Life In Gravity Falls (dipper...

By IvBeauty

481K 9.9K 21.6K

You're a girl who lives and works at the Mystery Shack after you're whole family mysteriously disappears and... More

Ep.1: Tourist Trapped
Ep.2: Legend Of Gobblewonker
Ep.3: Head Hunters
Ep.4: The Hand That Rocks The Mabel
Ep.5: The Inconveniencing
Ep.6: Dipper Vs. Manliness
Ep.7: Double Dipper
Ep.8: Irrational Treasure
Ep.9: The Time Traveler's Pig
Ep.10: Fight Fighters
Ep.11: Little Dipper
Ep.12: Summerween
Ep.13: Boss Mabel
Ep.14: Bottomless Pit
Ep.15: The Deep End
Ep.16: Carpet Diem
Ep.17: Boyz Crazy
Ep.18: Land Before Swine
Ep.19: Dreamscaperers
Ep.20: Gideon Rises
Mabel's Guide To Life!!!
Dipper's Guide To The Unexplained
Season 2/Ep.1: Scary-Oke
Ep.2: Into The Bunker
Ep.3: The Golf War
Ep.4: The Sock Opera
Ep.5: Soos and The Real Girl
Ep.6: Little Gift Shop of Horrors
Ep.7: Society Of The Blind Eye
Ep.8: Blendin's Game
Ep.9: The Love God
Ep.10: Northwest Mantion Mystery
Ep.11: Not What He Seems
Ep 12: A Tale Of Two Stans
Ep.13: Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons
Ep.14: The Stanchurian Candidate
Ep.15: The Last Mabelcorn
Extra Ep: See The Memories, Reveal The Past
Ep.17: Dipper and Mabel Vs The Future
Ep.18: Weirdmageddon Pt.1
Ep.19: Weirdmageddon Pt.2: Escape From Reality
Ep.20: Weirdmaggedon Pt.3: Take Back The Falls
A Chrismas Surprise
Special Message
Omg hi!!
Hello From Six Years Later?!

Ep.16: Roadside Attraction

10.6K 214 806
By IvBeauty

Your POV

Even though seeing my memories took a tole on me, I've managed to keep my normal attitude. The conversation I had with Dipper helped me. A lot. It wouldn't leave my mind, especially the part where we almost kissed. But none of us had brought it up.

Anyways, every year the Mystery Shack competitors prank the shack, so Stan decided to go on a road trip!!! I was so excited!!! I went outside with my bag ready. Soos was putting up some luggage, Stan was putting some bumperstickers in the RV, while Dipper stared at it in confusion.

Dipper's POV

Ever since (y/n) and I almost kissed I've been trying to talk to her about it, but whenever I try to I just can't get the words out of my mouth! Maybe this road trip can be my chance to finally ask her out. I hope...

Stan: And don't forget the bug spray!!! It's perfect for spraying in the face of hitchhikers!!!

You: Got it in my backpack!

Stan: Haha, nice!

Dipper: Whoa, an RV? Camping gear? Are you running from the law again?

Soos: Dude, it's the ultimate Oregon road trip adventure!!!

Stan: More like revenge trip.

Dipper: Huh?

You: Every year the tourist trap competitor's prank the Mystery Shack.

Stan: Last year those hooligans duck taped Soos to the ceiling.

Soos: That was a fun seventy eight hours!!!

You: *sarcastically* What was fun was getting you down from there.

Stan: Well, no more!!! *gives Dipper an Oregon pamphlet* This year we're visiting every tourist trap along the Redwood Highway and I'm gonna prank back every single one!!!

Mabel, Candy, and Grenda: *walk near you*

Grenda: Bow-wow!!! Time to let the road dogs bark!!!

Candy: That is us!!! We are the road dogs!!!

Mabel: Thanks for letting me bring Candy and Grenda along for our road trip, Grunkle Stan!!!

Stan: The more the merrier!!! Just sign these non-disclosure agreements. *gives Candy and Grenda some papers* None of your parents are lawyers, right?

