Falling Light

By SteponahenDay

1.5K 38 2

!CURRENTLY UNDER MAJOR EDITING! A story inspired by Ninjanerd1001's Son of Deathstroke with some similar even... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 3

125 4 0
By SteponahenDay

Robin pov

Hit. Crash bang, the sound of training echoed throughout the training room. The others I been watching for a while now and when I was finally starting to tire of this. Our comms blared to life. "Team to the main camber" Stopping and wiping the sweet of my forehead, I turn to face the others, Aqualad walks to me before he stops. "You train hard and long my friend, perhaps far too long, that session was almost five hours. You need time to rest for when we have a mission. But for now, let us head to briefing" Nodding, I was not really surprised by what he said, I too felt like I trained a bit longer then I should be. A habit that I'll have to break over the years. Following the others, I could hear Superboy and Kid Flash talking with each other. I ignored what they said and focused back on where we were headed. Arriving in the main chamber, I stopped and waited. "Do you have a mission for us Batman" "I do" Batman pauses and brings up some information before he then continues. "Just three days ago, Kai Stewart was murdered. What we do know is that he was working with another person." Pausing again, Batman brings up another screen. My ears widen in realization. "Kevin Edward was the person working with him at Lex Corp. What they were working on we don't know, but it seems as if he has been murdered or keep this a secret. Your mission is to head to Gotham and find where Kevin Edward is. But be on the lookout, We have reports that he is dangerous and skilled. Robin, step forward, I want you to fill them in on Kevin Edward" Nodding, I step forward. Taking a deep breath. I begin, "Kevin Edward was trained by Deathstroke, my adoptive brother and jealous too. It seems that he has used Lex Corp for his own gain and then killed Kai to hide what he had created. Kevin goes by the criminal name Ultimus." "Thank you Robin, you have your mission team, now go" Walking to the Aqualad, he nods and we walk into the zeta tube. "Recognised Aqualad B01, Kid Flash B02, Superboy B03, Miss Martian B04, Artemis B06, Robin B07"

"Recognised Aqualad B01, Kid Flash B02, Superboy B03, Miss Martian B04, Artemis B06, Robin B07" Gotham City, one of the worst cities in the world for its crime was where we were to find Kevin and Deathstroke. "Ok, we're going to split into teams, Miss Martian and Superboy, Artemis and Robin, Kid Flash your with me, Miss Martian, set up the mind link" "Mind link set up Aqualad" "Excellent, let us head in different ways, remember, do not engage with out backup" "Understood" Artemis and I walked for some distance before we came to a stop. "The mind link is wired, almost like I have people in my head" "Yeah, that's what I felt like at first. But we better be on the lookout for Kevin, he may be anywhere" "Agreed" Looking around. We started walking, the city was dark tonight and that was something I couldn't argue with, Gotham was always dark, but the gothic design gave it another feature, places for Kevin to hid in plain sight, but that wasn't going to help him as every now and then, I glanced up at the gargoyles in case he was watching us. Kevin was smart, but he was also deadly, and those two things was something I didn't like, I didn't care that he was jealous even if it cost me my life, all I knew was that I wanted him behind bars with Deathstroke, no one, not even him, should be out on the streets. "I think I heard something, almost like a voi" "Richard, how nice of you to join me tonight, and you brought a friend" "Team, we found him" "More like he found us, we need back to out location now" "Where are you" "Were close to the Gotham Cathedral, be fast because I think I know what Kevin was working on already and I don't like it one bit" "Richard, Richard, Richard, why do I have to do this myself, don't think you betrayal went unnoticed, I know a thing or two about betrayal, Kai Stewart wanted to tell Luthor of my creation, but I wouldn't let that happen, no, instead I killed him, easy once you've done a few times before. But now, now I get the chance to end your life, and perhaps even the life of your friend too" Gritting my teeth, I prepare for combat. How did Deathstroke know I betrayed him. It seems a little odd that he would know this sort of thing unless, unless he placed a device on me and thus knew that Kevin was about to attack us. "Negative, do not come close, tell Batman that we need more then just the team, Deathstroke knows we're here, do not come, I repeat do not come" "Robin, we're almost there" "Just do what I say god dammit and run, your not ready for the level of skill that Deathstroke and Kevin have. I don't think I'll be able to take them down with the help of Artemis. Artemis, run" "Robin, I will not run" "Do as I say dammit and run, trust me, and take this, if I'm captured, then you'll need this to find me" Looking over my shoulder, I watch as Artemis runs, Kevin chuckles before he then lands on the ground after hovering for a while. "Saving your so called friends Richard, I don't believe they will care once we have you back and against them again" "Good luck because I have no care for your ways anymore, I found a way to honour my parents to the fullest, and that is by being a hero" "How sad when a child falls so far down, don't you agree Sports master" "Indeed Deathstroke, but let me get this straight, the only reason I'm helping you is because he knows the where about of Artemis" Dammit, Sports master, that means that Jade will be here somewhere too. And as if on cue Jade appears in a puff of smoke. "Jade, now this is interesting" "Give up Richard, you'll never win" "I know that, that's why I have a trick up my sleeve Jade, the fact that I know your every move and now know why Kevin killed Kai Stewart" Throwing a smoke bomb down, I grapple up to the building, with my newfound knowledge of Kevin, I make a break for it and then it hit me, I need to ditch this device somewhere and fast. Using my knowledge of Gotham, I run straight to the top of Wayne tower where I then ditch Slades' device before leaping over the edge.

Artemis pov

We had arrived back at the mountain and I had no idea if Robin was hurt or not, it seemed as if Superboy and Kid Flash did have feelings for him as they too were worried. Batman was standing, wondering if it was right to let him onto the team. But that's when the computer announced the arrival of some. "Recognised Robin B07" Turning around, I saw Robin, he was sweeting and breathing for air. "My gosh they run fast, I need to stop training for five hours straight before missions" "Robin, did you get the information" "Yep, I know why Kevin killed Kai and what he created." Batman walked forward, his concern no longer there. I moved over to support Robin before he collapsed to the ground. "What is it that he created" "He created a venom that allowed him to gain superpowers. And with no idea what he had used to create it, I believe that he has hidden it well" Robin smiled before he wiped some sweet from his forehead. "I think I need to rest, that was quite energy consuming" Smiling back, I helped Robin to his room. With Gotham City no longer save for us, I had to take up residence in my room here. Considering that it was next door to Robin's room, I couldn't complain at all apart from the fact that Superboy was on the other side of me and he snored like hell.

Deathstroke pov

It seemed that this hadn't gone as planned, Richard had not only betrayed us, but he also outsmarted us, meaning that he was far better then I once believe. Something about him was different though, It was almost as if he had willing become a hero. Then it hit me. He had discovered the device I planted on his neck and had become a hero to do what he always wanted to do. He had become a threat to us all. Turning to face someone. I spoke. "I want you to deal with Robin, by any means needed, remove him from the equation and then we'll talk pay" A laugh was heard from the room. The crazed maniac raised from his seat. "I don't need and pay dear Deathstroke" With a nod I stood up and shook hands with non other then The Joker....

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