By tashachamberlin

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A COMPLETED BOOK This is an in-depth psychic development and spiritual growth course. This course was writte... More



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By tashachamberlin

Raising our vibrations is the first of 3 sections that are designed to help us to be our higher selves. Raising our vibrations connects us with our higher selves. The higher our vibrations are the more we connect with our higher self and become our higher self. I will explain more about higher selves in section 4 which is all about higher selves. The Higher Self lesson is an in-depth lesson which is why I have split this lesson in to three separate sections. In this way we can cover all that needs covering. This section is a major part of the Higher Self lesson. When we are our higher selves our vibration will be at its very highest. In order to grow spiritually and develop our gifts, we need to constantly be raising our vibrations to a much higher level. Raising our vibrations plays a major role in our development and with our spiritual growth.

Sections 3, 4 and 5 are the entire Higher Self lesson. These are as follows:

* Section 3: Rising Vibrations Course
* Section 4: Connecting with our Higher Self Course
* Section 5: Being our Higher Selves Course


What are vibrations?

As I mentioned before in the Protection and Grounding lesson; everything is made up of energy. Everything has a vibration! A vibration is energy so the higher and healthier your energy is the stronger your vibration is. A vibration is like a frequency. Animals have a much higher vibration than we do and this is why their senses are so heightened - the higher your energy levels / vibration the more heightened your senses are. This is why animals can hear and see so much better than what we can. They find it easy to see, hear and feel spirit. Their intuition is strong because their vibration is strong. Vibrations are basically energy and higher frequencies. This is similar to tuning in to a radio station. The better the connection and the stronger the frequency the better quality of sound you will receive. If the connection and frequency is not good then you will find it hard to tune into a radio channel. This same principle applies when tuning into our guides and angels. We need to raise our vibrations and energy in order to better tune in with our guides and angels. The higher our vibrations the easier it will be for us to hear, feel and see our guides and angels.

Why do we have to raise our vibration

Raising our vibrations is an integral part of growing spiritually and developing our gifts. We have to be constantly raising our vibrations in order to use our gifts to their full potential. The more our vibrations rise the stronger our intuition becomes. Raising our vibrations helps our six senses to strengthen, heighten and grow. It helps us to have a stronger intuition and to better tune into others, our planet and spiritual helpers. Our guides and angels vibrate at a much higher level than what we do. In order for us to better connect with our guides and angels we need to constantly be raising our vibrations so that we vibrate on a higher frequency / level - similar to that of our guides. As our vibrations rise we draw more positive energy into our lives which are equally as important. Raising our vibrations removes negative energy and draws positive energy to you. It is healing and cleansing. Raising our vibrations helps us to heal on a deep spiritual level.

How can I raise my vibration higher?

There are so many ways of raising our vibrations. We raise our vibrations regularly with out even realising that we are doing so. Below is a short list of common ways of raising vibrations...


When we are negative then we draw negative energy into our lives. This negative energy dampens our vibrations and makes us vibrate at a far lower frequency. This makes is harder for us to develop our gifts and connect with our guides and angels. The more positive energies in your life the happier you will become and the higher your vibration will rise. So many times in our lives we draw negative energies to us with out realizing it. Just by thinking negatively of yourself or others can draw negative energy to you. If you can train yourself to think more positively then you will notice that positive things will begin to happen in your life. If you think negatively then negative things will happen. The more positive you are and become and the more you learn to love and accept yourself for who you are, the more your psychic gifts and intuition will heighten and grow into something beautiful.


In order to raise our vibrations we need to learn to love ourselves and not to think negatively. How can we begin to help others if we are in a negative place? We need to be sound of mind, confident, strong and healed in order to use our energy to help others. We do not want to put our negative energy upon others and drain our own energy. This is why it is vital that we learn to love ourselves instead of being negative or putting ourselves down. When we do not like the person that we are then it instantly lowers our vibration.


In order to raise our vibrations we need to surround ourselves with those who vibrate at a higher level. When we are in the company of those whose vibrations are lower than ours then we take on a similar vibration to theirs. An example is this; if you are constantly around people who are fighting, swearing and auguring then you will become down, sad, angry, depressed. You begin (with out even realising it) feeling in a negative place as you are surrounded by negative energy and emotions. You need to try and distance yourself those who are negative and make you feel in a negative place. If you surround yourself with people who are happy, confident and in a positive frame of mind then, you will begin to feel the same. Our vibrations vibrate at a higher level if we are around those who are positive. The same principal applies if we are around negative situations. Negative situations in our lives only lower our vibrations. We need to be in positive situations in order to raise our vibrations higher.


If you are in a happy place then your vibration will be rising higher. Try to do things that make you feel happy. Do the things that feed your inner spirit and bring joy into your life. If you do things that bore you or make you unhappy or do not fulfil you then, you will be instantly drawing negative energy to you and lowering your vibration. Try and get out more and have fun. Keep your thoughts, feelings and emotions happy and enjoy life to the full.


We need to heal from past hurts, build our self confidence, deal with issues that we have wiped under the carpet and learn to think positively. All of the above will help to strengthen your gifts, raise your vibration and draw positive energy to you. All of the above will prepare you to be ready to devote your time and energy in helping others as best as you can. So many times in our lives we allow negative influences and emotions from the past to come back to bite us on the bum. It is true that we do allow this. It is time to make a stand and not allow this negativity to stop you moving forward.

Our past is the past and should be left in the past. We all are guilty of ignoring issues from the past that we have not yet fully healed from. We do this because it may be too painful to face. In order for us to raise our vibrations, heal and grow, we need to heal from our pasts. We need to learn to let go of the past and look forward to the future. We need to learn how to concentrate on the here and now. Instead of draining our energy on unresolved issues from our past, we need to deal with them or let them go in order to move forward on a positive footing.


In order to be our higher selves and to raise our vibrations we need to connect with our inner spirit. Our inner spirit is the essence of which we are and is what makes us tick. It is the part of us that makes us unique and special. We will learn more out inner spirits (which is our higher self) in lesson 3.


Our higher self is our inner spirit, raised vibration and the part of us that is good, kind, loyal, faithful, empathic and genuine. Our higher self is our true selves - our spiritual self or soul. Our higher selves vibrate at such a high level and can easily connect with our guides and angels. Once you are your higher self you will find it easy to hear, feel, see and connect with your spiritual and angelic helpers. We will learn more about this in lesson 4.


We need to learn to forgive others and our selves in order to raise our vibrations. When we hold resentment and anger we are only harbouring negative energy. This negative energy is so strong that it lowers our vibrations and makes it harder for us to connect with our angels and guides. We need to learn to forgive and move forward in order to grow spiritually.


