Jyrus Oneshots

By madimw23

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Eye candy for your eyes😂 More

One Shots
Trans Part 1
Trans Part 2
Trans Part 3
Doctors Appointment
okeyyyy soooo Plz read
Lol new story
My new story is out

New Kid

2.5K 48 26
By madimw23

Jonah's P. O. V

"Alright guys!" My annoying teacher began class after the bell rang as I sat in the back of the room secretly playing on my iPhone.

"We have a new student today!" she continued and I proceeded to occupy myself with my phone until her stupid introduction was over.

I don't care much about new kids. They're usually really annoying and it triggers my anger issues. Like a couple months ago, there was a new kid, Gus, and I was going off at him every four seconds.

By now I had completely zoned out on what my teacher was talking about and was focused on my game. I mean who cares about what the teacher says anymore, besides Gus. Man he's so annoying.

A while back I asked him to email the space otters team to tell them the meeting was that day and he completely forgot. Then there was this whole thing with the pancakes burning and-

"Mr Beck?" My teachers voice snapped me back into reality. She was standing beside my desk with her hand outstretched towards me.

"No phones are allowed in class. Hand it over-"

"But Mrs Hermes, I was only going to have it out for a second, and I don't really care about new kids-" I argued for my life until my teacher interrupted me by snatching my phone out of my hands causing the class to burst into quiet laughter. The teacher gave a quick glare around the room resulting in silence.

"Now, Jonah." My teacher began once more while shifting her gaze to me.

"Since you were completely disrespectful to me and the new student by using your phone in the class, I'll keep your phone until the end of the day, and. I'm leaving our new student in your hands." The teacher announced and I let out a slight groan slumping down in my chair.

This is going to be Gus all over again.

"Let me introduce him again since you obviously weren't paying attention-" Mrs Hermes started and pulled a slightly short Raven haired boy in front of her. I slowly sat up in my chair as I looked at him with slightly wide eyes.

"This is Cyrus. You're new Best friend. You can show him around from now on."
She finished as I kept my eyes on Cyrus.

He had shaggy Raven hair that gently fell over his chocolate brown eyes, a small cute nose covered in a few light freckles, and a perfect bright smile greeted by faint dimples. My mouth almost dropped open at his appearance.

"O-ok." my reply was stuttery as Cyrus sat down in the seat beside me with his notebooks placed neatly on his desk. The teacher made her way back to the front of the class as I continued to throw glances at the smaller boy beside me.


Cyrus followed silently beside me as I walked him to his locker to get his lunchbox. He was only as tall as my nose and he was slightly scrawny. When we arrived at his locker he put in the combination only to fail to open it. I watched silently as the smaller boy pounded frustratedly on his locker.

"Wait, Cyrus here... Let me get that for you." I gently pushed him away from the stubborn locker and put in his combination only for it to stay closed. Cyrus looked helplessly up at me and I couldn't help but notice how adorable those eyes were.





I think a boy Is adorable?

I pushed the thought away and focused my gaze on the frustrating locker.

"Cyrus are you sure that's your locker?" I quizzed and he pulled out a slip of paper with a number on it. Cyrus looked up at me with an apologetic smile.

"No..." He replied and showed me the real locker number. We made our way to his real locker and I couldn't help but chuckle at our mistake. I opened Cyrus's locker for him with an easy first try and looked over at him to see a light blush forming on his face.

"Th-thank you, Jonah." He blushed lightly causing a smile to grow on my face and my dimples to appear. Cyrus then placed his books in his locker and grabbed his lunch box falling in place beside me as I walked him towards the lunch room.
I started to think about all the bullies at our school and grabbed his hand pulling him away before he walked through the doors. Cyrus looked down at our hands then back up at me.

"We should go eat somewhere else. Cmon." I urged and started to pull Cyrus in another direction.

"Ok." he replied as I pulled him out into the school courtyard where we sat down in the grass beside a tall tree. Cyrus looked around for a couple seconds before setting his lunchbox in front of him and unpacking the contents. Soon enough he had his meal sat out neatly in front of his crossed legs.

"Why do you do that?" I asked as I drawed Cyrus's attention. He looked slightly confused before he looked down at his food.

"Oh this?" Cyrus replied pointing to his, sophisticated lunch set-out. I nodded and he picked up his sandwich unwrapping the plastic from around it.

"I'm not sure-" Cyrus began with a bite of his bologna sandwich. I fixed myself in front of him as I layed on my stomach with my chin in the palm of my hands. He took another bite of his sandwich.

"I guess I just like to organize so I know where everything is." Cyrus confessed with a sight shrug. I let out a soft chuckle.

"So if I do this," I laughed as I slipped a cracker from his lunch.

"You'll know?" I asked and brought the cracker to my mouth. Cyrus giggled and took the cracker back from me slipping it in his mouth and chewing it.

"Also I have to have everything organized, or my anxiety acts up." He explained with a mouthful of crackers. I felt the conversation take a dark turn as I remembered my anxiety problems. Cyrus had nearly caused me to forget about them.
He must have noticed the terrored look on my face because he narrowed his eyes.

"You OK?" Cyrus asked and I felt my self confidence crumble. I shook my head and fixed him gaze on my hands as I sat up.

"Do you have anxiety problems too...?" Cyrus asked quietly with a weak sympathetic smile. I felt my lungs get tighter feeling like I wasn't able to breathe. Soon enough I was gasping for and and Cyrus was beside me with a water bottle. He rubbed my back soothingly and I felt the air slip back into my lungs. Next thing I knew I was gulping down the water like I'd lived in a desert for months.

"Woah tiger," Cyrus began with a silly grin and took the water from me.

"Don't drink too much. You're OK. Trust me." Cyrus promised and I leaned on his shoulder causing him so blush.

"Cy..." I began in a whisper.

"Yes Jojo?" Cyrus smiled weakly.

"You made me forget how afraid I was..." I confessed and Cyrus looked over at me as I sat up off his shoulder.

"I-i did?" he asked with a raised eyebrow causing me to nod.

"You made me realize something." I looked over into Cyrus's big chocolate eyes. But before I could say anything I felt lips on mine. I almost immediately kissed back, holding the kiss for as long as I could. There were more sparks then I thought there'd be, and I tried not to break the kiss with my cheesy smile. After a couple long minutes we both pulled away. Cyrus gazed up into my eyes with a smile and I smiled back. I felt the smaller boy's hand slip into mine and heald it as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Do you think it's too early?" Cyrus asked with a slightly concerned tone and I shook my head causing him to smile weakly.

"Isn't this what dating is for?" I asked and looked down at Cyrus.

"To get to know someone." I explained and a grin spread across his face.

"I guess your right." Cyrus agreed with a smile and I rested my head against his.

Yay! First one shot! What did you think? I honestly liked this one a lot. Jonah's feelings for Cyrus were so cute •^• hehe lol. Vote, and Comment for more one shots or suggestions.

Word count: 1445

Suggestion by: 1993moonlightbae

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