more magnificent. A glass chandelier hung from the ceiling and it glowed to a bright orange light that gave the house an old-fashioned atmosphere. There were three cream-coloured, leather couches and western furniture to decorate the place.

“You guys are rich?” Eunmi asked.

“No, it’s just the result of years of hard work from my parents,” Sanghyun answered her.


Sandy, who was home earlier than the two, welcomed them in an excited gesture. She hugged her brother first, before doing the same with Eunmi. After the kindly action, Eunmi raised the very important question that brought both her, and Sanghyun, into confusion.

“Hey, I didn’t know Chanyeol was going to be here,” Eunmi said.

“Oh god! He kind of just invited himself, you know? I didn’t want to tell him that he couldn’t come because I didn’t want to hurt his feelings so, I just told eomma to cook for six,” Sandy replied.

“Six?” Eunmi asked.

“Yeah, we actually have another sister,” Sanghyun said.

“But, she didn’t want to come to our school so, she’s going to another one,” Sandy added.

“What about your dad?”

“He, um…”

“Let’s just not talk about him,” Sanghyun said.


Dinner came and everyone ate in silence. It was not an awkward silence as everyone was too busy and hungry to even have the time for awkwardness. They devoured Mrs Park’s delicious jjajangmyun and spicy rice cakes.

“I can’t usually eat spicy food but, this is daebak!” Chanyeol said to Mrs Park.

“Thank you,” she chuckled.

When dinner ended, Sanghyun took Eunmi to the park in the next block. They walked in a comfortable silence and just enjoyed the cool air that hit their face. She felt nice just walking normally in the streets; she would not be able to do this with D.O because he was an idol. If they saw her with him, she was literally dead meat.

“Thank you for the dinner,” Eunmi said, breaking the silence.

“No problem, glad you liked eomma’s cooking,” he laughed.

“It was good.”

The two arrived at their destination and sat on the swings at the playground. Swinging forward slowly, Eunmi thought of a million things but, the one that rose to the front of her mind was the curiosity in why Sanghyun would want to ask her out. Her eyebrows furrowed at the thought but, she did not want to ask him. She wanted to know the answer and at the same time, she did not.

It was like Sanghyun could sense what Eunmi was thinking. He turned his head to his side and looked at her, before chuckling softly. She looked at him and chuckled, too.

“What?” she asked.

“You want to know, don’t you?”

“Know what?”

“Why asked you out?” he replied.

“Am I that obvious?” she admitted.

“You have that ‘I’m wondering about something but I don’t want to ask’ kind of look,” he said.

“Really?” Eunmi asked.

“Yeah,” he chuckled again. “To be honest, I like you, Eunmi. I know you like that idol guy so, I’m not going to ask you to like me back. Just being friends with you right now is enough. But, if you ever find it in your heart that, maybe, you like me, I’ll be here. This… doesn’t make things awkward between us… does it?”

Eunmi could not understand why Baekhyun, Sanghyun (and maybe D.O) would like her; as a matter of fact, she could not understand why anyone would like her. She was no one special, she was not extravagantly pretty, and she was just Eunmi.

She did not want what Sanghyun said to ruin the friendship, even though it was him who jeopardised it in the first place. Instead, she smiled at him and decided to take this as an opportunity of their becoming closer as friends.

“No, not at all,” she said.

Suddenly, the bush near the swings shook and it startled not only Eunmi but, Sanghyun as well. Sanghyun stood up, followed by Eunmi, to identify what lay behind the movements. As the two got closer, it was not only the noise of the shaking bush that could be heard but, murmuring and whispering as well.

Eunmi stood close behind Sanghyun, in case there was an attack, and only peeked with her head from his shoulder. Slowly, Sanghyun reached out his hands towards the plant and separated it so that he could see what was behind. When Eunmi saw, she could not believe it.

“D.O?! Baekhyun?!” she yelled.

“Uh, hi,” Baekhyun laughed nervously.

“What the hell are you guys doing there?!” she yelled again.

“Um…” Baekhyun pondered, and then turning to D.O. “What are we doing here, Kyung?”

“We’re, uh,” D.O began. “We were… looking for, uh, this cat.”

“A cat? All the way here where it so happens where Sanghyun and I are talking?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. She knew by this time that they had followed her, it was like anything was possible with those two.

“Let’s go,” Eunmi said to Sanghyun, grabbing his hand, before walking to the direction of the house.

When they were no longer in sight, D.O got out from the bush first and Baekhyun followed after him. D.O looked at the ground and the picture of Eunmi holding Sanghyun’s hand that was now embedded in his mind made him feel like he lost. It all felt like a game to him; that everyone around him was in a competition to win Eunmi’s heart.

D.O’s hands turned into fist and this was what Baekhyun took notice of.

“Yah, don’t be so angry,” Baekhyun told him.

“I don’t think I would be able to control myself next time, Baek. I felt irritated because he’s the one that she hangs out with but, now that I know how he feels, I just feel really angry. Argh!”

Abruptly, D.O punched the tree that was amongst the bushes. His knuckles grew red, before they started to ooze blood and pain stung his nerves but, he did not care. He did not care for the fact that he was jealous, that his jealousy resulted in hurt. As long as it was not Eunmi getting hurt, it was alright to him.

Baekhyun was so surprised as he has never seen his best friend like this before. He knew that being in hiatus from all the daily idol activities could not go on any further. The longer their hiatus grew, the more he felt like D.O was changing. The scary thing was, Baekhyun was not sure if his friend was changing in a good way or a bad way.

He knew he had to do something, even if it meant separating him from Eunmi.


I think this is the longest chapter so far, hehe~ What did you guys think of this chapter? :)

COMMENT what you think down below and VOTE if you enjoyed reading this :D You will make me a very happy child, haha.

Thank you for reading <333 Follow @.exoimagine on Instagram if you want to read more of my stuff :)

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