Fear is one of the biggest things that hold us back from moving forward. Fear is a deep emotion that is riddled with negative energy. Fear can stem from many varied sources but its main source is the ego. Our ego conjures up fear to stop us in our tracks and to draw negative energy to us. Fear lowers our vibrations and stops us from fully connecting with our higher selves. Fear comes in many forms such as worry, concern, fear for our own lives and the lives of others, fear of spirits and the unexplained, fear to do something that needs doing, fear of speaking your mind, fear of going to places or growing, fear of others and so on. We need to nip fear in the butt and remove it as soon as it comes in.




This week I will help you to learn to appreciate the wonderful being that is YOU! I will help you to build confidence in yourself. This week is all about helping you to draw positive energies into your life and helping you to like your self more. Self healing is an important first step in growing spiritually and in becoming your higher self. We will learn how to dust out any negative cobwebs to make room for positive changes. The first step in drawing positive energies into your life is to learn to love yourself - not in a vain kind of way but more in an accepting of who you are and being happy to be you.

God, your guides and angles love you for who you are. Your family and friends love you for who you are - now you need to learn to love yourself for who you are. You can not change the person you are or how you look so why not learn to accept who you are, and learn to love the body that you were blessed with. The first lot of exercises in this lesson are designed to help us learn to love ourselves more. Try doing these exercises daily and as many times a day as you can.

Loving and Accepting the Way You Look

We are all guilty of having something about ourselves that we do not like. We all have things that bother and annoy us daily. For me it is my hair, legs and teeth. It has taken me years to accept my teeth, hair and legs and to understand that they are apart of whom I am. What I would like for you to do is each time you look in the mirror and think, "ERRR I wish my hair was not so thin! Or "I wish I was prettier!" or you think negatively of yourself, stop and tell yourself off. Say in your mind or out loud, "STOP IT! I am beautiful just the way I am. In God's eyes we are all beautiful and so am I."

Accepting the Way I Look Chart

Use the space provided to create your chart. Make a list with two columns. Call one column Negative and the other Column Positive. Now stand in front of a mirror - preferably one that is full length. Spend 5 - 10 minutes studying yourself in the mirror. Write down in the negative column all the things that you do not like about your appearance. After you have done this then write down in the positive column, all the things that you like about yourself.

Now look back at the things in your negative column and read them out one by one. With each one look in the mirror and study what it is that you do not like. For example if you wrote down 'Nose' in the negative column then take a long hard look at your nose. The following questions would be about your nose. Once you have finished doing this process with your nose then, move onto the next thing on your list and repeat the process, until you have completed everything on the negative list.

Questions to ask yourself while looking through the negative list...

1. What is it that I do not like about my ...............?
2. How dose my .......... make me feel?
3. Why do I feel the way I do about my .............?
4. Is my .................. really that bad?
5. How can I learn to like my ..................... more?
6. Is it possible for me to like my ...................?
7. Can I change my ...................?
8. What can I do to change my .........................?

The things on your negative list are the things you need to deal with. In other words these are the things that you need to learn to accept about yourself and like about yourself.

For example if you do not like your teeth because they stick out too much. Try thinking of how you can change your negative feelings towards your teeth. You could go to the dentist and ask him to help sort out your teeth, or you could accept that this is how they are. Accept that your teeth are a part of you and what makes you your unique self.

Each time you think about your teeth try pushing away the negative thoughts that pop into your mind, replace those negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Tell yourself to STOP being silly. Yes your teeth stick out but they have done so all your life. Remind your self that your family, partner and children (if have) and friends love you - even with your sticky out teeth.

Another example of this is say that you look in the mirror and you think that you have put on some weight. You do not like the size of your waist line. Instead of feeling all negative in side and running yourself down, you should think that I have two options. I could either do something positive about my weight by doing more exercises or going on a diet. Or I can accept that this is who I am and know that my loved one accept me as I am.

Most times we can sort out the things that truly bug and annoy us about ourselves. There are always options on things we can do like dieting or going to the dentist - to help make us like our selves more. But at times there are also things that we would like to change about ourselves but these things are unchangeable. It is these things that we need to learn to love and accept.

For example: Imagine that you do not like your ears as they are too big or too small. You can not change the size of your ears so you need to learn to accept them for how they are. Your ears may not be your cup of tea but do you see your partner, family or loved ones complaining. No! They love you unconditionally and they love you and your ears just the way they are. Keep reminding yourself how if others have accepted you for the way you are, then so can you.

Each time you have sorted out and dealt with something on your negative list, tick off those negative things and add them to the positive list. It may take you days, weeks, months or even years to do this exercise, but once done you will find that your negative list will be empty and your positive list would have grown. You will find that all those things you used to hate or dislike about your appearance now do not seem so bad. They have either been fixed or accepted. You will like your appearance so much more and accept yourself for who you are. Each time you add one of your negatives to the positive list then congratulate yourself. Give yourself a clap and feel proud of your achievement. Treat yourself and feel good for turning a negative into a positive.

Loving and Accepting Your Personality

It is not just our appearance that we need to learn to accept but also our personalities. Each and every one of us has a unique personality that makes us the people we are. Our personalities are what makes us stand out from the crowd and what gives us our sense of identity. We need to learn to love our personalities as these are our identity cards. Our personalities and our funny little traits and quirks, are what makes us unique and stand out.

Personality Negatives and Positives Chart

Sit down somewhere quiet and where you will not be disturbed. Do the same as you did for the accepting yourself chart. Make a negative column and a positive column as you did before. In the negative column write down all the things you do not like about your personality. Write down the things that annoy you about yourself. Write down the things that you do that annoy others and upset you. Then in the positive column, write down all the positive things about yourself and your personality.

Write down all your good qualities and your strengths, write down what others love about you, and write down the things that you are good at. Like with the way you look exercise try to find ways to either change the things you do not like about your personality or accept them. Each time you have fixed or accepted one the negative personality traits, then cross it off the negative list and add it to the positive one. Accept the ones that you can not change and learn to love them as they are apart of you. Others accept them and love them and so should you.

Ask your self the following questions about the things that you do not like about your personality....

1.Why do I not like ............?
2.What is it about ............... that I do not like?
3.Can I ever learn to like ...................?
4.Can I change .................... or not?
5.What can I do to change ..................?
6.What can I do to change how I feel about ..................?
7.How dose ............. make me feel?
8.Why do I feel the way I do about .............?


