The Island With No Parallel

By Celesteharte

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Highest rating: #364 in Historical Fiction!!! Completed! The kingdom of Ecencia is in danger of its own princ... More

Uncle Stretton's Visit
Necklace (edited)
Spanish Baron (part 1)
Spanish Baron (part 2)
The Ancient Ones
The Letter
The Chosen
Family History
The General of Fear (part 1)
The General of Fear (part 2)
A Letter to My Son
Step Into Caorfi (part 1)
Step Into Caorfi (part 2)
Revett (Part 1)
Revett (Part 2)
The Spy (part 1)
The Spy (part 2)
Two Foreign Maids (Part 1)
Two Foreign Maids (Part 2)
A Killer at the Party
Raided (part 1)
Raided (part 2)
Shattered (part 1)
Shattered (part 2)
Murky Waters (part 1)
Murky Waters (part 2)
Reflections of the Past
Torches and Pitchforks in France (part 1)
Torches and Pitchforks in France (part 2)
A Portal in the Plaza
Lord Luca Valentwood
The Golden Ram
A Game of Saahd'man
Deals and Contracts
The Dead Queen's Request (part 1)
The Dead Queen's Request (part 2)
The Wisdom of the Imanu
A Tale Finally Told
Lurking in the Depths
A Battle Awaited for Centuries

The Scholar

24 4 7
By Celesteharte

The tangy wine that surged heat up Yunara's face didn't help the burn she'd felt in her cheeks and the fluttering in her heart since Manuel kissed her. He kept looking at her from his seat across from her on the Fas' couch, his heated stare burning her into the seat.

They were enjoying treats native to Gaiza to go along with their wine in their lavish parlour. A servant brought a tray full of olives, grapes, and spicy cheeses. They were all bursting with flavor, and Yunara remembered that around this time of year was the height of the harvest season for them from her conversations with the castle's cook.

She thought about the last thing Manuel'd said before they were interrupted. Was he serious? Was he really willing to live in Caorfi rather than his luxurious manor in Spain? Was that even possible? What would become of his property and the servants? She felt fairly certain that he wouldn't leave them without work, but he would lose everything he worked so hard to have if he came to live on Caorfi. This was so different from the man she met when she first came to Earth, kind, but so stiff and unfeeling. And then later, rude and selfish. Had she really inspired this change in him, like he said?

As she reflected back on their conversation, she couldn't believe how open she felt with him. She'd never told her whole story to anyone but Cadri. And yet it felt so natural when she was with him. It was the first time she ever felt comfortable opening up to anyone because she always felt like a burden. But he didn't make her feel like a burden at all. He let his guard down to her for the first time, and she felt she could let hers down as well.

It seemed he really meant it when he said he loved her.

"Now then, about this scholar you're looking for." Jahlro popped an olive in her mouth with a hand decked with rings that twinkled in the soft light of the candles.

Yunara was snatched away from her thoughts. She had to concentrate on what they were there for.

"What exactly are you looking for? Here in Gaiza, we have many different kinds of scholars and philosophers with many different specialties. There are specialists in life, love, finances, trade, even some that are credited to predicting the future. Not to mention they cost a pretty penny."

"Actually," said Manuel. "We've heard of one in particular that they say is very good. Do you know anyone by the name Shi'ran?"

"You mean Shi'ran Dul?" Kindi's voice was startlingly deep, especially considering it was officially the second time Yunara had ever heard him speak. "He's been missing for weeks."

The room fell into dead silence.

Jahlro's dark eyes widened. "Oh, I hope that isn't what you came to Elven country for. Yes, it's quite mysterious. No one knows where he is or what happened to him."

The three of them could only look to each other in despair for lack of words. What would they do now? Did the Aracs get to him before they could? If they didn't find Shi'ran, it was all over. They would have come this far for nothing. There had to be a way to find him in time.

"Yes, quite," Kindi stroked his generous and white beard. "The only thing left of him anyone found–"

"That's right!" Jahlro's eyes suddenly lit up. "There was a note on his door that no one could figure out the meaning of. What did it say, Kindi?"

