I Promise {Rierra}

By gublergube

62K 1.2K 721

Sierra and Ramin didn't know it, but their paths would cross soon. Leading them to the most amazing love stor... More

Prolouge/Chapter 1
2- The Call
3- Rehearsals/ Jade
4- A Plan
6- I think I love you
7- The Escape/ The Kids
8- Tam
9- The Pills
10- The 'break up'
11~ Showtime!
12~ After the show
13- Home, at last
14- Phantom
15~ Vlogging
16- 'it'
17- the fight
18- As Time Goes On
19- I Dreamed A Dream
20- Great Britain
21- Old Memories and New Ones
22- Sickness
23- Stress
25- Honeymoon (shortish)
26- Oh my god.
Part two- chapter 26
27- Pregnant
28- Telling
29- Tam, he's back.
30- Vlogger 24601
31- I Love You
32- Ethan
33- I Promise
Authors note

5- Pain

1.8K 44 44
By gublergube

Chapter 5

Sierras condition worsened over the next two days. The bump was becoming larger and more painful with every movement.

This didn't go unnoticed by Ramin. He was genuinely concerned for Sierra. He knew something was wrong. She refused to go to a doctor, even though Ramin knew she knew she had to go.

On the third day, Sierra woke up in excruciating pain.

I have to get to rehearsal. I can't go to the doctor. This show needs to be perfect.

She tried to get up, only to find she could barely move. She had to give in. Sierra painfully reached to the bedside table and grabbed her phone. She dialed Ramin's number, waiting for a few seconds before he picked up.

"Hello?" His voice was tired, she most likely woke him up.

"Hey Ramin, can you bring me to the hospital?"

He chuckled on the other line. I told you so. "Sure, I'll be over in two minutes."

Sierra waited in bed for Ramin to come. And when he did walk in her room, he was grinning.

"Oh shut up Ramin. Just help me." We gets me into his arms, carrying me bridal style. "Ok, you didn't have to do that. I just meant for you to help me walk."

"We'll get to the hospital quicker this way, and I can say I told you so quicker." He accidentally places his hand on the bump. "Ew! What was that?"

"I don't know, that's what hurts so much. Hadley says I'm either pregnant, or I have a hernia. I don't believe either of them."

We drive in silence to the hospital, the only sound was Sierras occasional grunt or groan of pain.

When they do get to the hospital, Ramin lets Sierra walk as he checks her in. She almost immediately gets into a room. As they're walking to their room, Sierra gasps. "Ramin, we're gonna miss rehearsal!"

"It's not a big deal. We've gone to every rehearsal for a month. I think we, and especially you, deserve a day or two off."

After Sierra got some simple tests done, the doctor came in. "Hello Mrs. Boggess," Sierra had to stifle a laugh because of his British accent. "We've reviewed the tests and seen that, obviously, you have a hernia. It's pretty bad. We've observed that you've had it for about a month before. You need to have surgery as soon as possible. I recommend you have it in two days."

In four days I'll be kidnapping Ramin's kids for him.

"How long is recovery?"

"About a week."

Sierra takes a glance at Ramin, needing his input. "I think you should have it. I know you, you'll wait for those painful seven months and then it will be even worse. Get the surgery."

"Fine, I'll do it." The doctor nods and tells them all the details. Date, time, preparations.

After leaving the doctor, Ramin drove them back to the hotel, making the right turn instead of the left turn that lead them to the theater.

"Excuse me, what are you doing?" Sierra pushed, observing the right turn.

"Bringing you back to the hotel. There is no way I'm letting you go to rehearsal." Ramin stood his ground. Sierra knew it was going to take a lot to get him to let her rehearse.

"It's my life. I do what I want. Turn the damn car around."

"Fine. But when you complain you're in pain, don't cry to me."

Works every time.

When Sierra and Ramin got to the theater, they were gone for half the day, Ramin helped Sierra in nonetheless.

"There they are!" Cameron hollers, "Where have you been-" He stops when he sees Sierra limping towards him. "What happened?"

"I, uh, have a hernia. And I'm having surgery in two days." She replied sheepishly.

"Great, just great. Can you sing?"

"I guess."

Her and Ramin started performing The Point Of No Return. Only going through simple motions because Sierra couldn't move much.

By the end of rehearsal, Sierra was beat. All she wanted to do was go home and sleep. But Sierra had one more thing to do.

Just as Cameron called rehearsal to an end, Sierra pulled Hadley into the wings. "Hadley, I don't give a damn about what you or anyone else says. We are still on for Sunday."

"But you're having hernia surgery-"

"I know. No fighting though. It's happening." Hadley sighs, knowing Sierra is stubborn.

"Fine, but if you get hurt again. Don't blame it on me." Sierra lets out a squeal, hugging him.

Sierra finds Ramin and he takes her back to the hotel. When she gets in her room, she falls on the bed, immediately falling asleep.

