The Sacrifice ~ The Vampire D...

By StineSkar

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'Book 2' The Vampire Diaries genderbent story. More

2x01 - The Return
2x02 - Brave New World
2x03 - Bad Moon Rising
2x07 - Masquerade
2x08 - Ross
2x09 - Kaspian
2x10 - The Sacrifice
2x11 - By The Light Of The Moon
2x12 - The Descent
2x13 - Daddy Issues
2x14 - Crying Wolf
2x18 - The Last Dance
2x19 - Colette
2x20 - The Last Day
2x21 - The Sun Also Rises
2x22 - As I Lay Dying
Season 3
3x01 - The Birthday
3x02 - The Hybrid
3x03 - The End Of The Affair
3x04 - Disturbing Behavior
3x05 - The Reckoning
3x07 - Ghost World
3x08 - Ordinary People
3x09 - Homecoming
3x10 - The New Deal
3x11 - Our Town
3x12 - The Ties That Bind
3x13 - Bringing Out The Dead
3x14 - Dangerous Liaisons
3x15 - All My Children
3x16 - 1912
3x17 - Break On Through
3x18 - The Murder Of One
3x19 - Heart Of Darkness
3x20 - Do Not Go Gentle
3x21 - Before Sunset
3x22 - The Departed
Book 3

3x06 - Smells Like Teen Spirit

158 3 0
By StineSkar

Picture of Macy Donovan

Gilbert Residence

Eliot is wide awake in his bed, his alarm goes off. It's 5:15 am. He gets up and looks in the mirror. He looks at the bite mark on his neck and covers it with make up he got from Jemma. He goes out of his room and sees Althea walking slowly downstairs. "Good morning"

Althea doesn't answer, she seems to have a hangover.


High School

Eliot, Carlisle and Benny are in front of the school. Eliot has a scarf around his neck "Here we are. Senior year" Carlisle comments.

"Anyone else think it should feel slightly more empowering?" Benny asks.

"Okay. So prank night was a bust. But we are accepting it, and we are moving on" Carlisle tries to stay positive.

"You're right. I mean, why should I let the fact that my girlfriend is seeing the ghost of her dead boyfriend's hinder this experience?" Benny asks.

"Yes! And why should I let the fact that my girlfriend was turned into a hybrid put a damper on an otherwise fabulous day"

"Today's out anniversary. Technically, Stella and I met on the first day of school last year" Eliot tells them.

"Yeah. You win" Carlisle tells him.

"Are you sure you want to be here?" Benny asks him.

"I have to be here. I have to put it behind me. New year. New life" Carlisle and Benny look at each other and follow Eliot.


Salvatore Boarding House

Demi goes down the stairs. There are two dead girls on the floor at the foot of the stairs. She walks over them and enters the living room and Stella is there with a few girls and boys. They're playing twister and there's blood on the twister mat.

"Uh-oh. Alexandra, left hand, please" Alexandra gives Stella her hand and she turns it and bites her wrist.

"Hey, the two brunettes on the staircase owe me a Persian rug" Demi tells her sister.

"You mean, they owe us a Persian rug? It's my house, too, sister. Ooh! Would you like a spin?" Stella holds up the spinner used in the game.

"So this is what Colette had in mind when she compelled you to protect Eliot?"

"These people are helping me be all that I can be"

Someone knocks on the door. Demi goes and opens the front door. It's Richard, he enters with shopping bags "Where's Stella?"

"Who the hell are you?" Demi asks him.

"She left me here. My sister actually left me here"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Your tone implies that I'm actually supposed to care" Stella tells him.

"You're Colette's brother?" Demi asks him.

"Richard. Pleasure, I'm sure. Which one's my room?"

"You're not staying here" Stella tells him.

Richard then looks at Demi but she doesn't say anything "Rude. Both of you. I'll see to it myself" He goes toward the stairs.

"So I guess he's staying here" Stella smiles mockingly at Demi.


High School

Eliot runs into Stella "Hello, Eliot"

"What are you doing here?" He asks her.

"What do you mean? I'm going back to school. Go Timberwolves!" Stella mocks.

"What? Why?"

"Colette wants me to keep an eye on you. I'm just doing what I'm told"

"I'm going to be late for class" Eliot tries to leave but Stella grabs him by the arm and stops him.

"Oh, class is this way" Stella points in the other direction.

"Let go of me, Stella"

"Eliot, do you think I want to be a senior for the 100th time? No. but if I don't have a choice in the matter, then neither do you"

"I said let go of me"

Althea walks up behind Eliot "Let him go"

Stella pushes Althea against the locker.

