Not Broken Just Unfinished

Von DaieniajahCarter

180K 4.7K 863

"Maliya your beautiful . You deserve the world." Brandon whispered into my ears. I Stared into his eyes "your... Mehr

From the start.
My Own
Lust or Love
Open Wounds
Biggest mistake
No love lost, No love found
Stalking you
Get to you
Forever ✨
Wasted 💔🤦🏽‍♀️
Can not save me?
Can I Holla at you
Tired of living with demons because their always inviting more.
Not Mine
Hush now
At the end of the day , I know im riding alone...
👑Rivals 👑
Beautiful Scars
Blunt 🔊
Part 2: Satan's Playpen
Pills & Potions
Lucid Dreaming
I cant do this anymore
Broken clocks
The remedy for a broken heart
Lights Please
Forever ever...
You did what you did , I felt what i felt, It is what it is !
Trap Royalty
Black Cinderella
One of a kind
I will
Gonna love me
Pretty little fears
Butterfly effect
Private property

Broken Mirror

1.9K 57 4
Von DaieniajahCarter

Maliya POV

I tossed & turned for the rest of the night my mind going from Jeremih to the kids to Mateo & our marriage ... Tears came to my eyes realizing the very strong possibility that when I give birth to this baby I'll die... Leaving Mateo & my other children by themselves... I won't see Mylise go to prom, I'll miss Cairo & Mylise graduating. I'll never be able to tell Mylise the truth about anything she'll only have Brandon's version. Plus the moment I croak Brandon is coming for full custody I know that for a fact. Mateo will more than likely lose Brandon is her biological father & he is more than capable of caring for her.

Bryse , Hakeem , & Idris will be Left without a mother. Bryse will more than likely become the replica of fucking Omari he's already acting like him. Idris will forget about me all together. & without me around Bryse will probably murder Hakeem. Mateo will just fade away...
I looked at the sonogram picture... "I'm so sorry baby I really really wanted you. Mommy loves you so much I really do & daddy loves you to. He's just scared now I understand why.. To much is at risk just to have you. The truth is mommy will probably die the moment you hit this earth I'll bleed to death. Then you will be left all alone because your daddy is going to loose it your brothers won't know what to do with you & your sisters father will take her away. I'm sorry baby I can't keep you.. I know your probably the little girl your daddy always wanted. I mean yeah we have Mylise but he's always wanted a little girl with his face a little girl that was his that he didn't have to share with another man.." I sniffled fighting tears.

I felt warm arms wrap around me. "It's okay baby. I never wanted to make you feel like you had no choice I love you with all of my heart . If you want to have this baby then we're having a baby." He whispered kissing my forehead .

I stared into his eyes "I'm not keeping her or him.. I can't leave y'all to much isnt finished not saying that you can't raise the kids but so much unfinished stuff things that are not explained I can't leave y'all with that void" I whispered kissing his lip.

I sat up making the abortion appointment I couldn't believe I was doing this.

Bryse POV

"Bro I knew something bad was going to fucking happen" I whined as we were in the back of a cop car.
We all got caught car hopping which is basically breaking into cars taking anything you can find.

Hakeem cries became louder as we neared Aunt Bianca & Uncle Kalen's house. Orion's breathing grew rapid seeing Uncle Kalen outside on the porch smoking. "We're about to get fucked up aren't we.?" I asked lowly.

"We all about to be limping" Orion groaned .
"Hello officer Patterson." Uncle Kalen
"Hey Mr. Richards we found these young boys breaking into cars. We know Orion belongs to you & they claim to be related to him." Officer Patterson said.

I glared at him like we're going to lie about who we belong to we were already caught nothing else to lie about. "Yeah these heathens belong to me" uncle Kalen sighed.

We slipped past him into the house . I followed Orion running up the steps only to be greeted by Aunt Bianca at the top . "Take y'all bad asses back down." She growled.

"You do this everytime knowing the outcome." Uncle Kalen yelled. We jumped each step he took towards us. "I'm not even gonna beat y'all. Pack y'all shit" he said.
"Pack?" We all said looking at each other .
"Yeah you& Orion. Hakeem I'll let slide he's 5 he'll get punished but I'm tired of beating you Orion I'm tired of your shit. Bryse your too fucking old to let him drag you into shit. Y'all wanna be grown & do what y'all want get the fuck out my house." He yelled going up the steps.

