Love Me |•| Beyonce + Rihanna...

By Trixiefireball

11.4K 602 112

Sequel to Save me More

Love me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Authors Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 7

324 24 2
By Trixiefireball

Rihanna p,o.v

"Drake leave me alone damn!" I exclaimed as I walked into my studio.

"Why not just as friends I stopped perusing you a bit ago. Please let's just chill okay." He says grabbing my arm and I sighed.

"Alright. Only for tonight okay." I crossed my arms and he smiled at me.



Me and Bey were laying on the sofa when I got a text from Drake.

That boy 😣 : Gonna be on my way to the cigar place around the corner from the studio Be there in thirty, hope you still in

Rihrih 👀: Finna see right now

"Baby?" I called and she turned to me.

"Yes mamn." She smiled.

"Can I go to a cigar shop?" She furrowed her eyebrows at me.

"With who?"


"I don't trust that nigga." She crossed her arms and sat up, which I followed her.

"So I can't go?"

"No you can go. I trust you. All I know is that if anybody happens to try anything with you he has you back. But let him know that I don't like him and to keep his hands to himself." She leaned over and kissed me swiftly.

"I may go try and find a friend too." She muttered and I raised a brow at her.

"Oh really?" I asked swinging a leg over her sitting on her lap.

"Yeah really I don't wanna sit at home all the time."

"Okay then. Wear something sensible."

"I should be telling you that."

"Mhmm." I leaned down and kissed her.


I opened the doors and this place was so fancy I felt underdressed. I looked around and spotted Drake sitting upstairs in a corner talking to a man about a cigar box he was inspecting.

I started up the stairs and got stopped by an employee.

"Ma'mn where do you think your going?" He asked trying to place a hand on my arm, which I carefully move away from him.

"Hey Rihanna sorry about that, she's with me." Drake appears behind him and the man moved to the side to let me through.

"I'm guessing this area is restricted." I raise my brows and he nods as we sit down.

He offers me a cigar it was a Persian King. I inspected it as he lit it for me. I held it in my mouth inhaling and waited for him to say something.

"Glad you joined me." He said with a smile.

"Mhmm." I let the smoke fall from my mouth before clearing my throat. "There must be a reason why you wanted me here."

"Other than the obvious." He leaned forwards on the table amd I rolled my eyes. "Why do you like girls anyway?"

"The same reason you do." I say taking a sip of the water glass on the table.

"So you've never been with a guy?" His eyebrows furrowed.

"No I haven't, and I don't ever plan on it." My voice was stern and he looked amused.

"Mmm okay." He muttered and laced his fingers together on the table leeching his chin on them.

"Tell me about yourself?" I blurted and his eyes widened.

"You really want to know about me??

"Well, yeah, were supposed to be friends right? Why don't we act like it?" I smirked and he side eyed me.

"Alright well. I'm 24 years old live alone in a penthouse here in New York. I grew up living with my mother and doing everything that I can to get here in life." He shrugged at the end and I nodded.

"Man your old." I sighed and took a sip of my water.

Man I wish I could drink cause I kinda need one right now. He furrowed his brows at me and I perched my lips together.

"I just turned 19 not too long ago."

"Really you seem a few years older? How old is your girl?"

"We're the same age."


"Yea. Look I get it if you don't want t-" I started to say before he cut me off.

"No it's fine." He reassured me with a glance and I sat back down.

We sat in comfortable silence for a few moments before he spoke again.

"Tell me about yourself."

"Well my childhood wasn't that great. Everything was pretty much everything. I did what I had to do in order to get where I am today pretty much and Beyonce helped me through a he'll of a lot." I said not really sure about how to approach anything really.

"Well... Okay. What exactly did you have to do?"

"Let's just say get some thick ass skin, cause if not," I made a face and raised my eyebrows. "I'd be a completely different person right now."

"I feel you on that one."


Beyonce p.o.v

I don't know why I even came to this club cause bin not even the party type. I've literally been sitting in the corner thia whole time drinking a fucking sprite cause I can't have any alcohol. I sighed and checked my phone. Only to see that I had no notifications as if I even have fucking friends. I sighed and locked it and looked up a curly haired girl smiled down at me.

"Hey Blondie this seat taken?" She eyed the empty booth around me and I shook me head.

"You aren't from here are you?" She said scooting in next to me with a smile.

"No I am not." I smiled back and she sighed of relief.

"Thank god. I was looking for something new I think I found it. Listen do you wanna get out of here." I looked at her skeptically.

"Don't worry I'm not a fucking ax murder you'll be fine." She waved me off then flashed her pearly whites.

"Fine." I laughed a bit and followed her out the door.

We walked along the curb and she looped her arm through mine.

"So what made you come to New York?" She asked as we turned the corner.

"A new life." I shrugged.

"Family life that bad huh?"

"Mmm not exactly, but your close enough."

"Mmm I feel you." She said and pulled out a cigarette.

"How old are you?" I asked as she lit her cigarette.

"20 what about you?" She puffed out and slid her lighter in her pocket.


"Great so your not too old to come here." She stopped walking and looked up.

We were at the park. I laughed and followed her over to the swings. Maybe this New York thing was gonna be okay.

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