Make an 'Accepting the way you look chart' and work on thing things that you do not like about your self. Try to see if you can change what you do not like. If not, then accept them and learn to love them as they are apart of whom you are.
Make an 'Accepting your personality chart' and work on the things that you do not like about your personality. Try to see if you can change what you do not like. If not, then accept them and learn to love them as they are an important part of who you are and they build your personality.

Each day this week spend 5 - 10 minutes taking a long and hard look at your self in the mirror. Tell the things that you do not like about your looks that you accept them and love them just the way they are. Try to say it with meaning. Then do the same for the things you do not like about your personality.
Each day this week spend 5 minutes or so looking in the mirror and say the following in your mind or out loud - preferably out loud... I am beautiful just the way I am. In God's eyes we are all beautiful and so am I."

Each time you think negatively about your self then tell your self to STOP! Replace the negative thought with a positive one.



It is so important to learn to enjoy being your self. In our very busy lives we forget to enjoy our selves and do the things that matter to us. We have so many commitments to others that we neglect our own needs. We rush about day in and day out sorting out this and that. We do not make enough time to enjoy life and live our own lives. The following are things that you can do to help raise your vibration, help you to be your higher self, learn to love yourself more and accept who you are and help you to heal with in. The following will help you to re-build your self confidence and accept yourself for who you are. By accepting who we are we are beginning an extremely important journey of self healing and self discovery. We unlock hidden gifts and talents and grow spiritually at a faster rate. It helps to better our relationships with our selves and others.

Enjoying being YOU exercises

Spoil Yourself

Treating and spoiling your self some times (not all the time) is so very important. So many times through out our lives we are so busy caring for others, working and getting on with our day to day lives that we forget to take care of ourselves and spoil ourselves too. We are all important and all deserve to be treated and spoiled too. These next set of exercises are fun and truly does help you to feel so much better about yourself.

• Shop till you drop!

Treat yourself to a day out shopping; you can go either by yourself or with some friends. Make this a shopping trip with a difference. Make it a day trip going to shops where you do not usually go. Maybe even do some travelling if you can and visit new shops. This is not the usual food and daily shopping trips. This is a shopping trip for you to get some things that you really like - for you. Treat yourself and do not feel guilty about doing so.

Tell yourself that you will spend a specific amount of money on yourself and yourself alone - with out feeling guilty! When last did you do that? It is important to remember that you have needs too and deserve to be treated as much as the next person. You do not need to spend a lot of money - even if you just buy one item, you are still treating yourself. Make your shopping trip be as fun and as enjoyable as you can. Do some window shopping, buy yourself an ice-cream or visit a café or restaurant for lunch. TREAT yourself!

• Do something different

Try doing something different and that is new or that you have not done before. You could do something different to your appearance that makes you feel handsome or beautiful inside - you are already beautiful but it is always nice to treat ourselves to something that makes us feel good.

You could have your hair coloured or cut - maybe try out a different type of hair style. Or you could buy yourself a nice new outfit or shoes. If you are a woman you could get your nails and make up done at a beautician or even do it yourself (it is a proven fact that when woman ware make up it heightens their self confidence) - you could give yourself a full makeover and manicure. If you are a man then you could maybe try growing a goatee or beard or get a tattoo.

You could try wearing different types of clothing to the ones you usually use.
Try joining the gym as this may help you to feel better in your self and more healthy and fit. Maybe visit a place that you have never been to before, do an activity that you have always wanted to do but never had confidence or felt afraid, walk or drive a different way to work or school. Do something different and notice how good it feels to do so.

• Dance

Spend 15 - 20 minutes a day dancing to some of your favourite music. Just put on your favourite cd and dance. If you feel conscious dancing then do this when no one is around. Dancing is great exercise and helps you to feel so good about yourself. Just close your eyes and dance to the music. Feel the music and have fun. Enjoy the experience.


Get out and about more and visit places you have not been before. Or go for a long walk down roads you have not walked yet. Explore new areas and surround yourself with something different. The reason holidays do us such good is because we are getting away from the mundane. We are leaving behind everything that is familiar and enjoying something new. It is important to have change of scenery and people. It is important to feed our inner spirits by doing something new. We need to get away some times so that we can be our true selves and connect with our inner spirit. It is good to leave our worries, troubles and day to day lives aside for a while. Have a rest so that you can re-charge your batteries.

• Me Time

It is so important for us to take out some time for us each day - even if it is just 15 - 20 minutes. Try to make me time each day where you answer to no one, where you relax, distress and have quiet time to yourself. Treat yourself by having a luxurious bubble bath. Light some candles and maybe sprinkle some rose petals into the bath. Put on a little music and enjoy the relaxation and spending quality time with yourself. Pamper yourself afterwards if it helps you feel special and relaxed. You could go for a nice long walk and just relax and take in the scenery or just lay on your bed, shut your eyes and be one with yourself and your thoughts. When we make time for ourselves and quiet our minds, it makes it easier for us to clearly hear divine guidance.

• You Can Do It!

Think of something that you have always wanted to do (something with in reason) and then do everything in your power to do it. For example: You have always wanted to go ice-skating but never got the chance. Now is the time to do it. Or you have always wanted to try eating shrimp but never have - so go out there and eat shrimp! Do that something special that you have always wanted to do.

Changing Our Thought Patterns

Each time that you think something negative about your self, someone else, or something in your daily life tell yourself to STOP! Then instantly try to replace that negative thought with a positive one. For example: Imagine that you are walking down the street and you see a person that you do not like. The first thing that pops into your mind is, "Oh no not her again. Look at the way that she thinks that she is better than anyone else!" STOP right there and tell your self NO! I will not think in that way.

Then try thinking of something positive about that person like, "Okay, so I do not like her and she can be a bit up her self at times, but she is still a person like me. Everyone has faults. Maybe deep down she is a nice person and what she portrays to the world is different to how she really is. Instead of judging her I should try taking the time to get to know what she is really like." You have now changed your thought Patten to a more positive one.

Another example is: You are packing away the clean dishes when you accidentally drop one of the plates onto the floor. You scold your self, telling your self how clumsy you are.

You feel angry with yourself for dropping the plate and start putting yourself down. STOP and say, "NO! It was an accident and it could have happened to anyone. Yes I broke a plate but it is not the end of the world. What is done is done - there is no point in crying over spilt milk." What you did there was stop the negative thought and energy and turned it into a positive thought which in turn turned into positive energy.

A final example of this is: You wake up in the morning, draw back the curtains to see that the weather outside is frightful. The wind is blowing a gale and it is raining hard. You let out a loud moan as you had planned to take the kiddies to the park for the day. You start complaining to yourself, cursing the weather and annoyed that your plans are ruined.

