The Assassination Classroom i...

By Plushy_plue

219K 6.3K 4.8K

A teenager named {y/n} was visiting their grandma in America, a typical otaku. However, one night while going... More

The night that changed you forever
Goodbye America...hello Japan
My new home?!
Bitch-sensei pt2
Tch Bastard!!
My first mission!!
Dumb Assembly
I can go home!! Wait why are they here?
No way!!! Ouran kids!
I saved Haruhi just in time!
Cool!! I get to stay with the Ouran kids!!
My new abilities
Heading back home
I meet Itona!
Finally test day
Our trip to Kyoto!!!
Kyoto pt 2
I hate this!
I didnt mean too....
Bitch-sensei v.s Karasuma
Human target
Movie trip to America!!!
You know them!?
A sleepover at my house!?
Ugh give me a break!?
Valentines day special
We meet again
Part of the truth revealed
Ciel Phantomhive house
Why is Karma so mad?
We wont lose the game! Not again!
Oh fuck yes!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course it had to happen
They're here!
Take that back!!!!
That was close
I was so scared...
Holy shit....I'm going to die
I just made a new enemy
It'll soon be over
I really need some rest
God damn it why!!? (part 1)
No... (part 2)
Swimming pool!!!
I'm going to kill him!!!!
Final exam begins pt1
Let the battle's begin!!! pt 2
Well I'm fucked
Little Clarification
Final battle part 1
Shit is getting interesting pt 2
Things cant get worse...right?
Under Cover mission!
It's actually him...
Its all over
The book isnt over!
I cant stay here anymore
Training camp?

Transfer student

3.5K 100 11
By Plushy_plue

I've been so tired ever since out trip to Kyoto, by body was still healing from all those injuries. Heh I really am reckless aren't I?

I yawn as I walk to school, I woke up late. I hope Karasuma won't be mad. As I got to the beginning of the mountain I heard whispers about me being in class E blah blah whatever.

I looked up as saw that class A brat. What was his name?? "Asano Gakushū" I said his name and stopped in my tracks as we made eye contact. Ugh I hate that cocky look in his eyes!!

"Well well look who we have here? The class E transfer student, heh she probably don't know what I'm saying" he grins to himself like he said the smartest thing ever. 
I sighed. "I don't understand you classA brats and your grade system. Honestly I should be graduating high school right now." I wasn't in the mood to deal with this.

He looked shock "Tch just continue walking  Einstein wanna-be" I walked away and could practically feel his glares.

I made it to the building but hopping through the trees since it's quicker and funner that way.

"Sorry I'm late gu-" I was cut off as I saw the class around this giant rectangle box. Ohh right the military's way in trying to help. Ritsu
I went to my seat and put my head down

"How does this not bother you one bit {y/n}?" Nagisa asked
"Huh? Oh that? As long as I don't get hit I'll be fine" I smiled
"Hit?" He looked confused

I was about to say why I said that when the screen turned on showing a teen age girls head with light purple pink hair.

"Hello everyone my name is 'Autonomous Intelligence Foxes Artillery' I was sent here to help with your assassination." She said in a monotone voice
"Cool! How's that going to go when you don't have um arms?" Rio asked

She then pulled out machine guns from out of no where, demonstrating that she works best with shooting. "ILL help by trying to get accurate shooting of him."

Everyone was amazed and trying to ask more questions until Karasuma came in.

"Hello everyone, as you may know this is our new transfer student. She's kinda different but she's just like any of you. Which means" he looks at Sensei "Which means she will not be harmed"
"Nuhfufufuf my my isn't that a little unfair" Koro-Sensei face turned with green strips.
I rolled my eyes, "Grr that isn't fair" I mumbled
Karasuma sighs because he knows what I'm talking about.
"What do you mean {y/n}?" Nagisa asked
"The military gave the authorization for sensei to attack me with no consequences" I sigh
"Ehhh?! But your a student!" Kayano say with a bit worry
"Yea, but I'm a human experiment. My senses are heightened by 95% along with speed and agility. I'm no ordinary student." I smiled slightly as they looked amazed.

