By j-writing-something

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Some DC Imagines from my Tumblr. I do take requests but they may take some time. I don't own any dc charact... More

Not My Time Pt. 1
Not My Time Pt. 2
Not My Time Pt. 3
Not My Time Pt. 4
Heartless Assassins and Fluffy Stuffed Animals
Jason Todd x OC
Swords and Birds
Restless Nights
Restless Nights Pt. 2
Just a Crush
Easter And April Fools Shouldn't Mix
Apologies, Disney Movies, and Fake Mustaches
Superboy (Connor)
Oh no...
You Are What?
Love Advice
Jealous Batsy
Missing You
Artistic S/O
Dangerous Love
Sprained Ankle
I hate you, I love you
I hate you, I love you Pt. 2
World Cup Fever
Fake Cold
Meeting the Family
A Little O.D.D
A Little O.D.D Pt. 2
Back To You
Stinky Bats
Glitter Bombs
Singing Ghosts
Prank Gone Wrong
Don't Need Them To Save You Pt.1
Don't Need Them to Save You Pt.2
Too Late
Stargazing and Unconfessed Love
Costume Police
Halloween Costume H/C
Sneaking Out
Deal With It
Special Halloween
Pumpkin War
Not Scary Enough
Horror Movie Trip
Surviving Horror Situations Pt. 1
Surviving Horror Situations Pt. 2
Love from Another Universe
Friends Help Each Other
Elf Adventures
What the Future Holds
Second Chance
Being YJ! Tim Drake's younger sibling and being on the team
Uno and Soulmates
Sibling Bonding
Joker No More


172 2 0
By j-writing-something

Ohh, uh. Honestly, I don't know if you'll take this but can I do a request with Jason able to control people by them looking into his eyes, with their own turning green because the pit gave him powers n' such. It's kept secret until the other robins find him using it to gain info on Riddlers plan? (Which is to kidnap the reader or bruce. Or both.) It's a lot to ask but please?

Warning: Language, the reader gets kidnapped


Jason was a very important person in your life. So when Bruce told you he died you were devastated. When you found out he was alive you were ecstatic. But ever since he came back he seemed to be keeping secrets from you. You asked the boys and Bruce but they all told you that he seemed fine, Alfred was with you on this though. He knows the boys better than anything in the world.

Every time you confronted him about it he would just ignore it or reassure you it was nothing. After a while, you decided to drop it. He would tell you when he was ready.

This month was a fairly quiet month, which meant trouble. The Riddler escaped from Arkham and was now planning something, but no one knew what. So to drag him out of his hiding spot Bruce planned a gala. That meant dealing with rich snobs while on the lookout for a madman.

Jason, Cass, and Steph were outside keeping watch while you, Tim, Damian, Duke, and Dick were inside. Jason didn't like the idea of you being by yourself so you stayed away from the crowd. Not like you had any friends available to join you.

An hour had passed and nothing happened. Everyone was getting on edge.

"Shouldn't he be here by now?" Tim asked through the earpiece.

"Maybe he didn't get the memo?" Duke answered. You chuckled as you took a sip of your drink.

"The gala was announced to happen at least three weeks ago. He got the memo," Bruce said.

"Then where is he?" Stephanie asked.

"Waiting for an opportunity maybe," you said. "It's not like he can just waltz in here."

Not even a minute later the sound of people screaming in fear filled the building. Everyone jumped into action. You, Damian, and Duke helped civilians get out while everyone else went to deal with the main problem.

After getting everyone out and giving your declarations to the cops you all went to the Batcave to investigate the evidence Bruce and the rest collected. Which was only a note, a green note to be more specific.

"So all he was going to do was cause panic?" Jason asked, walking behind you to hug you.

"To cause panic and leave a message," Tim answered. "Look he left an address."

"Dillion Avenue? That's specific."

Bruce took the note from Tim and put it in one of his pockets. "It's by Upper East Side. Damian, Dick, Tim suit up."

"What about the rest of us?" You asked annoyed. There was no way you were going to miss out on punching Riddler.

"You, Duke, and Cass go home and rest, the city will probably need you during the day. Spoiler and Red Hood will serve as backup if we need it."

"Of course I'm backup," Jason mumbled as Bruce walked towards the batmobile. You sighed and turned to give him a hug, which he gladly accepted.

"Don't worry backup buddy we'll just follow them," Steph said.


"Do you want to be backup Jason? Knowing them they'll probably get themselves killed and Tim hasn't slept in a week."

Jason looked down at you and gave you a kiss, "Is that okay babe?"

"Yeah, just be safe you idiots," you said returning the kiss.

Jason and Stephanie left the cave as you, Duke and Cass went upstairs for some of Alfred's famous cookies.

"Was that a smart idea. y/n?" Duke asked.

"Nope, but it's better than having them destroying the cave with glitter and paint," you replied.

"True, besides, what trouble can they get into?" Cass said.


If there was one thing the batboys could easily find it would be trouble. Apparently, the Riddler set up an ambush knowing that Batman would show up. Good thing that Spoiler and Red Hood showed up when they did though. After kicking ass, handcuffing Nygma and letting the cops take him away Batman and the batboys made their way over the Police Department, even though Jason isn't liked by the cops.

"Nygma why did you attack Bruce Wayne's charity gala?" Commissioner Gordon asked.

"How about instead you answer a riddle! Riddle me this...."

"Can we go one day without riddles?" Jason interrupted while glaring at him from under the helmet.

"Yes but I need to keep all of you occupied!"

"Why?" Bruce demanded.