"I believe it said–"

"Ah, yes, now I remember. It's quite mysterious. 'When the silver begins to sing, the monkey will lead down the blazen road even better than a valiant steed.' Rather scandalous isn't it? Some believe he's made a retreat to gain more wisdom. Others think it might be some coded message to another scholar wise enough to decipher it. Some even think it's a clue for someone to rescue him. No one really knows. If you'd like, I can recommend other scholars–"

Kailu jumped to the edge of her seat, her pointed ears perking up. "Where is this note?"

Jalhro was taken back by her suddenness, her eyebrow arching. "I-it was found on his front door. What, don't tell me you know what it means?"

"No, just an idea." She leaned back and sipped on her wine as if nothing even happened, straightening her skirt as she added, "What's his address, by the way?"

This time, Jalhro didn't interrupt as Kindi said, "I shall write it down for you. Please, do inform us if you find any clues, regardless. We do worry for any members of the elite that may be in some sort of peril, you understand."

Kailu smiled. "Of course."


"Are you going to tell us what the message means already?"

Yunara's eyes were heavy. Their drinks with the Fas' ended late, and as much as she wanted to go back to the "inn", Kailu demanded that they investigate the scholar's house immediately, and that there was not a moment to spare. And apparently, giving an explanation along the way was out of the question. But of course, this was Kailu, so no drama could be spared, Yunara supposed.

"Isn't it obvious?" Kailu was gesturing to the thick wood double doors to the enormous estate they were approaching. In comparison to Lord and Lady Fas' ornate manor, it wasn't as grandiose. The word was more... whimsical. Behind them was an enormous man-made pond that probably stretched a few dozen feet long, the driveway leading up to the home wrapping all around it just to reach the house. All along the pond were shrubs and flowers that hugged the rim of it, but none of it was manicured in any way. The bushes were an unruly mess of leaves and flowers that spilled all over the road. Tall, wide grass blades grew all in between every which space they could fit, even coming out between bushes or through an overturned stone in the rim that closed off the pond from passersby.

The house itself was unusually colorful, the walls a bright red, contrasted by black wooden pillars that created the patio they stood on at the front door. The oddest thing were these brass rings that hung from the ceiling of the patio, their size reminding Yunara of the small hoops the dancers at the Qundi swung around their hips. They were sporadically spread across the patio ceiling, with no obvious purpose.

Kailu had a lantern that they'd gotten from a local merchant that illuminated the beautiful lettering on the note that was stuck to the door, written exactly as Jahlro described.

When the silver begins to sing,

The monkey will lead

Down the blazen road

Even better than a valiant steed.

- Shi'ran Dul

As Yunara and Manuel merely responded with puzzled expressions, Kailu rolled her eyes as if the answer was plain as day. "It's not a code at all. It means exactly what it says. Yunara, you have one of those silver bells in your bag, right?"

Once the realization dawned on her, Yunara slapped her forehead. She took out the bell, Kailu swiping it from her hand and letting it ring softly.

They paused, but nothing happened. No animals appearing out of nowhere. Nothing.

Manuel crossed his arms, arching his eyebrow. "And this couldn't have waited until tomorrow because...?"

"The faster we act the better!"

"It's probably two in the morning by now!"

"But think about it. Do you really think Lord and Lady Fas can be trusted? Luca was pursued for being Chosen even before we came for him. I don't know how, but I think the Aracs have a way of knowing who we are, and they've somehow sent the word out for others to come after us. Especially the ones that aren't with us yet, like Valentini. Lady Fas even knew what the note said. Kindi wanted us to inform them if we found anything! They may be looking for him as much as we are."

Suddenly a chill went down Yunara's spine. She hadn't thought about that.

Manuel shook his head. "Then if that's your thinking, who's to say it wasn't an Arac that took him? This could be a trap for all of us, if that's the case. Either way, there's a million different ways to interpret this ludicrous message, all of which can be evaluated in the morning because I don't see any monkeys around here. Do you?"

He started going back towards the carriage.

Kailu spun around, stomping her foot. "Oh, get back here! The note doesn't make any sense otherwise, and you know it! Just give it another moment."

He turned back around, glancing at his pocket watch and wiping at baggy eyes. He gave a gesture of "go ahead", stifling a yawn as he did.

