Injustice 1 and 2 Guest Chara...

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Injustice 2 x RWBY Více

Sasuke Uchiha
Ragna the Bloodedge
Noctis Lucis Caelum
M. Bison
Evil Ryu
Jason Voorhees
General Grievous
Darth Vader
Ben Tennyson
Kylo Ren
Freddy Krueger
Erron Black
Johnny Cage
Kotal Khan
Ash Williams
Cosmo the Seedrian
The Terminator
Michael Myers
Master Chief
Jack Baker
Albert Wesker
Ghost Rider
Sonic the Hedgehog
Green Goblin
The Hulk
Mecha Sonic
Nemesis T-Type
Optimus Prime
Shadow the Hedgehog
Infinite the Jackal
Ruby Rose
Weiss Schnee
Blake Belladonna
Yang Xiao Long
Cinder Fall
Nora Valkyrie
Pyrrha Nikos


724 7 1
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Class type: Gadget 

   Peter Parker was just your ordinary schoolboy and social outcast, until a visit to a museum changed his life forever. After being bitten by a radioactive spider, Peter gained extraordinary abilities like being able to climb on walls, spider sensibility and an intensive durability. After his uncle was killed during a car robbery, Peter decided to fight crime in New York City, under the mask of Spiderman.

Spiderman: Hey there, Bats!
Batman: What do you want, Spiderman?
Spiderman: A friendly spar, for old times' sake.

Spiderman: It's spider vs bat!
Batman: Bats eat spiders.
Spiderman: But not the venomous ones.

Spiderman: You should enjoy life more, Bruce.
Batman: What part of Dark Knight don't you understand?
Spiderman: Relax, I was just busting your balls.

Spiderman: Don't you get teased for having no powers?
Batman: Some heroes manage through skill, Peter.
Spiderman: I guess you're right.

Spiderman: Your hometown sure is dark during the night.
Batman: Gotham and New York are different cities.
Spiderman: How so?

Spiderman: Nice cosplay.
Green Arrow: Caught me! I am cosplaying!
Spiderman: But mine's more original.

Spiderman: Archery? That's creative.
Green Arrow: You say that like you're familiar with it.
Spiderman: Hello? Hawkeye?

Spiderman: Don't you get teased for having no powers?
Green Arrow: Hey! Batman also fits into that category.
Spiderman: You do have a point.

Spiderman: Green Arrow, Green Lantern, The Hulk
Green Arrow: Woah. Slow down, Pete.
Spiderman: All of you really like the color green.

Spiderman: Aquaman! Long time no see.
Aquaman: Enough of your nonsense.
Spiderman: Gee, so much for being friendly.

Spiderman: You know that outfit of yours looks kinda lame.
Aquaman: It is made by Atlantean hands!
Spiderman: The trident is a nice touch, though.

Spiderman: How can you let Superman do as he pleases?
Aquaman: Only the seas concern me.
Spiderman: Right now, I lost respect for you.

Spiderman: You're a jerk for choosing Supes over Bats.
Aquaman: Brainiac needed to die, Parker!
Spiderman: And allow Superman to become another Brainiac!?

Spiderman: Aww, aren't you the cutest little thing?
Robin: A stab in your stomach will shut you up.
Spiderman: Woah, angry sociopath on the loose.

Spiderman: Hey Robin! Is it true that you're laying eggs?
Spiderman: Well, at least you answered.

Spiderman: You're such a spoiled brat, Damian.
Robin: You think I lack empathy for those around me?
Spiderman: Well, you didn't mourn Dick's death.

Spiderman: You're still wearing that outfit......
Robin: Heh. Would you prefer that I wear my Nightwing-outfit?
Spiderman: You're not worthy of wearing either of them!

Spiderman: Listen Selina, maybe we should reconsider this.
Catwoman: Don't worry, Bruce won't find out.
Spiderman: Yeah, but what about Felicia?

Spiderman: How come you cat-ladies are always so attractive?
Catwoman: Maybe it's because we're born with feminine charms.
Spiderman: Okay, I think I've heard enough.

