Lutteo FicWeek

By reina-gitana

8K 212 1

~2017 Fic Week~ Day 1: "You're an exchange student and my family is hosting you, we might become just a littl... More

An Opportunity
An Anniversary
An Interruption
A Surprise
An Accident
An Old Flame
thanks for being there for me
win me over
let me fall into you
what you want

I'll follow you anywhere

489 18 0
By reina-gitana

She shouldn't even be here. She knows that what's doing is so completely irresponsible and wrong. So stupid and childlike and yet here she is, going against her word, and dragging her friends along with her.

Luna's stupid, stupid obsessional crush on Matteo has gone from bad to even worse. Which she didn't even think was possible, but she's breaking all sorts of records apparently. Every time that she sees Matteo doing literally anything, her body freezes, slowly turning into Jell-O, heart beating and racing slowly melting into the ground, palms sweaty and shaky, with a matching speaking voice of her own that trembles at the earshot of his scratchy and sexy voice. Basically, any time she sees, hears, or even thinks about him now, she is doomed for trouble.

Which is why she has gone into complete chaotic mode now that she's pretty much following him around now. She is asking for trouble but wouldn't mind this type more than anything else.

Someway somehow, in between every intense by shy observation of him and after every brief and conscious conversation she had with him, she would find out more and more information about him, making her grow weaker in the knees. She knew what classes she had, what smoothies he ordered, what all his favorite things were. Nina was getting extremely worried about this. This couldn't be healthy at all really. And she tried to stop her best friend from going in deep, she tried so hard. Yet that couldn't stop her from anything. It was way too late, and she didn't even care, only to crave after him even more.

For one of her psychotic schemes, she found out what Matteo's gym schedule was like. And dear God she wanted more than anything to see him all sweaty and muscular working out. It was her ultimate weakness that she wouldn't ever dare to pass up on.

She tried to convince Nina to come with her, so she didn't go alone. But Nina already knew what she had hidden up her sleeve and wanted absolutely no part in it. Plus, she wasn't a gym person, it's an unnatural place that feels like a different universe she doesn't understand either.

However, she successfully convinced Jim and Yam to tag along with her. Not that she told them what she was going there for, just to "work out". But they still wanted to join, something about wanting to prepare for their dance auditions coming up soon or something.

Upon arriving at the gym, Luna scoped out the entire floor from the entrance, scanning everywhere in the hopes of finding Matteo. In the very far corner of the place, past many, many people on machines she spotted a familiar head of curly hair. She could be wrong since there are many people have the same hair and are much taller than her tiny self, but she could almost feel positive that it was him.

Luna motioned for Jim and Yam to follow her in that direction. Not too close for him to notice them, but close enough. They settled by the open patch of floor and grabbed yoga mats for stretching, and sat in a hidden, yet a perfect view of Matteo.

She was able to confirm that it was him, as he was wearing the same blue tank top that he wore under his opened jacket this morning. And he was facing away from the girls, with some person, probably a trainer, right in front of him, doing some sort of weight machine with his arms, pushing them back and forth with them wildly flexing at every push. Luna died a little inside at the sight.

"Luna, are you going to stretch with us?" Yam asked her, pulling her out of her dazed state. She rapidly blinked a few times, trying to recall what she said to her. "Uh, yeah. Sorry," she mumbled. Jim led them through some arms stretches and counting for them. Which thank God she did that. If Luna couldn't unconsciously listen and stare at the same time, they'd know something was up and that was the last thing she needed right now.

They had moved on to legs and Luna continued to stare at Matteo from the distance as he had moved on from the machine and to the pull-up bars, where he began doing chin-ups. That's when Luna really lost her concentration and stopped doing her stretches,

"Luna, what are you looking at?" questioned Jim, who along with Yam looked in the direction Luna was looking at before to see her source at hand. Luna woke up in full force again trying to think up a quick distraction to regain their attention. "Oh, nothing! I was just thinking.... Unconsciously. Yeah..." Both girls had given her weird looks but didn't want to say anything more than that.