Sierra woke up around 6pm, her stomach growling fiercely. But Sierra also grew bored being by herself. She reached over to the bedside table and grabbed her phone. She immediately dialed his number and only had to wait a few seconds before he picked up.

"Hey Ramin, want to come over? I'm super bored."

"Sure. Did you eat dinner yet?" Now that he brought it up, Sierras stomach growled again.

"No, but I'm starving."

"Pizza sound good? Dumb question. I'll be over in ten."

Sierra waited patiently for Ramin to get to her hotel room. When he did show up, Sierra was a relieved. "Come in! I can't really get up." She laughed at herself, although it was true. She was in pain.

Ramin sauntered in, holding a box of pizza in front of him. He's smiling, though Sierra didn't know why. He sat down next to her on the bed, opening the box. The two pigged out on pizza and binge watched season 13 of Law and Order: SVU. During episode 7, Ramin started to feel tension in the air. He looked over at Sierra to see her twisting her thumbs around, a clear sign of her being nervous. He calmly placed his hand atop hers. "What's wrong Sie?"

She sighed, laying back down in bed. "I guess I'm just a little nervous about the surgery."

"Why? It's not that big a deal. I mean, it's a big deal, but it's safe. Nothing will happen, I promise." He gave her a reassuring smile, but she didn't buy it.

"But their is no way you can protect me when I'm unconscious on the operating table. Maybe you can protect me here, right now, but not in that hospital." She sighed again, running her hand through her hair. "I guess, what I'm most nervous about is the recovery. What if I don't recover? What if I take too long and have to step out of the show. I want to be part of the show and I need to be at rehearsals."

"But Sierra, what's more important; your health, or the show?" Silence. "That's a problem Sie. Your health comes first."

"I know that, it's just, I don't like to let people down." She could feel tears forming in her eyes.

This isn't at all about the show. I need to be healthy to 'kidnap' Ramin's kids for him!

"Who are you letting down?"

"Everyone! If I'm not in the show, Cameron and Andrew need a new Christine, everyone's will have to adapt to someone knew, you have to kiss someone else. It's just, everything Ramin! This isn't easy for me!" She lets tears fall, but let out a small laugh, trying to wipe away her tears. "I'm sorry. I'm being really stupid right now. I shouldn't be crying to you."

Ramin just gave her a small smile, him now starting to wipe her tears. "Stop crying. Pretty people don't cry." Did he just call me pretty? "But it's okay to cry now and then. People need to let out their emotions." Ramin glanced at the clock, seeing that it was 10pm. "Well, I guess I should go. Need sleep for tomorrow."

As much as Sierra wanted to sleep, she also didn't want to be alone. And this suggestion would be completely inappropriate, but it's what needed to happen. "Ramin?" He stopped walking away and turned to look at her. "Can you stay?"

He makes his way over to the bed again, kicking off his shoes. Ramin climbs under the covers, letting Sierra rest her head on his chest. When he was certain she was asleep, he kissed her head and whispered, "Always."

Did he just kiss me? And tell me he will always stay with me?

Ramin thought Sierra was asleep, when in actuality she was awake, and thinking of his recent actions.

Sierra had this feeling inside her. The only other time she felt like this was at the peak of her and Tam's relationship. Their relationship. That warm fuzzy feeling.

Oh my god. I'm in love with Ramin Karimloo.

*the next morning*

Sierra woke up to Ramin getting out of bed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. Go back to sleep."

"No, I need to get up for rehearsal." He turned suddenly, looking her in the eyes.

"Are you high?"

"Not at the moment, no."

"Well you must be if you think I'm letting you go to rehearsal. You're getting surgery tomorrow and the doctor said to take it easy. You're staying here." After Sierra gave him puppy eyes for five minutes, she hatched another plan.

"Fine. I'll stay, get out."

"Good. Stay here. Don't get out of bed unless you really have to. And call me if you need anything." Sierra nods.

"Okay Daddy."

"Bye." Ramin chuckled, rolling his eyes at her.

After Sierra was certain he was gone and couldn't hear her, she whispered, "Bye, I love you."

She waited ten minutes before picking up her phone and dialing his number. He picked up after a few rings. "Hey Hadley, can you give me a ride to rehearsal?"

"Sure." And he hung up. Sierra shrugged and trudged out of bed. Hadley knocked on her door a few minutes later.

The whole drive Sierra just gazed out the window, thinking of Ramin. His brown eyes, his smile, his abs, his warm hearted personality. Sierra wanted nothing more than to jump into his arms and kiss him. But she knew that would never happen. Not for a while at least. Ramin would need real closure with Mandy, and so would Sierra.

Sierra wanted Ramin. And Sierra didn't know that he has wanted her since the first time they kissed on stage in LND.

Okay, I know that story is slow, but the plot starts the next chapter.


Okay. 💕🎀✌️🙈🙉🙊😈

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