The Morning

By 6hailey

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Everything changes when the sun rises. She's not the kind of girl he'll be seeing in the morning. explicit c... More



4.5K 187 243
By 6hailey

Two weeks later.
"Anything else I can do for you?" I asked, placing the three boxes of shoes in front of some guy in the store. I knelt down to open one of the shoe boxes, and grabbing the Nike Vapormax out of the box so he could try them on.

"Nah," he said "I'm good. I'll let you know if I need anything"

I nodded my head, walking towards Milan who was laughing with a group of niggas. "This ya friend you was talking about?" One of the guys said

"Yeah, this her," Milan said, and smiled "she be on some weird shit, so I have to talk to niggas for her"

I sucked my teeth. "Is she bothering you guys?" I asked. "Is there another shoe you wanted to try on?"

"Nah," The guy said, "but if you want, you could let me hold your number"

I smirked. "No thank you," I stated. "I'm cool"

"Damn," he said "you is pretty though. I just thought that maybe I could take you out, go get some food, and then chill out"

"Thank you um..." I said, and raised my eyebrow


"Aaron," I said. "But I'm not looking for any type of relationship right now"

Milan sucked her teeth, while the rest of Aaron's friends laughed. "Damaris, just give him your number"

"It's cool," Aaron said "she don't want a relationship, I respect that. We cool right? I didn't want to come off too forward or disrespectful"

I smiled. "Yeah Aaron, you're good"

"She upset over some nigga that be doing her dirty" Milan said.

I rolled my eyes "shut the hell up Milan," I said "you stay telling people my damn business"

"Speaking of..." Milan said, and her voice trailed off. "Rashaud! Casey! What are y'all doing here?" Milan asked, as she walked to the front of the store, giving Casey and Rashaud a hug.

My heart instantly dropped, as I turned away to face Aaron and his friends. "Did you guys want to get any of these shoes? Or try any other ones on?"

"I think I'm finna cop these," one of Aaron's friends said. "But I don't know if I should get the tan, or green"

"Personally, I like the tan since they'd go with more outfits"

"I was thinking the same th- Whats good with you my nigga?" The guy said, as he dapped Casey up.

I looked away as Casey glanced at me, and Milan pulled my arm. "What a surprise?"

"I'm about to go to the back, Milan," I said. "You handle their shoes"

"Apparently Casey and Rashaud are cool with Aaron and his friends," Milan said "I had no clue"

I rolled my eyes, and watched as Casey and Rashaud continues to talk to Aaron and his friends. "Mhmm," I said "I'll catch you once they leave"

I started to walk away, as I felt my arm being grabbed. I turned around to face Rashaud, who was smirking. "And you wasn't about to say hi?" He asked "I haven't heard from you in forever"

"Hi Rashaud" I said bluntly

"Damn," he said "where's the love?"

"Rashaud, you act like I talk to you on a daily"

Rashaud sucked his teeth, before flicking me in my forehead. "You went ghost on everybody, dumb ass. You not still mad about what happened at my party right?"

"I don't care"

"Sure you don't," Rashaud said. "It's summer, you don't be around nobody no more. We supposed to be niggas though ain't we?"

"Niggas my ass," I said. "Y'all were not looking out for me"

"Fuck you Maris," Rashaud said. "If it was up to me I would have let you beat that lil' bitches ass"

"I hear you," I rolled my eyes. "But you were the main one who wouldn't let me go, because you thought I was gonna kill her"

"Were you not?"


"I hear you," Rashaud said. "Get over that shit. You fought and that was that. It's done"

"Mhmm," I said. "It don't even matter-"

"-Wassup with that discount Damaris?" Casey said, as he sloppily threw his arm around me.

If I wasn't at work, I swear I would have slapped the shit out of Casey.

If we're being honest, I'm not mad that I had to fight ole' girl. It's more how hurt Casey made me feel. Even if he didn't feel the same way for me, he never had to embarrass me like that.