Orion shrugged going to pack his stuff . "Bro where are we going to go." I whimpered trying to fight tears.
"Stop being a bitch this isn't the first time he's kicked me out. We'll stay at my bestfriend crib her parents never home." He smirked. He was happy he just got kicked out.
"Nigga you 11 & your father just be putting you out" I asked shocked the most my parents did was make me work out til I couldn't anymore like physically I couldn't move.
"Not everyone's parents are full of unconditional love like yours" he mumbled.
As we were walking out the door you hear Aunt Bianca yelling & crying about why would uncle Kalen kick us out.

"My mom is the only one that cares she'll probably come get us in the morning but for now let's just bounce" Orion said tugging at my arm. "Damn bro your father is heartless" I said to Orion.
"He wasn't always like that. When I was 6 my mom was pregnant she had a baby boy they named him Lawrence  . We were all outside mom & dad were beefing as always . He told me to watch Lawrence. They went inside to argue some more.
I swear to god I was watching him I was.. I seen one of my toys in the road I left it was only 4 seconds I went got it & came right back. I didn't look into the baby carrier to see if he was still there.. they came back started yelling & bugging. The baby was gone they asked me if someone had came or what happened I told them I got up for a second. That was the first time my father ever beat me... My brother was gone & so was my father. Mom treats me the same as before. Dad blames me & I blame myself too. That's why honestly I don't care about much anymore. My brother is gone & it's my fault I wouldn't know him even if I passed him on the street right now or if he's even alive" Orion explained.

I rubbed my arm growing up mom & dad kept to themselves they kept us in the house we barely even seen any aunt or uncles.. We neared this house it was pretty but we headed in the back towards the shed.

"Choooo Nalijah" Orion yelled throwing his bag to the ground. I walked in looked around it was a fire ass little hang out spot.

Nalijah's shed

I watched closely as a curly headed girl popped up "shiiiiiii wassup homie. Who dis" she yawned.
"This my cousin Bryse . Bryse this is Nalijah" he introduced us. I smiled & waved she did the same.

"I'll be back I'm running to the corner store right quick" Orion said rushing out the door. "How old are you ." She asked climbing down . "I'm 12 I'll be 13 tomorrow. How about you?" I said. I was lying either my birthday Is tomorrow.
"I'm 13." She said.
"If your tired just climb up there & lay anywhere it's a huge bed it's just on the floor. Food in the fridge." She burped plopping on the ground playing the game.


"How you end up with basically your own place." I asked sitting next to her. "I'm adopted. They let me stay out here as long as I'm comfortable." She answered.

I studied her face & lips she's really pretty. I snapped out of it seeing Orion come back in throwing snacks all over the floor. "Yo I'm tryna go car hopping again" Orion exclaimed. I shook my head " nigga we just got caught doing some dumb shit like that."
"You pussy. I'm out I'll be back soon" he mumbled walking out.
"That little boy never learns" Nalijah laughed. "How you know him" I asked.
"We used to go to the same school. Now I go to a musical arts school" she said.

I turned just watching her play the game. I felt her eyes watching me. It's not like she isn't sexy she definitely is her braces make her look that much better. Soooo I pulled off my shirt & she started giggling. "I gotta idea . We're going to play mortal kombat. If I win you gotta do what I want if you win I do what you want." She smiled I nodded .

                         5 mins later
"Well what do you want?" I asked after she beat me up for the 3rd time. "I beat you three times so I get 3 wishes... wish numbaaa 1 I wanna kiss & don't front like you don't wanna because I know you like me." She squealed with excitement.
"I never kissed an" before I could finished she smashed her lips against mine.

Dexter POV

I haven't been able to stop crying since Aaliyah told me it's officially over. We don't talk it's just been her & Dj packing . She tried to talk to me about the types of schools over there & which one do I think dj would thrive best at. I just looked at her & walked away.

"Wassup pops" harmony mumbled walking in. I quickly wiped my tears . With Dj & Aaliyah leaving. I was planning on getting rid of the apartment & getting a place with Wynter. Hard part of that is the kids don't know about Wynter & she doesn't know about them.

