Visenya Stark ( Game Of Thron...

De vizenya

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|A world without you is a world not worth living in| a.u Mais

Characters of the Past
34 pt.1


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De vizenya

My brothers and I sat in the great hall breaking our fast as Aemon and Donavon hoarded all of the bacon.

"So I can't have any bacon?" I asked them as Donavon shook his head.

"Aunt Catelyn said it was bad for you." He replied as I shook my head.

"Aunt Catelyn said it was bad to drink wine. And that was it. She never said anything against bacon." I said but did not seek to get the bacon anymore.

"Aunt Catelyn said you shouldn't get mad." Aegon quipped as I looked over at him and gave out an exasperated breath and looked down to my food.

"Aunt Catelyn said you should eat your food cold." Daemon said while shoving food in his mouth.

"Quiet now, all of you!" Aragorn shut us all up.

"Let our sister do as she pleases. You two, hand over the bacon." Aragorn commanded our brothers as they handed over the plate of food over.

I gave Aragorn a smile of thanks as he gave me a simple nod before continuing to eat. I stared at him for a few more seconds mulling over the fact at how different he was from the rest of us.

He seemed more like Jon's true brother than ours. I looked over to Jon who sat next to Daemon. He sat quietly as he usually did in the mornings still trying to wake himself up.

"My lords, My lady. I bring word from your sister." Maester Luwin announced as he walked in holding up the opened scroll.

"Does our uncle know?" I asked taking the scroll from him.

"Yes My lady." He said with a smile as I flattened out the scroll.

"My dearest family,

It has taken us longer than we had expected to reach the desolate Valyrian wastes. No one daring to venture into the smoking sea.

But after many a barter and a great bag of gold given to a sea captain we reached our destination a month after we set out.

We found the witch living in a high broken tower. But the inside was left intact. Here we spent another month proving the women of our love.

But it seemed that she had been toying with us the entire time. After the month had been up she announced that both Torvi and I were with child.

I am most elated. I ask you to please help us in the arrival of our children. Find a good wet nurse for we'll surely be in need. The women won't allow us to leave until almost the end of our pregnancy.

Help us prepare in everything we need for we do not know if we'll have the time to do it ourselves.

Daeron and Astrid are well. They have decided that they do not want children at the moment.

We'll be home soon.
With the most affection
Your sisters and brother."

I finished the letter having read it out loud for everyone at the table to hear.

"Oh how exciting." I said with a large smile handing over the scroll to Aegon so that he may read it himself.

"I need to prepare their chambers." I said as I got up from my seat.

"Visenya finish your food first." Donavon spoke up as he motioned with his hand for me to sit back down.

"You have months to get everything together."

"I'm too excited. I can't eat anymore." I said to them as Aragorn finished his food.

"Finish that piece of bacon then you can go." Aragorn said as I smiled over at him.

"And who put you in charge?" I asked as he wiped his mouth clean.

"I thought it was obvious since I have the most brains." He said sitting back in his chair.

I shook my head and ate the bacon that was barely warm.

"We'll be sending in the men we have selected to be given additional training later on if you want to see." Aemon said as he drank from his cup.

"Of course I want to see." I said wiping my hands clean.

"How many men?" I asked

"Fifty." Daemon responded as I raised a brow

"Only fifty?" I asked as he nodded

"You have to understand Visenya, most of these men have never even picked up a weapon before they came here." He tried to reason.

"Yes but out of the thousands of men I would have hoped for more than fifty." I said my mood souring just a bit.

"Don't worry. They're is just many men training at once. Some could have been missed. We'll find them." Aegon quickly said trying to lighten my mood.

"I sure hope so. I hope the north can produce more than just fifty good men out of thousands."

I soon left the great hall as I sought out Robb. I knew Theon would still be asleep so he would be with him. Jon was still eating in the great hall as well.

"Have you seen my husband?" I asked a passing maid as she shook her head.

I placed my hand under my stomach for support. Every day it grew bigger. And since my announcement weeks ago it went from barely visible to a large ball.

My walk was slower as I was more careful with my steps. My ankles were swollen and my feet were in pain. And yet I still had some time to go.

I searched for Robb in our chambers but found it empty and clean.

I searched the Godswood but came up empty. I finally decided to check the stables and hope to find him there before I had to send out a search party  out for him.

And that's where I found him towards the middle of the stables where he brushed my horse Autumn.

"I'm sorry girl but Visenya won't be going on any rides soon. I won't risk it." He spoke softly to Autumn as he brushed her long mane.

"But I'll let you out in a bit so you can go stretch your legs." He assured as I cleared my throat making myself known. He turned around quickly but smiled as soon as he saw me.

"How long have you been standing there?" He asked as I ran my hand down Autumn's neck.

"Not long." I said as he exited the stable.

"How can I be of service my lady?" He asked as he took my hand.

"I came only to bring news of my sister." I said as he nodded

"And? Are they alright?" He asked concerned as I nodded.

"Torvi and Rhaenyra are both having a child." I said giddy as he smiled.

"It seems we have been blessed these past few months." He said as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"It's seems we have." I said and just as our lips were about to touch I felt something move within my belly.

I looked down and put a hand on my belly to feel the baby kick once again. I gasped as I looked up to Robb who was already smiling.

He kneeled down and put a hand on either side of my belly.

"Oh come on now. Give a kick for me." Robb pleaded but the child had now seemed to have calmed down.

"Oh well. We'll have all night to feel our babe kick." He said standing back up.

"Our babe just kicked for the first time." I admitted as I still seemed a bit shocked.

"Our babe just kicked for the first time." I said as realizations hit. In my last pregnancy I wasn't able to feel our child kick. He was gone before he could.

But now I was far along that I could feel a kick. Very strong kicks.

"Our babe kicked for the first time." I said louder as I stepped away as a large smile grew on my face as I quickly left the stables with Robb following behind me.

"Our babe just kicked for the first time!" I very loudly announced excitedly to no one in particular but to everyone all the same.

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