A Trickster's Euphoria | Loki...

By nxjwaazmxn

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"Lia, I have always given you what you wanted. This is the first time I want something from you. Can't you ju... More

Chapter 1 : I am a Stark anyway
Chapter 2 : Loki broke my windshield
Chapter 3 : Keep on dreaming, Loki
Chapter 4 : It's literally the same, Lia
Chapter 6 : Tony, I'm not ready to have a child
Chapter 7 : Whoosh
Chapter 8 : Trickster and Joker
Chapter 9 : Don't bullshit me
Chapter 10 : It's called food.
Chapter 11 : Shopping with Loki
Chapter 12 : If you hadn't, I would've died
Chapter 13 : New Phone, Who this?
Chapter 14 : Ice cream
Chapter 15 : New friend
Chapter 16 : Hurt
Chapter 17 : Hospital
Chapter 18 : Discharged
Chapter 19 : What A Night
Chapter 20 - Look Closer, You'll Know Better
Chapter 21 - The Truth (1/3)
Chapter 21 - The Truth (2/3)
Chapter 21 - The Truth (3/3)
Chapter 22 - There will be no other guy
Chapter 23 - With Pleasure
Chapter 24 - What's the Plan?
Chapter 25 - I'm sure
Chapter 26 - Better Than Ever
Chapter 27 - Surprise!
Chapter 28 - Euphoria
Epilogue: Part 2
Author's Note

Chapter 5 : Toodles

632 28 0
By nxjwaazmxn

I woke up at 5 am in the morning. Ready by 5:30 am. The rest were still asleep so I went ahead and grabbed my important everyday life things.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, notify me once they have left the building. Don't tell Mr Stark about this. I have a surprise for them," I told.

"I will notify you once they have awaken, Ms Lia. That will give you ample time to prepare."

"Even better, J.A.R.V.I.S," I grinned and left to the parking lot.

I went in my car and drove off to S.H.I.E.L.D. Most likely speeding there. The road wasn't busy at this timing so I felt it was better to speed and make it there fast before there's any traffic. I made a swerve and straight in to the parking lot. There was lesser cars and at that moment, I knew not many people were in. I sighed and walked in through the glass door and made my way to the special room. I tap my ID card on the scanner as I look out for any staff members. The door opens and I step inside. I glanced at the white room in the middle to see Loki sleeping. Lightly sleeping.

I made my way toward the controlling panel and keyed in the access code to the cameras and stopped the recording as well as muting it. I made my way to the glass and raised my hand to knock when my eyes drifted to Loki, who was sleeping peacefully.

How can someone murderous and cruel sleep peacefully, even when his mission wasn't successful?

That was until his face expression changed. He started moving his head with his hands in a balled up into a fist. He was having a nightmare. His eyebrows furrowed with his body struggling.

I have to wake him up.

I frantically knocked on the glass

"Loki, wake up! Loki!"

He shot up from my sleeping position with his eyes widely open. His chest going up and down and I could see he was in a panicked mode. He looked up at the clock and down at me. Wiping his situation off, he glared at me with that smug look of his.

"You're alone. Why? Are you desperate to see me again? After our last sessi-"

"Shut it, Loki. I saw what happened earlier. The big bad Loki had a nightmare," I said, erasing the smug off his face. "I'm not here to talk. I am here to make a deal."

"A deal? And this is coming out from you? From the earthling that crashed me with their machine and accused me? "

"Alright! I'm sorry, okay? And it's called a car but hear me out here," I looked into his eyes. "I am here to help you escape."

Loki's Pov

This must be a trap. For someone who was enraged by me, is attempting to help me escape? That is hilarious. I am the god of mischief and lies. She cannot fool me.

"Trust me, Loki. I am not fooling around. If I was fooling around, I wouldn't be standing in front of you at this timing. I would've continued my beauty sleep."

"If so that you are making a deal, why would you help me?"

"Do you want to get out of here or not?"

"It is just a simple question, Lia. Answer it."

"Oh honey, you're not telling me things so why should I? It's better if we make it even," she scoffed. "Anyway, you are certainly hiding the fact that you have intentions down here on Earth but you clearly don't have any. You're also as powerless as a normal human so I believe you can't hurt me as much as a god can."

  My face dropped as the words poured out her mouth. I breathed to say something but I was speechless.

  H-How did she know?

"Seems like you do not want to work with me so forget about the deal," she roll her eyes and turn to leave when I stopped her.

I sighed, "What's the catch?"

"You are to prove to me that my thoughts about you are right."


"That you are rather a good person than you were 2 years ago. You are to put aside the negativity. That is if you no longer desire to be a prisoner of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"You are hilarious, my dear Lia but I accept the offer," I grinned.

"Don't be stupid to think that you're free. Even if you're not a prisoner of S.H.I.E.L.D, you will still be a prisoner of mine. You will be living under my property until you prove my thoughts right. If you don't, I will not hesitate to hand you over even if I get in trouble. I have the whole of Avengers with me to get your ass back in here."

  Silence fell. She looked at me with a raised brow and slight smirk. It stopped when she took out a rectangular piece. She tapped on it multiple times before turning around to the control panel. She clicked a few buttons and looked up at me. 

  She waved while mouthing words which I no longer could hear and walked out the room.

I am in midst of believing her words. This could be a set up to further know more of my main intention but she couldn't have specifically guessed that I had no intentions on Earth and my powers are gone. I wouldn't say gone but I prefer the word, confiscated.

My hand behind my back as I paced back and forth. The door slide open and Louis walked in. He looked at me with a surprised face.

