Injustice 1 and 2 Guest Chara...

By Crede24

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Injustice 2 x RWBY More

Sasuke Uchiha
Ragna the Bloodedge
Noctis Lucis Caelum
M. Bison
Evil Ryu
Jason Voorhees
General Grievous
Darth Vader
Ben Tennyson
Kylo Ren
Freddy Krueger
Erron Black
Johnny Cage
Kotal Khan
Ash Williams
Cosmo the Seedrian
The Terminator
Michael Myers
Master Chief
Jack Baker
Albert Wesker
Ghost Rider
Sonic the Hedgehog
Green Goblin
The Hulk
Mecha Sonic
Nemesis T-Type
Optimus Prime
Shadow the Hedgehog
Infinite the Jackal
Ruby Rose
Weiss Schnee
Blake Belladonna
Yang Xiao Long
Cinder Fall
Nora Valkyrie
Pyrrha Nikos


290 1 0
By Crede24

  From: Transformers 

Mega Blast: Megatron fires his fusion cannon to the opponent.

Mega Slash: Megatron will use the sword of the Fusion Cannon to slash his opponent three times.

Decepticon Crush: Megatron leaps up and lands on the opponent, crushing them under his feet.

Character Trait:

Decepticon Leader: Megatron snarls and glows silver for ten seconds, allowing his damage rate including his special moves to increase.

Super Move:

Decepticon Tirany: Megatron attempts to grab his opponent by their head. If successful, Megatron slams his opponent to the ground three times before impaling his sword through his opponent's abdomen. Megatron will then fire his cannon to the impaled opponent, making his opponent fly. Megatron then transforms into his tank mode and uses the cannon on the tank to fire at his airborne opponent, causing great damage to the opponent as they fall down.

Win Pose:

Megatron transforms into his tank mode and drives towards the screen.

Battle Intros:

Megatron: The oceanic man...
Aquaman: The seas will not welcome your evil, Megatron.
Megatron: Prepare to die!

Aquaman: Not smart challenging an Atlantean.
Megatron: It is also not smart to deal with a Decepticon.
Aquaman: You might think so.

Megatron: A human that can grow? Impossible!
Atom: What else were you expecting?
Megatron: You wouldn't be any match for a Decepticon.

Atom: I am Ryan Choi, but you can call me Atom.
Megatron: I will enjoy watching you die, human.
Atom: "The Atom" isn't just a clever name.

Megatron: What are you?
Atrocitus: I am a Red Lantern.
Megatron: Very interesting...

Atrocitus: Now face the Red Lantern's wrath!
Megatron: Not even your stupid corps can stop me.
Atrocitus: The Red Lanterns aren't stupid, worm.

Megatron: You are no match for a Decepticon.
Bane: I will break you, Megatron.
Megatron: A task you will not find possible.

Bane: A worthy test of strength.
Megatron: Does courage compel you, Bane?
Bane: That is why I have venom.

Megatron: You disgust me, human!
Batman: I'll be the hero Gotham needs until I die!
Megatron: To which begins today.

Batman: I know exactly how to beat you.
Megatron: You will die horribly, Batman!
Batman: Not planning on dying too soon.

Megatron: What are you?
Bizarro: Bizarro am superhero. Here to stop bad robot leader.
Megatron: Prepare to die!

Bizarro: Am you Bizarro friend?
Megatron: I'm not your friend, creep.
Bizarro: Bizarro vision make you happy...

Megatron: I will destroy your homeland next.
Black Adam: Kahndaq is mine to command!
Megatron: Until now, Black Adam.

Black Adam: You expect to best a god?
Megatron: What do you think?
Black Adam: I don't think a giant robot like you can kill me.

Megatron: Black Canary.
Black Canary: Want me to sing for you?
Megatron: Prepare to die!

Black Canary: I thought Sam killed you.
Megatron: I was dead... and now I'm back.
Black Canary: That said, I still gotta kick your ass.