You, Candy, Grenda, and Stan: *enter the RV*

Soos: *jumps down* What do you say, dude? You coming?

Mabel: I already went through the of packing all your stuff!!! Even the stuff you kept in that secret box under the bed!!! *drops the box revealing many pictures of you* What the-?!? Whaaaaat's thaaaaaat?

Dipper: *while taking the pictures* U-uh- nothing! Just... (y/n)... stuff...

Mabel and Soos: *groan*

Mabel: Bro, I thought we agreed that you were gonna confess to her!!!

Dipper: I know, I know, and I was going to, but there have been too many things happening, and besides, what if she doesn't like me back?!?

Soos: Dude, you have to get that out of your head.

Mabel: Soos is right, Dipper. You can't think about it too much! C'mon, it's time to go.

Mabel was right, I knew she was right. I've been trying to confess but for some reason it's just been so nerve-wracking!!! But I had to tell her, sooner or later...

Mabel, Candy, Grenda, and (y/n) were all sitting on the table behind us. I could see (y/n) with her journal open as she stared off through the window. The light from the sun lighting up her facial features. God, she was so beautiful.

Grenda: Man, RVs are amazing!!! I can't believe we're sitting at a table in a moving vehicle!!!

Candy: Ooh!!! Informational travel pamphlets!!! I want to read them all and gain their travel knowledge!!!

Stan: Kid, those useless pamphlets have never helped a single person. The only wrinkly old travel guide you'll need is me. Now look alive, we're coming up on an attraction run by the most black hearted proprietor in all of Oregon!!!

We made it to Granny Sweetkin's Yarnball. It looked harmless, I don't know why Stan wanted to prank this person. When we left the RV...

Stan: Don't let the face fool you, this woman lit my car on fire on two non-consecutive occasions.

Dipper, Mabel, Candy, and Grenda: *stare at the massive yarn ball in amazement*

You: *laugh* You guys coming in~?!?

Mabel: You can get in?!?!?

You: Come and find out!!!

Mabel, Candy, and Grenda: *enter the yarn ball*

Dipper: ...

You: Aren't you coming?!?

Dipper: I uh- *clears his throat* I'll just wait out here for Stan to give me the signal.

You: Ok, suit yourself!!! *enter the yarn ball*

Dipper: ...

Stan: *through the walkie talkie* Dipper, hop to, this ball of yarn isn't gonna prank itself!

Dipper: *nods and walks over to the yarn ball*

Mabel: *pokes her hand out holding a strand of yarn*

Dipper: *grabs the strand of yarn and ties it to the back of the RV as he lets out a sigh*

Stan: Something on your mind, kiddo? Are you think about (y/n), huh?

Dipper: Ugh, I'm so embarrassed! Look, earlier this summer I made a promise that I would confess to her. And I want to do it, but I always get so nervous whenever I try to! At this rate, I might loose her forever...

Stan: Whoa, trust me, you won't loose her. Maybe you should practice on other girls before talking to (y/n). Lucky for you I'm an expert on these things! Listen to me, kid, when it comes to girls always be confident. And be funny. But not too funny. And be kind of annoying but in a lovable way.

Dipper: I dunno, Grunkle Stan. This sounds kinda jerky.

Stan: Hey, "jerky" is just a term non-jerks use to badmouth innocent jerks. Confidence, comedy, some third word starting with a 'c', the three C's of the Stan Pines dating technique! At the next tourist trap try out my advice on the first girl you see!

Dipper: Cool! Grunkle Stan, thanks.

Stan: Hey, I'm full of good ideas! Speaking of which, everyone, now!!!

We all run into the RV and Stan slams on the break which causes the yarn ball to turn into a long long yarn strand. Luckily we drove off, but brought a giant nail stuck in the RV. Next we went to Upside-Down Town where a machine turns around gravity and you walk through an upside down house as if it were normal.

Stan: Ah, Upside-Down Town, the nausea capital of the state.

You: Just looking at it makes me dizzy.

Stan: Whatever you do, don't use the bathrooms.