"You're up early. Had a nightmare?"

"No, not really," I lied. "I had a wonderful dream.. "


Lia's POV

Shit. Shit. Shit. They're going to be here any second! And I don't even know if this is going to work!

I used a piece of white cloth and started wiping off the black stains on the metal. I was pretty sure I had a lot of black stains on my face. After polishing the metals, I put aside the cloth, praying it would work. I cleaned up the table and place a big white cloth over the machine as I wait for their arrival.

This is my first project that I am building on my own so if it works, I will be amazed. It would just mean that only took 3 months and 5 days on this!

I eyed the glass window and they have finally came into my view. They saw me and I waved. The door opens with all of them slipping in the lab.

"You're up here early," Banner says.

Most probably because I let procrastination to take control of me.

"Well, I wanted to surprise all of you with my work," I grinned when I had anxiety overfilling me.

I pull off the cloth, presenting the machine.

"This is the project that I have been working on and I call it...The S.T.A.S.H. The Super.Talented. Amazing.Self-healer. Pretty cool name, right?"

"How long have you been trying to come up with the name?"

"For about 3 minutes or less," I shrugged. "So, this project has been keeping me up late for 3 months. Actually, keeping me up late for just a month. Anyway, this is a self-heal machine. From the name itself, it is suppose to heal up wounds and cuts that has been made after any battles or missions. Unfortunately, this machine cannot heal my leg. The wound has already healed and I have to accept my fate."

"You might ask, 'gee, how can Aurelia Rose Stark be incredibly smart to make this? How does this actually work?' Well, I am a very thoughtful person compared to my FAVOURITE and only uncle in my life," I winked at Tony as he applies his offended look. "Any volunteers? Since you guys are the superheroes. Nah, all of you must be exhausted so let me be the volunteer."

I went over the drawers and pull out a pocket knife.

"I ensure that this is a safe procedure so don't sweat too much, Tony."

Fingers crossed. You should sweat, Tony because I don't even know if this shit works or not.

I place the knife on my palm and was about to press it on when I was interrupted by Tony.

"100% sure that this is safe? You've had enough injuries already."

I roll my eyes and proceeded with it as I bit my lip. I slide it across my palm and place the knife aside with blood dripping.

That hurts worst than I thought it would.

I switch on the machine and places my hand on the platform. I hesitantly press the button, cussing every word in every language I knew in my head.

A blue light lit up and scans my hand.

"This blue light is a scanner which will detect the cut and once it detects, the machine will start forming the tissues, layer by layer, forming it back to square one," I explain as the machine went on with the process.

Alright. Nice and steady.

The machine stops with a beep. I took a wet cloth and wipe the blood off my palm.

"Ta-da! It is completely healed but unfortunately, it will leave a scar," I frowned, showing them my palm. "Sorry, Tony but hey, at least the machine works!"

"Well, for your first invention, this is purely amazing. Especially when you managed to make this within 3 months!" Tony says, walking over to my side. "I say that this is amazing. My niece is a genius like me but we all know I'm better."

He side-hugs me, rubbing my head.

"Let us go have a nice breakfast. It's on me," He turns to me. "What would you like?"

"Well, you know me. I'm all up for steak."

Without any complaints, we head out for steak. In two cars, Tony, Steve and I took my car out. Tony insisted to drive because he thinks I don't drive safe. I've been living with a license for 6 years now. I'm perfectly fine. I may have crashed my car and probably hit stumble upon some things but I am still okay.

I took out the bottle of pill from the glove compartment and opened it up. Taking out one and swallowed it with a bottle of water that I brought.

"How's your leg so far? Any improvements?"

I frowned, shaking my head. Frowning in a sense of being careless. "What to expect Tony? Nothing has changed."

It's not that I was giving up because even if I did, Bruce and Tony wouldn't. I was just accepting my fate of having to face this downfall. I am just lucky that I am still breathing and alive. Never a moment where I want to die. Maybe back then but I am a whole lot better. The Avengers have now made those second thoughts about dying, gone. My thoughts now is just to continue living until I get as old as I can.

Most of the Avengers can live up to HUGE extent. Thor can live up to 5,000 years and above. Steve is practically resistant to aging. Tony...He is a normal human with an arc reactor on his chest. Now that I realise, most of them live up to a certain age only.

I would want to imagine Steve. What would he be doing when we're gone? His team would slowly disperse because of old age. Shouldn't have thought about that because now, I am pretty upset that he will be lonely. Peggy Carter is already old and she could go any time. Steve doesn't really talk much about his life. He only did because I convinced him to. He prefers to focus on the present. He is a soldier anyway. He is only doing his job. I respect his decision.

"How about Loki? Has he said anything?" Steve questioned.

"Besides insulting everyone and flirting, nothing. At least I know that he's an insecure person. I can get something from that," I answered as I scrolled through the news.

I exit from the app and pressed on the camera icon. My appeared and I leaned towards to side.

"Steve smile."

He lean closer to me, smiling. I moved back and set the picture as my display picture on Facebook.

"Hehe...cute," I mumbled.

"What about me?"

"Tony, you have been my display picture for two years now. Give the rest some chance."

He frowns. After 5 minutes, the car went to a stop and finally we have reached.

"Yay! Steak for breakfast!"

Author's Note:
Yay!! I would want steak for breakfast. Some ribeye X'tra cut with potato salad and mac and cheese. Some niceass combination. Plus anyway, LIA WANTS TO HELP THE GREAT MISCHIEVOUS LOKI ESCAPE? is she sure? Like literally? Where is Thor anyway? Starting to kinda miss him :"(

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