Card Tricks -Jikook

By StraightlyViolette

95.2K 5.6K 2.3K

"Thinking of me again, I see." Jungkook was going to punch that smirk one day. More

Welcome đź’ś
Slight of Hand
Rabbit Hat
Box of Swords
Counting Doves
Opening Night
Street Audition
Hidden Talent
Now You Don't
Triple Crown
Live For The Applause
Am I Wrong?
Disappearing Act
Fried Rice
A-Hole Classified
Strike A Deal
Hold Me Down
Precautioned Caution
Simon Says
1,209,600 Seconds
Find Me, Find You
Hold On Tight
• End •

Ace of Spades

3.6K 242 58
By StraightlyViolette

Jungkook was - let's just say reluctant - to use the bus back from the restaurant to go home as he got off a stop too early, and so the boy hauled his ass over to the apartment in which he lived completely on foot. Yup. His sister Jisoo was more than ecstatic (as you can imagine) to open the front door for her sweaty, smelling, disheveled older brother to tumble through.

She didn't even ask him what happened, just went back to the couch and resumed whatever she was watching. Jungkook was actually kinda hurt by it, like we came out of the same womb. You'd think you'd wonder if your precious older brother was okay.

The older decided that such actions would not stand. So, Jungkook rationally took revenge by throwing his sweaty shirt at her and ran to the bathroom before she could kick his ass to shower, not having to even lock the door. That's was one thing the two were good at - the bathroom is off limits when one of them is in it.

He took his time, showering to "Funny How It Works" from one of 4'oclock's earlier albums, back when their sound was more musky. It didn't occur to him till half way through that he - by his own will - turned on a kpop song. The second it hit, Jungkook skipped the song to play physco by Post Malone instead.

* * *

"Whatcha watching Jiboo" Jungkook called his sister by her nickname as he stumbled into the living room and sprawled across the couch like a King. When she was kid she couldn't pronounce Jisoo because she couldn't form the s sound and so used to call herself Jiboo. It made for a wonderful weapon for when the pair grew up.

"You don't care anyway."

"Try me."

"It's that PPB interview with the kpop group I like - 4'oclock. I think I showed you them before."

Jungkook cocked his head, rearranging his position on his couch, trying to shake off the strange feeling of deja vu. Jimin had said to him, I have an interview to get to, people I love are waiting on me, I can't disappoint them.

"Hey Jisoo what time was this filmed?"

"I don't know, like a couple hours ago. Hey you okay? You're making a stranger face then your usual one."

Jungkook nodded, biting the inside of his cheek trying to push out the idea that maybe - just maybe - he hadn't imagined what occurred in the bathroom stall at that random ass restaurant. An idol would have tons of interviews, so there's no way this can count as proof for anything.

"I asked about your love life! Were you trying to avoid the question??" The pink haired mc chirped on their TV. Jisoo leaned forward and shushed Jungkook telling him she wants to hear this part and his existence was getting annoying.

"Right! I mean my love life consists of my love for my fans." Jungkook snorted at that, the dude knew how to play these people.

"That's such a safe answer!" Jisoo nodded along. Jungkook was surprised she didn't raise her hands up in praise too. Like yes Jin Master, make my baby spill tee even though he's obviously uncomfterable.

"Well it's true, I mean I've had relationships in the past-" Jimin said before glancing off set and back on. It was kinda surprising how less reserved the boy was in real life, Jungkook thought as he watched Jimin's eyes go from the cameras to off screen once again - probably to see what he should say next. "um but they...they taught me to put my walls up-" Now Jungkook was the one to lean forward.

"God I love him so much-"

"Jisoo shut up."

His sister gave him an annoyed look that broke into a wide smirk, her brother waved her off, not wanted to deal with the evil grin that accompanied the girl's face whenever she feels accomplished in exposing someone to something she loves. She would make one scary drug dealer.

"The Vmin Ship?" Pink Hunger Games MC pokes.

Jungkook burst out laughing at that one, falling back into the couch with his entire spine fading into it. Jisoo gave him a look before taking a pillow and hitting him with it to make him shut up. "What are you laughing at! Is it because 4'oclock is obviously in love and you're all lonely? Everyone knows that Vmin is real, they just have to hide it in front of the camera. All Timers know this."

"Jisoo, I hate to break this to you, but that member -" Jungkook points to Jimin trying to remember his stage name, "-Chim. Well he's definitely straight."

"You take that back."

"Jisoo I'm 100% positive, call it an...intuition." Jungkook said chewing the last word out, not quite wanting to say experience or proven fact.

"You don't know that, don't say things just to be mean!" Jisoo says before storming off leaving Jungkook dumbfound. You don't mess with a stan and her ships. He even flinched as he heard her slam her door.


His doors.

"Jisoo I swear to got you touch one thing!-" he screams getting up to tackle the bish but the TV was still on and the remote still in his hand. Jungkook ran a hand through his hair and studied the idol pair on the screen in front of him. Suddenly compelled to stay and watch the end of the interview before murdering his sibling in cold blood.

Kim Taehyung was a handsome idol with very prominent features such as an unforgettable jaw structure and stature. The two of them, Jimin and Taehyung, (Chim and V if we're going by stage names) stood up to thank the fans watching at home, and Jungkook couldn't help but study them side to side. Honestly, Jimin kinda screamed straight - but that didn't stop Jungkook from shutting off the tv when the Jimin clapped Taehyung's back when walking off.


A/N - I just described sex as a very intense game of tickle fight where you win if you make the other person so happy they can't tickle any more.

Wtf is happening

- Violette

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