My Kids β€’ Namjoon β€’

By LuYongxSope

230K 12.4K 7K

After the death of his wife, Namjoon is now left to raise 6 kids. He comes into play with alot of hard obstac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
50k already? Face Reveal
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Holiday Special * Read its funny *
Chapter 57
Jin's Birthday Surpise
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Read + Clarity
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Q & A
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Q&A Answers
Tae's Birthday Special
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Jhope's Birthday Surprise
Chapter 84
Yoongi's Birthday Special
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
New Ideas
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Jungkook's Birthday
Q & A
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Deleting soon so please read!
Chapter 108

Chapter 25

2.8K 143 107
By LuYongxSope

( A/N )

I literally had the weirdest dream about Min Yoongi! 😂 It felt so real that I had to actually Google if what was in my dream true or not 🤦🏽‍♀️

But I promise to everyone that made a suggest on a chapter I should do that I will be doing your ideas, just not so soon.

I want everyone's ideas to fit into the story perfectly instead of having everything scattered around.

My apologies to anyone that's been waiting or wondering.

"Did everyone remember to bring their backpacks?" Namjoon asked his kids in the backseat of his car. No one answered him so he turned around and saw them all asleep in their carseats.

"You know what we're just gonna have to go. If they forgot it then oh well. Shit happens." Namjoon whispered to himself. He put one hand on the steering wheel and extended his other arm behind the passenger seat and watched the cars go passed before he backed up out of his driveway.

He put his car in drive and drove to take his kids to school/preschool/daycare.

Namjoon never remembered a time where his car was silent especially with all of his kids in the car at the same time. It felt like music to his ears, but the silence was driving him crazy.

So he started to hum which didn't last very long.

Yoongi opened his eyes. "Daddy stop making noises." After he said that Yoongi closed his eyes again and continued sleeping.

Namjoon's mouth fell open and he scoffed at his man child. "Am I really going to listen to a 4 year old?"


"Bye daddy! See you later." Jin jumped out of the car and ran towards his school without looking back at his brothers nor father.

Jin still hated coming to school, but Jackson made his school life a little bit better.

But Jin was extra excited to go to school today and Namjoon couldn't figure out why. He finally gave up and came to the conclusion that Jackson had a gift for him.

Jin ran into his classroom and searched the room until his eyes landed on Jackson. He ran over to him and embraced him into a big hug.

"Hey Jinnie." Jackson smiled. Jin released Jackson from his tight grip and smiled back.

"Im so happy your transferring to my class! Now we can be even closer." Jin said eagerly.

"Im glad my daddy and your daddy talked on Saturday when he came to pick Kang Joon and I up." Jackson said. He put his backpack in his cubby and escorted Jin to his seat.

"But we really won't have much time in class. School's almost over with. How many days is it?" Jin asked. He sat down next to Jackson and looked around for his teacher.

"I don't know. Lets ask your teacher." Jackson answered.

Jin gave Jackson a weak smile. "Our teacher."


"Hey Brooklyn!" Hobi yelled as he was walking down the hallway with Yoongi, Jimin and Namjoon.

Brooklyn turned around and ran towards Hobi. She smiled wide as they both hugged each other. "Hey Hobi! Long time no see."

Hobi laughed. "Brooky it's only been a weekend silly." Brooklyn laughed as well.

Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin stood still staring at Hobi interacting with a random child they never met.

Namjoon cleared his throat. "Hobi would you like me to drop you off to class before Yoongi?" Hobi looked at Namjoon and tugged at his pant leg.

"Really really?" He asked. Namjoon nodded his head and grabbed Hobi's hand.

"Let's go. Your friend can follow if she wants." Hobi looked at Brooklyn and Brooklyn nodded her head.

They all walked down the hallway towards Hobi's class. Once they got their Namjoon gave Hobi a big kiss on his cheek and ruffled his hair.

"Be good. I love you."

"I love you too daddy. Bye Yoongi, bye Jiminie." Hobi grabbed Brooklyns hand and ran inside his classroom.

"I thought you had more brothers?" Brooklyn asked as Hobi let go of her hand.