All: *put on the special shoes*

Mabel, Candy, and Grenda: Road dogs!!! Woof woof woof!!!

You, Dipper, Mabel, Candy, and Genda: *go into the machine, then into the house*

As I walked around I see a girl taking pictures out the window. This is it, time to take Grunkle Stan's advice.

Dipper: *clears his thoat* Hi, I'm Dipper. Crazy place, right?

Girl: Oh, hi! I'm Emma Sue! You know, if you pretend we're right-side up it looks like everyone's hair is standing on end!

Dipper: Huh, yeah, weird, right? Pretend you're screaming!

Emma: Ok, you gotta take a picture of me though! *gives Dipper her camera and letting her hair loose before doing a screaming pose and screams*

Dipper: *takes a picture* Let's see about- whoa! *lets go on the camera but quickly grabs it* Hoho, just kidding! *chuckles*

Emma: *takes her camera and laughs before playfully punching Dipper* You are the worst!

Dipper: You bet I am! I'm bad, Emma. Kind of a jerk.

Emma's Dad: Emma, c'mon!!! We have to get to Canada before your mother gives birth!!!

Emma: It's a long story.

Dipper: Maybe you could tell me sometime.

Emma: *writes her email in Dipper's hand* Here's my email address! Write me and I'll tell you all about it! *leaves with her family as she waves goodbye*

Dipper: *waves before looking at his hand* Yes, Stan's advice is actually working!!! *jumps in excitement but lands in the "normal" ground in the gift shop, then he stands up* I'm ok!!! I'm better than ok!!! Mabel, hi! There's my Grenda! Candy, looking great, looking great! And (y/n), you look beautiful as always. *winks, then leaves*

Your POV

What. The heck. Just happened. ?!?

Grenda: Maybe it's the blood pooling in my head, but Dipper seems different. *groans at her dizziness*

You: Yeah... bad different...

Just then the house started shaking. The house was pushed to the side and turned into a normal house. We then run out, enter the RV, and left to the next tourist trap.

Dipper's POV

Dipper: I can't believe it worked!!! What do I do now?!?

Stan: You practice. The more girls you talk to the better you get at it.

Dipper: Grunkle Stan, these tips are priceless!

Stan: And that's just the tip of the advice-burg!!!

And so we went to many tourist traps where I met a girl in each area. I felt confident each time, I felt so confident that I thought I could already ask (y/n) out! Nighttime came and we parked the RV. The girls were in a campfire while Stan and I were in a hot tub.

Stan: So then I said to the bouncer: "Where's your ID, ugly?!?" That's where I got this scar!

Dipper: *laughs* Grunkle Stan, I gotta say this was one of the best days ever!!! Soon I'll have enough confidence to ask (y/n) out on a date!!!

Stan: That's the Stan Pines method, kid! Works every time!

Dipper: I'm just a little worried though, I mean is it bad to flirt with this many girls at once? I'm just trying to gain confidence to confess to (y/n). I don't wanna hurt anyone's feelings.

Stan: Pfft, please. That's the best part of flirting on a road trip. You're not gonna see any of these gals again!!! *gives a Pit Cola to Dipper* To my dating advice!

Dipper and Stan: *laugh*

Your POV

You, Mabel, Candy, and Grenda: *laugh*

Mabel: Ok, it's time for-

Mabel, Candy, and Grenda: Truth or Dare or Don't!!! *point at you*

You: Mmm... I choose don't!

Grenda: Ugh, you always choose don't!!!

You: *laugh* I'm kidding! I choose truth.

Candy: Is it true that you and Dipper kissed a few days ago?!?!?

You: *turn deep red* Wha-?!? No!!! What question is that?!?

Mabel: I saw you two awfully close in the bedroom a few days ago~!!!

You: Well uh... we didn't kiss...

Grenda: But you were about too~!!!

You: ... *rub your arm embarrassed* Yeah, we were about too... but someone interrupted the moment.

Candy and Grenda: *glare at Mabel*

Mabel: *laughs awkwardly* Yeah, that was my bad.