Spiderman: Felicia has a better costume than you
Catwoman: But does her claws match up to mine?
Spiderman: That I would like to find out myself.

Spiderman: So, are you and Bruce planning on getting married?
Catwoman: Who told you that!?
Spiderman: Me and my big mouth........

Spiderman: This match will be a piece of cake.
Black Canary: Don't get testy, junior.
Spiderman: Aren't I allowed to have confidence in me?

Spiderman: Your fighting style reminds me of Miss Marvel's.
Black Canary: We're total opposites, Peter.
Spiderman: That's what she also said to me.

Spiderman: Are you still mad that I snapped photos of you?
Black Canary: I heard Ollie hired you to do that.
Spiderman: He goaded me into this, I swear!

Spiderman: I'm not sure if I can trust you, Harley.
Harley Quinn: Come one! Give a girl a break, will ya!?
Spiderman: Alright, I've changed my mind.

Spiderman: You have a daughter, Harley?
Harley Quinn: Her name is Lucy. She's quite the beauty!
Spiderman: Whoa, I didn't expect this.

Spiderman: Hyenas with Mohawks......really?
Harley Quinn: It's called creativity, Spidey!
Spiderman: I'm not sure if styling animals is creativity.

Spiderman: Booyah!
Cyborg: What are you doing?
Spiderman: Come on! Where's the old you!?

Spiderman: I lost friends to crime as well.
Cyborg: So why are you fighting me?
Spiderman: Because I don't wanna see you become a criminal.

Spiderman: Beast Boy and Starfire's deaths weren't your fault.
Cyborg: Shut up, Spider! You've no idea!
Spiderman: But I know how to move on from tragedies!

Spiderman: You can't forsake hope, Cyborg.
Cyborg: It isn't enough to save the world!
Spiderman: And you think fear will save it!?

Spiderman: I used to look up to you, Diana.
Wonder Woman: What made you differ your views?
Spiderman: Your support of a genocidal dictator.

Spiderman: It's not Batman's fault you got disowned by the Amazons.
Wonder Woman: Don't you dare say it!
Spiderman: You should blame Superman instead.

Spiderman: You and Superman must be stopped!
Wonder Woman: The Regime will rise again.
Spiderman: Man, you're 100% insane.

Spiderman: If you come peacefully, you won't get hurt.
Wonder Woman: Spare me your stupidity, Spiderman!
Spiderman: Okay. Ass-kicking it is!

Spiderman: Here comes Sinestro's top student.
Green Lantern: Quit it, Pete! I resent being called that!
Spiderman: By hearing this, you're definitely regretting it.

Spiderman: So the Guardians gave you a second chance?
Green Lantern: I'm a work-in-progress.
Spiderman: If so, then make me a sportscar.

Spiderman: It's good to see you wearing green again, Hal.
Green Lantern: Yeah, never thought I would wear it again.
Spiderman: Pleasantries exchanged. Let's spar!

Spiderman: The so-called fastest man alive.
Flash: Drop the sarcasm, Spidey.
Spiderman: You're right. I take it back.

Spiderman: How does it feel to be a hero again?
Flash: I've never felt so proud in my life.
Spiderman: I had a feeling you would say that.

Spiderman: Does Central City have tall skyscrapers?
Flash: Heh. Central City is my turf, not yours.
Spiderman: Meh, New York's better.

Spiderman: Wanna go for a race after this match?
Flash: I'll reach the Empire State Building before you even sling.
Spiderman: I was actually talking about go karting.

Spiderman: Always nice to meet a fellow arthropod.
Blue Beetle: Aren't spiders arachnids?
Spiderman: Man, you need some biology-lessons, Jaime.

Spiderman: I was bitten by a spider while you have an alien stuck on your spine.
Blue Beetle: Very funny, Peter.
Spiderman: Hold on, I wasn't trying to make fun of you.

Spiderman: A friendly competition between two friends.
Blue Beetle: A friendly hug from me, Peter?
Spiderman: Eh, thanks but no.