Rio was about to ask more questions when sensei jumped in

"Ok ok we can ask questions later but now it's time for history!" He said as we all got ready to learn.

It was 20 minutes into teaching when I noticed that machine was scanning everything. The class didn't notice it sadly. Just then her screen turned on. "Uh oh" I said as I went under my table with a book covering my head
"Uh why are you doing that?" Karma said
"You'll find out soon" I said.

He was about to speak when about 6 machine guns came out from the sides of the machine and started shooting bb bullets at sensei. Some kids were caught while others confused.

"This is a lot noisier in person!!!" I yell as I hear a few girls scream
"Come on! Seriously!" Rio yelled.

After what seems forever that this thing was shooting, I got up and looked around the class.
"Aw man! Now we gotta clean this up!" I grabbed my head
"What the hell?!" Rio yelled at the machine

Kayano walked up to it since it put the guns away, it's started calculating the attack

"Oh shit! Kayano look out!" Just as I finished that statement the guns came out again and she was in the way. I jumped in front of her, pulling her to the floor and covering her. A few hit my head "Tch"

Sense I was dodging again "Tch don't you ever learn?" 'She's shooting in the same pattern as last, so if I dodge this one with the chalk then-'

He was cut of from thought when a B.B. but his tentacle, which caused it to shatter.

"No way?!" "She actually made a hit.."

"Most likely to killing you on next attack... 0.001%" it analyzed. "Probability on killing you on the attack after that... less than 0.003%" "Probability on killing you before graduation... 90%" her face came on, you can practically feel the tension in the air.

"This isn't going to end well" I growled. "Stay down guys!" I yelled as the machine started shooting again.

Karasuma and bitch-sensei was out of the class room safe, Tch lucky. I started to dodge the bullets as I made my way to the door. I opened it and forced my way through "I'm finally out that war zone." I sighed

"Hey {y/n}, will this work?" He asked with a serious tone "If it would work do you think I'll be here? Or Bitch-Sensei" I glared as she walked away and he sighed in frustration.

"Well if you excuse me, I have a robot to tape shut!" I growled and went in the door.

It seem to calm down, but she shot one last one.
"It's finally done-" I was cut off with one hitting me right in the middle of my forehead.

"I seem to hit the wrong target my apologies"

I looked at her with a glare, I stepped forward "You bucket of bolts...I'm going to tear your as-" Karma covered my mouth and held me back so I wouldn't attack her. I struggled to get to that machine!!!
"Woah there girly, let's save that energy for cleaning this up" he smiled and blew on my ear which causes me to freeze. Jerk....

We was stuck with the mess. "Ugh!" We all growled in annoyance.

This damn machine was shooting alllllll day!!! Like come on!!

Next day—

I got there extra early, I grabbed some tape from the office and went to the robot "It's time to put your guns away, the class will be the one to take him out" I grinned evilly and taped her so the gun won't come out.

I sat in my seat with a triumph smile, "Good-morning {y/n} you seem happy?" Nagisa said, I nod and hummed a song. "Why your so happy?" Karma said in front of me. I just pointed to the machine. "Nice one" he smiles and gave me a high five.

Once everyone got in they were god that she was taped up. When sensei was in front of the class ready to teach, the machine turned on. 

"Can you please remove this tape so I can do my calculations. And I believe this goes against the contract you made with no harm to your students." She said to sensei
"Actually I was the one who did that" I spin the tape around my finger
"Well may I ask you to remove them"
"No way in hell, your just going to shoot again while they are trying to learn!" I stood up
"Yea! And that leaves us to clean up the mess!" Sugino pointed out.