Megatron: I will kill Jennifer and Anissa after you are dead.
Black Lightning: You're not harming my daughters, Megatron.
Megatron: Show me your aggression and I may let you be alive.

Black Lightning: You are all kinds of evil.
Megatron: I will enjoy watching you die, human.
Black Lightning: Time for some shock therapy.

Megatron: You disgust me, human!
Black Manta: If you kill me, you should also kill Aquaman.
Megatron: Join your father in his grave!

Black Manta: Who the hell are you?
Megatron: I am Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons.
Black Manta: This just got a whole lot more interesting...

Megatron: What is this suit that you have?
Blue Beetle: Symbiote warsuit...
Megatron: Very interesting...

Blue Beetle: Scarab doesn't say nice things to you.
Megatron: I don't care about whatever this "Scarab" is, boy.
Blue Beetle: Alright, I warned you.

Megatron: So you must be Brainiac...
Brainiac: You're an inferior fighter, Megatron.
Megatron: Together, we can destroy humanity.

Brainiac: You think you can best me?
Megatron: You are not The Fallen.
Brainiac: I am Brainiac.

Megatron: I'm not going on ice again.
Captain Cold: Then I'll just punch you in the face.
Megatron: Show me your aggression and I may let you be alive.

Captain Cold: Finally, a shot at the big guy.
Megatron: Join Lisa Snart in her grave while you can!
Captain Cold: You're going on ice.

Megatron: You disgust me, human!
Catwoman: But I always land on my feet!
Megatron: You wouldn't be any match for a Decepticon.

Catwoman: I'm a girl with fast hands.
Megatron: Not until I cut them off.
Catwoman: That's why you don't have a girlfriend.

Megatron: Fleshling...
Cheetah: I hunt the most dangerous game.
Megatron: Show it to me, Cheetah.

Cheetah: I'm the goddess' new champion.
Megatron: Sadly, she didn't warn you of me.
Cheetah: My claws will cut you down.

Megatron: What are you?
Cyborg: Part machine, all man.
Megatron: Autobot or Decepticon perhaps?

Cyborg: Superman wants you gone.
Megatron: Like you'd say the same thing to Optimus Prime.
Cyborg: That was your last chance.

Megatron: You face the Decepticon leader.
Darkseid: If it is battle you want, you will have it.
Megatron: So shall it be.

Darkseid: My Omega Beams will vaporize you.
Megatron: So will my weapons, Darkseid.
Darkseid: Prove you're worthy to join my Furies.

Megatron: Fleshling...
Deadshot: Killin' you drives up my asking price.
Megatron: What do you mean exactly?

Deadshot: Heard you died.
Megatron: I was dead... and now I'm back.
Deadshot: (sigh) Let's get this over with.

Megatron: You are no match for a Decepticon.
Doctor Fate: You are a dangerous alien.
Megatron: Prepare to die!

Doctor Fate: You bring death and misery.
Megatron: I am Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons.
Doctor Fate: All Decepticons shall be annihilated!

Megatron: What are you?
Enchantress: I'm the monster that lurks under your bed.

June Moone: Don't bring out Enchantress, Megatron.
Megatron: You are afraid of your own power, fleshling!
Enchantress: Enchantress challenges you, you sniveling worm.

Megatron: You face the Decepticon leader.
Firestorm: Professor's been saying negative things about you.
Megatron: Should I be concerned, Firestorm?

Firestorm: Professor and I are testing our powers.
Megatron: You think your powers are gonna stop me?
Firestorm: You're today's Guinea Pig.

Megatron: I'd kill a Decepticon if they betrayed me.
The Flash: As if Clark Kent was gonna kill me.
Megatron: If he can't kill you, then I will.

The Flash: I don't like your methods.
Megatron: I will enjoy watching you die, human.
The Flash: See? That's just what I'm talking about.

Megatron: An ape challenges me?
Gorilla Grodd: One that is deadly.
Megatron: Not deadly enough to best me.

Gorilla Grodd: From which Earth are you?
Megatron: I've originated from Cybertron.
Gorilla Grodd: That's not an Earth, is it?