Spiderman: Why did you snitch on me, Jaime?
Blue Beetle: Look about that, I really didn't mean to...
Spiderman: No one snitches a friend, remember?

Spiderman: Holy hell......those flames.
Firestorm: I bet your web can't even hold me.
Spiderman: Yup. Time to improvise.

Spiderman: I've fought fire-powered villains before.
Firestorm: What about nuclear-powered villains?
Spiderman: Do those types even exist?

Spiderman: Makes sure your powers are controlled, Jason.
Firestorm: Just shut up and fight!
Spiderman: Fine. But don't expect me to save you from Batman.

Spiderman: Is Professor Stein a good navigator for you?
Firestorm: Only during the course of a battle.
Spiderman: Good thing I'm smart enough to navigate on my own.

Spiderman: You and Superman......buddies?
Black Adam: We are only allies of convenience.
Spiderman: Still, that makes my stomach turn.

Spiderman: You think yourself a great king?
Black Adam: My rule is strict but fair.
Spiderman: You're not the first dictator to have said that.

Spiderman: Superman was wrong choosing you over Shazam.
Black Adam: He recognized my contributions to the Regime.
Spiderman: You two give heroes a bad name!

Spiderman: Are you really a Kryptonian?
Supergirl: Don't sound so happy about it.
Spiderman: Easy there, girly. I'm just curious.

Spiderman: How do I know I can trust you?
Supergirl: I stand for hope, not subjugation.
Spiderman: Now I'm convinced.

Spiderman: Listen Kara, I also wanna help Supes.
Supergirl: This sure is a funny way to show it.
Spiderman: I need to have experience fighting a Kryptonian.

Spiderman: How about we race through Metropolis later?
Supergirl: If I win, you'll buy me a dress.
Spiderman: Me and my big mouth......

Spiderman: I'm your friendly neighborhood....
Captain Cold: Friendly neighborhood, my ass!
Spiderman: Did you have to ruin my catchphrase?

Spiderman: Do you wanna build a snowman?
Captain Cold: Lose the humor, Spidey.
Spiderman: Gee, so much for being friendly.

Spiderman: So, you're one of Central City's common crooks?
Captain Cold: If you're looking for that, go find Captain Boomerang.
Spiderman: Do all of you start with captain in your names?

Spiderman: Are you the one called Poison Ivy?
Poison Ivy: You're cute for someone so clueless.
Spiderman: I'll take that as a compliment. Thanks.

Spiderman: Woah, your outfit is WAY too revealing!
Poison Ivy: Does it turn you on?
Spiderman: No.......well maybe a little.

Spiderman: What are you doing here?
Poison Ivy: Looking for a hot date.
Spiderman: With whom? Batman?

Spiderman: Great, another cat lady?
Cheetah: Don't compare me to Catwoman.
Spiderman: You two are worlds apart from one another.

Spiderman: And I thought Kraven was the only hunter chasing me.
Cheetah: Unlike him, I will catch you!
Spiderman: This is gonna get ugly.

Spiderman: What do you stand for, anyway?
Cheetah: I am the greatest huntress of all.
Spiderman: You and Kraven would make a great couple.

Spiderman: Are you Deathstroke?
Deadshot: I'm Deadshot, you damn webslinger!
Spiderman: Whatever.

Spiderman: Have you heard of a mercenary named Deadpool?
Deadshot: Red outfit, swords and guns, an annoying humor, yeah, I know him.
Spiderman: I expected you to have a more favorable opinion on him.

Spiderman: Who's hiring you this time?
Deadshot: I don't know. Weapon X? Sinister Six?
Spiderman: Let's not get ahead of ourselves here.

Spiderman: How do you like my threads?
Bane: Su traje es ridículo (Your costume is ridiculous).
Spiderman: No habla Español! (No speaking Spanish).

Spiderman: Cómo estás, Bane?
Bane: Do not butcher my language.
Spiderman: Spanish is not necessary my preferred language.

Spiderman: I can't believe Superman would employ a brute like you.
Bane: He recognized my talents, only to stab me in the back.
Spiderman: It's a good thing he got rid of you.