STOP and tell yourself, "NO! I will not think negatively. Yes it is pouring with rain and the wind is so strong it might blow down a tree or two. Yes my plans are ruined but I just need to make the best of it. I could do baking or arts and crafts with the kiddies instead. They will enjoy it just as much and I will be spending quality time with them."

You may find it hard at first to learn to change your thought Patten, but with patience and practice you will find that it all starts to come naturally for you. You will find yourself thinking more positively with out any effort, your relationships will improve and you will find more positive energies in your life.

Other ways to help draw positive energies into your life is to have a life plan. To have structure in your life and goals that keep you motivated and leave you with something to look forward to in life. This next exercise is designed to help keep you feeling positive and help to keep your life exciting and fun.

A Life List

Life lists have become more and more popular over the years and everyone seems to be doing them now. Life list offers a person comfort, something to look forward to, and gives them a chance to make positive changes in their attitudes and lives. They are easy to make and fun to do. You could even try making a Year List as well as your Life List, which is just the same as the life list except it is for a year in stead of life. Both are highly affective.

Find some where nice and quiet to sit down. Either on a piece of paper, your pc or in your psychic journal and write down the following:

................... (your name) LIFE LIST.

Then think about all the things that you would love to achieve in your life. Think of all the things that you would love to do before your time on earth is up. Think about what it is that you want out of life and what you would like to do that means a great deal to you.

On your piece of paper list all of these things e.g.

Enter Britain Got Talent
Shave my head bold
Go to Disney Land Paris
Learn to fly an aeroplane
Own my own business
Get married

Once you have created your life's list, sit quietly and call upon your guides and angels. Say out loud or in your mind:

"I call upon the Archangels, my spirit guides and my angels. I have prepared a life list of all the things I wish to accomplish and do before I pass over. Please may you help to me to make the things on my life list become a reality. Please may you help me to do each thing on my life list before my time on earth is done. Thank you."

You must remember that your guides and angels will not do all the work for you. If you truly want to do the things on your life list then you have to put the work and effort into it too. Your guides and angels will help you, but you need to help your self too.

Then make it your life's goal to try and do each of the things on your list. Remember this is your life's list, you have the rest of your life to try do each thing on your list. This list will give you goals to try and accomplish and will help you follow your dreams. Each time you have done one of the things on your list - cross that thing off the list. Until each thing on your list is crossed off.


This week I would like for you to truly get in touch with this wonderful being that is YOU! Make this a 'Getting in Touch with MYSELF Week.'
I would like for you to do all of the 'Enjoying being yourself exercises'. Each day this week do one or more of the exercises until you have done each one.
Make a life list
Try spending all week changing your thought pattern from negative to positive. Each time a negative thought or feeling pops in your mind then push it a side. Remember to replace the negative with a positive. This also applies to negative situations. Remove your self from negative people and situations all this week. Try and re-frame from watching negative things on the telly such as the news and negative dramas. Also try to listen to happy and calming music.



In order to move forward on our spiritual path we need to learn the art of releasing our fears. Our fears are actual blocks that stop us from moving forward. The ONLY person that can help you over come your fears is YOU! No one else can do this for you but you! I will help and guide you and so will your guides and angels but you are the one that will make the biggest difference. You are the only who will turn your fears into positives. The saying, 'You can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink', is especially true in this case. Below are a few helpful ideas on how to be in control of your fears and how to best remove them.

Out of the comfort zone

The most effective way of over coming fears is to face them head on. This is why this next exercise is a perfect start for over coming fears. Coming out of our comfort zone helps to give us strength and courage to face other fears in our lives. It is taking the first step in overcoming your fears. Try doing something that takes you out of your comfort zone. We all hide in our comfort zones as we are too afraid to venture out. Once we do it helps us to build up self confidence. I have met many people who have dreamed of doing things - but because it involves them leaving their comfort zones, they never follow their dreams.

For example: Imagine that you are a member of an organization. You are all in a meeting and sharing your ideas on an event you are planning. You are naturally a shy person who does not like being the centre of attention.

You have some great ideas to share but feel too afraid to speak up. You want to share your ideas but do not have the self confidence and you do not want to draw attention to yourself. You mention your idea to the person next to you as it is easier than saying it to the entire group.

The person you told suggests your idea and everyone in the group love it. They congratulate that person for his brilliant thinking. You feel annoyed as this person gets all the credit for your idea. You think to yourself, "If only I had spoken up about my idea."

If only you had come out of your comfort zone you would have gotten the credit. You would have been praised which in turn would have left you feeling confident in yourself and your abilities. Instead you are left feeling glum, annoyed and angry with yourself and the person who shared your idea, and you feel even less confident than you did before.

Another example is: Imagine that you have always had the dream to sing on stage. You would love to appear on X-Factor but, you lack the self confidence to try out for it. Your family and friends keep saying to you that you should give it a go. You would love too but are not confident enough.

Each year that goes by you wonder if you had tried out for it would you have got through. Would you have won? If only you could get out of your comfort zone and give it a go.

Each time you watch the show you see others as yourself who did not feel confident, but after joining the X-Factor they have now re-built their self confidence and have followed their dream. You know that in order for you to follow your dream you need to step out of your comfort zone.

When we step out of our comfort zone it does help us to build up self confidence. Yes it is terrifying and just the thought of it send shivers up your spine, but once you have taken the first step and done it, you will feel happy with in yourself and find your confidence grow. So try doing something that involves you coming out of your comfort zone.

Now that we have learnt how to love ourselves more and build up our self confidence, we need to learn how to change our thought patterns into more positive ones. We need to train ourselves to have a positive out look on life and to remove any negative thoughts and energies. The next set of exercises will help you to do just that.

Coming Out of Comfort Zone List

Please answer the following as honestly as possible...

1.What takes you out of your comfort zone? Think seriously about your each one and how it affects you. Acknowledge them and then write them down.

2. What is it about coming out of your comfort zone that frightens you? Think carefully about this and why it scares you

3.How does coming out of your comfort zone make you feel? Describe all symptoms you get with each one.

4.Where do you think your fear of this stems from? Try thinking back as far as you can. When did you first notice that you had these fears and what do you feel is the cause of them

5.What do you think will happen if you come out of your comfort zone. Share your fears of what might happen

6. Now think honestly about what you wrote for number 5. Do you think these fears are reasonable and would really happen? Be honest with yourself.

7. What are you going to do to over come your fears of coming out of your comfort zone? Remember that in order to overcome our fears we need to take action and face our phobias and fears. Write down what you will do to face your fears and over come them, then go and do exactly what you said you would do.

