Roommates (An Alex Ernst Fanf...

By everlustingly

124K 1.9K 524

Dakota Denley is looking for an apartment in LA after her and her boyfriend suffer a horrible breakup and she... More

1: Moving out
2: Roommate Ad
3: Getting Ready
4: Meeting the Roommates
5: The First Vlog
6: Welcome Party
7: Movie Day
8: Kota's First Youtube Video
9: David Suprises Us
10: Modeling Gig in Mexico
11: FaceTime Calls
12: Reunited
13: The First Kiss
14: Car Ride
15: Pool Party
16: Editing and Cuddles
17: The First Date
18: Coming out About Us Video
19: Pranks, Pranks, Pranks
20: Hanging out at the House
21: Bad News
22: Airport
23: Meeting the Family
24: Couple in Love (WARNING: SMUT)
25: I Love You to the Moon, Back Around the World Three Times and to my Heart
26: Comfort Cuddles
27: Goodbye, Mom
29: Boyfriend does my Makeup Challenge
30: Nerf Gun Fights and a New Piercing
31: New Video and Live Show
32: Girls Day
33: Mini Golf
34: Skateboarding and Filming With Kristen
35: Caught Cheating
36: Hiding Out
37: Baking With Todd
38: Seeing Alex
39: Busted
40: Photoshoot
41: Cutting My Hair
42: Vlog Squad Vacation
43: Private Jet and Florida
44: Beach and Fighting
45: Making Up and the Twins
46: Fair and Feelings
47: Old Man Prank
48: Bailey
49: Party and New Car
50: My Forever

28: Back to L.A.

1.7K 31 6
By everlustingly

"Dakota! Alex! Over here!" David yells, waving to us after we get off the plane.

Alex and I walk over to him, dragging our suitcases behind us. As soon as we reach him, David pulls me into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry, Dakota," he whispers.

"Thanks, David. But I'm okay," I assure him, and David goes over to hug Alex.

I watch as the two hug and pat each other on the back, and I take a picture on my Snapchat of them doing it and post it on my story for all the fans to see. It was quite adorable how different the two act off camera, and how much they truly do love each other.

When all three of us are done hugging, David leads us to his car and starts talking as soon as we get inside.

"Alright so I have an idea," David starts off.

"Oh, come on, David. We just got home and you're already trying to force us into your crazy ideas?" Alex, who's sitting in the front next to David, groans.

"It's not a bad one. I just want you guys to text the group chat saying that your flight got delayed so you won't be home until tomorrow, and then when the whole vlog squad hangs out tonight, you all can surprise them," David explains.

"This is going to end up like the Heath surprise where no one cared or was excited because no one likes me," Alex scoffs.

"Okay, if you don't want to do it, then we can surprise them with Kota. When we go to the party tonight we'll tell everyone that Kota wanted to stay with her family so she's staying for a month, and then we'll get Dom to dress up in a mailman outfit and deliver a package which has Kota inside of it," David says.

"How the hell do you come up with these kinds of things on the spot?" I ask, laughing.

"I don't know, really," David laughs. "But what do you say, will you do it?"

"Yeah, sure. I don't see why not," I shrug.

David smiles when I agree and let's out a small "yes" making me giggle.

Soon enough, we reach the apartment and David insists on carrying my suitcase. I let him, mostly because my arms are tired and so am I, and we walk up to the apartment.

Once we get inside, we're immediately welcomed by Dom.

"Hey, Kota! I missed you," Dom says, pulling me into a hug.

While we're hugging, Dom whispers to me. "I'm sorry about your mom."

"Thanks, I missed you too," I tell him and pull away.

"Come on, you didn't miss me?" Alex pouts when Dom doesn't say anything to him.

"No, not really. There weren't any broken tables while you were gone so I actually a place to eat for once," Dom shrugs and walks away. We all laugh as he does this, and David hands me my suitcase so I can unpack.

Alex and I walk into our room and begin to unpack our things. Since we were only in Miami for a couple of days, it doesn't take us too long to take everything out of our suitcases and put them where they belong.