"Stella, stop it!" Eliot tells her.

"You're not gonna want to get in my way. Okay Thea? I will see you bot in history" Stella leaves.


The students enter the classroom. Eliot goes to his chair. Carlisle sits next to him and a girl sits on the other side but Stella enters and goes toward her. "You're in my seat" She smiles at Eliot and sits next to him. Carlisle looks at her. "Hey you!"

Althea has written "AP American history" on the blackboard in chalk. "Welcome back, seniors. Let's turn our brains back on, starting with this country's original founders...the Native Americans"

Richard enters the classroom "What about the Vikings?" He takes a seat at a desk. Taylor, Carlisle and Eliot look at him.

"There's no evidence that Viking explores actually settled in the United States. Who are you?" Althea asks him.

"My names Richard. I'm new. And history's my favorite subject"


Althea's Apartment

Eliot is lifting weights on an incline bench. Demi walks in "What? Are you going to bench press a vampire?" She asks him sarcastically.

"Do you actually know what's happening right now? Stella called me a human blood bag. She's a completely different person" Demi presses down on the bar he's lifting with one hand. Eliot tries to push it up "Unh! What are you doing?"

"Helping you out"


"Come on, Buffy!"

"Stop it!" Eliot lets go of the bar. The bar remains mid-air held by Demi, who lifts it and places it on the rack. "Like one obnoxious Salvatore isn't bad enough" Eliot sits up.

"You called. I'm here. What's you plan, oh warrior prince?" Demi asks.

"I want to lock Stella up, at least until this Mikael guy comes, kills Colette, and the compulsion breaks"

"Compulsion or not, Stella's high on human blood, okay? A lot of it" Demi tells him.

"You've gotten her off of it before"

"This is different. It's not a stint rehab, Eliot. Her humanity's gone. Light's out. No one's home" Demi tries to make him understand.

"Then do it for me, Demi. Every single time I look at her, I feel like I'm going to break. And I'm not going to give her that satisfaction" Eliot gets up. Demi takes his hand and puts it on her chest. "What are you doing?"

"Feel that? It's a sternum. Solid plate of bone" She pulls him and spins him around so he's in front with his back to her chest. She puts her fingers on his back "Right here, just below the ribcage, next to the spine, that's your way to a vampire's heart" She removes her fingers "I'll do whatever it is you need me to do, Eliot"

He looks at her "No one going to hurt you. Especially not my sister"


High School

It's nighttime. Althea, Demi, Eliot and Carlisle are in Althea's classroom.

"I'll lure Stella away from the bonfire. Then when she's distracted..." Eliot tells them.

"I'll shoot her" Althea finishes.

"Can't Benny just ju-ju her or something?" Demi asks.

"I'm trying to keep Benny out of this. I don't trust that Stella won't hurt him. Carlisle, are you covered?" Eliot asks.

"Yes! I will make sure that the old Forbes jail cell is prepped and ready"

"We're forgetting a key player here. Richard? Wherever Stella goes, the blonde tends to follow" Demi explains.

"Which is why it's your job to keep him away" Eliot tells her.

"How?! He's an original. Last time I checked, we're out of daggers"

"So then preoccupy him with your charm" Eliot tells her.

"Might have better luck finding that dagger" Althea scoffs.

"Are you ever not going to be mad at me for a day?" Demi asks her.


Taylor walks in "Sorry I'm late. What's going on?"

"We need you to raid your mom's vervain supply. Enough to keep Stella down for a while" Eliot tells her.

"You can't do that to Stella" Taylor denies.

"Why not?" Carlisle asks.

"Trust me, Taylor, it's in her best interest" Eliot assures her.

"Yeah. It's not in Colette's" Taylor tells them.

"But Colette is the bad guy, Taylor. You know, why are you acting like some freaky, hybrid, slave minion" Carlisle tells her.

"Uh-oh" Demi looks suspiciously at Taylor.

"What?" Althea asks Demi.

"Colette made me who I am, Carlisle. I owe her everything"

"Oh, boy" Demi comments.

"Okay, can we cool it on the commentary, please" Carlisle asks.

"What is going on?" Eliot asks.

Demi takes a vervain dart off the teacher's desk.

"I'm just going to go" Taylor turns around and starts walking to the door. Demi rushes over behind her and injects her with the vervain dart. Taylor collapses.