9.Once you have done what you wrote down in question 7 then, write down how you feel now that you have tackled your fears. I understand that this exercise may take a long time to do as it is not easy facing our fears. Take your time and do not feel disheartened if it takes a while for you to do this. Just keep telling your self that you can do anything if you put your mind to it.

Overcoming Phobias

Each and every living person has a phobia. Phobias are fears that haunt and taunt us. Thankfully we are all able to overcome our phobias or at least minimize them to a lower fear threshold. What we have to learn is to identify what our phobias are, what is it that makes us feel fear in connection with our phobia, and how to eliminate these fears. We need to concentrate on the positives in our phobias and not the negatives.

Phobia List

Please answer the following as honestly as possible...

1.What are your phobias? Think seriously about your phobias. Acknowledge them and then write them down.

2. What is it about your phobias that frighten you? Think carefully about each phobia and how it scares you.

3. How do these phobias make you feel? Describe all symptoms you get with each phobia.

4.Where do you think your phobias stem from? Try thinking back as far as you can. When did you first notice that you had these phobias and what do you feel is the cause of them?

5. What do you think will happen if you come out of your comfort zone. Share your fears of what might happen.

6. Now think honestly about what you wrote for number 5. Do you think these fears are reasonable and would really happen? Be honest with yourself.

7. What are you going to do to over come your phobias? Remember that in order to overcome our fears we need to take action and face our phobias and fears. Write down what you will do to face your phobias and over come them, then go and do exactly what you said you would do.

8. Once you have done what you wrote down in question 5 then, write down how you feel now that you have tackled your phobias and fears. I understand that this exercise may take a long time to do as it is not easy facing our fears. Take your time and do not feel disheartened if it takes a while for you to do this. Just keep telling your self that you can do anything if you put your mind to it!

Fears of Death and Loosing Loved Ones

Please answer the following as honestly as possible...

2.What is it about death and loosing your loved ones that scares you? Think seriously about this. Acknowledge your fears and then write them down. Write down how fear of dying affects you or fear or loosing a loved one. Write each fear down.

2. What is it about your fears of death that frighten you? Think carefully about each fear and how it scares you. Be honest with your self and honest about the feelings you feel.

3. How dose the subject of death make you feel? Describe all symptoms you get each time you think of yourself or loved one dying.

5.Where do you think your fears stem from? Try thinking back as far as you can. When did you first notice that you had these fears and what do you feel is the cause of them?

6. What do you think will happen if you died or if a loved one passed. What would happen and how would you feel. Would you cope or would you fall apart. Ask your self all of these questions and others that you can think of in connection with the subject of death. Share your fears of what might happen.

7. Now think honestly about what you wrote for number 6. Do you think these fears are reasonable and would really happen? Be honest with yourself. Ask yourself if you would be able to cope and move forward. Ask yourself if worrying about dying or loosing a loved one all the time is healthy. Is it doing your mental state any good?

7. What are you going to do to over come your fears of death? Remember that in order to overcome our fears we need to take action and face our phobias and fears. Write down what you will do to face your phobias and over come them, then go and do exactly what you said you would do. Will you shrug the fear of death off each time it pops up? Will you let the fear go and try to not worry so much? Will you accept that everything has divine timing and what will be will be? In order to face this fear and tackle it we need to learn to remove the feeling of fear. When we feel afraid we need to tell our selves to STOP! Tell your self off for being silly and immediately think of something positive. Try to not let the fear control you, instead you control the fear by removing the fear from your thought patter as soon as it enters.

8. Once you have done what you wrote down in question 7 then, write down how you feel now that you have tackled your phobias and fears. I understand that this exercise may take a long time to do as it is not easy facing our fears. Take your time and do not feel disheartened if it takes a while for you to do this. Just keep telling your self that you can do anything if you put your mind to it!

I would like for you to please do the same lists for all of the other types of fears you have. Sit down and think honestly about all of your fears eg: financial, career, health, general, frailer and so on. Do the same lists and processes for each fear until you have faced each one, acknowledged then, felt the fear and over come them. Try to see if you can recognize what triggers each fear that you have. Once you have identified this then work out the best approach to remove or deal with these triggers. This lesson may take some time to do but persevere with it as it will help you a great deal to let go of your fears. Remember you are in control of your fears, not the other way round.

Good by Worries

Do you know that worrying is a form of fear. Fear comes in many shapes and sizes. Worrying is in actual fact a form of fear. It is a way of expressing fear. You fear something and this comes out as your worries and concerns. We need to learn to stop worrying. We need to learn to have faith and trust in our heavenly and spiritual helpers. We need to stop worrying as it only causes us unnecessary stress and heartache. Below is a little exercise that I would like for you to do. This exercise will help you to let go of worries and concerns that you have. Remember to always be completely honest with your self. The more honest you are the more you help yourself to heal and grow.

The Worry Calculator

I would like for you to please write down below all of your worries and concerns, also write down all of the things that have been weighing on your mind. Write down the things you need to do and sort out.

My Worries and Concerns


Fear Reducing Meditations

Feel the Fear Meditation

Find somewhere nice and quiet to lie down or sit. Make sure that you are comfortable. Allow yourself to relax completely. Now bring all your awareness to your breathing, taking note of your stomach and chest movements. Do this for at least 5-10 minutes.

Once you have done this then, tense you feet so that your toes are curled in tight. Hold the tenseness for several seconds and then release for several seconds. Continue this same exercise 3 more times. Now tense your legs - as though you are stretching, after several seconds' release. Repeat this 3 more times. Now do the same procedure for your thighs and bum cheeks, stomach, chest, shoulders, arms, hands, neck and head.

Now imagine that each with breath you inhale you are drawing in relaxation energy that begins to fill with in you. Feel this relaxation energy filling with in you. First filling your feet and with each inhale the relaxation energy moves up your body until it fills you completely. As this relaxation energy come in contact with the various parts of your body, you feel these areas relaxing completely, until you are completely relaxed.

Once you are filled completely with relaxation energy then, imagine that with each exhale you can see thick smog leaving your both. This thick smog is negative energy that has been attached to you. With each exhale you are consciously letting go and releasing this negative energy. Do this for at least 5-10 minutes. Notice how light and free you feel now that this negative energy no longer clings to you. Take note of how you feel.

Now, bring all your awareness back to your breathing. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Do this for 5-10 minutes. I would like for you to now think back to a fear you had that scared you deeply. For now just think of one fear that stands out in your mind. Try to replay what happened in as much detail as you can. Try to relive the feelings and emotions that you felt with this fear. If the fear is too much to bear then count to ten and bring all your awareness to your breathing. Concentrate on your breathing until you feel ready to continue concentrating on the fear. If you do not feel ready to re-live the fear then stop the meditation until another time or day.