Spiderman: Ohhhh......freak.
Scarecrow: Are you terrified, Spiderman?
Spiderman: Actually, I'm more disgusted than terrified.

Spiderman: My spider sense is tingling....
Scarecrow: You are now caught in my web.
Spiderman: Heh. I know how to get it off me.

Spiderman: What are you trying to pull, Scarecrow?
Scarecrow: I will show you how you failed your uncle and Gwen Stacy.
Spiderman: That's it. You're screwed!

Spiderman: A gorilla in armor? That's original.
Gorilla Grodd: Who are you, human?
Spiderman: It even talks too? Awesome!

Spiderman: Quite the sour look, Kerchak.
Gorilla Grodd: I hope you've brought more than insults.
Spiderman: I've brought some peanut butter. Wanna share it with me?

Spiderman: How long have you intelligent gorillas existed?
Gorilla Grodd: Long before the birth of mankind.
Spiderman: You would be a perfect teacher, if you had decency that is.

Spiderman: How can you sell the world to Brainiac?
Gorilla Grodd: Man has oppressed apes for centuries!
Spiderman: Your actions are definitely not in the apes' interests.

Spiderman: Are you seriously hemophiliac?
Atrocitus: You dare insult me, human!?
Spiderman: If not, why do you bleed so much?

Spiderman: Hal told me you were a pain in the neck for him.
Atrocitus: Bring him to me, or you will be my next target!
Spiderman: I would never sell out my friends to the likes of you!

Spiderman: What kind of emotion empowers you Red Lanterns?
Atrocitus: The endless rage and burning anger.
Spiderman: No wonder why Hal can't stand you.

Spiderman: Hey there, doc.
Dr. Fate: You do not belong here, Peter Parker.
Spiderman: I fight crime and injustice, so I do belong here.

Spiderman: I know a doctor who surpasses you.
Dr. Fate: Stephen Strange and I are on different levels.
Spiderman: That also implies to the sanity level.

Spiderman: Are you an oracle or some sort?
Dr. Fate: I am more than that, boy.
Spiderman: Hold on, I'm not a kid anymore!

Spiderman: How about you come visit Central Park sometimes?
Swamp Thing: How would that benefit me?
Spiderman: I don't know, you always enjoy the company of trees.

Spiderman: Listen, I'm not here to fight you, Swamp Thing.
Swamp Thing: Yet you disturb me from resting peacefully.
Spiderman: Oops.....I didn't mean to.

Spiderman: Are you planning on making jungle out of New York?
Swamp Thing: That place is a polluting factory.
Spiderman: Come on. Can't you do that to Shanghai or Tokyo instead?

Spiderman: Joker, you're alive?
Joker: Here to haunt your every dream.
Spiderman: I don't think so.

Spiderman: I hope you have proper hatred for yourself.
Joker: How could I ever hate someone as handsome as myself?
Spiderman: Man, you're 100% insane.

Spiderman: I'll be the one apprehending you, Joker.
Joker: So does that mean Bats will apprehend Green Goblin?
Spiderman: Both of you will NOT share the same cell together.

Spiderman: I know you killed Jason Todd, one of the Robins
Joker: And I heard Green Goblin killed Gwen Stacy, your girlfriend.
Spiderman: That's it! You're screwed!

Spiderman: Thanos....what are you doing here!?
Darkseid: Fool, you face Darkseid.
Spiderman: No matter, you're won't terrorize Earth!

Spiderman: You remind me of some alien tyrant I know.
Darkseid: Thanos is an oaf, Darkseid is a god.
Spiderman: I'm not sure about which of you are worse.

Spiderman: Are you really that intelligent?
Brainiac: My knowledge surpasses that of yours, Peter Parker.
Spiderman: And people called me a nerd.

Spiderman: I won't let you have Earth, Brainiac!
Brainiac: Superman and Batman have already divided it, Spiderman.
Spiderman: Well I fight to reunite Earth, not divide it.