"Come sit harmony we gotta talk" I quietly said. She sat on the couch next to me. "What's wrong." She mumbled I could tell that she's been crying to.
"As you know me & your mother has been going down hill for a while now. She found out about something & asked me for a divorce." I felt the tears beginning to flood my eyes again. "Tss daddy just let that bitch go she's always been searching for a reason to walk out on us" Harmony started I cut her off.
"Stop disrespecting your mother" I said in the calmest but most firm voice I had. Harmony instantly shut up " Your mother fought her mental issues as hard as she possibly could before I forced her to get help. She never wanted to leave Dj & definitely not you.. Harmony that woman loves you to death. You deserved that ass whopping she gave you just how I deserve for her to leave me... I have a fiancée your mother found out... she felt hurt & betrayed because I didn't tell her or you guys. She's been here trying to make it work & I've just been lying I didn't even tell her there wasn't a chance of us ever being back together. She saw me and my fiancée at Walmart she didn't make a scene she let us go peacefully. I caused your mother years of heart break. Especially when if came to y'all kids I made her feel unwelcomed & hated. This is my punishment I'm losing her... Forever. It's crazy because I honestly am still in love with your mother she just made her choice & im going to respect it. I told you about Wynter and all of the truth because I know she wouldn't tell you it's my fault she would let you blame it on her just to protect the bond we have... Dj has picked to move & leave with your mother. You have that same exact choice." I said.

I turned to face harmony . Her face was bloodshot red & she was crying silently. "I'm good ion wanna be with her & I definitely don't wanna be with you." She cried running up the steps.

Harmony POV

I lost most of my support in 1 day. I just silently packed my bag. I walked downstairs to see my father drinking I snatched the bottle out of his hand before walking out of the door.

I downed the bottle before I made it to the corner . I took another deep breath walking as far as I could away from him.
I felt myself slowly becoming numb losing myself in my thoughts. I lost my mother when I was younger hurts because sis wasn't even dead just never there how I needed her to be I don't care how mentally ill she should've fought to be there. My father just straight up been living his best life without me or my brother . & my brothers betrayal hurts worst of all. We been through the trenches together and he just gonna switch up for our mother like what the fuck.

"Aye ayo ma are you alright" a deep voice called from a car I walked past . I realized my face was wet from my tears. "Yeah" I sniffled. "Harmony?" He asked. I stepped back praying this wasn't a set up . "Yeah" I answered. "It's me Cortez" he said jumping out the car. Cortez used to live next door to me til his sister became a model & they moved to California for her to start her dream career. That was almost 5 years ago.

"Get in the car" he said opening the door. I hesitated before just getting in shit isn't like I had anywhere else to go. If I trust anyone it'll be him.
"Here your cold as fuck." He said passing me a hoodie.
"Where do you want me to take you" he asked after we drove around catching up for about 30 mins.
"Uh the hotel on Saratoga." I said.
"A hotel?? What's goes on where's your family" he asked. I fumbled for a min thinking whether I should tell the truth or lie. I rather just move on as if they never existed.
"I don't know where... ugh I just rather not talk about it" I sighed.
He nodded "you coming home with me. Your not going to a hotel"

I walked up his driveway nervous as hell. Cortez apartment was a small dark alley way that ended after his apartment then it looked as if no one comes down it but him. I stumbled trying to rush in. "Damn your ass still scared of the dark huh" he laughed.

Cortez Apartment

I looked around seeing a  flatscreen tv mounted over the fire place. I plush suede sectional everything in the house was decorated black & maroon red. "Damn you've came up a lot from when we were younger." I whispered looking at how nice everything was . Yeah we had nice things but usually me or Dj would fuck it up.

Cortez made me a drink & slide it across the table I smirked & swallowed it. "So your plan was to go to a hotel til what??" He asked pulling out a bag chips. "Til Jesus called my name niggah i don't know" I said .
"Igh your living here with me. I'm barely ever home.. I trust you & I'm not letting you go to the streets." He said pulling me into a hug I was already a little tipsy so I just kissed him.

When me & Cortez we're younger he was ugly as hell to me . He had the biggest crush on me he'd take me to the store he'd throw rocks at my window. Cortez pulled away "your drunk don't start anything" he mumbled rubbing the side of my face.
"I know what I'm doing." I whispered taking off his shirt planting kisses on his chest. "Harmony" he groaned softly.