You will find that each time you redo this mediation that you will go further and deeper into it. With time and practice the meditation will become easier until you have completed it. If you chose to continue with the meditation then, take special note of your feelings. Ask your self the following questions. Take you time in answering each one and be as honest as you can. How do you feel? What is it about this fear that scares you so much? What triggered the fear? Is this fear dangerous to you or others? How did you escape this fear?

Now think of all the negative things about this fear. Once you have done this then think of positive things about the fear. For example; if you feared seeing a spider then think about the spiders positive qualities, such as the fact that the make amazingly strong webs in such amazing patterns. Once you have done this then send love and light to the fear. Tell the fear that it is not needed any more. Tell the fear that you give it permission to leave. Give yourself permission to let go of the fear. Now see the fear surrounded by a ball of light. See this ball of light and your fear rising, coming out of you and shooting off to heaven where God and the angels heal it. Feel how good it feels to release this fear. Congratulate your self on achieving letting go of this fear.

Leap of Faith Meditation

Find somewhere nice and quiet to lie down or sit. Make sure that you are comfortable. Allow yourself to relax completely. Now bring all your awareness to your breathing, taking note of your stomach and chest movements. Do this for at least 5-10 minutes.

Once you have done this then, tense you feet so that your toes are curled in tight. Hold the tenseness for several seconds and then release for several seconds. Continue this same exercise 3 more times. Now tense your legs - as though you are stretching, after several seconds' release. Repeat this 3 more times. Now do the same procedure for your thighs and bum cheeks, stomach, chest, shoulders, arms, hands, neck and head.

Now imagine that each with breath you inhale you are drawing in relaxation energy that begins to fill with in you. Feel this relaxation energy filling with in you. First filling your feet and with each inhale the relaxation energy moves up your body until it fills you completely. As this relaxation energy come in contact with the various parts of your body, you feel these areas relaxing completely, until you are completely relaxed.

Once you are filled completely with relaxation energy then, imagine that with each exhale you can see thick smog leaving your both. This thick smog is negative energy that has been attached to you. With each exhale you are consciously letting go and releasing this negative energy. Do this for at least 5-10 minutes. Notice how light and free you feel now that this negative energy no longer clings to you. Take note of how you feel.

Now, bring all your awareness back to your breathing. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Do this for 5-10 minutes. In your mind ask one of your higher level guides to please assist you in letting go of your fears. Now, imagine that you see a figure walking towards you. This figure is far a way in the distance so you can only see its outline. Watch as the figure slowly walks closer and closer to you. The closer it gets the more clearly you can see this figure, until the figure is standing in front of you. Take special note of what this figure looks like.

Spend as much time examining the figure that is standing in front of you. Acknowledge that this is one of your higher level guides. When you feel ready, ask your guide what his or her name is. Trust the first name or word that pops to mind. Thank your guide for coming to your side. Ask your guide once again to please help you to overcome your fears.

Your guide holds out their hand and you gladly take hold of it. Your guide now ushers for you to walk hand in hand with them. As you walk with your guide, tell him/her about your fears, how they make you feel and how much you want to let go of the fear. Ask your guides advice on how you can best let go of the fear.

Spend as much time as you need communicating with your guide. Your guide now stops walking and so do you. You notice that you are on the top of a very high cliff. Your feet are at the cliffs edge. You look down to the hard earth way down below. You are so high up that everything below looks miniature. You realise that you are far too close to the edge of the cliff. One brisk breeze of wind could know you right off the cliffs edge. Take note of how you are feeling. Bring all of your awareness to you feelings and emotions.

Your guide now ushers for you to step off the cliffs edge with them. How does this make you feel? Again, concentrate on your fears and emotions. Your guide asks you if you are ready to fully let go of your fears. What do you reply? Your guide asks you to step off the cliff with them. He\she also asks you if you trust them. What do you say and how are you feeling now.

Your guide now gives you the option to turn back and end the meditation or to continue and step off the cliff with them he/her. They tell you that if you choose to end the meditation then he\she will not be disappointed in you, it simply means that you are not yet ready to let go of the fear. You need time to build the confidence and willingness to let go. You could always try the meditation again at another time or day. Your guide asks you again what you would like to do, go back or take a leap of faith and step off the cliff?

What do you choose and how do you feel? If you choose to go back then, thank your guide and bring all your awareness back to your breathing. Come out of the meditation when you feel ready. If you chose to step off the cliff then let your guide know that you are ready to do so. Still holding your guides hand step off the cliff. Feel your self falling to the earth below. Just before you reach the ground your guide swoops you into their arms and touches the ground. Your guide then gently let's you go so that you are standing in front of him\her. You look around and you see that you are surrounded by hundreds of guides and angels. All are clapping and cheering in joy at your success of letting the fear go. They congratulate you and praise you for all your hard efforts. Feel their love as it surrounds you was cleanses you. Feel the healing that is being sent to you. Feel all fear seep out of you and raise up to heaven to be healed. Thank your guides and angels for all of their help and their support. Now bring all your awareness back to your breathing. When you feel ready then gently wiggle your toes, legs, hands and body. Slowly bring yourself out of the meditation.


Fears Chart

As I mentioned at the beginning of this lesson, it is vital that we learn to overcome our fears. Our fears are made of pure negative energy. In fears I am relating to all that worries, frightens, scares you. Our fears hold us back from moving forward on our spiritual paths. We need to face our fears head on in stead of running and hiding from them. This next exercise will help you to identify what your fears are. It will help to bring these fears to the forefront so that they can be addressed and healed. It will also help you to know the best approach in healing and being rid of the fears that haunt you.

What you will need

•A large A1, A2 or A3 size of paper

•Coloured pens and a black pen for writing

What to do

In the centre of the paper write the following... (YOU'RE NAME)'S FEARS. Draw a circle, rectangle or other shape around this. Once you have done this then draw four lines from each corner of your shape going half way across the page.

At the end of each line that you have drawn draw a small box / rectangle. These boxes are heading boxes. Write down a main heading in each block. For example: In the first box you could write FAMILY, in the second you could write, WORRIES, in the third HEALTH, and in the fourth FINANCIAL.

The above are just examples of what you could write. Once you have done this then draw lots of little lines coming out from each box. Draw smaller boxes at the ends of these lines. This is where you will write down fears you have in connection with each heading.

For example: From the FAMILY box draw 4 or 5 lines going out. Draw a little box at the end of each line. In the boxes right down worries that you have in connection with family. In one box you could write Loosing loved ones, in another of the boxes you could write Coping as a parent etc.

