My Disorder (Dipper Gleeful x...

By ChloetheDory

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"How did you do that?" you marveled at the spinning ball of fire in his hands. He smiled at your amusement, s... More

Chapter 1: Welcome to the Falls
Chapter 2: Behind the Curtains
Chapter 3: Selling Your Soul for a...
Chapter 4: The Jerks of the Falls
Chapter 5: Your So-Called "Date"
Chapter 6: Candy Unhinged
Chapter 7: Deal
Chapter 8: Switcheroo
Chapter 9: Gravity Falls vs Reverse Falls
Chapter 10: Perplexity
Chapter 11: You Are Only Young Once
Chapter 12: Disorder
Chapter 13: Dipper's Past {Part 1}
Chapter 15: A Separate Identity
The Gleeful Twins
Chapter 16: Memory Erasal
Chapter 17: The Rift
Chapter 18: Through the Rift
Chapter 19: Smile
Chapter 20: Recollection
Chapter 21: Dipper's Past {Part 2}
Chapter 22: The Core
Chapter 23: Alyna

Chapter 14: Bill

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By ChloetheDory

Before I start the chapter, I would like to thank 2662qa and Fairies_Rule for adding this story into a reading list of yours.

<Your POV>
Mabel looked like everything was making sense to her.

"If that's the case then I need to leave," she continued and nodded to herself. Then she looked up and saw you.

"You coming, (Y/N)?"

"Um...okay..." you replied.

"You aren't going anywhere, Shooting Star!" a voice tore through the room. It sounded as if a hundred voices were talking at once.

You didn't know who the voice belonged to but Mabel clearly does. Colour drained from her face.

"(Y/N), we need to go! Now!" she pulled your wrist and dragged you towards the door. When you and Mabel are about to reach the door, a wall of blue fire shot up and blocked your path.

Maniacal laughter echoed through the walls.

"Ha! Stupid meat sacks!" the voice laughed, it was clearly coming from the centre of the room.

You watched a a yellow streak of light outlined the shape of a triangle. It solidified and grew an eye in the centre.

Holy shit, you thought, illuminati confirmed.

"Just to be clear, I am not the symbol of illuminate or whatever you call that group of people," the voice said, clearly pissed. It was like he read your mind.

"What do you want, Bill!?" Mabel shouted, crossing her arms.

"Do I really need a reason to play with my favourite Pines?" the voice was clearly coming from that triangular thing in the air but you don't see any mouth or other source of noise, "I didn't have time to say it before but you grew well, Shooting Star."

Mabel blushed a dark crimson. Is this triangle dude seriously flirting?

"You know, I am right here, don't need to be so rude," he turned to you.

"Did you-"

"Yes I did, you see, I'm a demon. Name's Bill, Bill Cipher," the triangle grew tiny arms and legs along with a bowtie and a top hat. He tipped the hat towards you.

"You haven't answered my question, what do you want?" Mabel shouted again after regaining her composure.

There was a bright flash, you shielded your eyes to prevent the bright light to blind you. It was gone as soon as it came.

You opened your eyes slowly and found that the triangle dude named Bill wasn't there anymore, in its place was a guy in his early-twenties.

He was wearing a yellow tailcoat vest over a white dress shirt and black dress pants. He had a similar black bowtie and top hat that rested a few centimetres above his sandy blonde hair that was framing a seemingly flawless face.

You couldn't help but stare, something hit you...he looks like Will...

That guy placed his hands into the pockets of his pants and leaned forward, giving you a cheeky smirk, "Like what you see?"

You snapped out of your daze and blinked a few times. Your face heated up and you looked away, "n-no...I look okay but...wait...I-"

"I know, I know. I've been studying you female meat sacks and came to a conclusion that you people like anything that looks pleasant to the sight," he cut you off, conjuring up a black cane out of nowhere and spinning it while smiling at himself for sounding "smart".

"You aren't answering my question, Bill," Mabel growled, "turning into a boy won't soften me."

That triangle dude turned into a human...okay...that's normal...I hope.

"Okay, okay, Shooting Star. Your brother wanted me to bring you here, or, keep the other Shooting Star out of the way. You won't understand," he explained, "and (Y/N), you need to be kept away too."


"I told you, you small brained creatures can't process any shit," he said, "you know, I feel that I'm the only smart guy that exists."

"Yeah, but I'm a girl!" Mabel retorted, crossing her arms, "Let us go this instant!"

As you hear them squabbling, you couldn't help but feel that Bill and Will Cipher are the same person, both of them had an eyepatch, same face and body structure and overall similar features.

"Well, that won't be fun now, will it?"

"Than what was the whole 'Will' thing for?"


"Yeah, Will Cipher, don't act all innocent Bill! We still have the memory gun," said Mabel.

