Little Surprises

By MamasBakery

289K 5.2K 9.4K

" Marinette.... your pregnant?" The Ball, the dancing, the fun, the confessions, the danger, the challenges... More

The Party
Flying of Shame
All it takes is just once
Owning up
The News!!
Don't resist my Blueberries!!!
Carnival of Surpises
Beach Daze
Olive Branch
Sorrows or tommorows
Its not over
The Rubble
The final reveal
The Ending We Deserve

The White Grave and the Red Wedding

12.6K 225 371
By MamasBakery

1 month later

This morning we had a quiet funeral in a small cemetery in England. Gabriel had been born and raised here instead of Paris. He had intended to go to school in Paris and move back. But a certain blond woman had enticed him to stay.

His grave was the newest one here and it broke my heart to see Adrien so sad.

" I'm here for you..."
I quietly whispered to him... We held hands while little Felix sat quietly in a small papoose. He was a quiet baby, he hardly ever cried and was always happy. People said I was lucky and should be careful with him. I was told he was one of the cutest babies people had ever seen. That if I wasn't careful he could get taken from me. But I was always careful, he was so precious to me.

Right now he was sleeping so I was staring at his fluff of blond hair. He was so tiny and I just couldn't believe it.

Adrien was over by his father's grave, putting red and white roses over it. I felt someone walk beside me.

" Adrien was my biggest regret when I left. He always had such a soft and kind heart. Even for those who did nothing to deserve his kindness."

I was surprised by the soft tones of the voice behind me. I turned around and their she was, Emilie Agreste. She was a very petite blond woman, her eyes were green like Adrien and her hair was a little darker than his. She smiled at me, secrets alive in her eyes. She extended a hand towards me.

" Hi, I'm Emilie Agreste, sorry for startling you! I heard on the news of my husbands death. I'm saddened, but I have had time to separate myself from him."

I saw her eyes were filled with many shadows and regrets of the past. But she wasn't looking at the grave, she was looking at Adrien. She regretted leaving him. She turned to me again, the shadows masked once more.

" Are you Adrien's friend? I'm glad your here to support him. He needs it..."
I was about to correct her and thank her when he turned around. His expression dropped replaced by surprise and happiness. But as he started walking over it became more and more angry. Her expression turned to panic.

" Son I- "

" Where were you!? I've called and left you so many messages!! Telling you all that's happened and trying to get you to come back!! Why are you here now!!?"
She was shocked and he was angry, Felix started crying. I took him out of the papoose and rocked him trying to calm him down. Emilie looked at me, her expression annoyed.

" Nice meeting you, but this is family business now. Keep him quiet please, I've never had a fondness for loud children."
I ignored her, kept rocking Felix. He was calming down more.

" Mom! You have no right to say that at all. Marinette is more my family than you have been for nearly 7 years."
He was crying, I wanted to hug him. But I kept my distance. Emilie was angry as well now.

" How is she more your family! I'm your mother! She's just a friend, she didn't raise you and help you be who you are!"
She was yelling and it wasn't helping Felix. He was crying louder now.

" Shhh, Shh little Kitty, it's alright."
I started singing in an hushed tone. He calmed down a little, still sniffling.

" You left when I was twelve, I needed my mother. Dad was controlling and so strict and I couldn't handle him grieving as well. You left me alone to face that. You abandoned me, completely. Family doesn't do that, especially a mother. When you left I got to go to public school. Where I made friends and where I became someone special. I was blessed with the experience of falling in love. I fell in love with her, with Marinette. She became my family, with little Felix, my son. So she is more my family than you will ever be."
I held his hand in an attempt to comfort him. Emilie looked in shock and me and Felix. She reached out to touch him but she stopped and retracted her hand.

Emilie looked at me and looked at him and smiled.

" I'm glad your happy now Adrien, I left to get away from him. I regret leaving you so much, but I can see that your life is good. I wanted to checkup on you that's it."
She walked away and I saw Adriens heart break again in his eyes. I had to think of something quick.