Megatron: You disgust me, human!
Green Arrow: I thought sour milk disgusted you.

Green Arrow: Got an arrow with your name on it!
Megatron: How do you know, Ollie?
Green Arrow: (sighs) Fine. I have an arrow just for you.

Megatron: I'd kill a Decepticon if they betrayed me.
Green Lantern: I'll shield myself if you attempt to kill me.
Megatron: Go ahead and try it!

Green Lantern: The Guardians warned me about you.
Megatron: You will kneel before Megatron.
Green Lantern: Not while I'm wearing this ring.

Megatron: You are no Frenzy.
Grid: I am Grid, the last being you will ever see.
Megatron: Don't think I'm afraid of you.

Grid: If we join, we could achieve emotion.
Megatron: I'm an alien, you're a soulless machine.
Grid: You may think so...

Megatron: Kneel before Megatron.
Harley Quinn: Some robot. About to hit a lady?
Megatron: Prepare to die!

Harley Quinn: Batman says you're comin' with me!
Megatron: No one controls me.
Harley Quinn: But I don't have a video game controller with me...

Megatron: You face the Decepticon leader.
Hellboy: How about "screw you"?
Megatron: Show me your aggression and I may let you be alive.

Hellboy: Finally, a giant monster to fight.
Megatron: I am Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons.
Hellboy: You're gonna be sore in the morning.

Megatron: Fleshling...
Jay Garrick: I'm used to a better class of villain.
Megatron: Prepare to die!

Jay Garrick: People haven't been saying good things about you, Megatron.
Megatron: I will enjoy watching you die, human.
Jay Garrick: Now that's just cynical.

Megatron: I'll kill every Lantern.
John Stewart: You need to leave this world, Megatron.
Megatron: Then make me, hero!

John Stewart: Think you can beat a Lantern?
Megatron: I'll easily tear one apart.
John Stewart: I don't like the sound of that.

Megatron: Kneel before Megatron.
The Joker: Eh, that is overrated!
Megatron: You do not mock a Decepticon, fool.

The Joker: I don't think we've seen each other before.
Megatron: I am Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons.
The Joker: Are you insane like I am?

The Joker: Boop de da boop boop.
Megatron: What foolishness is this?
The Joker: That's robot for "you're dead"!

Megatron: I'm not going on ice again.
Mr. Freeze: I've heard about the story of Archibald Witwicky.
Megatron: Prepare to die!

Mr. Freeze: How are you still alive?
Megatron: Some Decepticons brought me back to life at the Laurentian Abyss.
Mr. Freeze: Perhaps killing a Decepticon will save Nora.

Megatron: You are no match for a Decepticon.
Poison Ivy: Don't you dare hurt my babies!
Megatron: Your babies will soon be immolated.

Poison Ivy: What a creative look.
Megatron: Don't try to act nice to me, whore!
Poison Ivy: Ohhh, I found a sensitive spot.

Megatron: Are you as tough as Arcee?
Power Girl: I don't know who that is!
Megatron: You won't be needing to at the moment, girl.

Power Girl: Step aside, meathead.
Megatron: You will respect the leader of the Decepticons, girl.
Power Girl: You certainly give Darkseid a run for his money!

Megatron: You face the Decepticon leader.
Raiden: Cretins like you fall easily.
Megatron: Don't think I'm afraid of you.

Raiden: Yet another of Shinnok's minions.
Megatron: Join mankind in extinction.
Raiden: To the Netherrealm with you!

Raiden: You endanger all realms with your evil.
Megatron: I'll rip you apart with my bare hands, Raiden.
Raiden: To the Netherrealm with you!

Megatron: Weren't you dead as well?
Red Hood: I've been better.
Megatron: Would you face your demise again, Red Hood?

Red Hood: Now this is just bizarre.
Megatron: I am Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons.
Red Hood: Let's see if you bleed.

Megatron: So you enjoy killing people, Professor Zoom?
Reverse-Flash: Yep. What about you?
Megatron: That is what we Decepticons do...

