Eyeless Sockets [Creepypasta...

By MelIsStillHere

110K 3.1K 2.1K

The book is currently discontinued/on hold. I honestly dont really know what to put in it anymore, might star... More

Chapter One~
Chapter Two: Admiring Eyes~
Chapter Three~ The Talk About A New Job~
Chapter 3.5~ Thoughts And Illusions~
Chapter Four~ Couches.
Chapter 5.5~Woah, It's A Room~
Chapter Six~Breakfast N Stoof~
Chapter Seven~Breakfast?~
Chapter Eight~Horrifying Thoughts~
Chapter Nine~Interesting Stuff~
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven~
Chapter Twelve
Chapter 1 3?
Chapter 14.
Chapter XIV.
15! Wait, 14.5, Right?
Capitolul Cincisprezece~!
Chapter 16.
Kapitel Siebzehn...?
Sleep Is Nice. Wanna See 18?
The Weather For Today
Where Is The Chapter's Number At?
a small sorry and thank you
im getting ready to write
The maid war! twenty?
senseless actions.
hey, have a cup of tea with me.
The maid war, but 21!

Chapter Five~Ze New Room~

4.9K 149 110
By MelIsStillHere

Alright, before you begin stabbing me with words that I'll just read and imagine stabbing me, I have an excuse to why I didn't update in a bit over 10 days. Alright?
I think I was lazy, or it was because of school. I'd use the second thing as an excuse to this all.

But now I don't have anymore school, so more writing, I guess.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter, my sweet little readers~


You were tired beyond what words are able of describing, Holy shit.

Leaning your head against your older brother's shoulder, you groaned and glared at the wall behind the tall being which was sitting in a chair in front of the both of you.

Have you ever smelled what rotten eggs and grape juice smell like together?

It can smell horrifying, depending on how rotten the eggs are, and how thick the liquid becomes once both things are mixed together.

Oh, you want to know where the rotten egg part came from?

Let us have a flashback to what had happened~

Or not-

"So about the talk about this damned job," you pinched the bridge of your nose trying to not sound tired. "Can we talk about this shit after I take a shower, put normal clothing on, that doesn't smell like a mixture of rotten eggs and grape juice, and then take a na-"

"Then eat a breakfast next morning, laze around this mansion, eat lunch, laze around this place again, and then fall asleep after eating dinner?", you could hear the slender creature's frustrated tone inside of your head.

You grinned at him. "I mean, if you really want to be so generous as to let me be myself for another day, then why the fuck not? It's a better time for me here."

Your brother just sat there disgusted by the smell coming off of you. He wouldn't mind the shower and the new clothing idea.
What he was thinking more about though, was how lucky Slenderman was to not have a nose. Or at least, it didn't look like he had one.

The faceless man 'stared' blankly at you, as if trying to figure out something.


After exactly 2 minutes and 47 seconds, and yes, you counted the time the room was filled with annoying ass silence, Slenderman sighed in his own way, mumbled an approval to your request of changing clothing and so on, and teleported you outside of his office.

That shit still got you to feel as if you were drunk as hell, just like the first time he used his powers on you. Your brother seemed absolutely dandy though, and you were jealous.

Useless details aside though, you felt a small piece of folded paper suddenly appear in your hand, and you, like any other person, unfolded it and began reading.

The handwriting was very neat, and God, you were jealous as fuck.

You just had a normal handwriting, with some nice looking letters and some bad looking ones.

Anyway, those details aside, you read the wonderfully written words, and by being smart and able to read, you found out that you had your own room!

You just had to find it alone, is all.

The only thing that is mentioned in the letter is that your room's door is drawn half [F/C] and half light cyan.

Considering those were your and your brother's favorite colors, you assumed you'd be sharing a room with him.

Harry, now just beginning to read the letter, stood straight, not noticing you beginning to wander around helplessly.

There's one weakness of yours, and you hated it.

Your sense of direction was absolutely shit. Take one turn and you'd most likely feel lost.

That's one thing both your brother, and your friend enjoyed bugging you about. It was sad, in a way.

Whenever you'd have to go somewhere that wasn't mostly easy to remember the path to, you'd feel lost and wander around like a bird that just fell down from the sky after being shot in the wing.

It's as if you've fallen down from the sky, just confused at the new territory you'd observe. Mentally dissatisfied that you can't even tell where you are.

Oh well, that's how you are.

So, now that you know about your own sense of direction, you continued wandering around like a flightless bird.

You closed your eye, because you were just tired of this place already, and suddenly bumped into something soft.

You opened your eyes, and backed up to examine what exactly you bumped into.

And that softness was from bumping into a pair of boobies. If you'd have to be honest, the thought of them making a good pillow remained in your mind as you studied the owner of the two round Boyes.

It seemed to be a female creepypasta. You thought her name begun with the letter J, and that the Fandom would always remark her hate for the lidless smiling fuck you despised oh so dearly.

Wait, you had to be a normal human being and apologize to her. "Uh- I'm sorry that I bumped into you!" cue le flushed face for effect.

You tried to look embarrassed, but you really didn't care. She nodded. "It's alright, don't worry. Could you be the new maid Slender has informed us all about?"

He already informed everyone? What the fu-
Wait. He can read thoughts and talk in people's minds. [Y/N] you fucking dumbass-

While you were internally cursing at yourself for being a dumbass, Jane just stared at you with a dumbfounded expression.

Snowpuff walked behind you, and barked, making you stop thinking. "Oh yeah, I'm supposed to be the maid. Sorry for not responding."

She smiled. Wait, was she smiling? How the fuck are you supposed to know? Let's just say she was smiling.

"It's alright. Anyway, don't let any of the people here get to you. Some of the guys might be assholes, but they still love eachother like a family." She said. Yeah, she was smiling. You could hear it in her tone.

You nodded and smiled at her.

"Wait, " You started. She hummed as if to tell you to continue. "Do you know where I could find a door that's half [F/C] and half cyan?" you asked.

She nodded and signaled you to follow her. And so you did.

You walked for a while, but you arrived. You thanked her, and waved as she left.

After she was no longer visible, you slowly opened the door to add to the effect of suspense.

And what did you see?

A room.

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