There was another flash of light and Will was standing in front of you and Mabel.

"Y-You called, M-Mistress?" he bowed to Mabel.

The room was completely silent, Mabel was speechless, Bill and you weren't doing any better.

"Are you o-okay? Do y-you need anything?" Will asked worriedly. Then he noticed you and Bill. His jaw dropped slightly as he stared at Bill with his bright blue eye.

"William?" Bill said finally.

"B-Bill! I thought you d-died!" Will was crying now. You watched, speechless with Mabel.

Will attempted to hug Bill only to be held and arm's length away by Bill.

"No hugs please," he said. Will ignored him and gave him a huge bear hug.

"Can someone tell me what is going on?" you asked as soon as you found your voice. Mabel was still frozen in shock.

"That's Will, my twin," Bill replied, pushing Will off him and brushing his suit in disgust while turning to Will, "you know, you shouldn't be succumbing to human actions."


It all started to make sense, why they had the same surname, why they looked alike, why Mabel mistook one for the other. It's because of identical twins! How cliche.

"Seriously, Will, you can't just be disappearing and-" Dipper's voice was heard a second before you saw him. He froze mid sentance when he saw the two human/demon, Mabel and you.

"All four of you have a minute to explain," he said immediately after.

"M-Master, I-I-"

"Yeah, shut up, I don't want to hear from you...Bill, start talking."

"Excuse me, I am an all powerful demon, you puny human cannot talk to me like that," Bill said and crossed his arms.

"20 seconds until I get the destabilizer," Dipper added calmly. He still had his cold tone to his voice, it wasn't the same as when he talked to you an hour ago.

"Oooo, I'm so scared!" Bill said sarcastically.


"Go ahead, loser."

Dipper snapped his fingers and a huge gun thingy appeared in his hands. He held it in both hands and pointed it at Bill, with a smirk, he said, "Oh, I will."

You felt threatened although you weren't the one at gunpoint.

"Okay, okay, I'll talk. So, I decided to keep those two in this room. It was going well until your sister accidentally said Will's name, so Will came. Since he thought that I was dead, he got all emotional and started...hugged me. Oh, then you came," Bill explained, rolling his eyes. You could tell he was a little scared of that huge gun.

Dipper gave a short laugh, "you are just as weak as your brother."

"You should thank the heavens that killing you will kill Will because I would have skinned you alive by now," Bill growled, his eye glowing red.

"Good that you know," Dipper lowered his huge gun and threw it to the floor, "Because that is a plastic toy."

Bill gave a menacing scowl, his hair, eye and even his suit was turning blood red.

"Please, B-Bill, c-calm down," Will begged.

"You better watch your back, Gleeful," Bill warned and conjured up a ball of red fire, "there are many ways to suffer without dying."

"W-Wait! B-Bill please, you can't h-hurt him," Will begged his brother, standing defensively in front to Dipper.

Dipper was silent, again, a glaze over his eyes like a body without its soul. He was blinking rapidly.

"Let me do it, Will," Bill snarled, "That motherfucker deserves everything he gets."

"N-No he doesn't, p-please."

You were surprised at how someone could be so caring to the very person that shot him twice in the chest.

"Who the hell are you?" Dipper asked suddenly, looking suspiciously at Bill.

"Name's Bill, nice to meet you."

"Master, um...I c-can explain."

"I think we are the ones that need explanations," Mabel said. You nodded in agreement, Dipper obviously watched through the entire situation.

"I'm sorry, Mabel, (Y/N), this is just something you shouldn't know," Dipper apologised. He made eye contact with you, you could no longer feel the coldness he gave off before. It was like you were looking at another person.

"Will, bring them into their room and don't let them out," he ordered.

"No, wait," you protested with Mabel.


Will walked up to you and Mabel and snapped his fingers. Bright blue light swirled around you as an unpleasant sensation of floating overcame you.

Fortunately, it vanished almost as suddenly as it started and you found yourself in the room that your were in, lying on the bed with the blanket pulled to your chin.

You tried to stand up but each time you try to move, your body won't listen and a sharp pain will shoot up your head. You tried to scream and shout for help but you couldn't feel your vocal chords working, all you could feel was pain. There was nothing you could do, you were trapped in a body that hurts each time you try to move anything.

"Please s-stop moving, i-it'll hurt even m-more."

I'm really really sorry this took so long, I have a huge exam coming up and another one a month that decides the future of my education so it's a pretty big deal.

My time would mostly be on my studies and writing would be some sort of distressing material. I promise that by October, the updates will start picking up again.

That doesn't mean there will be entirely no updates, it means that there will be less updates as this story is very important to me.

I hope you understand, you guys are honestly the best and I really want to make it up for your support.

So, with that said, see you in the next chapter, BUH BYE!

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