Falling Light

By SteponahenDay

1.5K 38 2

!CURRENTLY UNDER MAJOR EDITING! A story inspired by Ninjanerd1001's Son of Deathstroke with some similar even... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 8

65 3 0
By SteponahenDay

Artemis pov

Almost got it. I close my eyes as Robin was cut by Slade. I had almost got the device Wonder Woman gave me. I feel my fingers touch it and then I find the button, pressing it, I hope this thing has a tracking device in it because if not, then it would be useless. I continue to watch as Robin dodges Slade, but at this rate, it seems as if Slade still has plenty left because Robin is starting to tire. Slash, stab, laughter. I look on, eyes wide as I see Robin fall to the floor. I could do nothing but scream. "ROBIN!!!!!" Slade seemed to have a satisfied look but Jade, she didn't seem to enjoy seeing me like this, I had tears in my eyes, she then knew what was wrong here. She stepped forward threw a sleeping dart into the back of Slade before she then ran, Kevin taking off after her. Leaving the rest of us in here alone. I mange to cut the ropes holding me place and jump down to Robin. Holding his head up, I could only think about one thing. Don't be dead, please don't be dead. I checked for a pulse and found one. It was light but there, I could sigh in relief that he wasn't dead but I knew that if he didn't get medical treatment soon, he may die. Seconds later, the door is brought down as the League arrives. Batman running over to me. Looking up to him, he nodded and I picked him up. "We need to get him to the Batcave, the Batmobile is outside" Nodding, I follow Batman, the rest of the team seeming upset that I get to head to the Batcave. As we come out, I place Robin in the back and then get in after Batman sits in the drivers seat. The car revs as Batman then throws down the gear and we go speeding off. While driving, Batman removes his cowl. He removes his cowl. "Wait, your not concerned by me seeing your identity" Batman, or I should say, Bruce Wayne, smirks before he then calls up his butler. "Master Bruce, what can I do for you" "Alfred, prepare the medical room at the Batcave for a Dick, and get some tea on with a snack will you" "Yes master Bruce" Bruce ends the call I look back at Dick, I hope he gets through this, I don't know what I'll do if he dies.

The car comes to a stop and I pick up Dick, following Bruce. We enter the medical room of the Batcave and I place Dick down on the table. Alfred walks over, curious as to why I'm here but he forgets this when he sees Dick and rushes to work. Bruce helping him along the way. "Recognised Wonder Woman 03" Turning around and walking out, Wonder Woman stops before me and speaks. "How'd this happen Artemis" Sighing, I look back and see Bruce walking over. "Don't bother Diana, Artemis knows and she would've found out later on" So Wonder Woman was called Diana, huh, guess you learn something new every day. "Dick was captured, as you said, we walked into a trap and then we awoke, Slade had forced Dick to fight him without any weapons or gear and ended up taking a blow. Jade seemed to think it was too far when she saw my face and took down Slade before running when Kevin flew after her" Wonder Woman nodded and after a few minutes, Alfred walked out. His gloves covered in blood. "Master Dick's condition is stable but I fear he may never wake up from his sleep" Looking down, I didn't know what to do, hunt down Jade and Kevin and bring them to justice or discover that this endless sleep was what fate had planed for him all this time. Diana put a hand on my shoulder and nodded before I followed her back to the zeta tube. Taking one last look at where Dick rested. I entered. "Recognised Wonder Woman 03, Artemis B06"

"Recognised Wonder Woman 03, Artemis B06" The cave was quiet once again, the team were all standing around, waiting to know what Robins condition was. "Artemis, what's Robins condition, will he live" Looking down, tears started to form in my eyes. "Yes, but he...he may never wake up again" The team was silent. Wonder Woman led me to my room before closing the door. I may never be able to recover from this.....

3 years later

3 years since Dick went into his endless sleep, 3 years since Deathstroke was placed behind bars. 3 years since I lost a part of me. In those 3 years, we had gained new team members but none of them understood what had happened before them till they learned of Robin and his endless sleep. It had become so obvious that I love Robin. I spent most of my time either in the training room, my room or on missions. The only people who ever visited me now were Bruce and Diana, I had lost so much because of Slade. But today changes it all. Today Bruce had invited me over to the Batcave to see Dick, they may not be able to keep him on life support much longer and wanted me to have my final goodbyes before they take him off. I may not like it, but I had no choice. Walking out of my room, I walked into the main chamber, the team were training with Black Canary. "Artemis, are you going to join us" Shaking my head, I speak. "No, Batman's invited me to the Batcave to see Dick" The team had no idea what I was talking about but today, today they were going to take Dick of life support. "Recognised Artemis B06"

"Recognised Artemis B06" Taking in the sight of the Batcave again, I walked over to Bruce who then led me to the medical room. Pulling up a chair, I sit down and sigh. "Can I have a moment alone please" Bruce nods and leaves the room. The door closing behind him. Taking in a deep breath. I start.

Robin pov

It was all dark, I couldn't see anything but I could hear voices. I had no idea how long I was out but I had heard a new voice, it was Artemis. "Dick, you've been in this endless sleep for 3 years" 3 years, dammit, what could've happened in those 3 years. "And in those 3 years, I've shut myself off from others. I'd be training, in my room or on a mission. But Dick. We need you to come back, I need you to come back. I need you now more then ever and I don't know how long I can hold on after they take you off life support. Comeback to us, the team needs you, the new team members have never seen you, they have only heard of you and if you die, they may never get to know what a hero you really are, or how skilled you truly are" I was touched, I was starting to see light. I felt my hand twitch a little. I was coming back, no matter what.

Artemis pov

I notice Dicks hand twitch a little before his breathing got deeper. I notice his hands starting to twitch a lot more now. Calling out, Bruce walked in and saw Dicks hand twitching. Looking at him, I noticed his eyes slowly start to open. Dick, he was back and I could finally introduce him to the new members of the team.

Robin pov

I opened my eyes and was greeted by an over joyous Artemis putting her arms around me. I was startled but returned the hug before we separated. "I can't believe I was out for 3 years Artemis, I could everyone talking around me but could never wake up, till you came and touched my heart" Artemis smiled, she had a way with words at time, much like I did at times too. "Well Bruce, shown Artemis the old identity have we, guess the team has no idea still" "Nope, they have no idea that I know" I broke a small smile before giving a chuckle. "Well, shall we head back to the cave" Bruce nodded before I got up and walked over to my new Robin suit, taking it, I headed to the change room and changed into it before I walked back out. Nodding at Artemis, we walked into the zeta tube. "Recognised Artemis B06, Robin B07"

"Recognised Artemis B06, Robin B07" I walked out to find the team overjoyed to see me up and about again. "Robin, it's been 3 years. Did you only just wake up" Nodding I spy several new members, namely two, I have no idea who they are but I was waiting for Artemis to introduce me. Or for them to introduce themselves. They were both female and walked up, Artemis was at my side, holding my hand. The two seemed to notice this. One wore cloths similar to Zatara making me wonder what I had missed, the other was more so casual. "Greetings Robin, I'm Zatanna" "And I'm Rocket" Nodding at them both, I reply. "I'm Robin, I trust by what Artemis has told me that you've heard about me already" Both nodded before I looked around at the cave. It was much the same. "Robin, your room has been left alone for 3 years so dust may have settled in that time, I can help you if you want" Nodding, Artemis and I head off to my room, ready to clean out the Dust and other objects that have infected it over time....

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