I shrugged his arm off of me. "Don't talk to me"

"Damaris," Casey said, placing his hand under my chin. "You still being like that?"

I pushed his hand away from my face. "Don't touch me Casey. I'm not even trying to speak to you. Just leave me alone"

"What else can I do?" He asked "I've been trying to talk to your ass, but you don't answer none of my texts or calls. The fuck wrong with you?"

"The fuck is wrong with me?!" I yelled, instantly remembering I was at work. "Listen Casey... I'm working right now. I don't have time to deal with this okay?"

"When will you have time?" Casey asked

"Never" I said, and walked away.

I sat in the back room just staring at the shoes. I had around 5 minutes until my shift was over, so I started to clean my station up.

I took my hair out of its bun, and took my name tag off. The whole time I couldn't stop thinking about Casey.

I couldn't believe he could even feel capable of coming up and talking to me, like nothing was wrong.

Everything that he did messed with my emotions. Honestly, no matter how bad Casey made me feel, I'd always go back to him.

I shook the thoughts out of my head, as I went into the bathroom to change my clothes.

After changing my clothes, I clocked out... making sure I could get the most time as possible. If my manager knew I was doing that, I'd probably get fired. But I don't care.

I grabbed my bag, and walked out to the front of the store. Milan was still out there helping Rashaud and Casey pick out shoes.

I walked over to her, and she smiled. "Can you wait for me?" She asked. "I'm trying to get commission for them, but then after that I'm done"

"I'm just trying to go home," I said "we can link later if you want"

"Rashaud, Casey, and I are getting food later..." her voice trailed off.

"I get it," I said "I'll catch you some other time then"

"Or you can come with us, Damaris" Casey said, fixing the chain around his neck.

I shook my head no. "I'm good"

"This what I'm talking about," Rashaud said. "You never be wanting to be around us anymore"

"And why do you think that Rashaud?" I asked, and sucked my teeth. "Did you even think of the reason as to why I don't want to hang around you niggas?"

"You can get over that shit with the quickness," Rashaud said. "Casey over it. Why can't you be?"

"Chill out Rashaud," Casey said. "If she don't want to come she don't have to. I'm just really trying to talk to you, Maris. You ain't deserve what I did to you"

I looked at my phone, before looking back up at Casey. "I guess" I said, and sat down on one of the stools.

Milan smiled, and mouthed a 'thank you' to me.

"I'm finna buy these shoes, and then we can get going" Casey said, as Rashaud followed after him.

Milan walked up to the counter, checking them out, and then made her way to the back room to change.

Casey walked back over to where i was sitting, and sat down next to me. "I feel like I don't even know what to say to you,"

I looked over at him, and looked away without saying anything.

"But then again I know," Casey said. "I just don't know how to put the words together. How have you been?"

"Fine" I answered.

"That's good," he said. " I'm glad you're going to hear me out. I've missed talking to you, Damaris"

"Mhmm" I said.

Something in me made me feel that he was only telling me what I wanted to hear. Just so he could get things back to how we were.

"I know you may not trust me, but-"

"Milan's back" I said, interrupting him.

"We'll talk later then" He said, and stood up from the chair.

"So did y'all ever decide where we were getting food?" Rashaud asked

"We should go to that one, new, sit down place or whatever," Milan said. "The one restaurant that I heard has good ass sandwiches, and macaroni"

"I don't care," Casey said. "I'm just ready to eat"

"Then lets go," Milan said. "But y'all are gonna drop us off, back here right? My car is here, and Damaris rode with me"

"I got you guys," Casey said. "Let's go"

Milan and Rashaud walked together, as Casey followed behind them. I stayed behind Casey, not really trying to be near him.

I could tell he sensed that. He didn't even bother to talk to me.

We were seated in the booths, looking over the menu. Milan, Casey, and Rashaud all laughed about something that happened a couple weeks ago.

I was on my phone, scrolling through Twitter.

"You good Damaris?" Milan asked. "You're mad quiet"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I'm cool"

"Alright," she said. "I'm finna go get my jacket out the car. Rashaud, come with me"

I looked up at her, hoping she could tell that I didn't want her to leave. I would have to be with Casey by myself.