Candy: So are you two like dating now?!?

You: No, we haven't even talked about it since then. It probably didn't mean anything to him...

Mabel: WHAT?!?!?!?

You: !!!!!

Mabel: *clears her throat* I-I mean uh, don't doubt yourself, (y/n), I'm sure it meant a lot to him!

You: Even so, he's seems... different now, and I'm not a fan of it...

Mabel: Hmmm... We need to give you two some alone time! Girls, we need a plan!!!

Candy and Grenda: Mhm!

*sigh* Oh boy...

Dipper's POV

Morning tame and we were on the road to the last tourist trap.

Stan: Alright, campers. We got another day of breaking laws and breaking hearts! Everything up until now has been a walk in the park compared to our next attraction!

Mabel: Is it a walk in the world's biggest park?!?

Stan: Ah, sort of. There she is, kids!!! Mystery Mountain!!!

You: Wait, WHAT?!? *walk next to Stan, your eyes widened* Stan, you said we wouldn't go here!!!

Stan: What? Who? I never said that!

You: Stan!!!

Stan: Alright alright, I did say that! I lied!

You: STAN!!!

Stan: Look, I can't have a tourist place un-pranked!!!

You: ... is it ok if I stay in the RV for this prank?

Mabel: No way!!! We need the plan about y- Stan's prank, and we need you!!!

You: R-right, ok... *sit down*

(y/n) seemed scared, almost terrified. I wonder what's going on. When we got there...

Stan: Alright, road dogs, I got five bucks for whoever can tip the Big Blue Ox!!! Go go go!!!

Mabel, Candy, and Grenda: *run out of the RV*

Dipper: *walks out*

You: *nervously walk out and follow the girls*

Dipper: Hey, is (y/n) ok...? She seems... scared.

Stan: She's fine, she's just a bit nervous. She believes the Mystery Mountain's legends, but she'll be fine. Now, I'm gonna go ahead and talk to the cute woman over there. You go have fun! *walks away*

Dipper: *walk over to the girls*

Candy: Hey, (y/n), is something the matter?

Grenda: Yeah, you seem freaked out!

You: Y-yeah yeah, I-I-I'm fine, totally fine, perfectly fine!!!

Mabel: Are you sure~?!? You seem scared~!!!

You: Pfft, scared?!? I'm not scared!!! Why would I be scared?!? There's no reason to be scared!!!

Candy: *gasp* Hey, look at this little guy!!! *picks up a tiny spider in her hands*

You: AHHHHHHHHHH!!! *falls to the ground, back first before crawling back* AHHHH!!!!!!

Dipper, Mabel, Candy, and Grenda: ...

You: Ok, fine, yes, I'm scared!!!! I hate spiders, and this place is lurking with both normal and mutant ones!!!!

Dipper: Mutants?

Mabel: But look! *closes the spider to you* It's so adorable!!!!!!!

You: AHHHHHH!!! Ugh..... *faint*

Dipper: (y/n)!!!

Grenda: Well, I guess she wasn't lying about not being scared of spiders.

Dipper: Do any of you have water?!?

Candy: *gives Dipper a water bottle*

Dipper: *sprinkles some water on your face*

Mabel: She's waking up!!!

You: ...g... get...

Dipper: Yes?!?

You: ...that disgusting CREATURE AWAY FROM ME!!!!! *back away*

Mabel: Ok ok!!! *puts the spider on a bush*

You: I'm sorry... *as Dipper helps you stand up* I haven't exactly had the best experience with spiders after the last time I came here...

Dipper: You've come here before?

You: Yeah, years ago with my parents.

Candy: What happened?

You: *take Candy's pamphlet and point at a half human half spider mutant* This happened. Those things are real. And ever since then I've had a fear of spiders. Of course, Stan thinks they're fake so he brought us here anyways.

Mabel: Aww, you poor thing!!! You know, maybe you and Dipper should go explore together so you're not alone and you don't feel so nervous!!!

You: I-I don't know... It's his choice, anyways.

Dipper: Well, if it makes you feel safer, then sure.