"What about him?"

"He's paying me to keep you distracted."

"From what?" Jason asked him walking closer towards him.

"He wants to kidnap a certain birdie's heroic significant other and Wayne's beloved family friend of course!"

Jason stopped glaring at Nygma and sprinted out of the interrogation room with Damian right behind him.

"Red Hood! Robi... Dammit. Commissioner, Nightwing go check if what Riddler said is true," Bruce said running after his children. Dick, Tim, and commissioner Gordon stood in the room in confusion until Riddler spoke up acting all confused as to what happened.

"I didn't tell you crap!" He insisted. Red Robin pulled up the camera feed and showed it to him. And of course, there he was confessing.

"................My eyes are not that green."

Red Robin looked at the feed and saw that the Riddlers eye color changed when Jason started talking to him, but when he left they went back to their original eye color.

"Nightwing lets go," He said walking out of the room.

"Go where?" Gordon asked.

"save s/h/n and talk to Penguin."

"Wait, s/h/n... is s/h/n y/n?"

"Perhaps, I don't know, s/h/n is mean, y/n is nice. So no," Nightwing answered. Nightwing, Red Robin, and the Commissioner all went to Penguins nightclub and things got interesting.


Jason paced the Batcave as Bruce typed away looking for Cobblepots location. "Please tell me you found something?"

"Calm down Jason. We'll find her. Nightwing and Red Robin are on their way to the Iceberg Lounge."

"How do you want me to calm down when the love of my life is in the hands of that bastard?!?!"

"Tt. Pacing around the cave isn't going to help to find them, Todd," Damian stated. Jason stopped pacing and groaned. If only he'd stay instead with you.

"I managed to save parts of the security feed," Bruce said pulling the feed up on the computer. Damian and Jason ran next to Bruce and looked at the screen.

You were helping Alfred take care of Ace, Alfred the Cat, and Titus after Duke and Cass went home. A couple minutes later the main door was blown off its hinges by bullets. Multiple of Cobblepots henchmen ran in and began to fight with you and Alfred. Little did they know that Damian had trained all his beloved pets to attack idiotic intruders like them. You put up a good fight before one of them got the jump on you and knocked you out cold. They managed to get away with you before the dogs mauled them to death.

Bruce switched feed to the cameras outside where they basically threw you in a van and drove away.

"Is that all?" Jason asked.

"Everything else was deleted. I'm sorry."

Jason walked towards his motorcycle and got on. "Where are you going?" Bruce asked him.

"I'm going to catch up with Dick and Tim," Jason said pulling out of the cave. Damian was gonna go after him but Bruce held him back.


"But father..."

"He has it handled."


You mentally cursed at every person in the room with you. If your mom were a psychic she would be disappointed. Very disappointed. You pulled at the ropes that held you onto the chair and yelled in frustration.

"When I get out of here I'm going to make you pay!"

"You're all bark no bite Miss/Mr. Todd. You're boyfriend on the other hand... Oh, that boy has caused me some major problems," Cobblepot said walking around you like a wolf stalking a doe. But you were no defenseless doe, you were a badass vigilante with a badass boyfriend who hated Cobblepots ass. So who was in trouble now?

"Your problems with him don't involve me at all. I don't interfere with your work. Why kidnap me. Better yet, how did you figure out I was s/h/n?"

"HA! There are people out there who know Jason. A couple thousand dollars was enough to buy the information I needed to figure out his weakness," he said pointing his umbrella at you, "and you sweetie, are it."

You glared at the short, fat, sad man in front of you then laughed. "Me? His weakness? Honey, you must've eaten some bad fish because I. Am. Not. His. Weakness." 

"That's not what my sources tell me."

Whoever his sources were, they were a bunch of snitches.

You rolled your eyes and looked away from him. The fact that the entire batfam fell into his trap surprised you. What surprised you more was that when you looked back at Cobblepot his eyes were a nice emerald color instead of black.

"Uhh, Penguin? You okay?" you asked.

"Why yes, you know what free them," he replied. His henchmen looked at you then at their boss before untying you. You stood up and rubbed your wrists in an attempt to make the pain go away. A tall broody guy grabbed your shoulder and walked you to one of the backdoors. You walked out of the building a bit scared and confused. But that all went away when Nightwing approached. 

"Hey, are you okay?!"

"I guess?"

"What do you mean 'I guess'? Did he do anything to you?"

"Besides letting me go no."

Nightwing stood there shocked until Red Hood appeared behind you. You turned around and hugged your boyfriend.

"Hey are you okay?" he asked you.

"Yeah, just tired."

"Okay lovebirds lets go! Bab's dad is waiting for us so he can go arrest Penguin but that won't happen if we stay here all night!"

After the Commissioner arrested Penguin and got your testimony Jason took you home to rest, but not before Tim pulled you to the side and showed you the same video he showed Riddler. 

When you got home you decided to ask Jason about it so Tim wouldn't just bluntly tell everyone that "Jason is a meta!" That would end badly.

"Jay can I ask you something?" you said.

"Is it about what happened with Riddler and Penguin?"


"Jay can I ask you something?" you said.

"Is it about what happened with Riddler and Penguin?"


Jason sighed and took off his helmet. "I... ever since I was revived by the pit I got powers. I can control people. Manipulate them to tell me something or do something."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!?!"

"I was afraid you would leave me," he whispered.

You took the helmet from his hands and tossed it onto the living room couch. You gently cupped his face and kissed him. "I could care less if you have powers or not. I love you and nothing is going to be able to change that." 

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