A KPop Star Is My Sister *COM...

By DayyyFanyyy

7.3K 81 1

*COMPLETED* A girl finds out about her unknown sister, who happens to be Tiffany from Girls Generation. She d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Momo Teddy
What Happened Stephi??
Are You Kidding??
I Got Here First!!!
Our Performance
Hello Baby
What To Do Now
Life Update
Life Update Pt.2
Thanks for 500 ❤️
Life Update 3❤️
I feel like this is what i should do🙃

On Punishment

179 2 0
By DayyyFanyyy

I'm on punishment. It's normal to get on punishment sometimes, but this time was different. It was spectacular! The reason I mean :). Now instead of just leaving you hanging let me explain what I did this wonderful Friday.

I got a text in the morning at around 10:30 from a guy friend of mines called Jaein, (he's half Dutch-American) he says to me in english,"Do you want to do something today?" I raised an eyebrow before replying, "What? I have to do dance today and art.." "Aww come on Hannah do something fun for once, sneak out! They're literally HOLDING YOU HOSTAGE!! Kind of.." "That actually sounds pretty nice.. I'll find a way, where do you want to meet up?" I looked up from my phone to think about exactly how I could escape. There's staff here right now but they'll be gone soon I heard. "Meet me at the Starlight Café. My treat, then I'll take you somewhere else." I laughed. "Hannah, you haven't touched your food put the phone down." Sunny said as she left.

11:30 am

I did it! I was able to slip out of Sunny's apartment building without Hyoyeon's staff finding me also. I ran to the Starlight Café as fast as I possibly could. Jaein was smiling as I sat down at the table. "I ordered in advance. I know you like Hamburgers so I got you that. I have a surprise for you today." "How.Come.It's.Just.Me.And.You." I struggled saying while panting. He smiled again. Is this his version of some type of a surprise date? "Because I like you Hannah." he confessed. "I like your warm smile, your sweet personality. EVERYTHING." I blushed, I've never had anyone talk to me like that before. "Now eat up we have to go somewhere." I rushed to eat my burger. All the regret I previously had vanished, now all I was fixated on was spending time with Jaein.

**Sunny's POV**

"What do you mean you don't know where Hannah is?!!" I yelled into the phone. "Unnie, I went by your apartment to drop off the stuffs and she wasn't there like you said she would!" Then I remembered how she was texting on her phone laughing and giggling. "I think she's with one of her friends, don't worry I'll catch her. Go to work unnie." "Your tone is very concerning. Don't hurt her, I'm positive she isn't doing anything bad. What could she really do?"

**Hannah's POV**

"This is really pretty!" I exclaimed, studying everything around me. The setting was amazing with all of the floral decorations and princess type things. "Hannah, you know about my position lately right?" I nodded. I didn't really like talking about this very much. "So you completely understand that this is the last time that we will meet hmm?" I nodded. "So why don't we make the best of it hmm?" It was starting to get hot so I unbuttoned my shirt a little. No one was around you see, and then he leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I was surprised by it but I kissed him back on the cheek. "What is that vibration?" I asked.

Sunny: Hannah-yah!!! I KNOW WHERE YOU ARE

"Oh no. I'm in trouble. I have to go Jaein." I hugged him and ran outside. Sunny was probably steaming. I had lessons today (PRIVATES) and it seems pretty rude to ditch without contacting. I walked outside of the place and I saw Sunny's car. I knew she didn't want to a make a big fuss in all of this, since people were already starting to pull out their cameras and this was a private matter. I went into the backseat of the car quietly.

"Why is your shirt unbuttoned like that? Hannah do you understand what you did? If you wanted to go out you should've just asked!"

"I know, I'm sorry-"

"Answer my first question Miss Hwang."

I didn't speak and Sunny's expression changed dramatically. "So not only did you sneak out without my permission, you were doing inappropriate things as well?!"


"Your shirt was not like that when I saw you earlier, and your shirt is a short sleeve so you wouldn't get extremely hot. Why aren't you telling me what happened?"


"It looks like we're going to have to discuss this back at my apartment..."


When we got home Sunny didn't even take any of my devices away. She just said I'm on punishment. I went to go take a shower after she said that and went straight to my room. I was kinda upset about not seeing Jaein for the next couple of months. But at the same time, I was happy that we got to spend some time together, even if it wasn't with permission. I was typing up my last report of my school year when Sunny came in the room and sat down.


"Yes Sunny?"

"I really hope you're not keeping any bad secrets again."

"I'm not. I was just with one of my guy friends, and it got hot in the room so I opened up the buttons. Nothing bad or unwanted happened. Jaein would never do such a thing." I opened up my journal and checked to make sure I applied all corrections. Sunny rubbed my shoulder softly, and gave me a short hug.

"Ahh, I see you like him. It's okay."

"N-no I don't."

Sunny gave me a small smirk,"You're acting as if I wasn't almost 13. Did you kiss him? Is that why you didn't want to answer."

"Mm, Yes but only because he kissed me on the cheek first."


"That's all that happened."

"I understand that bit, but why didn't you just tell me? Aish, Please don't turn 13 next week."

"I have to hehe. But is my punishment going to affect my birthday?"

"No, because your punishment is making up the time you wasted with that boy. You're going to have to do extra hours of both dance and art this weekend." I exhaled with relief. I was expecting something drastically different, I feel that if it wasn't my birthday next week the turn out would have been really different..

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