Another ring filled the air a little more forcefully as Kailu shook it with vigor. "Hellooo? Any leading monkeys around here?"

"You don't have to shout, I'm sitting right here."

The three of them jumped as a monkey appeared at the door, staring them all down dubiously. The orangutan sat with its legs crossed, scratching at its honey colored fur, though not for a moment taking its eyes off of them.

Kailu frowned. "Have you been here all this time?"

The monkey rolled his eyes, pointing to the note on the door. "I'm always here, per Shi'ran's request. I don't know why I agreed to it. I was supposed to wait for the Chosen to come looking for him. I'm assuming that would be you three. It would explain why you have such powerful auras, certainly."

Manuel stopped him. "Wait. Shi'ran knew we were coming?"

"Yes. The Ancient Ones chose him and told him so, as they've done with all of you. But to avoid the enemy that pursued him on a constant basis, he hid himself away and left me to wait for you all to arrive."

"So I was right!" Kailu beamed. Then the smile fell and she raised a hand to her hip, an eyebrow shooting up. "Wait, but then why didn't you come when I rang the bell earlier? You were here the whole time!"

The monkey spread his hands as if the answer was obvious. "Well, how am I supposed to know you're talking to me if you don't call for me like you did just now?"

"Who else would we be talking to? I don't see any other Unseeables here."

This time the orangutan's eyes widened as if a realization just dawned on him, and he nodded his head. "You really don't, do you?" his eyes began to glow a bright orange, glancing over them all with a gaze like he could see into their very soul. "Ah, I see, you've only just begun your journey into seeing the Unseen. How amusing. Oh, I do miss the days when mortals could see us much easier. But I suppose we must start somewhere to repair centuries worth of damage."

For an instant, a strange look shadowed the monkey's face, but it was gone as quickly as it came. If Yunara didn't know any better, she would have said it was sadness.

But the orangutan didn't leave any room for her to speculate. The glow dimmed from his eyes. "Very well, I will take you to see my friend Shi'ran, but first, it would serve you to take a moment and really take in your surroundings. The Aracs have been... daring as of late. It would serve you to be aware of us. I can sense you've only just begun learning to open your eyes, and it would be wise to make a habit of doing it often. Go ahead, really take a good look around at where you are. You must become more aware if you want to follow down this road you've chosen."

Lorenn flew down and perched herself on the monkey's shoulder at that moment. "A wonderful idea! Go ahead. It's really wonderful here."

Yunara turned around, concentrating hard on her surroundings. Then she remembered Lorenn's words from when she practiced this very same thing. Don't try so hard. Let it come naturally. When she relaxed, she drew a breath, and she heard Kailu beside her saying, "Wow."

They were surrounded by Unseeables. Swans sparkled into existence in the pond, flying into the water and settling as they swam across. Little bear cubs ran all along the driveway, playing in the wild shrubbery that surrounded the pond like it was their playground, the mama bears not too far behind, wandering around the driveway like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Then there were creatures Yunara had never seen before. An animal that looked like a cross between a lizard and a butterfly flew onto one of the brass rings, perching itself comfortably on its surface and falling asleep. Then she realized that all of the brass rings had these creatures on them.

The Lorenn saw their expressions and smiled. "You're beginning to see the more harder to see creatures of our species. They're another race of Unseeables called Imanu, and they're incredibly difficult for mortals to see if they're not extremely aware. They speak only the language of the Ancients, and you would need an Unseeable to translate a conversation with one for you, if they're willing to communicate. They're not as open as we are. But they have a great deal more power, and usually specialize in a particular ability." she started hopping up and down, her wings fluttering. "Oh, this is so exciting! The change is starting! It's been so long since communications have been so fluid with mortals like this!"

Yunara was speechless. The creatures around her were so beautiful. But then, for these creatures to be here...

Manuel spoke what she was thinking. "Wait, did Shi'ran already have a relationship with the Unseeables before we came looking for him?"

The orangutan nodded. "Long, long, before any of you knew about us. But I'm sure he would like to give you all the details himself. Come. I'll take you to where he's hiding."

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