The Royal Game (Editing)

By IvanaM

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Two persons. One throne. Amelie never thought her father will betray her. He traded her place as a Queen to a... More

Chapter 1 ~ A Secret
Chapter 2 ~ Bittersweet Memories
Chapter 3 ~ Break me Down
Chapter 4 ~ Rejected
Chapter 5 ~ Surprise
Chapter 6 ~ Breaking News
Chapter 7 ~ Relationships
Chapter 8 ~ The Unexpected
Chapter 9 ~ Twist
Chapter 10 ~ Adeline
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - My 'Dear'
Chapter 13 ~ Newcomers
Chapter 14 ~The Final Countdown
Chapter 15 ~The War~
Chapter 16 ~Farewell~
Chapter 17


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By IvanaM


Twenty two years later

''What a wonderful day, isn't it?'' ''Yes, indeed. Birds are singing, the sun is shining, flowers are's beautiful.'' I walked down the stone path in our garden. I was the soon going to be a Queen, following my mother. I always thought about it as an honor, not as a chore like many others. ''Where is Nicholas? I heard he has grown quite big.'' ''He's great, thank you. He eats a lot so yes, he is quite big. I can already see Dominic inside of him, they look alike.''

I answered with a short laugh, content my husband will have a great son. ''I can imagine, Dominic is quite handsome. I mean, for women, not for me.'' Laughing at Gabriel, I shook my head. ''I have to admit he is, but it doesn't matter. He's even more beautiful and attractive on the inside. I sometimes think he's too perfect for me, maybe I don't deserve him.'' Gabriel visibly frowned before I realized what I just said. It must have reminded him of Amelie. ''You deserve him, child, I'm sure. That's exactly what I thought about your mother. Don't do the same mistake, love him with all your heart and soul and think of nothing else.''

''I do love him and I'm sure my mother loved you as well. I don't remember her too clearly but one night, she told me a bedtime story I will never forget. It was about a knight in shining armor and a queen who was trapped in the world of evil. I was too young to realize it was your love story. She thought of you as a knight in shining armor who was ready to save her although she didn't want it.''

A tear escaped his eye and trickled down his wrinkled old face. His hair was a mess, just like he was inside. Sometimes I heard him crying and weeping the whole night, saying my mother's name over and over, again and again. 

''Oh Rose, you are so much like her. I can see her every time I look at you, hear her every time you speak. It's like I'm walking with her, not with her daughter.''

I sat on the bench, pulling him beside me. '''s alright.'' He rested his head on my shoulder, seeking for comfort. ''You must move on Gabriel, you must.'' Gabriel remained silent, only a few whimpers escaped his dry throat. ''You're right Rose, I have to move on.'' I smiled at him, thankfully he finally understood it was for his own good. It would be painful just to watch him rotting inside, yearning for his lost love.

''Rose, get back here please! Nicholas is crying!'' I smiled at the thought of my husband taking care of our child. Gabriel nodded. ''Go, your child needs you.'' ''I will, just don't forget about this, alright? Move on, Amelie would want you to stop, wouldn't she?'' He nodded again, confirming my statement. I returned to our chamber, trying to seem indifferent to see Dominic's reaction. ''Please help me, he's crying without stopping!'' I rolled my eyes at him panicking and sat next to Nicholas, starting to sing.

I am here, do not cry. Sleep, you're safe in your dreams. Nothing will happen while I'm here with you, looking up to the sky, where one day we'll together fly.

Nicholas went silent as his eyes started to close. He looked so peaceful and calm. Dominic let out a breath he was holding and embraced me, slightly rocking me like a baby. I touched his face behind me, inhaling his musky scent. We have been together for more than fifteen years now, and yet we never argued, at least not for long. There was no time when we were unhappy together, it all seemed as in a fairytale.

Christian, my mother's brother was an old man now, at least too old to rule. I could see his sadness when he looked at me, saying I was reminding him of Amelie. The day I found out she died was the worst day of my life. Without Dominic, I would have gone insane, the mental break down was too painful. He was there for me, always sleeping next to me to keep me safe from nightmares, always knowing what's best for me.

After several years, I finally recovered and moved on, deciding it's time for me to marry Dominic. Even now, I still talk to my mother every night, it's something that is preventing me from losing hope in fate, in my life. My marriage with Dominic brought me so much happiness, especially when I found out I was carrying his child, our child. I still remember that the first thing I thought after going through labour was: You're a grandmother now, Amelie.