Once you have done this then draw lines coming out from the smaller boxes. At the end of each line draw another box.

This time what you need to do is work out ways of helping you to heal, overcome and eliminate the fears. So for example; From the FAMILY box you wrote LOOSING LOVE ONES. From there you draw new lines and boxes. This time think of how you can over come the fear of loosing your loved ones.

Write your conclusion into your box. From doing this exercise you have established that you have a fear with family. The fear is loosing your loved ones. From there you have gone onto work out how to eliminate this fear as it is only drawing negative energy to you.

After much consideration you have come to the conclusion that you just have to have faith.
You can not change what will be. If it is your loved ones time to leave the earth plane then nothing will stop it. All you can do is have faith and trust that God and the angels are watching over them.

From this realisation you will be able to let go of the worries you have. You will not carry these with you any longer. Basically what you are creating here is a fear chart. You do not have to do it in the way that I have mentioned above.

Create your chart in a way that is personal and write for you. Once it is completely finished the colour in each box, line and decorate it.

Use colours that reflect each fear. Colour is highly protective and healing. We relate to colour on a daily basis with out even realising it. Colour can affect our moods and how we feel. For example, if you ware red it may make you feel confident and strong.

If you ware blue you may feel placid, calm and relaxed. Each colour means different things to each person as we are all individual, next time choosing which clothes you ware, try putting on different colours and take note of how each colour makes you feel.

You will be surprised at what you discover!

Please record how you found the homework. If you did it or not and your experiences...


A wonderful little exercise that you can try and do is to create a wishing wheel. A wishing wheel is a wonderful way of sharing with God and the angels all of your dreams, goals and ambitions. It is also a wonderful way to remind yourself of all that you would like to accomplish. By creating a wishing wheel you are drawing positive energy to you. You are also helping to make your dreams and goals a reality. By creating a wishing wheel you are showing and telling the universe what you desire.

How to Make a Wishing Wheel

To make your wishing wheel you will need some strong card, coloured pens, photos and pictures, glue or double sided tape, pain or felt tip pens, scissors, and any other odds and ends that you feel you would like to use. Take a dinner plate or some thing which is big and round. Place this onto your card and then draw around the dinner plate to make a large circle shape.

Now cut out the circle. Right in the centre - middle of the large circle draw another circle which is about the size of a cup or class rim. In that little circle stick a picture of yourself and your name just under your photo.

Also write .......................(your name)'s Wheel of Fortune above your photo. Then write just below your photo and name this short prayer; "I ask God, God's Heavenly Angels and my Joy Guides to please bless my wishing wheel. Please help to make all of my wishes, dreams, goals and ambitions a reality. Thank you."

Once you have done this then draw quarter (triangle like shapes) lines from the little circle going to the top of your large circle so it looks like a pizza / pie which has been cut into portions. At the very top of your large circle draw a line going all around the circle - make sure the line is about a finger size going all the way round like a thick rim.

In each of rims write down a heading of what you would like that pie / pizza portion to be called. You could write down GOALS, AMBITIONS, LOVE LIFE, SPIRITUAL PATH, MY BUSINESS, HOME, FAMILY, FRIENDS, HOLIDAY, FINANCE, CAREER etc.

Keep doing this until each pie portion has a name at the top in the rim bit. Remember this wishing wheel is personal to you and you are writing down all of your goals, dreams, ambitions, wishes, etc.

Colour or paint each rim bit and pie portion in a different colour - choose a colour that reflects your goals and ambitions. You can then stick pictures of what you hope to achieve in each pie / pizza portion - for instance if you wish for a new car then stick pictures for cars in the pie portion. You could write down under the pictures what you hope to achieve or stick photos and stickers.

Make your wishing wheel personal to you. Once you have completed your wishing wheel then ask God to please bless your wishing wheel fill your wheel with Heavenly love and light.

I have tried looking for photos of wishing wheels and below are a few pictures ones I found to give you an idea of what I mean. These are not exactly as the ones we are making as our ones have our photos in the middle and pictures in each pie /pizza piece of our goals and dreams, but they give you an idea of how to make your own wishing wheel.

Another wonderful idea which is similar to the wishing wheel is to create a wishing tree. Below is a short exercise that will show you how...

How to Create a Wishing Tree

To make a wishing tree all you will need is an old flower pot, some soil, foil or wrapping paper, ribbons, tinsel, tiny lights, glitter, beads, envelopes, card, gemstones and crystals, scissors, glue, paint, pictures, sticks and twigs or branches, paper and any other odds or ends that you would like to use to make your wishing tree.

Once you have everything that you need then decorate the flower pot. You could paint it, wrap it in wrapping paper or foil, stick on angelic or inspiring pictures and decorate it so that it feels personal and special to you.

Once you have finished decorating your pot and any paint is dry then fill the pot with the soil. You could also add gem stones, crystals and beach stones to the soil to add some colour and life. Now take all the branches, sticks and twigs that you have found and stick them in to the pot of soil. Try to arrange them so that they look like a tree.

You can decorate your tree in any way that you like. You could cut out green or coloured leaf shapes and stick them on the tree, add lights or tiny hanging bags to your tree, you could stick tinsel onto it, paint it or spray paint it gold. Your tree could look natural or colourful, be plain or have a colour theme. Make your wishing tree look special and personal to you.

Now you can write all of your prayers and wishes on to lots of tiny cards, leaf shaped cards or even write them on paper then stick them into tiny envelopes or bags. Stick all of your prayers to God and the Angels and all of your wishes on to your tree. You can keep adding prayers and wishes to your tree each day if you like.

Another creative and inspiring project that you could try and do to help you reach your goals and remind you how far you are getting in reaching your goals, is to create a Goal's Ladder.

How to Create a Goal Ladder

To make a goal ladder all you will need is a large piece of card, scissors, glue or double sided tape, felt tip pens, colourful pens, drawing pins, sticky stuff / blue tac, stickers, pictures, glitter, and any other odds and ends that you would like to use to create your goal ladder.

Once you have all the bits and bobs that you need then on your cardboard draw a large ladder with out the steps (steps of the ladder that you step on). You can then decorate your ladder and the background in any way that you like. Now using a different piece of card, draw the steps of your ladder and decorate them. Once you have done this then cut out each step for your ladder.

On each step of the ladder write down one of your goals that you hope to achieve in the future. Try writing each goal down in the order that you hope to achieve them. Hang the picture of your step-less ladder on your wall and stick the steps of your ladder next to your ladder.