"Please Cortez" I whispered kissing his soft lips again. I felt his hands grip my thighs then lift me into the air. I just wanted to be loved & I knew he would give it too me.

Brandon POV

"Uncle Brandon" Mylise yelled walking into my mother's house. The tone of voice she used I never heard. I jumped up rushing out front. "What's wrong child?" My mother said seeing her hands were bruised & she had dried tears on her face.

I tried to hug her to calm down but she chucked her phone at the wall. "I SWEAR TO GOD SOMEONE BETTER TELL ME THE FUCKING TRUTH!!!" Mylise yelled planting punches to the table. The amount of anger she showed reminded me of myself & that scared the hell outta me.
"Mateo isn't my father." Her voice shook while tears slipped from her eyes. My mother shook her head no slowly. Mylise broke down sobbing. "Lemme guess Harmony was telling the truth . Uncle Brandon isn't my damn uncle.. he's my dad" she whispered.

"Come On lets call your mother & have a civilized conversation." I calmly said. Mylise body trembled as tears clung to her cheeks... "it's true" she whispered.
"How is that possible I thought mom was your sister so like what the fuck is going on" she started raising her voice.
"Mylise Anise Cahill watch your mouth" I said in a tone that I didn't even recognize but it got her to shush.

"I'm not your mothers brother. I'm going to need you to keep in mind that at the time I was young & stupid. Me & your mother we're planning to tell you just happened that you accepted Mateo as your father you were happy & comfortable in your life I have no right to come & disrupt that because all of the sudden I decide I want you to know the truth that's selfish." I said.

It broke my heart to see how betrayed she look & hurt. "So you lied to me my whole life everyone looked at me different when I called him my dad they made fun of me with jokes like mommas baby daddy maybe . You had the power to put a end to that ! YOU HAD THE POWER TO MAKE SURE MY LIFE WASNT BUILT ON A LIE ." She growled.

I say next to her she moved away a little I pulled her into a hug. "Hurting you was the last thing me or your mother planned on doing please believe that." My voice cracked. I fought hard on the decision on whether go tell her the truth of all I did to her mother & why certain things were decided or just lie.. If I tell her the full truth I have to expose my truth along with Maliya's I know for a fact that it's going to piss her off , but I'm at the risk of loosing my only child right now so everything has to be exposed.

"Your mother came from a very abusive home which is why she doesn't speak to her mother. Maliya was a stripper when I met her not one of those slutty trashy ones just one that didn't have a choice but to do that to make money. I fell in love with your mother at first sight. I'll forever be in love with your mother I fall deeper everytime I see her. I tried to give her what my version of the world is but I got selfish & nasty I tried to cut her off from everyone she knew... & it eventually turned physical I put my hands on your mother..." it made me sick to my stomach to even say that I hit her...
"a very long story short we came out here one week to visit your grandma & I had a show to do . I was cheating on your mother with this lady & she came out here thinking I was going to be with her. That was also the same day your mother told me she was pregnant with you. I told her to get an abortion it turned into a big argument.. This guy her mother was dating was obsessed with your mom he took her . From that same room that the door is always locked on that I never let you in because honestly my fear is someone will snatch you from that room. Me & Uncle Dexter chased him down I decided to just let him take her because I don't know I was dumb , a moron. I didn't see or speak to your mother again til she was 8 months. I went to her baby shower it turned into shit & you were born that same night.... I saw you in the hospital I told your mother I didn't wanna.., I wasn't ready to be a father yet. I signed your birth certificate but after that I left. Your aunt Aaliyah showed up to Chicago a few months later pregnant with harmony she came to talk to your uncle once I saw pictures of you baby girl . I couldn't stay away from you any longer. I was struggling those few months without you. I went to your mothers house she agreed I could pretend to be your uncle til the right time..." I rambled each memory that spill out my mouth brought another dagger to her heart.

"That's really how you felt about me. You gave up before I was even here. You didn't even give me chance to be your daughter you just assumed I was going to ruin some shit? Well you know what UNCLE Brandon I hate you" she cried.
I let her run to a room slamming the door.
"Boy talk to her be her father let her know that unconditional love is there." My mother scolded.