When Gabriel found out I was pregnant, his smile was so precious, it was too rare to see him smile after Amelie's death. He was helping Christian out and collecting flowers, just like Amelie did while she was a child. When I was around twelve, I would go to him every night after talking to my mother to hear a goodnight story. He would cuddle me in front of his fireplace and talk for hours, but  I never got bored. When I asked him to say a story about him and my mother, he would sometimes try to change the subject but the third time I pleaded him, he finally told me their love story.

It was fascinating to see how my mother was such a wise woman. So strong, confident and brave, so nice and kind with others like she was the same. A month ago, Christian told me about the betrayal and how Amelie needed and wanted to banish them for their own good, but thankfully the war had started to prevent it. It was the only good thing about that war, except of the victory of my mother.

''Rose? Are you alright?'' Dominic bend over me, looking at me with concern. ''Fine, I was just deep into thoughts. These twenty two years passed so quickly...'' Sighing, he sat next to me, putting his hand on my right leg. ''You know I'm here for you, whatever happens, right?'' I looked at his face, noticing how serious and concerned he was. Managing to shatter my frown with a weak smile, I kissed him as an answer.

''I can't believe how amazing you are, Nicholas never sleep when he's with me.'' ''Well then you need to learn how to sing and he'll be asleep in a second.'' Dominic raised his eyebrow toward me. ''Me, singing? No way, it's an impossible mission, I'd rather try to shush him some other way.'' Murmuring how stubborn he was, I stood up and tucked Nicholas under several warm blankets. ''I have to go to Christian, he said it's important.'' There was no doubt I saw a flash of disappointment in Dominic eyes, but he nodded, whispering. ''Go then, I'll watch over Nicholas.'' 

The hall was unusually quiet and dark, making me shiver. There was no guards or slaves, not even my cat. The only sound that could be heard were my heels clicking against stone surface of the floor, which echoed through whole hallway. ''Christian?'' I screamed when doors flew open, almost slamming into me. A hand wrapped around my mouth to prevent another scream, but panic inside of me increased to an utmost level.

''Shh, I won't hurt you.'' I calmed at the man's voice, it seemed familiar. The hand around me loosened, giving me space to slip under and turn around. It was a guard who scared me, smiling. ''My God, you scared me!'' ''I sincerely apologize, Milady. If I may ask, what are you doing here alone? Everyone are outside, the villagers are celebrating.'' It was the first time I heard there was a celebration outside the castle, tough I did hear laugh through the open window.

''I'm looking for Christian, is he outside too?'' The guard thought a while about it before answering. ''I am not sure but he's maybe in your mother's chamber down the hall. Do you want me to accompany you?'' ''No, it's alright.'' Nodding in appreciation, I stormed down the hallway, stopping where Amelie's chamber was. It was still painful too see her chamber untouched, so warm inside like her spirit lingered there. Christian was sitting on her bed, holding a piece of paper. I noticed he was crying.

''Christian? What's happened?'' He hoisted his head towards me, looking with a painful expression. ''Before she died, Amelie wrote us a letter. I didn't know about that until Gabriel spotted an envelope below her pillow. It broke him down, Rose. After he read it...he went insane from love.

''What does the letter say?'' ''Here, read it for yourself if you want.'' I took the paper from him and sat in the armchair.

Dear Family,

we all know it's just a matter of time until we see each other again. Please do not mourn me because I have lived my life long enough to be blessed by a family. Christian, you were an amazing brother. Yes, we had arguments when you came but none of us hated each other for purpose. I will always love you just like the others, do not doubt it. Gabriel, I am so sorry we cannot see Rose growing up together, that we can't touch, hear, kiss each other anymore but one day we will. I will wait for you forever, my love. 

I do not know if I will die of someone's sword or because of the ilness, but I'm writing this while I still can so that you can remember me and know I'm always here for you. Rose, I hope you're with Dominic, he is such a wonderful child. Or a man now. His brave attitude and kind words are saying enough about him, there's no need for me to say something else. It would be amazing if you have a child with him, or with a person you truly love. Remember, always fight for your love even if you think there's no chance you'll win. Love conquers all, even the world full of evil. No matter what anyone says, we are a family and we will be forever and always. I will always be here for you.

Just remember one more thing, I beg.

You will never be alone.

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