You: ... *take a deep breath* Ok then.

And so we go into Mummy Town. She still seemed nervous, but after a while she relaxed and we just talked about whatever came to mind.

You: *laugh* Seriously?!?

Dipper: Heh, yeah, ever since then I've never wanted to enter that restaurant again.

You: I bet! That must've been horrifying!

Dipper: At the moment, it was.

You: Bench!

Dipper: What?

You: A bench! Let's sit down for a sec, I'm tired from walking. *sit on the bench*

Dipper: *sits next to you*

This is your chance, Dipper. Just ask her the question. You're alone, no one can disturb you, so just go for it, man!

Dipper: Hey, uh, (y/n)? I-Ive been meaning to ask you something...

You: What is it?

Dipper: Well... um... would you uh... would you...

You: ???

Dipper: *inhales* Would you like to g-!!!

Voice: Oh, Dipper, hey!!!

Dipper: *gasp* Corn maze girl!

Girl: I was wondering when you'd call!

You: Uh, Dip? Who's this?

Dipper: Nobody! Uh- I mean- somebody, but-

Emma: Dipper!!! *walks towards you* I didn't recognize you right-side up!!! You'll never guess where my mom gave birth! Hey, who are these girls?

Girl 2: Dipper? Why haven't you called? Did our romantic log ride mean nothing to you?

You: Whoa, ok, I'm a bit confused here. What's going on?

Emma: I think he asked us all on a date!!!

You: What? That's not true, Dipper's not that kind of guy! You didn't really do that, did you...?

Dipper: Well- I- um- I uh-

You: Oh... Ok then, um... I guess I'll leave you alone then... I'll see you at the RV... *leave*

Dipper: No, (y/n), wait-!!!

I can't believe this is happening!!! And it's all my fault!!! Why did I ever take Grunkle Stan's dumb advice?!? I should've known it would backfire!!! I have to find him. I had gone to the entrance but no Stan.

Just then my walkie talkie buzzed and Stan started to speak. "Hey, buddy boy! So remember how we were talking about my technique? Well, sometimes it leads to unexpected consequences." Yeah, you can say that again!!! "The good news is: that I've solved the mystery of Oregon's mummies come from. The bad news is: I'm about to become one. Turns out
(y/n) was right about those spider people being real and Darlene is one of them. But beyond that, the date's been ok."

Your POV

You: *as you pace around angrily* Ugh, I can't believe I actually thought Dipper was into me!!! I should know by now that he only thinks of me as a friend!!! How could I have been so stupid!!!

Mabel: It's ok, (y/n)!!!

Grenda: Besides, when he comes over, we're gonna give him an old school best down!!!

Candy: Girl squad style!!!!!

You: *sigh* Thanks, guys. I appreciate your concern, but I can't exactly blame him for being into other girls. One can't force feelings... *sit on a bench*

Mabel, Candy, and Grenda: *hug you*

Dipper: *comes running* Girls!!! There you are!!!

Mabel: Betrayer!!!!

Candy: Oh, you, what do you want?!?

Dipper: I need your help!!!

Candy: With what?!? Some sick jealousy trap?!?

Mabel: Yeah, sing it, Candy!!!

Mabel and Candy: *high five*

Grenda: Testify!!!

You: ...

Dipper: Look, I'm so sorry about everything, but Stan's in trouble!!!

You: !!!

Dipper: You can totally kill me later, but right now he needs us!!! I'll explain on the way!!!

We all start to run towards a cave uphill. I noticed (y/n) starting to slow down at the sight of all the spider webs, but she sped up when she saw Stan.

Grenda: *breaks most of the webs making Stan fall into the ground*

You, Dipper, Mabel, Candy, and Grenda: *start untying Stan*

Stan: Quick!!! Before the rest of the venom sets in!!!

We all started to run, but something got tied in my leg and I fell down. As I tried to get up, a shadow started forming on me. My body started getting indulged by fear. My heart sped up. My breathes became shaky. My hands were trembling. I couldn't move.

Dipper's POV

As we run out...