"I do. I have two younger ones that don't go here and another older brother that goes to the big school." Hobi smiled and put his hand in his jacket pocket, rubbing his fingertips along the necklace he made for Brooklyn.

Even though Grandparents day was ruined for Hobi, he still managed to keep the necklace because he wanted to show appreciation to Brooklyn for willing to be his friend. Especially his bestfriend.

"Are you okay?" Brooklyn asked. She put her hand against Hobi's forehead trying to feel if it was warm or not.

"Whats this?" Hobi eyes looked up at Brooklyn's hand.

"My mommy does that to me when im sick." She smiled and slowly moved her hand from his forehead.

Hobi took his hand out of his pocket and dangled the necklace he made in front of Brooklyn's face.

"Whats that?" Brooklyn asked with curiosity. She eyed the necklace as it was swinging back and forth.

"Its yours." Hobi went behind Brooklyn and put it over her head so she could wear it.

"Wow really!" Brooklyn looked at the necklace closely. "It even has the letter B on it! Thank you Hobi, your the best bestfriend ever." Brooklyn grabbed Hobi and hugged him tight.

After a few seconds she let him go and continued on looking at her necklace.

"But I didn't make you anything." Her facial expression started to turn sad.

"Its okay. I wanted to make that for you." Hobi said trying to reassure Brooklyn that it was okay.

"Mm okay. I like it! But I got to go to my class now. Bye Hobi" Brooklyn waved to Hobi before she left and Hobi waved back with a goofy smile plastered on his face.

He was glad he gave her that necklace even if it was made out of string, and a paper letter B taped to a piece of macaroni.


"Okay since I dropped Hobi off first I'll drop Jimin off next." Namjoon said to his two sons that was still left with him.

Yoongi held onto Namjoon's right hand while Jimin held onto his left. "Okay daddy." Jimin said.

When they got to Jimin's class Namjoon did the same procedure that he did with Hobi and watched as Jimin ran into the classroom.

Namjoon stood up and looked down at Yoongi. "Come on Yoongs. I know your teacher is probably happy that she thinks your not coming to school today." Yoongi laughed and grabbed on to his dads hand again.

Jimin looked around the classroom searching for Kang Joon until he found him sitting down playing legos with a group of boys.

Jimin smiled and trotted his way towards them when a kid that was a little bit bigger than him got up and put his hand on Jimin's small chest.

"No losers allowed." The boy said. Jimin furrowed his eyebrow, looked passed the boy and then back at him.

"W-what?" He asked. The boy looked very annoyed but repeated himself.

"No losers allowed you heard me puffball." The boy tried to insult him, but he didn't really hit a nerve in Jimin's small and fragile body.

"I-I don't g-get it." Jimin was on the verge of tears. He looked at Kang Joon and Kang Joon quickly looked back down trying not to make eye contact with Jimin.

"K-kangaroo?" This time a tear slipped from Jimin's eye.

"Kang Joon doesn't like you. He doesnt want to be your friend." The bigger boy said. He finally had enough of hurting poor Jimin's feelings so he sat back down in his spot and started playing with the legos again.

Jimin stood still in his spot calling Kang Joon's name, but he didn't answer.

Jimin couldnt understand what Kang Joon was doing. He was never exposed to this type of behavior before.

I mean he was used to his brother's not talking to him, but a few minutes later they'd be back talking and laughing, but Kang Joon? He didn't even budge to look at Jimin. Didn't ask if he was okay or even say sorry.

What's going on with Kang Joon?

"Mrs. Choi we've been in this situation more than once. I think you know what happens next." Yoongi said with a smirk.

"Yoongi no!" Mrs. Choi shouted.

"Mrs. Choi yes!" Yoongi shouted back. Yoongi jumped off of his table and grabbed his teachers stapler.

"Yuri! I have something for you!" Yoongi yelled trying to get the attention of the one classmate he hated.

"What Yoongi?" Yuri said. She walked towards Yoongi and folded her arms.

Yoongi gave Yuri a devious smile and pushed her against the bulletin board. "Close your eyes. I want to show you something."

Yuri closed her eyes and Yoongi looked back at Mrs. Choi making sure she was still far behind.