Spiderman: Supes, what are you doing!?
Superman: I am restoring my government.
Spiderman: You have to open your eyes!

Spiderman: I know how the pain feels, Clark.
Superman: Don't compare my loss to yours, Peter!
Spiderman: Uncle Ben, Gwen, Harry, I can write down an entire list!

Spiderman: You used to stand for hope.
Superman: Hope isn't enough to save the world!
Superman: And you think fear is will save it!?

Spiderman: You're a monster and a tyrant.
Superman: You're no longer my friend, Spiderman.
Spiderman: Then I won't feel guilty busting your ass.

Spiderman: You and I were once friends.
Superman: We could've still been if you had joined me.
Spiderman: I'll never help you terrorize mankind!

Batman: Jaime tells me you've skipped practice.
Spiderman: Come on, Bats! I'm an experienced hero.
Batman: I need you to take this seriously.

Batman: I'm glad you could come, Spiderman.
Spiderman: Always nice to help a fellow hero.
Batman: Your attitude's still intact.

Batman: Fighting me is gonna cost you, Peter.
Spiderman: I've got a job and a source of income, Bruce.
Batman: I wasn't talking about money.

Batman: You said you wanted to know about what?
Spiderman: Which is better: your grapple or my webshooters?
Batman: This will be over in a minute.

Batman: Why should I trust you?
Spiderman: We have both experienced similar events, like the loss of parents.
Batman: Maybe we have more in common than what we think.

Wonder Woman: You disappoint me, Peter Parker.
Spiderman: Because I'm not a bloodthirsty killer like you?
Wonder Woman: I grow tired of your complaints.

Wonder Woman: So you're on Batman's side now?
Spiderman: It's the saner side if you ask me.
Wonder Woman: This insult will not stand.

Wonder Woman: The Regime brought harmony.
Spiderman: Committing a genocide is harmony!?
Wonder Woman: You'll learn to see it our way.

Wonder Woman: Mankind can only be subjugated.
Spiderman: Do you even realize how crazy you sound?
Wonder Woman: Know your place, Parker!

Poison Ivy: Hey there, handsome.
Spiderman: Sorry Ivy. I'm already dating a redhead.
Poison Ivy: Can she match up to my beauty?

Poison Ivy: Come here, Spider.
Spiderman: You're not the first lady to have called me that.
Poison Ivy: Then you must be popular with the ladies.

Poison Ivy: Is there anyone like me in New York City?
Spiderman: Honestly, no.
Poison Ivy: Then that place is already doomed.

Black Canary: You ready for some action, Peter?
Spiderman: I'm ready. Just waiting for you.
Black Canary: You can't flatter your way out of this.

Black Canary: Carol told me about your dating dilemma.
Spiderman: What? Oh, you gotta be kidding me!
Black Canary: She only asked if I could give you some advice.

Black Canary: I won't hold back against you, Peter.
Spiderman: Then I guess I'll have to go easy on you.
Black Canary: Since when did I ask you to?

Supergirl: Creepy little bug.....
Spiderman: Spiders are arachnids, not insects.
Supergirl: Still, I find those creepy.

Supergirl: Are you ready?
Spiderman: I'm just waiting for you, girly.
Supergirl: My punches will wipe off that smirk under your mask.

Supergirl: What did you wanna teach me?
Spiderman: How a spider can be your friend.
Supergirl: Sorry, I've got arachnophobia.

Supergirl: I'm not on Superman's side, Spiderman.
Spiderman: Then why did you help his goons free him?
Supergirl: They fed me with lies and half-truths.

Robin: You're a coward and a traitor.
Spiderman: At least I didn't kill Nightwing.
Robin: You know nothing about that!

Robin: Dick trusted me but you never will.
Spiderman: He trusted you to fight crime, not commit it!
Robin: Screw you, Spiderman!

Robin: Ever considered having an apprentice, Spidey?
Spiderman: You mean having a spoiled and entitled kid like you?
Robin: You know what? To hell with this interaction!

Robin: I heard you lost your uncle to a common thief.
Spiderman: Me killing that thief was something he would've not wanted.
Robin: You're pathetic, Spiderman.