Stan: Is everyone ok?!? Dipper, Mabel,-

Mabel: Wait, where's (y/n)?!?!?!?

Candy: She must've been captured!!!

I don't know what it was, but something forced me to run back into the cave. (y/n) was there, one of her legs was tied up, but she would only stare at the now coming giant spider. I called her name and grabbed her by the arm finally getting her attention.

We began running to the exit, but I was kicked by the spider and hit the wall harshly. As I got up I saw the spider about to eat me, I screamed and waited for it to happen. But it didn't. Instead I heard a loud thud and I saw the spider grunting in pain with a broken leg and (y/n) dropping a wooden stick. We finally made it out and cut up with the group before we all entered the sky trim.

Stan: Ride like the wind, sky trim!!!

Voice: Welcome to Trambience, the world's slowest treetop tram ride!!! Enjoy the sight at 0.1 miles per hour!!!

Grenda: *groans* Move move move!!!

Dipper: Ugh, can't this thing go any faster?!?!?!?

Voice: No it can't!!! This is Tranbience!!!

All: *feel something on top of the sky trim*

Voice: Enjoying the view?!? Take a picture!!!

Darlene: *looks through the window*

You, Dipper, Mabel, Candy, Grenda, and Stan: AHHHHHHH!!!!

Darlene: *starts to cover the sky trim in a bug spider web*

You: *breath heavily*

Grenda: Just breath!!!

Mabel: We're gonna be fine!!!

Stan: We're doomed!!!

Dipper: We're all gonna die!!!

Mabel: You guys are SO not helping!!!!!

Candy: Listen carefully! This sky trim has an emergency trap switch! Bellow us is Oregon's largest Paul Bunyan statue! And Old Reliable goes off in five... *looks at her watch* four... *grabs the emergency drop switch*

Dipper: Candy, wait!!! Don't pull that lever!!!

Stan: Kid, are you crazy?!?

Candy: Now!!! *pulls the switch which makes the sky trim fall*

Sky Trim: *falls on the now shooting geyser and rolls throughout landing next to the RV, crushing the ticket booth*

Spider: *lands under the lumberjack statue, then notices its foot starts coming down* NOOOO!!! *tries to avoid it, but gets half her body trapped underneath, then tries to struggle out* My only weakness, a giant boot!!! A giant newspaper or a giant cup would also have been pretty bad!!!

You, Dipper, Mabel, Candy, Grenda, and Stan: *exit the sky trim all wobbly*

Voice: Thank you for riding Trambience!!! Tell your friends it was a boring, boring ride!!!

Stan: Kid, that was ingenious!!! How'd you know that would work?!?!?!?

Candy: Useless travel pamphlets.

Darlene: Staaaaaanyyyyyy~!!! *turns her skin upright showing her human form* I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me! You'll let me out, right~?!?

Stan: What?!? After all that?!? *walks closer to her* Seriously, do I look like an amnesiac?!?

Darlene: *laughs* You're so funny!!! Have you ever considered becoming a comedian?!?

Stan: You know I actually have?!? Comedy is too subtle these days, my style involves more oversized props!!! Here let me get you o-!

You, Dipper, Mabel, Candy, and Grenda: Stan, no!!!! *pull him back as Darlene turns back to a full spider and tries to attack*

Stan: Oh yeah, right.

Darlene: You win this round, Stan, but mark my words: as long as there's men like you out there with their dumb one-liners and pickup moves I'll never run out of prey!!! *shoots acid*

Stan: Get in the car!!! Get in the car!!!

We all get in the RV and drive away. I let out a sigh. (y/n) probably hated me now...

Stan: Look, kid, I got to admit something. I'm no expert in women. Truth is I've been divorced once and slapped more times than I can remember! Confidence can buy you a lot, but at the end of the day, pickup artists tend to get our heads bitten off. When it comes to women I'm a failure...

Dipper: Hey, we're both failures.

Stan: Well, at least you still have a chance to fix it.

Dipper: Huh?

