Just saying. (Calum Hood X Re...

By problxmatic_fangirl

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When life doesn't go your way, your best friend is there for you. Though he may be falling in love with you... More

Chapter 1, The End of Summer Plans
Chapter 2, End of Summer Bash
Chapter 3, The First Day
Chapter 4, And So It Begins
Chapter 5, Why Were You Acting So Weird?
Chapter 6, The Secret's Out
Chapter 7, And Then the Rain
Chapter 8, Eye of the Storm
Chapter 9, Resolving Problems
Chapter 10, Day Off
Chapter 11, Break
Chapter 12, Isn't She Lovely
Chapter 13, Falling Hard
Chapter 15, The New Year

Chapter 14, Pinch Me, I'm Dreaming

378 10 1
By problxmatic_fangirl

Your POV

I woke up to an empty bed, the duvet flung off my body as I reached out towards the empty spot on the bed that I swore Calum had fallen asleep in last night. A feeling of sadness took over me as I tugged myself out of bed and into a pair of leggings and an old sweater that was undoubtedly Calum's as it smelt of cologne and his wonderful natural smell. I trudged down stairs as I heard keys jangling and movement in the kitchen, assuming it was my mother I kept my movement slow as I probably dreamed the whole situation with Calum.

I was used to dreaming about stuff like that with Calum, but it was so vivid and I couldn't stop thinking about it, about our kiss, about how his long fingers intertwined perfectly in my small ones. I sighed as I took a sharp turn into the kitchen, my eyes on the ground, "good morning mum." I yawned, but when I looked up from the ground I was greeted by not my mother, but the man himself, Calum Hood.

"Wow I know I need my hair cut but I didn't think I looked that much like a woman y/n." Calum chuckled and fake pouted. I cocked my eyebrow at him, "did you just get here?" Calum smiled and pushed a white box towards me as I sat on the stool placed next to the island, "well I just got back from the donut store, I was going to cook but I'm not as great at it as you." He smiled sheepishly and sat down next to me. "Oh, uh thank you Cal." I smiled and reached into the box to grab a donut, taking a bite out of it.

"I had a crazy dream about you last night Cal." I said as I continued eating my donut eagerly as I didn't realize how hungry I was. "Oh you did? What happened in this crazy dream of yours?" Calum chuckled and reached over to grab his own breakfast. I sighed and turned to him, preparing to give the details.

"Well in this dream we were having our Christmas Party for all of us in Michael's garage, right," Calum nodded as he listened intently, "and then for your gift to me you sang me this amazing song, and I cried and ran out because I was feeling a bunch of mixed emotions, and I guess you came after me and you made me feel better and we ended up dating after that? Then you took me home after going to tell the guys and you stayed the night, and it was so realistic and crazy." I sighed and caught my breath since I was talking so fast, nervous that I would sound stupid for dreaming such ridiculous things. Calum and I were always open with each other, especially about dreams. We would tell each other the dream no matter how strange, sexual, crazy or random it was.

This time though I was extremely scared to tell him about my dream. I had dreams of me and Calum and ending up together, but it was never this realistic to me before. Then Calum's reaction only made the horrible knot in my stomach worsen as Calum let out a loud laugh and threw his head back. I didn't understand why he was laughing and it was making me upset because if he was laughing at the fact that I mentioned us dating then that left no hope for me. I began to tear up, but I blinked them away quickly as I didn't want to show that he was laughing at me dream was upsetting me.

Calum sighed after laughing and set a gentle hand on my shoulder, I gave him a confused look as he gave me a sincere smile, "Y/n that wasn't a dream."

"It- It wasn't?" Calum shook his head, "No, that actually happened last night y/n."

I let out a sigh of relief and put a hand on my heart as to catch my breath, it felt like the world was lifted of my shoulders, "Thank goodness, when I woke up and you weren't there I thought I dreamed the whole thing." Calum stood from the stool and pulled me into a hug, his chin resting atop of my head, "Oh I'm sorry y/n I just ran to get us food, I should've left you a note or something." I sighed into his chest, the sense of sadness gone almost immediately as Calum pulled me closer to him. I sank into the embrace and inhaled his scent, happy to be with him. I pulled away and looked up at him unable to control the smile on my face. Calum took my hand and dragged me up the stairs and back into my bed.