Cyborg: I thought we were friends.
Spiderman: We were, until you went wild and Terminator-ish.
Cyborg: Say that with your face down.

Cyborg: After I win, you wanna get pizza?
Spiderman: With a genocidal maniac like you? Get real!
Cyborg: I'm gonna splat your ass for saying that!

Cyborg: I told Superman we couldn't trust you.
Spiderman: You expected me to commit genocides? In your dreams!
Cyborg: I've heard enough crap from you!

Cyborg: You really wish to defy us, Spidey?
Spiderman: I would rather call it "trying to prevent you from becoming killers"
Cyborg: That was your last chance.

Captain Cold: I hate bugs.
Spiderman: Spiders are arachnids, not insects.
Captain Cold: Doesn't make a difference to me.

Captain Cold: So, are there any ice villains in New York City?
Spiderman: Not from what I can remember.
Captain Cold: Your hometown sure is a melting pot.

Captain Cold: Are you with Batman or Superman?
Spiderman: What if I told you I'm on my own?
Captain Cold: I suggest you stop acting like a smartass.

Green Lantern: My favorite slinger of New York City.
Spiderman: Was that a compliment or just sarcasm?
Green Lantern: Come on, Pete. Give me a break!

Green Lantern: I'm no fan of the color on your suit.
Spiderman: Reminding you of the blood that was shed during the Regime.
Green Lantern: That's one way of putting it.

Green Lantern: Wait, which side are you on?
Spiderman: I'm on my side here, GL.
Green Lantern: That won't fly.

Blue Beetle: How come you're such a babe-magnet, Peter?
Spiderman: Must be the so-called Parker-luck as they say in my family.
Blue Beetle: Can't say I don't envy you.

Blue Beetle: Here's your friendly neighborhood Blue Beetle!
Spiderman: Really Jaime? True heroes find their own catchphrase.
Blue Beetle: But Cowabunga was already taken!

Blue Beetle: Blue Beetle comin' at ya....
Spiderman: Is that your attempt at making a catchphrase?
Blue Beetle: I know, it's not that perfect.

Blue Beetle: Don't you get scared while climbing up skyscrapers?
Spiderman: I'm not acrophobic, Jaime.
Blue Beetle: I'm a little, even though I can fly.

Joker: Itsy-bitsy Spiderman.
Spiderman: Ha, ha, very funny.
Joker: Then you will love what I have in store for you next.

Joker: Me and Green Goblin are now playing a game.
Spiderman: A game about which one of you is the craziest?
Joker: No, about which of us can capture our favorite heroes first.

Joker: I would love to visit New York sometimes.
Spiderman: You're not welcome there, clown.
Joker: How adorably misinformed.

Joker: Knock, knock.
Spiderman: Who's there?
Joker: The NYC Exterminator.

Cheetah: A little spider crawls before me.
Spiderman: You know some spiders can kill big cats, right?
Cheetah: Assuming they are faster that is.

Cheetah: Kraven has always failed hunting you.
Spiderman: So does that mean you're his replacement?
Cheetah: I will finish what he could not.

Cheetah: I knew you would come, Spiderman.
Spiderman: Aren't Wonder Woman your usual prey.
Cheetah: All friends of hers are preys as well.

Catwoman: Felicia sends her regards.
Spiderman: Heh. Anything else I need to know?
Catwoman: She told me to send her a picture of you getting your ass owned.

Catwoman: I bet your spider sense is tingling.
Spiderman: Isn't Batman your type?
Catwoman: That's not what I meant.

Catwoman: Felicia told me all about your weaknesses.
Spiderman: What? Oh, you gotta be kidding me!
Catwoman: Let's see if I can exploit them to my benefit.

Catwoman: Think you can handle this cat, Peter?
Spiderman: Well, I have prior experience, so yeah.
Catwoman: Then let's get this fight started.

Atrocitus: Your rage is weak....
Spiderman: If you're looking for a raging hero, go find Superman.
Atrocitus: Dex-Starr shall gnaw your bones.