" Mrs. Agreste! Check up on us anytime you want. I think I'd like that..."
She turned around, a small smile across her face.

" I think I'd like that too Marinette."
With that she left and I could tell some part of Adrien was better. Too get it all out and to see his mother again. He was whole, he didn't have that piece missing anymore.

We left the cemetery and headed back to Paris. Where our life was just beginning together.

The next day we went to a public funeral, Chloe's. When the mayor found out Chloe had died all of Paris felt his grief. There had been a day of silence.

When we got there the mayor saw us and came over and hugged me.

" Thank you for coming Marinette, I know you and Chloe didn't always see eye to eye. But in the end she left me a message saying she made peace with you. As well as that you had your baby. It was the last thing I heard from her. My congratulations to you and your little one. My Chloe loved children, especially babies. I'm just glad she was happy in the end."

I hugged him and he smiled weakly.

" I have no doubt she told you about her child. I buried her next to her child, that's what she would have wanted."
I walked over to her grave and smiled. It was next to a small one. Labelled only with Justin on it.

Chloe's mom even showed up, though her air of indifference to a lot of it was quiet shocking. I realised she was part of the reason for Chloe's behaviour. The funeral was long but it held a lot of meaning for her. Chloe had made a book full of apologies to people she never apologised to and it was read. I thought it was a beautiful way to honour her.

The wedding bells were ringing loud in my ears. As was the blood rushing in my head and my heart. Today was the day I was getting married to Adrien and I was so nervous.

I didn't have a father or brother to walk me down the isle so Nino was walking me down the isle. It was a little unconventional, but it worked. Nino's leg was finally healed and he could walked with one crutch.

He finally got me to the alter and my heart was beating so loud I thought the entire of Paris could here it. But I realised I didn't care, let them hear that my heart beats for Adrien.

The priest cleared his throat and began to address the entire audience. Me and Adrien had a wedding under the Eiffel tower.

"We gather here to unite these two people in marriage."

I smiled at Adrien, hoping to convey I was excited, nervous, and happy all at the same time.

" Do you both pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and to speak the truth in love? Do you promise to honor and tenderly
care for one another, cherish and encourage each other, stand together, through sorrows and joys, hardships and triumphs for all
the days of your lives"

"We do"
When we said those words the emotions I felt were so overwhelming. Everything felt so final, I couldn't believe my life had gotten so amazing. The look in Adrien's eyes told me he felt the exact same.

"Adrien Agreste.... Do you take Marinette Dupain Cheng as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

" I, Adrien Agreste,  take you, Marinette Dupain Cheng for my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

"  Marinette Dupain Cheng...Do you take Adrien Agreste as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I, Marinette Dupain Cheng, take you, Adrien Agreste,  for my wife/husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

" I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

He grabbed me and kissed me, it was such a powerful and passionate kiss that felt it through my entire being. Happiness making me shake with joy.

I could here people clapping throughout the open square. It was beautiful, and I had never felt so happy.

We had a beautiful dinner and desert but now it was time for speeches and I couldn't believe I was a wife now.

Alya struggled her way to stand up she waved and the crowd quieted immediately.

" Welcome everybody, my names Alya. I'm taking the place of the father today. May we have a moment of silence for the fallen fathers who where not able to be here with us today."

I closed my eyes and thought of my dad, how proud I hoped he would be. When the moment of silence was over I looked up and smiled at her.

" Today is a momentous occasion for everyone. The marriage of two people who we all love dearly. This all started at a party a year ago almost to the day. Where a two people met up and made an accident that would change their lives. This accident is now a miracle, a cute adorable child that United them together. These two went through so so much to be together as a family and I'm eternally grateful that through it all we are all here. We're at this amazing wedding with two people that are more meant to be than the sun and moon. So today, I'm toasting them. Too Marinette and Adrien and Felix!"
She raised her glass as did everyone in the square.

" To Marinette Adrien and Felix!"
Everyone said loudly and clearly and I blushed, Alya made a beautiful speech. Everyone clapped as Adrien stepped up.