All three of them had just about finished and Luna suggested for them to go onto the machines. But Jim and Yam both gratefully declined to say they had wanted to train each other and do their own work out routines on the free space before doing machines. Luna shrugged and walked forward to the machines not that far from them.

She settled on a treadmill and keeping her pace easy, that way it wouldn't distract her from what was important to her here.

Matteo had moved on to standard weights in the weightlifting area now, closer to the mirrors. And she continued to stare at him mesmerizingly, careful not to drool because she wouldn't doubt if that were to happen at this sight of hers right now.

Watching him lift those super heavyweights, curling them at each arm, left and right, flexing his biceps into the mirror, gave her a million rather improper thoughts. Her mind took her to places deep and forbidden at these thoughts. With the mere glance at him muscles, the sweat dripping down his face, seeping through to his tank top, it was enough to control and take over all of her. And she never wanted it to stop.

Her mind was clouded with pictures of him wrapping those same bulky arms around her waist and kissing her fiercely against the wall. Her hands running roughly through his hair, pulling at it so hard it could rip apart. And ripping his shirt from off his body like they were in the hot Sahara Desert, where wearing clothes was even to unbearable to even fathom.

Flooding images of swollen lips and bruised skin, warm electrifying touches, wild hands, flying clothes, and messy hair and clawing nails, glistening muscular backs and arms, all flashing through Luna's mind savagely letting her suffer so much she found it so hard it so hard to breathe. These thoughts controlled and took over her entire body. Wondering if just the thought of staring at him for long enough, if those strong arms could overpower her and give her every pleasured moment she ever wanted if she just stared at him for long enough.

He had stopped his weights for a water break, letting Luna somehow give herself a chance to breathe and catch up from his torturous moment of a show. She decided to speed up the treadmill, so she didn't appear to be suspicious.

However, this would turn out to be a very, very, very big mistake on her part. Because as she kept staring, he kept drinking water gulping down trying to stay hydrated. And dear God did she wanted to be that water bottle so badly. She wanted anything to do with him in all sincerity.

But as he finished, the best and worst thing ever happened. He lifted his tank top to wipe away the dripping sweat all over his face, flashing his very toned and sculpted abs to her in full perfect view. Her eyes shot up immediately, and she began to choke on the air, coughing so hard the people next to her began to stare.

It all went downhill when he decided to just take off his shirt in entirely and wipe his face with it. That's when Luna completely lost her balance and fell backward from the treadmill, falling with a huge smack on the floor.

Now people all around the room were staring at the poor girl on the floor. Jim and Yam immediately hear and come rushing to her side. "Luna! Are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened?" they both gushed concerningly at her, trying to comfort her and inspect her for any injuries.

Luna felt a really bad pain in her thigh, the one that she landed on. She wanted to expect, but it hurt from her entire upper leg, and she wore tight yoga pants, so she couldn't see. "Yeah, I'm fine I think," she winced. "I think I just got a bruise that's all." "How did you fall?" Yam asked, lightly pressing her thigh, only for Luna to scrunch her face painfully and immediately retract her hand. "Ehm, it's just really hot in here, that's all. Maybe I got dehydrated." Yeah, real hot in here that's for sure she thought.

"I'll go get you some water and ice," Jim instructed her. At that moment, Luna noticed Matteo packing up his bag and leaving. She didn't want him to escape just yet. She was crazy enough to go after him, even after falling like a fool in front of the entire gym. "No! It's fine. I'll be fine. I'll go get it myself," she scoffed.

"Are you sure?" Yam asked hesitantly. "I don't know if that's a good idea. Maybe you should stay here," Luna shook her head. "No don't worry I'll be fine. It doesn't even hurt that bad," She gets up from the floor to demonstrate. "See? It's fine," However, the moment she does that her leg is met with an instantaneous screeching feeling inside her leg. She bits her lip to hold in her screams and smiles to cover it up and to prove them wrong.