Reverse-Flash: Who are you?
Megatron: I am Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons.
Reverse-Flash: Too bad you're not Grid.

Megatron: You face the Decepticon leader.
Robin: (sarcasm) Oh my gosh, I'm so terrified!
Megatron: Well you should be, boy!

Robin: Don't need rage to kill you.
Megatron: Live or die, make your choice, Robin.
Robin: You're headed for the cemetery.

Megatron: Decepticons fear nothing.
Scarecrow: I was about to ask you if they feared anything.
Megatron: Why obsess with fear, Scarecrow?

Scarecrow: Getting scared yet?
Megatron: You'd be very wrong.
Scarecrow: You will know fear.

Megatron: What sort of human are you?
Starfire: I'm a tamaranean, not a human being.
Megatron: Yet humanity welcomes you!?

Starfire: You'll burn for what you did.
Megatron: Have you come to destroy me, Starfire?
Starfire: Give up or get lit up.

Megatron: I'm not going on ice again.
Sub-Zero: You are choosing to suffer.
Megatron: You wouldn't be any match for a Decepticon.

Sub-Zero: I now know the villain you truly are.
Megatron: You dare lecture me, Sub-Zero?
Sub-Zero: For the safety of all, you will die.

Megatron: Fleshling...
Supergirl: Afraid you're too slow?
Megatron: You wouldn't think so in a moment.

Supergirl: Easy to be cynical, isn't it?
Megatron: You think your powers are gonna stop me?
Supergirl: I'll fight to save this world.

Megatron: You think you're as protective as Optimus?
Superman: Careful what you wish for.
Megatron: It should be you who should be careful.

Superman: You're leaving Earth. Now.
Megatron: No one controls me.
Superman: Then you're really asking for trouble.

Megatron: Such a weak creature you are...
Swamp Thing: Disturb me at your own risk.
Megatron: Prepare to die!

Swamp Thing: The Green despises your evil, Megatron.
Megatron: The Green will suffer extinction soon enough.
Swamp Thing: That is what you think...

Megatron: You face the Decepticon leader.
Vixen: My blood is sworn to defend the web of life.
Megatron: Not for long, Vixen!

Vixen: It's going to take all my power to beat you.
Megatron: Determined you are, little girl.
Vixen: You'll never get the chance.

Vixen: There's no way you'll kill me, Megatron.
Megatron: I will enjoy watching you die, human.
Vixen: You'll never get the chance.

Megatron: Princess Diana of Themyscira, huh?
Wonder Woman: Help the Regime or leave this planet.
Megatron: Don't think I'm afraid of you.

Wonder Woman: You give Darkseid a run for his money.
Megatron: And you're as fearsome as Arcee.
Wonder Woman: Did I mention I'm an Amazon?

Mirror Intros:

Megatron: What is this?
Megatron: I'm Galvatron.
Megatron: That isn't possible!

Megatron: You are no match for a Decepticon.
Megatron: How dumb are you?
Megatron: You will die for insulting me.

Megatron: There cannot be two Megatrons.
Megatron: You shouldn't even be alive.
Megatron: The choice is mine.

Clash Quotes:
- I'll crush you with my bare hands.
- You don't deserve to exist.
- Very unwise...
- Serve me and live to be my pet!
- I will destroy you.
- Do as I command.

Vs. Atom

- Atom: It's almost like we're Takeda and Triborg.
- Megatron: What are you talking about?

Vs. Darkseid

- Megatron: Together, we can put an end to humanity.
- Darkseid: Darkseid is no one's partner.

- Darkseid: Darkseid will control the Decepticons.
- Megatron: Not while I am alive!

Vs. The Joker

- Megatron: You're a joke to humans.
- The Joker: Hey, look, Optimus Prime is behind you!

Vs. Raiden

- Raiden: You cannot hurt me.
- Megatron: Then Starscream will!

Vs. Robin

- Robin: All you ever think about is hurting the innocents!
- Megatron: Haven't you done something like that before?  

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