I looked up at her with tears in my eyes "I'm not I don't know how . Yes I'm her biological father but when she cries for her dad she's crying for Mateo not me." I mumbled. I felt my mom tiny hands squeeze my throat.

" Stop feeling sorry for yourself and feel sorry for my damn grand baby. You caused her this pain. You are HER FATHER it's your job to fix it. Let her know you always loved her doesn't matter if you don't know how. How do you know you don't know how if you don't even try. Your just being a deadbeat get your ass yo & tend to your child ." She ranted.

I sat in front of the door knowing that she was sitting on the other side breaking & it was all of my fault.

"I love you more than life itself & when I was younger I was just empty . Everything wasn't what it seemed to everyone else . I tried my hardest to not break & cry when I left you & your mom for those few months after you were here. I wasn't sure I even wanted kids til I became a man. I was reckless had different woman around all the time. I was in a dark place I couldn't have you near that . I didn't get along with anyone. No I'm sorry that I wasn't happy when your mother said she was pregnant. I felt as if that was the end of my world. Me & your mom's just cross paths at the wrong time. Watching you grow I hated fighting to try to raise you from here & you were all the way in Texas . Thinking about all the shit I did to you bringing back demons that I deserve to live with. I can't believe I ever thought about hurting you... I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you the truth so badly especially when you were about 5 I was ready to be your father. It tore me up to see how happy you were with Mateo and your mom. So I sacrificed my wishes so you could live in peace. I just made sure you had the life that no one gave to me. My worse fear was you not knowing who I really was to you . When I used to get you every summer I used to cry all the time just happy that I got you that's truth. Every fucked up thing I said & did if I could I'd take it all back. I hope you can forgive me" I cried softly against the door.

All the wounds I thought I put bandages over were now exposed & burning. "I promise you I'm never leaving you again" I felt relieved for the truth to be out.

Sienna POV

I messed with my hair "baby stop you look good my mother is going to like you"dj sighed while i sat on the couch awaiting her arrival. "Nigga not only have we've been dating for over a yr and this is the first time she's meeting me but you just told me I'm moving with y'all like what the hell sis gon look at me & probably be ready to take my dam head off." I whined.

My eyes fluttered around the restaurant then landed on dj licking his lips following him firmly planting them against mine. Our tongues began intertwining "i love you so much" he groaned. I felt myself getting excited but it was too late to stop it.
"Boy what the hell" we both jumped seeing a lightskinned kinda older lady with tattoos standing next to the booth.  "Im sorry ma" he whimpered. "Your his mother?" I said not believing it.
"Last time i checked i was now why was yall fast asses about to fuck in the middle of this restaurant. Y'all must've not had any home training" she scolded.

"Hello I'm sienna" i blurted out ready to change the subject.
She glared " Oh so by passed what i was talking about okay little girl. Im Aaliyah Harris Dj's mother"

I reached out to shake her hand but she just stared at it. "Sooooo Aaliyah how you been" i started just trying to break the ice. Dj began choking on his spit. "It's Ms. Harris & how long you've been with my child for?" She began the fifth degree. "A year & 7 months" I gloated.

"Why am i just now meeting you? You pregnant huh? Dj you got this.. girl pregnant" she asked. My jaw dropped i clenched dj thigh causing him to jump.
"Listen i know how you just caught us plus he must've not told you about me based off of your reaction but I'm not about to sit here & be disrespected. Im not pregnant I genuinely care for your son im not trapping him or anything." I snapped.

"Oh so the little girl has some ball huh" she chuckled. "Baby just sit please" Dj whispered. "Nah you put up with this dumb shit I'm out" i scooted past him out of the booth sitting on bench outside to calm my nerves .

I could see Dj inside yelling but i was too pissed to try to calm him down.

Cairo POV

I sat at Uncle Brandon house stressing. I thought I'd come talk to Mylise but she isn't here shit neither is Brandon.
Tears filled my eyes how could I be dumb enough to get trapped i dead ass fell for it. The sweet innocent act now im FUCKED. My mothers going to kick me out thats if they can ever remove Mateo's foot from my ass.

I drifted to sleep thinking of ways to do an abortion at home without anyone knowing.

How y'all feel about Maliya's decision?
Was it Brandon's place to decide to tell her?
How y'all feel about Dexter's reaction to Aaliyah leaving?


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