"Keys" Milan said, holding out her hand to Casey. He grabbed the keys from his pocket, and the two of them left the booth.

"So uh," Casey said, after awhile. "You know what you're about to eat?"

I played with the corners of the menu. "Um... not really, maybe a grilled turkey, and cheese sandwich, and macaroni. You?"

"A cheeseburger, and then macaroni, so I can put the macaroni on top" he said.

I looked up at him. "Why not just get the Mac and cheese burger?"

"No," he said. "It don't look good"

"I guess" I said, as the two of us fell silent again.

"But since we're alone," Casey said. "I wanted to tell you I'm sorry Damaris"

I stopped playing with the menu, and started to fully pay attention to him. "You're sorry?"

"Yeah," he said. "I never wanted you to feel like you were short of important to me. I shouldn't have dubbed you in front of all those people"

"Well you did" I said

"I know that," he replied. "I was drunk"

"Drunk actions are sober thoughts"

"You get that shit from twitter?" He asked, and I smirked. "But no Damaris, I truly care for you. And to even think that I made you feel that way. Seeing you cry... I've never hated myself as much as I do now. These past few weeks without talking to you have been hell"

"If you cared for me like you said you did, we wouldn't have even been here. No matter how I felt for you, in the end you were supposed to be my friend. But you chose Brooklyn instead. I get it, that's your girl... but I thought we were better than that"

"Brooklyn's not my girl," Casey said. "And I was confused"

"Confused about what?"

"My feelings for you"

"Oh, so now you have feelings for me?"

"Since prom," he said. "What I did to you then, that was fucked up. It's just Damaris, you're so different from anyone I've ever known, and I don't know why I I'm confused about you"

"So you're sorry because you're confused about how you feel for me?"

"That's not what I mean," he said "I was confused. But now I'm not"

"You said you were only my friend so you could fuck, you called me out of my name, and then said I was one of the little girls that be feining over you... how do you think that makes me feel?"

"I didn't think," he said. "And I'm sorry for that. You mean so much to me, and I-"

"-we're back" Milan said, taking her original seat. Rashaud sat down, and looked back and forth between Casey and I.

I smiled, and turned away, already knowing what Rashaud was going to be on.

I looked down at my phone, noticing Casey had texted me.

can we talk later?
I can take you home

If that's what you want
read 6:43


Casey had dropped Milan and Rashaud off back at the mall. Rashaud and Milan were going to go to a movie, since apparently they were a thing now.

I knew it was going to happen, but I guess I've missed out on the past couple of weeks.

I sat back in the passenger seat of Casey's car. I just looked out the window as he drove to my house.

I listened as 'Sky Cry' by NBA young boy played lowly through Casey's speakers. I watched as he added songs to be played next, as he drove. Just watching Casey do the bare minimum, made me feel some type of way.

Honestly, I would have never been in this position if I kept my feelings out of our friendship. Everything was my fault. I couldn't even be mad at Casey for not feeling the same. He kept it strictly friendly, and me... I wanted something more.

I shouldn't have listened to what other people would tell me. Casey probably never felt the same, and all this time I thought he did.

"So you're just going to sit in silence?" Casey asked

"Huh?" I asked, as he knocked me out of my train of thought.

"You don't have anything to say about what I told you earlier?"

"I just don't know how I should feel," I said. "I don't know what the truth is"

"What you mean?" He asked. "Ask me anything"

"You still with that bitch?" I asked

"Brooklyn?" He asked

"Yes, her," I said. "Who else would I be talking about?"

"No," Casey said. "I stopped fucking with her that night after you two fought"

"Mhm," I said. "So what's the point of you telling me all this?"

I watched, Casey turn into my neighborhood. I didn't live that far from the mall.

"I mean," he said. "I want to move on from this. I want to at least try something with you. But if not that, I want for us to at least try to be friends again"

"You want to talk to me?" I asked.