When we're done, we change into our clothes for the vlog squad hang out tonight, and luckily I don't have to do my makeup again since I already had it done from my moms ashes spreading earlier today.

After we do that, we make our way into the living room where David and Dom are.

Dom is dressed in a mailman costume already, making me wonder where he got it from.

"David, do you just happen to have a shit ton of random costumes laying around?" I ask him, my hands on my hips.

"Yes, actually," David laughs. "And good thing you two are finished, because we need to leave. Alex, get the box from my room and let's get going."

Alex walks down the hallway and come back with a giant cardboard box. He carries it as all four of us walk to David's car, and puts it in the backseat.

Dom and Alex sit in the back this time, leaving me to sit in the front. As soon as we start driving off, David starts talking to his camera.

"Alright guys, So Dakota and Alex just got home from visiting Dakota family in Florida, and all of our friends have missed her very much. I'm not exactly sure if they missed Alex, so that's why were only surprising them with Kota," David explains, laughing.

"So what were going to do is we have Dom dressed in a mailman costume and a big cardboard box, as you can see. Alex will explain to our friends how Dakota felt bad about not seeing her family so she stayed in Miami for a little while longer. Then, we're going to put Dakota in the cardboard box and have Dom 'deliver' her to the house. Then once we bring her inside and we open the box, Dakota will jump out of it and surprise everyone," he says.

We chat for a few more minutes about how the plan is going to work, before we finally reach the house and Alex and David get out of the car. Alex puts his phone in his pocket, which is calling me so I can hear everything they're saying so I can tell Dom when it's time to ring the doorbell.

I listen as Alex and David are greeted by everyone, and how people tell Alex that they missed him and ask about the trip.

"It was great, I got to meet Kota's family and everything so it was definitely an amazing experience," Alex tells them.

"Meeting her family already? Things are getting serious I see," Jason teases Alex.

Alex laughs at this, but continues anyways.

"But Dakota felt bad about not seeing her family for a while and that she was going to have to leave them all right after her mom died, so she decided to stay in Miami for a little while longer. She said shes going to stay for a month, maybe more," Alex follows along with the plan.

"A month? I miss my bestie," Toddy groans.

After Alex and I started dating, Toddy and I grew very close. I needed a new best friend since I was dating mine, and Toddy filled that position. Liza also became my best friend, too, and we have gotten really close as well.

"I miss her too. I have so much to tell her, I can't wait a month to see her again!" Liza exclaims.

"Maybe we should all fly out to Florida to see her," Scotty suggests.

"Yeah! Let's do it. David, we need you to buy us all plane tickets to Florida!" Jason laughs.

They all joke around and talk for a few moments more, before David coughs and asks Alex about his day, our signal for me to get in the box and ring the doorbell.

I give Dom a thumbs up and hang up my call with Alex. Then, I get inside the box, crouching down, and listen as Dom tapes it up and rings the doorbell.

We wait a few moments, before David comes to the door.

"Package delivery," Dom says in a fake deep voice.

"Thanks," David says, and picks me up in the box and brings me inside.

"Guys, it was a package delivery," David explains, putting me on the floor.

"Don't open it, it might be a bomb," Zane jokes.

"Did we order anything, guys?" Scotty asks.

"I didn't think so. Let's open it and see what's inside, I guess," Toddy suggests, and I listen as someone walks away, so get scissors or a knife I assume.

I watch as a knife is stabbed into the box and rips the tape open, and soon enough the box is open and I leap up.

"Surprise?" I say, shrugging.

"Dakota!" Everyone choruses, and I'm immediately enveloped in many, many hugs.

"I missed you!" Toddy exclaims, pulling me tight against him.

"I missed you most!" Liza exclaims, and everyone tells me how they're sorry for my loss, how much they missed me, and so fourth.

In this moment, I feel the most loved that I ever have. I'm in a room with everyone that loves and cares for me, and I feel my heart soar just thinking about it. I silently thank David for this prank, because it makes me realize how thankful I am that I moved into the apartment and met all of these sweet, amazing people. Moving into the apartment was by far the best decision of my life.

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