Atrocitus: Bring me Hal Jordan!
Spiderman: Is he your employee or something?
Atrocitus: Mock me at your own peril!

Atrocitus: You can wear a red ring.
Spiderman: What? You want me to marry someone?
Atrocitus: I will squash you, Spiderman!

Firestorm: Professor Stein says you're smart.
Spiderman: Do you mind if I ask him a few questions?
Firestorm: This is a fight, not a science forum!

Firestorm: You have a spider's DNA inside you?
Spiderman: Yeah, but I'm still human.
Firestorm: That is seriously freaking cool.

Firestorm: What makes you think you can take me?
Spiderman: Believe me, Jason. I have experience.
Firestorm: Let's see if that's enough to best a badass!

Firestorm: Webshooters......against nuclear fire?
Spiderman: I have to try.
Firestorm: Good luck with that, Spidey.

Black Adam: You are just as foolish as Billy Batson.
Spiderman: At least he had more decency than you.
Black Adam: A bolt of lightning shall end your misery.

Black Adam: A mere boy with the powers of a spider.
Spiderman: I wouldn't be so sanctimonious, Adam.
Black Adam: Mehen admires your courage.

Black Adam: I will end you, Spiderman.
Spiderman: I can't believe Supes would employ you as his henchman.
Black Adam: I am NOT his henchman!

Deadshot: This is the end of the line for you, Spiderman.
Spiderman: Meh, I've heard better catchphrases.
Deadshot: Let's get this over with.

Deadshot: Nice outfit, looks expensive.
Spiderman: It was handmade by my own hands.
Deadshot: Maybe it's not so expensive after all.

Deadshot: Are there any sharpshooters in New York City?
Spiderman: Nope. Deadpool's the closest shooter you get.
Deadshot: That smart-mouthed jackass.

Scarecrow: I see a spider before me.
Spiderman: Do you have arachnophobia?
Scarecrow: No one lectures me about phobias!

Scarecrow: Such a frightful family history.
Spiderman: What would you know about my family!?
Scarecrow: You failed your uncle, Peter Parker.

Scarecrow: You reek of paranoia.
Spiderman: Oh, that's just my spider sense.
Scarecrow: It will not be enough to save you.

Green Arrow: How many foxy ladies have fallen for ya?
Spiderman: Gwen, Mary Jane, Felicia, many more.
Green Arrow: Heh. I know how that feels like.

Green Arrow: Nice target on your chest.
Spiderman: You still have to hit it.
Green Arrow: I'll use my bug-spray arrow while trying.

Green Arrow: So you're stuck between Mary Jane and Felicia?
Spiderman: Come on, Ollie! Can't we save that stuff for later?
Green Arrow: I know, I'm just teasing ya.

Green Arrow: I appreciate the photos you took for me.
Spiderman: Yeah, only have Dinah kick my ass afterwards.
Green Arrow: Trust me, those pictures will be of great use to me.

Bane: The spectacular Spiderman.
Spiderman: Even Gotham's crooks knows of my reputation.
Bane: Still, you are of no importance to me.

Bane: I am curious to know more about the Symbiote.
Spiderman: Believe me, it's no good for us humans.
Bane: I beg to differ, araña.

Bane: The Kingpin told me much about you.
Spiderman: I'm not surprised he would join forces with the likes of you.
Bane: With our combined strength, Gotham and New York will be ours!

Gorilla Grodd: Little bug.
Spiderman: Spiders are arachnids, not insects.
Gorilla Grodd: Still, a creature I will crush beneath my feet.

Gorilla Grodd: I know of your mindful benefits.
Spiderman: You know about the spider sense?
Gorilla Grodd: That along with many others.

Gorilla Grodd: Who not join the Society?
Spiderman: Like the Regime, the Society is a bad omen for this world.
Gorilla Grodd: Then you have sealed your fate.

Gorilla Grodd: I've been looking for you, Peter Parker.
Spiderman: I must be dreaming. A talking gorilla looking for me?
Gorilla Grodd: Bravado can't hide your fear.