"I mean, fuck," he said "I want more than that. I want to show you how good I can treat you. I'm nothing like that nigga you saw a couple weeks back. That's not me, and you shouldn't have seen that"

Casey parked outside of my house. My dad and my brother weren't home. I was glad. I didn't have to deal with my dad, or hear my brothers smart ass mouth when I went inside. "But when I wanted that with you, you played me like a lame"

"You telling me you don't have feelings for me anymore?" He asked. "You're a fucking cap"

I smirked. "Why you do this to me?"

Casey smiled. "See, Maris," he said. "I'm sorry, I really am"

"I hope so," I said "I forgive you"

Casey smiled again, before pulling my face towards his, and kissing me. We kissed for a minute, and then i pulled away. "Do you want to come inside?"

"Yeah," he said. "Your dad not finna say nothing?"

"He's not home" I said, and watched as Casey turned his car off.

I got it if his car, walking up to my house, as Casey followed behind me. As we walked inside, I shut the door behind me, following Casey as he walked to my room.

10:04 pm.

"Damn," Casey said. "I haven't been in here in a minute" he took his shoes off, before laying across my bed.

I shut the door behind me, slipping my slides off, and setting them next to my bed. I climbed next to Casey, setting my phone aside. "I swear," I said. "I missed having you around"

"I bet you did"

"Whatever," I said, and sucked my teeth "this why I never say nothing to you"

"Damaris," Casey said, pulling me on top of him, so that I straddled him. "I'm joking, calm down aight?"

I sat back, as his hands lowered to my waist. I looked at Casey, and he smirked. "What?"

"What you mean what?" He asked, pulling my body forward, and pushing me back again. This time, when I sat down my ass was pressed against his dick.

I could feel him through his shorts. I mean, he was wearing the typical nigga fight. A white tee, grey Nike shorts, chains, white nike socks and black slides.

"I meaaan," I said dragging my voice out, as he gently pulled me forward again. "I don't know. I thought I had something to say, but I guess not".

I was pushed against Casey again. "Okay, Damaris," he smirked. "You good?"

"Y-yeah," I stuttered, "I'm fine". I felt Casey's dick between my legs. I started to think about everything Casey could do to me in this moment... everything that I wanted him to do to me.

"You sure you're okay?" He asked, before his hands slid from my waist, to my ass, and then in between my thighs.

I nodded my head, as my breath hitched.

"Lay back" he said, as he pushed me back to lay on my bed.

Casey hovered over me, his eyes never leaving mine. He leaned forward kissing my lips, before slowly sticking his tongue in my mouth. We made out, as he undid the button to my shorts.

He pulled away from me, moving down to my neck; kissing and sucking.

I bit my lip, breathing harder, trying to hold my moans in.  Casey moved down to my collarbones, and my chest kissing me. "Take this off" he said, and smiled, sitting back.

His fingers ran along the hem of my bandeau shirt. I nodded my head, slipping the shirt from my head. "Damn, Damaris," Casey said, before leaning back down licking my nipple, and gripping my boob with his other hand.

He continued sucking, before kissing his way down to my stomach, and then finally to the top of my shorts. "You can tell me to stop you know" Casey said, pulling my shorts down from my waist, before throwing them on the floor.

"I would have b-been told you to stop, if I didn't want this" I said.

"Okay Damaris," he said. "If you want me to stop let me know"

"Shut up" I said, watching him as he rubbed my clit through my underwear. Casey smiled, pulling my underwear down, going back to rubbing my clit.

He never broke eye contact with me the entire time. Casey was making me feel so good, nothing like I've ever felt before.

His thumb moved down to my entrance, before moving back to my clit. "I ain't know you was this wet for me, Maris,"

He leaned down, giving a soft kiss to my clit, before sucking lightly. My breathing increased, as he moved his hand to my abdomen, holding me down to my bed.