Yoongi realized Mrs. Choi was running towards him so he hurriedly stapled Yuri's clothes to the bulletin board and ran off before Mrs. Choi could catch him.

"Kim Yoongi when I get my hands on you!" Mrs. Choi yelled. She stopped chasing Yoongi and attended to helping Yuri free from the bulletin board.

Yuri glared at Yoongi and started screaming. "KIM YOONGI!" She yelled.

Yoongi started laughing. "Swag."

( A/N ) Namjoon dropped off Taehyung and Jungkook BEFORE Yoongi, Jimin and Hobi. Im just doing their school time last because they are the youngest.

"Ashwee?" Jungkook asked. He pushed himself up and started to walk towards Miss. Doyle. Miss Doyle looked at him and opened her arms wide.

"Hey Jungkookie." Once Jungkook reached her she scooped him up and started hugging him tightly.

Taehyung stopped hitting his blocks together and watched as Ashleigh gave Jungkook an airplane ride. This made Taehyung jealous so he threw his blocks and hit another kid.

Mrs. Shannon heard the cries of the kid and raced to her side, picked her up and started to comfort her. She looked at Taehyung and bent down to him.

"That was not nice Taehyung." Mrs. Shannon said. "No more toys until you learn to behave." She took away the rest of his blocks and he started to cry.

Miss. Doyle stopped playing with Jungkook and looked over at Taehyung who was crying hard. She felt so bad for him.

Ashleigh walked over to Taehyung with Jungkook in her hands and picked him up so that she was holding both kids.

"Don't cry TaeTae. Itll be okay." Ashleigh whispered into his ear. She kept swaying them around and whispering calming noises into Taehyungs ear so he would stop crying.

Eventually it worked and he was fast asleep onto her shoulder. She looked over at Jungkook and he looked at her with his piercing brown eyes.

"You're so adorable. You're like a little bunny." She smiled at him and he started to yawn. "Let's take a nap."

She placed Taehyung and Jungkook in the same crib, covered them with a blanket and made sure they had a stuffed animal with them before she moved their hair out of their eyes and watched them until she knew they were fully asleep.

"I love my job." She whispered to herself.


"Okay thank you. Ill be sure to remember. Okay, alright bye." Namjoon hung up his phone and finished eating his sandwhich before throwing the wrapper away.

He was about to get up and get back to work when his boss/bestfriend Mr. Tickens walked into the break room.

"Who was on the phone?" Michael asked.

Namjoon chuckled. "It was Jins teacher."

Michael raised his eyebrows. "Is he in trouble?"

Namjoon shook his head and made a face at his boss. "No, as you know school is almost out and so Jin will be graduating Kindergarten in a few weeks."

"Awe okay, so i'll be expecting an invite?" Michael said. Him and Namjoon both laughed.

"Well won't you look at the time. My breaks over." Namjoon ran out of the break room and listened to Michael curse out loud.

Before Namjoon got back to where he would be cleaning, he felt someone tap his shoukder so he turned around and was face to face with the mysterious woman.

"N-Namjoon?" The mysterious woman said.

Namjoon looked her up and down trying to figure out where he knows her from. "Y-yes?"

"I know you're probably wondering what im doing here." She said nervously.

Namjoon turned his head to the side. "I am?"

The mysterious woman looked at him with a confused look. Then thats when Namjoon started to figure it out.

"Wait a minute. I r-remember you. I know who you are!"


( A/N )

HAHAHAHAHA aren't I just evil? Jkjk

This is a very long chapter to me, but I hope everyone enjoys it!

Stuff starting to get even better

( Question ) What's your favorite BTS song? or songs?

( Answer ) I have ALOT but ill name a few
Spring Day
J hope's mixtape + Suga's ( Ik its not all of bts but you get it lol )
Silver Spoon
Awake ( Jin solo )
Stigma ( V solo )
Blood Sweat & Tears
Boy in luv
war of hormone
Airplane pt. 2

( Question pt 2 ) Which BTS song title is used? * HINT * Its from the Skool Luv Affair album

* I thought id do hints cause no one would really get it off the bat. Just in case anyone skipped over it lol *

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