The reason you are adding the steps next to the ladder and not away in a draw, is because each time you look at the steps you will be encouraged and reminded of your goals. Each time you achieve a goal you can then add the step which has that particular goal written on it to your ladder.

Keep doing this until you have achieved each goal that you set for your self and your ladder has each of it's steps. You could add a large bright star at the top of your ladder to show that you have accomplished all of your goals. You could even (when you first start your ladder) set your self a special treat that you will have once you have all of your goals completed. I could not find any pictures of goal ladders so I have stuck other pictures of different ladders here.


• Do ALL of the Loving and Accepting Yourself Exercises

• Do the Loving and Accepting your Personality Exercise

• Do ALL the Spoil yourself Exercise

• Do the Changing Our Thought Patens exercise

• Create your own Life List and ask your guides and angels to help you.

• Remember to record all of your thoughts, feelings, and experiences and how you found the lesson in your psychic journal.

Try making your own wish wheel and share with God and the angels all of your dreams, wishes and goals.

Try to make your own wishing tree. Make your tree personal and special to you.

Try to make your own Goals Ladder



Questionnaire - Please answer all questions as honestly as you can...

1.When you look in a mirror what do you see and how does it make you feel?

2.What don't you like when you see yourself in the mirror?

3.What do you like when you see yourself in the mirror?

4.Why do you think you feel as you do and do not like the things that you don't?

5.How can you change these things so you feel better about them?

6.What are you going to do to change these things?

7.Are you willing to accept the things that you can not change?

8.Do you draw enough positive energy into your life?

9.Are your thoughts and feelings positive or negative?

10.What are your thoughts and feelings the way that they are - where do they stem from - is there a deep rooted matter here that needs healing?

11.What are you willing to do to heal and change your thought pattern from negative to positive?

12.Are you going to wait to sort this out or are you going to act now?

13.Put on some music and dance around, be silly and have lots of fun, afterwards ask yourself how you feel now from before you danced?

14.Do you feel better inside or not?

15.Stand in front of the mirror and pull funny faces, laugh and just relax, afterwards ask yourself how you feel now then from before you did the exercise?

16.Do you feel better inside or not?

17.When last did you do something different?

18.How did it feel when you did something different?

19.What are 3 things that you would like to do differently and why?

20.Are you going to do these 3 different things or not? If not then what is your reason for waiting?

21.When last did you have time on your own - quality me time?

22.How did it feel to have me time?

23.When last did you step out of your comfort zone?

24.How did it feel and why do you think you felt this way?

25.What can you do to stop feeling this way?

26.What are 3 things that you would like to do that takes you out of your comfort zone and why?

27.Are you going to do these three things or not do anything?

28.If you will not do anything then ask yourself why?
29.When last did you think negatively of yourself?

30.What were these negative thoughts and why do you think you thought / felt them?

31.What are you going to do to change this thought pattern to positive?

32.When last did you think negatively about your life?

33.What were these negative thoughts and why did you think / feel this way?

34.What are you going to do to change this thought pattern to positive?

35.When last did you think negatively about others?

36.What were these negative thoughts and why did you think / feel this way?

37.What are you going to do to change this thought pattern from negative to positive?


DAY 1 - Today I would like for you to spend some quality time on your own so that you can really connect with your inner self. Spend the day thinking about your life. Re-evaluate your life and think of your goals, dreams, positives, negatives and ways to help you move forward on your life path. Take a serious look at your life and see if there are any areas that are not properly balanced. Work out how to bring about more balance in your life. Work out positive steps forward in your life and how to heal all that needs healing. Do some meditation or go for long walks on the beach or in nature. Spend quality time on your own and be one with your own thoughts. Write down your feelings and emotions. Express your self freely and get in touch with your inner self.

DAY 2 - Today is the day to go to your doctors and have a check up. Your health is important so make sure that you are healthy. Try to eat healthily today and get plenty of exercise. Get plenty of fresh air and make this a health day! Go to the doctor for a check up, take vitamins and vitality tonics, go for long walks, get plenty of fresh air and exercise, have a good nights sleep, eat healthily, lay off the alcohol and cut down on things that are not good for you. Have a long soak in the bath etc.

DAY 3 - Today I would like for you to try and face your fears. If there are things that you are afraid of then face these fears head on. Let your fears know that they will not run your life anymore. You are now strong and capable and will not let your fears get the better of you. The best way to deal with and eliminate our fears is to face them head on. Try to not worry at all today. If a worry pops into your head then push it a side and replace it with a positive thought. If you are afraid of spiders then pick one up or try and stroke one. If you fear asking your boss for a raise then push that fear aside and do it anyways. Today is the day to face your fears and to prove to your self just how strong you really are. Let your inner strength shine through!

DAY 4 - Forgiveness and mending of bridges is the art of the day. I would like for you to make peace with issues, situations, people and areas of your life that are in turmoil, anger and disruption. Today is the day to try and forgive those who had done you wrong or caused you pain. It is a day to try and forgive yourself as well as others. Also try to sort out anything in your life that needs sorting and healing. Sort out your emotions, work place, relationships and life in general. Also forgive issues and people from the past. Try to forgive yourself too for things that you have done that you are ashamed of. See these as lessons that you had to learn. You have grown from these. Ask yourself how your life and the experiences in your life have shaped the person you are today. Learn to forgive on all levels and let go so that you can move forward. Holding on to hurt, pain, anger and bad memories as well as people, will only hinder your healing and growing process. Make it your solemn duty to let go so that you can move forward!

DAY 5 - I would like for you to make this a positive and not negative day. Today is the day to keep all of your thoughts, feelings and actions positive. If a negative thought or feeling pops into your mind then push it a side and instantly replace it with something positive. If you see someone you do not like then try and find positive things about this person. Try to replace all negative thoughts and feelings with positive ones. Today is the day to try and learn to re-train your mind to think in only a positive way.

DAY 6 - Today is the day for pampering yourself. Maybe get your hair or make up done, do your nails, buy nice new clothes or shoes, have a long hot soak in bubble bath, treat yourself or go on a shopping spree. Make today be all about YOU! Treat yourself and pamper yourself. Pampering yourself will make you feel 100 times better with in. Dress up so that you boost your self confidence. Pamper yourself to your hearts desire.

DAY 7 - Today I would like for you to please do something that makes you happy and brings you lots of fulfilment and enjoyment. Do a course, go horse riding, shopping, spend the day with loved ones and friends, do arts and crafts, DIY, go fishing, do sports or go to the gym. Spend the day in the kitchen cooking and baking. Do the things that you love to do and that make you feel happy. Today is all about enjoying yourself and having!

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