" A long time ago I told her I would tell the world I loved her. So today I say again, with everything I have. Marinette Dupain Cheng, excuse me, Marinette Agreste. I love you so much, if I'm the sun then you are the moon. Your my other half, without you the sky just doesn't look the same. You light up the darkness and make it beautiful. Marinette, I love you and I want the world to know."

I stood up and kissed him, I have never known as much happiness as I felt now. When I sat down I noticed he didn't.

"Today is a day of love, while we're mainly celebrating the romantic love. I want to celebrate someone else today. I marrying Marinette and our son. Today he is legally mine but he was always mine in my heart. Felix is the stars in my night sky. I love him and what he's all given me. I am a proud father of a child and I cannot Thank life enough for what it's given me. So a toast to my moon and stars! Marinette and Felix!"
I was crying and I looked around and saw people in the crowd were crying too.

" Felix and Marinette!!"
We heard a babies giggle ring throughout the crowd. I looked at Felix in his white high chair next to me. He was in the tiniest little tux I had ever seen. I picked him up and kissed him in his tiny cheek and he started giggling again. People clapped and stood up and clapped louder. When Adrien stood up they calmed and sat back down.

" I am forever grateful that my best man could be here today. An accident happened and he was a little ruffed up but he's here and I'm so happy for it."
He sat down and Nino raised his hand.

" He wasn't kidding when he said ruffed up. I lost a leg so if you don't mind I'm going to sit."
People throughout the crowed laughed at his humour.

" But in all seriousness, the accident I was through didn't just effect me. I want a moment of silence for Chloe Bourgeois and Gabriel Agreste, a fallen classmate and a father."
Their was a just a moment where everyone was silent. He put his head up and smiled.

" Though we have a lot to be grateful for. We are grateful that a week ago our dear Julika woke up and is able to join us today!"
Julika weakly stood up as the crowd clapped for her.

" I'm grateful that my beautiful girlfriend is here with me today. We're both going through the same thing, the loss of a leg. But we're alive and well and so is our class. We've been together through think and thin. We've survived and building collapse and I think we've all gotten closer since. Adrien and Marinette have been with us through the whole way through and at that time I've seen them. They are meant for each other, they are perfect for each other and I couldn't be happier for them. Marinette compliments Adrien so well and their is no other perfect paring. So toast to your life and your happiness now and forever!"
We all toasted his speech and felt happy. Well all stood up and toasted everyone and I realised this was a perfect wedding.

We partied for almost the whole night, celebrating the amazing thing that I had. I had so much fun tonight.

It was time to thrown the flowers to see who was going to get married next. I was so exited for the plan.

//Alya's Point of View//
I wasn't going to go in for the flowers at first. I thought it would be a bad idea for my leg. But Marinette convinced me to go in.

Now their was a group of screaming girls and Marinette with her back turned. Her bouquet was beautiful, it was Ladybug and Chat Noir colour themed. Most people didn't understand the meaning of it, but I did. This wedding had been stunning.

I watched at she bent down to thrown it and shot up and I expected her to throw it but she didn't. She stopped turned around and walked to me. She handed me the bouquet and I was surprised and confused. She moved to reveal Nino behind her.

I almost screamed when he got down on one knee.

" Alya, Love of my life, will you marry me?"

I pulled him up and kissed him.

" Yes!"

I couldn't believe my luck, the rest of the wedding was the happiest I've felt my whole life.

After the wedding late at night we went home. I had Felix in my arms. We were crossing the street. Adrien talking to Nino while I was cradling Felix. Marinette was behind in her white dress.

It was all calm until a loud boom sounded. Causing us all to stumble and the world to bring Chaos around us.

After the shaking was over I checked if Felix was okay. He was but my heart dropped when I saw behind me.

Adrien was cradling Marinette, Who was on the ground and bleeding. She been hit by a distracted driver. He was crying and screaming for help, her dress was turning red.

A red wedding...

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