"What are you doing?!" Carlisle panics.

"She's been sired" Demi explains.

"What?" Althea asks.

"Sired. She feels loyal to Colette because Colette's blood created her" Demi further explains.

"Loyal how?" Eliot asks.

"She'll seek acceptance from her mistress. It's really rare. But maybe not so much in hybrids"

"So how do I fix her?" Carlisle asks.

"Get a new girlfriend"


Outside, Richard is at the bonfire. He tries to pour himself some beer. Stella walks over to him "You all right there?"

"I thought Taylor would be here"

"You're into Taylor now? That's kind of fickle"

"When you're willing to give me the time of the day again, then we'll talk. Until then, a guy has needs"

Eliot arrives and pours himself some beer "Excuse me"

"Eliot, hi. What are you doing?" Stella asks him.

"I'm having fun, Stella. You have a problem with that?" Eliot drinks the whole glass of beer.

"All right, take it easy. We both know you're kind of a lightweight"

"Uh-huh. Really? You think I'm going to let a blood addict tell me how to drink?" Eliot leaves. Richard looks at Stella.


It's the bonfire. Students are holding up a guy by his legs, so he can do a keg stand. Everyone chants "Drink", including Eliot, whose laughing. He stops smiling when he notices Stella leaning against a tree near the students, looking at him. He looks at her and raises his glass and drinks. Stella drinks too.

Richard is sitting near a campfire holding a marshmallow over it on a stick. Demi comes and sits down next to him. "What? No friends you own age?" Richard asks her.

"Like you can talk"

Richard brings the burning marshmallow to his mouth and blows it out. It's burnt "Is this supposed to be fun? I've been through 10 of these"

"No, you're just looking at it all wrong. This is a little rough on the outside" Demi pulls off the burnt outer layer of the marshmallow "But the inside...yum" She moves the stick and puts the marshmallow in his mouth. Richard eats it and looks at her. She licks her fingers.

"Mmm. It's good"


Eliot is looking at them from a distance. Stella walks up behind him "What's that look?"

Eliot sighs "What look?"

"My sister got her flirt on, and you're jealous" Stella notes.

"I'm not jealous"

"It's all right. Be jealous by all means. I'm sure Demi will be thrilled"

"I'm not jealous, Stella" Eliot snaps.

"All right. That's my mistake"

"Whatever. I'm out of here" Eliot finishes his drink and leaves. Stella leaves too.


Demi is still with Richard. She gives him a marshmallow sandwich. "Can't believe you've never had one of these before"

"Well, I've been in a casket for ninety years"

"That's no excuse"

Richard eats it "Why are you being so nice to me? You hate me. You should be mean"

"Well, I could be mean if that's what you're into" Demi flirts.

Richard stands up "You're distracting me. Why?"

Demi stands up too "Just trying to be a good housemate"

"There's never a fair fight between us, Demi. Remember that" He stabs her with a wooden stick and leaves. Demi groans, sits down and removes the stick.


Eliot is lying on the bleachers and looking at the sky. Stella arrives. He's drunk "I used to know every constellation. How did I forget them all?"

"You're drunk. You need to go home"

Eliot gets up "Fine. Uhh. Let me find my car"

"You're joking, right?"

"Uh-oh. It's the fun police. I thought ripper Stella was supposed to be the life of the party" Eliot slurs.

"Well, all right, I'm driving you home. Come on" Eliot climbs over the railing "What are you, five? Get down"

"Why? Are you afraid that I'm going to..." He pretends to almost fall "Oh. Ha. That was close. Colette would not be happy with you" he drunkenly laughs.

"You're hilarious" Stella deadpans.

"Look, Stella, no hands" He removes his hands and starts falling back but catches the railing just in time. Stella's not amused anymore. He laughs but finally falls. He screams but Stella rushes beneath him and catches him. "I knew you'd catch me"

They look at each other. She releases him gently. Suddenly two projectiles hit Stella in the back. Eliot looks over Stella's shoulder and sees Althea pointing a vervain dart gun at her. Stella falls to the ground unconscious. Althea walks over to Eliot.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm...fine"

"You look, uh, not sober"

"The plan worked. That's all that matters. Let's just get her out of here" Eliot opens the car trunk. He puts Stella in it. Eliot goes in the car. Viktor, whose smoking looks at them. He looks at the floor and blows the joint.


Macy and Benny are in a classroom. "I'm so sorry. I didn't think he'd do something like this. I trusted him" Macy apologizes.