Casey continued to slowly lick my clit, and then his movements became faster. He looked up at me, wrapping his arms around my legs, and pulling me closer to him. "Let that shit out, Damaris, if it feels good I wanna hear you"

The vibration of Casey's voice went through my whole body. "Caseeeeyy," I moaned, tears forming in my eyes. "Oh my God. S-stay right there". I pushed Casey's head down, so that he could be further inside me.

"Fuck," I said, as he started to suck, and lick me faster. "Casey, I'm gonna-"

"Don't cum for me yet," he said, pulling his face away from me. He leaned down to kiss me, before slipping his shirt from his head, and pulling off his shorts and underwear.

"You a virgin right?" He asked, before rubbing his dick along my entrance.

"Y-yes," I said. "Please go slow"

"I'm telling you we don't have to do this"

"I want to" I said.

Casey spread my legs once more, before slowly sliding himself into me. I gripped his back, feeling the pain from him inside me. "You okay?" He breathed, still sliding himself into me.

A tear slipped from my eye, as I moved my hands from Casey, to grab my sheets. "It hurts" I said

"I'm almost there, Maris," he said "calm down"

I bit my lip, feeling Casey slide all the way into me. His breathing had got heavier, as he concentrated on me.

"Y-you good?" Casey asked, sliding himself back out of me, and then back into me.

"Oh my gosh," I said, throwing one of my arms around Casey's neck. "I-I said, go s-slow... Casey!"

"It doesn't hurt that bad baby," Casey said. "You're thinking too much" his thrusting has become harder, as I looked up and watched him enter me over and over again.

I threw my head back, trying to catch any breath that I could. "Fuck!" I yelled, gripping the sheets even harder.

"You okay?" Casey asked, slowing down his pace.

"Y-yes," I said "keep going"

Casey smirked. "You like that huh?"

I nodded my head, feeling as Casey's thrusts had began to feel like more pleasure than pain. His movements increased becoming faster and harder.

I wrapped my legs around him, as he shook his head, pressing both my legs near my head. I moaned loudly, feeling him enter me. This time was more deeper than ever before.

I couldn't think of anything else other than this moment right here. Casey and I were literally having sex.

My eyes rolled back as Casey thrusted into me harder, and faster. I could feel myself clench up around his dick. I knew that I was close. "C-Casey," I stuttered. "I think I'm about to-"

"It's okay baby," Casey said "let it out"

As soon as Casey's voice said those words, I released onto him. Shortly after, he pulled out releasing onto my chest. "I ain't know if you was on birth control or not. And besides we ain't use no condom"

"I am" I said rolling over, and facing him.

"You want to go again?" He asked, laying back on the bed. "We don't have to if you're tired"

"I-I'm tired," I said. "You wore me out"

"Maybe next time" He said, and smiled.

"Yeah, next time" I said, and looked over at the clock. It was 11:41 p.m. and I knew my dad would be home from work soon.

"Why you look like that?" Casey asked

"Nothing," I said. "My dad is going to be home from work soon"

Casey sat up on the bed, putting his clothes back on. "You need me to go?"

"I want you to stay" I said, walking to my bathroom so I could wipe myself off. I then walked to my closet, putting on shorts and a big t-shirt.

"But your dad is finna be home soon," Casey said. "It's probably good if I go"

I sighed. "I guess"

"You'll see me again, Maris," Casey said. "I'll text you when I get home tonight"

"Alright," I said, watching Casey slide on his slides. "Get home safe"

"I always do" he smiled, before kissing my lips.

I laid back on my bed, as Casey left my room. I couldn't help but to feel happy. Maybe the two of us were moving too fast, I'm not sure. I did know that I felt good, and I hoped that Casey wasn't too good to be true.

Guys I haven't been on here for months and this chapter lowkey trash. Tell me what you think. You think Casey and Damaris had sex too soon? 🤭

I do want you to know that I'm in college, so it's hard for me to update. I'm working on the next chapter right now! So it should be out by the end of this weekend .

Oh! Should I add other pov's or just keep everything In Damaris' pov?

Thanks 4 reading. Love you all!

Word count: 4117

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