Dr. Fate: Peter Parker: a cursed human.
Spiderman: Now that's just rude!
Dr. Fate: Do not deny the horrors of your powers.

Dr. Fate: You seek to reunite the world?
Spiderman: You're in on this as well, doc.
Dr. Fate: I cannot follow you, mortal.

Dr. Fate: Your interference would cause a war between heroes.
Spiderman: Between whom?
Dr. Fate: The Justice League and The Avengers .

Aquaman: What brings you to my kingdom?
Spiderman: I only wish to talk, Arthur.
Aquaman: The time for talk has ended.

Aquaman: First Clark, now you.
Spiderman: I only wish to be allies with you.
Aquaman: That remains to be seen.

Aquaman: I only did what was in the interest of Atlantis.
Spiderman: You aided the Regime in terrorism and genocides.
Aquaman: Actions that I have long since regretted.

Aquaman: Run back to New York, Spiderman.
Spiderman: Not until I know we're allies!
Aquaman: I have already given you my answer!

Swamp Thing: New York City is a sprawling bastion of pollution.
Spiderman: But that doesn't mean you can hurt innocents.
Swamp Thing: Of course, you would say that.

Swamp Thing: I am not your friend.
Spiderman: Are you still upset about me taking a dump in your swamp?
Swamp Thing: Defend yourself.

Swamp Thing: Spiderman.
Spiderman: Listen, we would make a perfect duo.
Swamp Thing: I answer only to the Green.

Flash: Sorry I'm late.
Spiderman: Sleeping on the job again, Barry?
Flash: You always say that?

Flash: Catch me if you can.
Spiderman: Oh, I will catch you.
Flash: Allow me to prove you wrong.

Flash: Ready for some sparring, Pete?
Spiderman: Just waiting for you to begin.
Flash: Tch, smartass.

Flash: The Scarlet Speedster...
Spiderman: Against the Friendly Neighborhood.
Flash: Come to think of it, this phrase didn't match clearly.

Darkseid: I am challenged by a mere child?
Spiderman: Who are you calling a child, blockhead!?
Darkseid: Nevertheless, I shall annihilate you.

Darkseid: Do you believe in gods, Spiderman?
Spiderman: Only that it was something Thanos always rambled about.
Darkseid: I am the TRUE GOD OF WORLDS!

Brainiac: I sense the DNAs of spiders in you.
Spiderman: It's a long story, but I'm still human.
Brainiac: You may be worth collecting.

Brainiac: You think you can best me, Spiderman?
Spiderman: Someone has to. And that will be me!
Brainiac: You lack of caution is unbearable.

Superman: Join me or stay out of my way.
Spiderman: I'm here to stop you, not to help you!
Superman: Turning on me is a big mistake.

Superman: You risk much, Peter.
Spiderman: At least I don't risk human lives as you do.
Superman: Don't you dare say it!

Superman: You will regret this, Spiderman!
Spiderman: I won't regret stopping a genocidal dictator.
Superman: That was your last chance.

Superman: Only criminals need to fear me.
Spiderman: The innocent people of Metropolis and Gotham were criminals?
Superman: Disobeying citizens must be punished!

Superman: I won't feel regrets killing you, Peter.
Spiderman: Careful what you wish for, Kryptonian Darkseid.
Superman: Don't you EVER COMPARE ME TO HIM!!!!

Ending: After defeating Brainiac, his entire skullship began exploding into the air. We all made it out alive. It was only fortunate for us that it didn't land on the ground. With that over, I helped Batman in rounding up Supes and his buddies. They stood in trial, attended by more than hundreds of heroes. Even Captain America, Wolverine and Ironman were among the attendants. All of them were sent into the Phantom Zone. As much as it saddened me to see Clark being imprisoned, I knew it was the right thing to do. Now that the fight's over, I still continue to help Batman whenever I can, while kicking butt and taking names in New York City. However, my next big dilemma in my life, choosing between Mary Jane and Felicia. Gosh, what I get from being a hero.  

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