He rushed to the stack of movies that rested next to the television set that sat across from my bed. He popped in a movie and stalked back to the bed. He crawled under the covers next to me, pulling me close to him as I nestled into his chest. This is better than anything I had ever imagined with Calum, just spending time doing nothing with him. It felt like a dream come true and if it was I didn't want it to end. I worried that someone would pinch me and I would wake up and be back with Jack and everything would be hard, it was always so easy with Calum. We have been bestfriends for so long it's hard to think of life without him, and now that he's my boyfriend I don't ever want to let go. And it seemed like he didn't either, the way he held me made me feel secure and like there was no one else in the world but us, and I wouldn't ask for anything else in the world but this.

Calum's POV

I think the best possible thing was being here with y/n, I don't think there is anything better than this. I mean sure, I loved music and preforming gave me a rush that nothing could compare to the excitement and joy gave me, but I finally found the one thing that gave me more of a rush than that, and it was Y/n. She was everything I ever wanted and needed, and I was the happiest I could ever be. I was so happy in this moment as we cuddled up next to each other watching random Christmas movies, and It made it so much better that I could now freely crane my neck down and kiss her whenever I wanted. All I wanted to do was kiss her, I felt like I should've been doing this way longer, being with her. It felt so right and I don't know why it took me so long.

I craned my neck down again and kissed y/n lightly, before I could even think about going in for another kiss my phone began to vibrate violently with Luke's contact spread on the screen. Accompanied by the name "Hemmatron" sprawled across my screen was his contact photo of the two of us at a gig, he had come up to me while we were playing and it was a nice candid moment, my favorite photo of the two of us. I slid the answer call button over as a voice greeted me loudly on the other end of the call. I gave y/n an apologetic look as a dismissed myself from the bed and put the phone to my ear, "Hello? Luke?" I heard loud and random crashes come through the phone as Luke's voice sounded through my ears, "Hey Cal, guess what!" He shouted, he sounded out of breath and full of excitement.

"What Luke?"

"No you have to guess Cal"

"What no, just tell me so I can get back to y/n" I sighed and looked back at the girl I loved so dearly as she sat in bed, watching the movie and patiently waiting on me to come back and hold her. I heard Luke sigh as I could just imagine him shaking his head and pout his bottom lip out, "Awe you're no fun Cal."

I pinched the bridge of my nose again, just hopping Luke would get to the point already, "Luke, what did you want to tell me?"

"Hm? Oh! Yeah! So, you know that producer guy we had been in contact a while back?"

I nodded, then realizing that Luke couldn't see me through the phone, "yeah, what about him?"

"Okay so get this, we have a gig at town hall, the day before new years eve, anddddd the producer guy is going to be there to watch us and it's potentially our chance to be part of an actual record deal!" Luke exclaimed. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, we've been waiting so long to actually be signed off under a producer. Wide smile played on my face as Luke continued to speak of the plans for practicing for the next few days until the fateful performance day.

I quietly ended my call with Luke, taking a deep breath to contain my excitement. I turned on my heel and journeyed back to the comfort of my girl and her bed. I sat down and pulled y/n to me, her placed in my lap, her back to me as she stared at the television screen. I placed random kisses along her shoulders and on the nape of her neck, "So what did Lukey want?" she asked quietly, neither of us wanting to ruin a quiet and peaceful moment.

I sighed, turning my head and placing my cheek on her back, "Oh, he was telling me that we had a gig the day before new years eve and a producer is going to come listen to us." I felt y/n tense up and gasp, "what?!" She twisted around so her legs were wrapped around my waist as she sat in my lap facing towards me. A smile grew on my face as her eyes were wide with excitement, "are you serious right now Calum?" she said placing her hands on my shoulders, I nodded my head with a 'yes' vigorously with excitement, and bit my lip to contain my smile. Y/n squealed, "That's so amazing!" she sighed and shook her head looking down at our now intertwined hands in between us, "I swear today is like a whole amazing dream."

"I know," I sighed happily and brought her knuckles up to my lips, basking in the love and happiness that is surrounding us, "y/n?" She hummed in response as I lifted my head to look at her, I pressed my forehead to hers, "I love you." I whispered, I wasn't sure why I was whispering but it seemed fitting for the moment. I leaned in and pressed my lips softly against her own, "I love you," y/n mumbled in between kisses. I reached up to cup her face as her gentle hands trailed to tangle in my curly locks of hair. Our lips molded together like we were made together, they moved in sync like if we separated then it would be the death of us. I licked across her bottom lip, asking for permission that y/n gladly granted, our tongues fighting against each other as I pulled y/n closer to me. I couldn't get enough of this girl and I don't think I could ever get tired of her or kissing her soft lips. As things became heated I sloppily bit down on her bottom lip, drawing out a reaction from y/n that I was but also wasn't expecting.

