What am I going to do with yo...

By GeeLovesHarryStyles

10.5K 75 86

Georgia and Harry are best friends and neighbours. When they fall in love with each other will is last forev... More

What am I going to do with you? (Harry Styles Love Story)
Chapter 2- Sitting on top of the World!
Chapter 3- Wild Ones
Chapter 4- Forever Young
Chapter 5- One Thing!
Chapter 6- More than this.
Chapter 7- Wide Awake!
Chapter 8- Marry You!
Chapter 9- Love Story
Chapter 10- I Do!
Chapter 12- Both Of Us!
Chapter 13- Baby
Chapter 14- Live While We're Young!
Chapter 15- Need You Now!
Chapter 16- Incredible! :)
Chapter 17-Girl on Fire!!
Chapter 18- Die Young!
Chapter 19- Turn up the Love! :)
Chapter 20- They Don't Know About Us...
Chapter 21- Truly, Madly, Deeply!
Chapter 22- Irresistible (The Wedding!)
Chapter 23- How Ya Doin?
Chapter 24- Last First Kiss!!
Chapter 25- Scream & Shout
Chapter 26- Give Me Love!
Chapter 27 - This Moment!
Chapter 28 - You're The One That I Want
Chapter 29 - Eighteen

Chapter 11- You Can't Go Back Now!

398 1 6
By GeeLovesHarryStyles

Hey! Wow!!! Already 500 reads!!!  Please, please, please Fan, Comment and Vote if you haven't already! Thank you so much to those who did! So here is Chappy 11! Enjoy!!! 


xxx Georgia! 


Harry's P.O.V: 

It has been about 1 month since I asked Georgia to be my wife! I really Love Georgia, I really do. I would give up anything just to be with Georgia our whole lives. Today is a bit of a sad but special day. It's the anniversary of Georgia's dad' death. It has been 4 years already. I can't believe it has been that long. I mean wow, 4 yrs ago Georgia and I were 18 and here we are now, 22 and getting married! Time flies!! 

Today, in memory of Georgia's dad, her and I are heading to the cemetry. It is sometimes quite depressing walking through a grave yard searching for the one grave that holds memories of your fiancee's wife, but as I said, I would do anything for Georgia! 

It was about 8:30am when I woke up. There she was, my fiancee, peacefully sleeping beside me. I stroked her hair and kissed her on the lips. Her eyes fluttered open, sort of angry that I woke her up but still full of love. She groaned. 

"It better be after 8am or I'm going to kill you Harold!" She groaned annoyingly, turning around with her head to me. A selfish smirk rose on my lips. 

"It's 8:30" I told her. She turned around so she was facing me. She lifted her head to check the clock to make sure I wasn't lying. Me, Lying to her, NEVER. I don't know why she would even think of such thing. "Morning sunshine." A smile appeared on her lips which contagiously made me smile too. 

"Morning Handsome" She replied. "What's the date today?" 

"29th July" She looked at me and then back at her hands. She remembered her dad. A tear formed in her eye. 

"It's Alright Hun, We will go to the cemetery todayy and we'll do stuff that you loved to do with your dad." I suggested. I didn't really want her to burst into tears because we were swinging on the swingset at the local park and thats what her and her dad did, but i wanted it to be special. 

She nodded at me. She fluttered her eyes up and looked into mine. 

"I Love you Harry."

"Aww I Love you too Babe! Lets go down and have some breakfast, shall we? I don't know about you but I feel like pancakes." I told her. She just stared at me blankly. "George? Georgia? GEORGIA! Are you listening?"

"Wha- Sorry, I conpletely zoned out." She explaned. 

"Babe, It's going to be fine." I reassured her. She nodded and lifted the sheets and got out of bed. She walked into the bathroom without saying anything to me. I started to get worried. I knew today was sad for her but she didn't even want a good morning kiss from her fiancee, SERIOUSLY! 

I heard the shower running so i decided to go downstairs.  I made the pancake batter and heated up the pan. I heard Georgia walking down the stairs so i served her some pancakes. 

"Hey." I said as she sat at the kitchen counter/bench. "Here you are" I placed the pancakes in front of her. 

"No thanks, I'm not that hungry." She said to me. This made me more worried! 

"Are you feeling okay sweetheart?" I questioned. I mean she did look pale. 

"Yea, I'm fine."  She muttered. Something was wrong. 

"Babe, is something wrong?" 

"I..I'm..... I'm Pregnant." She quietly told me. She didnt think i heard it but i did . 

"Honey, that's amazing!" I exclaimed.

A Smile suddenly appeared on her face. 

"So why don't you want to eat? How far along are you?" 

CLIFFHANGER! haaha Sorry, Just love doing that! Please report to my last Status please...... COMMENT< COMMENT< COMMENT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! xoxoxoxoxoxxoo

Love Gee 

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