I left the room as they continued teaching. I
went to the office to talk to Karasuma

"Ne Karasuma what's the plan with that thing?" I opened the door to find him talking to the scientist who made her on video call
"Sir Karasuma who is that?" One said
"Oh that is the American" Jeez is that the name they use to talk about me? I gave a small pout
"Well this is classified information, we don't need a child to listen to this? The other said angry
"Excuse me? Who are you calling a kid? For your information I can take down that octopus faster than your machine, don't test me baldy!" I growled as my eyes changed color.
"Huh?! Why you little-!" He was cut off "Ok ok calm down" Karasuma held the bridge of his nose. "Are you going to let her talk to us like that!!"
"Actually yes, she is right with what she said. If you see her in action you'll understand"
I stood behind him and grinned. They didn't like that response.
"Whatever, but as I was saying, we can't allow that octopus to touch that robot, he might reprogram her in ways that'll be inconvenient for us" the baldy said
"Yes we understand." Karasuma nods and they log off.

"Ugh I can't stand the military, treating me like a kid." I growled
"Well to them you are a kid who we picked up." He puts his stuff away for the end of the day
"Yes but I have a name. Not The American kid" I raised my brow.

He smiles slightly and pays my head. "Don't worry kiddo I know that." I giggle
"Let's head home, I gotta up your dosage for the drug, captain orders"
"Ugh nooooo" I fake being hurt and ran out the door as I heard him laugh.

I ran back to the class to find them leaving.  "Yo {y/n} let's go home together" Karma said
"Sure". I grabbed my back as he went to the from
"Ne sensei, make sure you give her a nice personality" I grinned as his face turned with green strips. "I have no idea what your talking about." I giggled and left to walk home with Karma.

As we were walking, we was talking about anything and everything. But then the topic of my family came up...

"Do you know when you'll be able to see them again?" He asked as he kicked a can
"No actually, after that time we went to the beach Karasuma said it's risky to keep in contact" I sighed and kick the van to him
"Why so?"
"I don't know..I'm trying to figure that out myself" I kicked it harder and it landed in the trash can. "Yes! Five bucks please!" I smiled and held out my hand
"Lucky shot" he grinned and handed me the money.

We both laughed a little longer, until we heard someone speak behind us.

We turned around to see that class A jerk

"Ugh come on I just want to go home in peace" I sigh
He glared at me and I rolled my eyes, but I felt Karma tense up. So he got closer to me which caused me to look up at him.
"Aw look it here, Karma is acting protective over his little girlfriend" Was that supposed to be a insult?
"At least I have have a pretty one and not one of those hags with pimples and acne all over their faces from the human labor you A-class give" he grinned and wrapped his arm around me. I held the bridge of my nose and sighed
"Ugh boys"
"Heh your starting to look like Karasuma doing that" he grinned as I punched his arm playfully
"Tch whatever, at least we didn't bomb our finals" he tried to act cocky
"Yea yea whatever, you still came in second place" I sticked my tongue out at him as his face got red from being flustered and anger.
"Let's go!" Karma grabbed my hand as we ran home so we don't have to hear what he'll say. 

We laughed all the way there. "Did you see his face!!!" We stoops in front of my place
"Yes!! It was as red as your hair!" We laughed harder.

After about 5 minutes of laughing we stopped and was about to head inside.

"Yo American, don't leave without me you hear that?" He said at the door
"Whatever!! Of course I'll wait for you tomato" I smiled and went inside.

When I got home Karasuma and the military were there.

"What's going on?" I put my bag down
"This dosage is supposed to be stronger, and different." He looked upset
"I don't trust it, what would it do to me?"
"We'll have to see."

A few men grabbed me and pulled me to my room. "What the hell?!" I kicked one in the balls and hit the other in the throat. Just then more came and forced me on my bed and held me down

"What's the meaning of this!!" Karasuma yelled
"I know you won't be able to do it so I'll do it for you" The general grinned and took the gun that had the drug
"You get away from me you old man!!" I struggled against all 5 of them
"Let her be!!" Karasuma was being held back. I looked at him with scared eyes and he looked back with just as much fear.

"No!!! Stop it!!" I try to move my arms as he got the drug in me.

"No!!!" Karasuma yelled as I slowly blacked out.

I'm sorry for the late chapter but I have a longer one than normal (I think) I hope you enjoy!

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