"You need to tell me exactly what you did to let Viktor out. So I know exactly how to send him back" Benny tells her.


Althea closes the trunk and as she's walking around the side of the car her foot hits a gas can on the ground. "I see all the geniuses came out to the bonfire tonight"

Viktor throws the joint on the ground. Gas on the ground starts burning and the flames make toward the car. The car burns too, with Eliot in it. Althea tries to open the door but she can't. "Eliot! Eliot! Open the door!"

Eliot tries but it won't open "I can't! It won't open! What the hell?"

Viktor appears in the car seat next to him but he can't see him. "I'm sorry, Eliot" Althea rushes to another car to try to find something. She finds a lacrosse stick. Althea returns and tries to break the door window with it but it doesn't work. Eliot tries to break it with his feet but it doesn't work either. The fire is stronger.


Macy lights a candle. Benny looks at a grimoire. "I found a spell that can block whatever magic is helping Viktor"

"What do I do?" Macy asks.

"Give me your hand" Macy holds out her hand with the cut wound from earlier. Benny looks at it and takes her other hand and cuts the palm with a knife.


Eliot coughs because he can't breathe. He turns his head and sees Stella "Stella!"

She wakes up just as Eliot almost collapses. She breaks the trunk with her feet. Eliot starts moving to the back of the car with Stella and tries to go out. Viktor tries to grab him but he can't.


Suddenly Viktor appears in the classroom with Benny and Macy. "What is he doing?" Viktor asks, referring to Benny who is casting a spell.

"Fixing my mistake" Macy tells him.

"Make him stop"


"The spell is working, Macy. He's still here because of you" Benny tells her before continuing to cast the spell.

Macy looks at Viktor "Macy, please" She stands up and faces Viktor with tears in her eyes "I can't let you hurt anyone, Viktor"

"I won't. I'll stop. Just, please, don't make me go" Viktor pleads.

"I have to. This is wrong. You shouldn't be here"

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want to be alone anymore" Viktor cries.

"Neither did I. but I have to let you go" the candles burn brighter as Benny continues his spell "Goodbye, Vik" He disappears as Benny finishes his spell. The room is silent "He's gone" Macy tells him.


Althea helps Eliot to get out "Hurry up before it blows!"

"Wait! Wait, wait, wait!" Eliot grabs Stella. Althea helps him get her out. They rush away from the car. The car explodes.


Salvatore Boarding House

Eliot and Demi are in her bedroom. Eliot has a small burn mark on his cheek. Demi has a tube of cream in her hand and wants to treat him.

"Give it to me. I can do it" Eliot insists.

"No, let me"

"Demi, come on"

"Eliot, you almost got barbecued. The least I can do is apply first aid" She applies the cream on his wound with a swab.

"You played your part of the plan really well tonight" Eliot tells her, slightly jealous.

"Oh, yeah?"

"You had Richard drooling all over you and your marshmallows"

"Yeah, before he skewered me. I thought you were too drunk to notice"

"I was faking most of it"

"So was I" They look at each other.

Althea arrives. "Ready to get going, Eliot?"

"Great work tonight, Thea. Sorry about the car, man. Bummer" Demi tells her. Eliot looks at Demi and leaves with Althea.


Althea and Eliot are walking to the front door about to leave "It's okay if you want to be friends with Demi again" Eliot tells her.

"I don't"

"I think she kind of misses you"

Stella comes out of the living room "Well you got me tonight. Definitely wasn't expecting that"

"That was the point" Althea tells her.

"Yeah. You know, you can hate it all you want, but Eliot needs me. I'll always protect him. I think you're both better off having me around"

Eliot ushers Althea to go to the door and she stars walking. Eliot goes with her.

"Eliot, wait. You could have let me die in that fire tonight. Why didn't you?" Stella asks him.

"Because I still have hope"

"After everything I've done, you...You still think I'll be able to find my humanity again"

"Yes, I do. I know who you really are better than anyone, Stella. And I'm not giving up" Eliot tells her.

"Eliot, do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you?"

"No, Stella, it makes me stronger" He punches her stomach and drives two stakes into it with the sleeve weapon. He takes off the weapon and gives it to Althea. She looks at Stella, smiles proudly and closes the door.


Demi is rolling up a rug. Somebody is there and breaks a vase. "Keep it up, Stella" She bends down and starts picking up the pieces of the vas.

Somebody hits her hard which sends her flying backwards. She falls to the floor. It's Mason. Demi opens her eyes.

"This is going to be fun"

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