They both look at her very concerned and watch her as Luna carefully and slowly makes her way into the hallway where she swears that she could have seen Matteo go through. She makes it to the hallway finally and goes to find ice as she really is hurting.

Coincidentally there is an injury room closet of some sort and goes inside. No is there to attend to it, but there is a large cooler with prepared ice packs ready, so she just grabs one along with a clean towel in a stack and wraps it around the ice pack to stick on her leg. She hisses at the initial contact of the super cold ice on her leg but ultimately relaxes her body letting her relax into the recovery.

She finds herself in an empty locker room with benches against the wall and so she settles there, stretching her leg on the empty bench, keeping the ice pack pressed against her thigh. She relieves a huge sigh as she sits there in the rather warm and empty locker room, hearing the fading blares of the music from the main room. She was unable to catch Matteo leaving, being too busy trying to uphold herself. It would have to wait for another time. But the vibes and thoughts that he was sending her without even trying or knowing that she was watching did some really bad things to her, physically and emotionally. And she didn't know how long it would be before she broke having had enough of teasing from him.

Just as she was enjoying being relaxed and ease, she heard the loud thud of the heavy locker room door being open and shut, frightfully startling her. She turned around to see who it was, being fearful she wasn't allowed to be there.

But to her favor, it was Matteo. Still drenched in sweat, shirtless with a towel around his neck, and very low riding basketball shorts, that showed off his V. She had no clue why she was even standing up now, damned be her leg, when she would just be clutching to the locker wall behind her for dear life. This was everything that she had ever wanted and pictured, right up close and personal to her. This was what dreams were made of.

Matteo removed the towel from around his neck, playing with it in his hands, while slowly walking towards her and chuckling. Luna was finding trouble getting air into her lungs in this increasingly hot room. She was slightly scared about what he was going to do or say, but the feeling in legs and stomach said otherwise, craving nothing more than to be in his touch.

"Luna," he slowly dragged out in a dangerously low voice. Her legs became even weaker at his voice, clutching even harder to the locker handles behind her. "Matteo," she managed to let out in a shaky breath.

She had no clue if he was going to say anything else, but the way that he was looking at her, like an ice cream fudge sundae on cheat day, he looked like he wanted to communicate to her with more than just words.

Matteo walked up all the way to her, grabbing her by her waist in an instant, letting her lose her last bits of air left. His face was touching hers, noses caressing one another. Luna knew that if she looked up and directly into his eyes, she would lose. And she would lose it big time. And what does she do? She looks into his eyes, and immediately feels her legs give up on her. Luckily, she feels his super strong arms around her waist to catch her just in time, slamming her a little too roughly into the lockers. She was screwed now. So, so screwed. Or more like she wanted to be screwed right now. Either one kind of fit into the situation.

She felt his breath tickle her face, making her heart jump out of her body. "Do you like what you see," he whispered low and rough. This man was fucking her up in every possible way, and all she could want was more and more. She nodded her head slowly in response, letting him push his face even closer to hers. So close that their lips almost touched. "Do you want what you see?" She couldn't believe her ears. Her body spoke quicker than her brain, because as she is nodding her head yes, he immediately crashes his lips onto hers, letting all her thoughts be disrupted.

He kissed her over and over, opening his mouth in their kisses as he consumed all of her. And he wasted no time, pushing her tongue into her mouth, hungrily accepting it. She was immensely grateful that was holding her up, otherwise, she wouldn't even be completely conscious and standing and living in this moment right now.

Luna wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her hands deep into his curls, pulling and pulling at them making him growl and forcing his lips on her even deeper. His hands moved fast and removed her shirt so quickly, she couldn't even process it in time. His hands moved all around her exposed back, burning all her skin, leaving electrifying shocks at every touch, she felt herself gasping every time.

At every kiss and touch, it's better than the last. All her dreaming and praying, everything came true and real. And she hoped it wouldn't stop anytime soon, to finally get to him as close as possible, unlike anything before. And then would be, all her dreams coming true. 

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