Y/n let out a moan, a freaking moan. I did that. Hell yeah.

When she pulled away her hand quickly clapped over her mouth as her face grew red with embarrassment, "oh no I- I uh I didn't-" She rambled on as her voice was muffled by her hand, "Y/n." I spoke seriously, trying to get her attention. She didn't listen to me as she continued to apologize for some odd reason. I reached out and gripped her wrist gently and pulled her hand away from her face, replacing it with my lips as I softly kissed her worries away.

I pulled away and looked into her conflicted eyes, unsure if she was to be confused, embarrassed or flattered. I smiled at her and pulled her into a hug, "Love why are you so embarrassed?" I asked softly as I ran my callused fingers up and down her spine, loving the contact of just simply touching her. She sighed and slumped her head against my shoulder, "I can't say.." she mumbled against my black sweatshirt that I was wearing. I drew my eyebrows together in confusion, "and why can't you tell me princess?" She squirmed in my grip, not helping my already growing situation. I pushed the thought of slamming her against the wall and making her scream my name back as far as I could and focused on how cute y/n is when she's embarrassed.

She sighed and mumbled her reply into my shirt, "I've never done anything", I completely understood her but I decided to revel in her cuteness a little longer. "What princess? I couldn't hear you." She mumbled it once again the same way she did before. "Babe you're going to have to speak up." she mumbled once more but slightly louder. "Baby I can't hear you when you're mumbling into my shirt." I chuckled as she groaned and pulled away and yelled out what she had said before, throwing her head back in frustration that she was embarrassed. I laughed at her again and tugged on her sweatshirt sleeves to get her attention again, "Hey, don't be embarrassed, that noise was hot, and I don't care about that, I love you either way and whenever you're ready, I'm ready." I said matter-of-factly and a smile grew on y/n's face. God was she beautiful or what. Her smile was infectious as she tackled me to where I was laying on my back and she was on top of me, I let out a strangled groan as my head hit the headboard of the bed. I began rubbing it as y/n went into panic mode and quickly sat up and inspected my head, which was fine, spare the slight bump forming.

Y/n sat her legs on either side of my thighs now, she straddled me as she held my face in her hands apologies slipping from her lips every second. I laughed at her actions and just shook my head, "What are you laughing at? I hurt you! Oh god I'm sorry Cal." she squished my cheeks together so when I spoke it was barely understandable as it sounded muffled, "Y/n it's fine, it doesn't hurt."

"It doesn't?"

I shook my head and y/n let out a heavy sigh, "Oh thank goodness I thought-"

"actually y/n"


"It kind of hurts. You should kiss me to make it feel better."

She let out a giggle as I smirked at her, "Cal that's not how it works, but I'll be glad to kiss you."

She leaned in slowly and kissed me on the forehead, then planting a soft kiss on my nose, my eyes were closed as I soaked in the feeling of her lips, she finally placed a kiss on my lips. I felt her smile against my lips as she then pulled away and laid her head on my chest, still on top of me. I placed my hands on her back, tracing shaped and words into the sweatshirt she wore. It looked oddly familiar, I think I used to have one like it but I lost it a long time ago. The last place I remember having it was over here at y/n's, actually. Oh wait.

"Hey Y/n?"


"where did you get this sweatshirt?"

He body slightly tensed under me and I smiled at the fact the she would steal my clothes even before we started dating. "I uh- the uh- the store?" I chuckled at how bad of a liar she was, she's always been a bad liar. Even when we were little and we tried to convince her parents that we weren't the ones who ate all the cookies, y/n came up with the lie that the dog crawled all the way up into the top shelf of the pantry and ate them all. It was silly, and we got it trouble for it either way but it was incredibly funny and adorable that she couldn't lie.


"Yeah Calum?"

"Is this my sweatshirt?"

"Yes..." She sighed, "do you want it back?" I shook my head, "no, it looks way better on you babe."

For the whole day we did the same thing, we would just watch movies, talk, and occasionally sneak down to the kitchen to get snacks and drinks. It was like if I lived with her this is what we would do, we would obviously run out of movies and Friends episodes to watch but I would never get tired of it. So when I realized this I also realized that if we ended up getting this producer to sign us then we would go on tour, and I never wanted to spend a minute away from my girl, and so I decided that if and when the time came that I would ask her to go on tour with me.

- - - - - - -




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