Stan: Go talk to her, kid. And talk to her as yourself this time, no pickup or one liners mumbo jumbo, ok?

Dipper: *nods*

I walk to the back. I see (y/n) staring off into the distance in the last seat of the RV.

Dipper: Um, hey, (y/n).

You: Oh, hey, Dipper...

Dipper: How are you feeling?

You: Well, I think my arachnophobia just got ten times worse. How 'bout you?

Dipper: I think I might have a fear of spiders too now.

You: ...

Dipper: *rubs his arm embarrassed* ...

You: Why did you start flirting with so many girls?

Dipper: !!!

You: I knew you were acting different, and if I'm being honest I didn't like this other you. But why though?

Dipper: I-... I-...

You: ....?

Dipper: ...because... *take a deep breath* Because I like you. I like you a lot and I've been trying to ask you out on a date but every time I try to do so I get so nervous and tongue tide and no words come out and so I ask Stan for some advice and he told me to practice on other girls-

You: Dipper-

Dipper: -and even though I wasn't sure this would work I did it anyways and I thought it was working and that I had gained enough confidence to ask you out-

You: Dipper-!

Dipper: -but then all the other girls came and you left and I understand if you hate me more than anyone else in-!!!

I was suddenly stopped when (y/n) pressed her lips against mine. I stared in shock for a second before I closed my eyes and let myself melt into the kiss. It only lasted for a few seconds before she pulled away, her face a crimson red, mine as well.

You: Dipper, I don't hate you. Quite the opposite in fact. I was just confused at your sudden change in personality.

Dipper: I just thought that you wouldn't like a coward like me...

You: Dip, you aren't a coward. You're one of the bravest people I know! I mean you just went into the cave of a giant spider mutant to save me!

Dipper: And I was scared big time...

You: Bravery isn't not being scared, it's being scared and doing it anyways. I've already told you countless times, you're amazing.

Dipper: How come you always end up giving me a life lecture?

You: *laugh* It's kinda my thing~!

You and Dipper: *laugh*

Dipper: a-about asking you out...

She leaned in and kissed me again, this one lasted a bit longer, but she pulled away with a playful grin.

You: Does that answer you question?

Dipper: I don't know, you might have to answer it again.

This time she wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waste. The kiss became more heated, our breathes more uneven. I had been waiting for this moment too long, and I didn't want it to end.

Unfortunately, we both pulled away at the sight of a flash. Mabel was there holding her camera with a massive smile on her face. "Scrapbookatunity!!!" she yelled as she ran to the front of the RV squealing.
(y/n) and I looked at each other, our faces all kinds of reds. We laughed before sitting down. Somehow we ended up with me wrapping an arm around her as she rested her head on my shoulder.

As we entered Gravity Falls we were all in the front of the RV with Stan.

You, Dipper, Mabel, Candy, and Grenda: *cheer*

Dipper: Still feel a little bad about wrecking those tourist traps.

Stan: Ah c'mon, everyone loves my pranks!!! And the best part is: I never have to face any consequences!!!

You: Uh, I don't know about that. *point at the Mystery Shack which has being spray painted all over*

Stan: *hits the breaks* Sweet lord!!!!! *exits the RV* Ah, c'mon!!!!!

Corn Maze Guy: *breaks one of the RVs lights* That's what you get!!! That's what you get!!! *laughs as he runs away followed by the other tourist trap owners*

You, Dipper, Mabel, Candy, and Grenda: *exit the RV*

Stan: I don't understand, I completely don't deserve this!!!

Dipper: Oh man, are we gonna have to help clean this up?

Mabel: Nah, I'm sure Soos will take care of it!!!

You: Hey, where is Soos anyways?

Everyone: ...

Honestly, I didn't really care if I had to clean this up. I was just happy that I was finally able to tell (y/n) how I feel and that she felt the same way. I love her, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! YASSSSS!!! FINALLY!!!!  FIRST KISS!!!!!!!!!!! I've been wanting to write it ever since I started this story!!!!!!! 😆😆😆😆 Anyways, thanks for reading!!! 'Till next time!!!


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