Loser's Love

By chezhire-

172K 4.2K 1.4K

*Used to be Mr. Bad Boy and Me* Alexis Shay is just your typical nerd. But her definition of nerd might b... More

•The Beginning•
•Basic Rules•
im sorry.


7.6K 229 81
By chezhire-

Wattpad tells me this is a Rated R story,
but its only this chapter. So ignore all the
periods from the "mature words".
• • •
I stared at Arrow and Justin in the eye. I had no idea what kind of punishment I should've done. Though, I was hungry as hell. But, I don't want to get food poisoned...My brother almost killed me one time with his cooking. Not kidding.

I got it!

"Why won't you guys go and watch T.V while I prepare the competition?" I asked politely as possible. This was gonna be awesome! Muhahahaha. Too awesome. Gosh, why am I such a genius?

"What are you gonna do?" Justin asked narrowing his eyes at me.

"You know...stuff," I said and walked into the kitchen. I closed the door and shouted, "Don't you dare come in!" Perfect.

Let's get started.

"Don't burn down the kitchen!" Victor shouted, right after I closed the door. I'm gonna kill him one day. I opened the cabinet and took out two bowls. I wondered if they had the ingredients? Maybe not. They probably only have junk food.

I opened the refrigerator and rummage through it. Pepsi. Pizza Rolls. Milk. Eggs. Chocolate. Maybe I should eat those chocolate. I mean, I don't want it to land in the wrong mouth. He's all mine!

Well, damnit. They don't have anything useful. I was going to make them eat salad...what a shame.

Ding! Light bulb!

I climbed onto the counter and opened the cabinets. They better have this. Yes! A blender! I climbed down and plugged in the cord. Okay. I took out the Pepsi, pizza rolls, milk and the eggs. I poured in a can of Pepsi, five pizza rolls, two eggs and placed the cap on the blender. I pressed the "blend" button and watched all the ingredients get smashed together. I'm a genius.

A minute passed and I took out two big cups. I unplugged the blender and divided my masterpiece into the two cups. Ewwww. It looked N-A-S-T-Y, nasty! I cleaned my area and smirked. This is too good.

"It's all done!" I shouted. A second later all four boys came in. My smirk widen.

"Lex, you look like a monkey trying to win a, "Make the ugliest face" competition." Victor said sucking his lollipop. I glared at him.

"I dare you to repeat what you just said." I took a step closer and he hid behind Vincent. I rolled my eyes and pointed to the counter. "Drink it." I ordered. They all looked confused. Idiots. I pointed my fingers at Arrow and Justin. All four boys stared at the cup. Their faces scrunched up in disgust. Jackpot!

"This is good!" Vincent said walking over to me. He winked at me, telling me he knew what was in the cups. "You can replace Victor's spot. You are way cooler. Let's be twins!" Vincent exclaimed putting his arm around my shoulder. I shrugged it off and said,

"Sorry buddy, I am not replacing anyone," Vincent pouted. I rolled my eyes at his childness and smirked. "Now, drink! What are you two waiting for? A pig to say moo?" I asked grabbing Arrow's and Justin's arm. "Sit." I commanded. I should be crowned Queen one day. What? It would be cool. And I get to order people around.

"How about we do a different challenge? Plus, it's already late. We shouldn't be drinking or eating at this time." Justin said trying to convince me with pleading eyes. Oh, now he knew what was in the cups and he doesn't want to do the challenge?

"No can do buddy. You guys started this, and you will finish this. And you guys are boys. You never stop eating." I stated. I grabbed a chair and sat down, so I was in the middle. Well, not really. Kind of in the middle.

"B-but," Justin stared but I cut him off.

"Butts are for sitting. And whoever finishes first wins."

"And what do we get if we win?" Arrow asked crossing his arms raising one eyebrow. He clearly looked bored out of his mind.

"Well, pretty boy, you will get no work from me, the tutor, for a week. Plus free food and I'll let you use Spencer game stuff." I said and smirked. Boys are boys. They lazy as hell and love to play video games.

"You are serious?" Justin asked not believing me. I just nodded my head and crossed my arms. Ha! Like I would let them get no homework for a week. What a joke.

"Ready, get set, go!" I shouted and both boys started drinking fast. I knew they liked my reward. Plus they dragged me here in the first place. Well, I came here. But still.

Justin stood up from his chair and ran to the sink. He spitted out all the contents and stuck out his tongue, turned on the tap, letting the water fall into his mouth. I bursted out laughing and covered my mouth. Victor joined in with me. I lost my balance and fell to the floor.

"Th-at was pr-ic-eless!" I said between laughter. I opened my mouth to say something but I lost my breath to speak. Victor started coughing like a hyena and I laughed harder.

A few minutes passed and the kitchen was quiet. I looked at Arrow's cup and it was empty. No way. He couldn't have drank all that!

"What the f.uck was in that?" Justin said drinking another bottle of water. That was his fifth one already. He said and I quote, "I have to either s.hit or barf this f.ucked up drink."

"You know. Pizza rolls. Milk. Eggs. And maybe some other things. I don't remember." I answered him. He look mortified and drank opened another bottle of water.

"Well, you lost J." Arrow stood up from his seat and smirk. A smirk saying, "I was going to win anyway." Cocky much? I stood up from my seat and brushed off the dirt from my butt. He cheated, I know it.

"Arrow, I guess you have a week of no extra homework from me." I said pointing at myself. Not like he needed the 'no homework' week. He could finish the worksheets in minutes.

"Admit it Justin, I am the winner." Arrow said smirking ignoring me. What an ass. Justin stood up and slammed his hands on the table. I jumped back a little, surprised from the movement. But Arrow didn't look amuse.

"Hate to break up your little fight there, but it's late and I need to get home." I stayed here for an hour. It's almost 2:30am.

"And what does it have to do with us?" Arrow asked looking at me. My jaw dropped. That f.ucking bastard!

"Excuse me? You guys are the one that dragged me here in the first place. I think I deserve a ride home." I said leaving no room for argument. I cross my arms and stared into Arrow's eyes.

"Fine." Arrow sighed giving in. I smiled. Yay! Nobody talked after that.

"Uhh, who is taking me home?" I asked looking at Arrow and Justin. They looked at each other, like they're having a silent conversation with their eyes. Was it so hard for a girl like me to get a ride home?

I stood up from the chair and walked into the living room. Vince and Vic are watching TV. Wow, lazy. I opened the door and walked out. If no one is going to drive me home, might as well board back. God, I should of wore more clothing. I grabbed my board, that was leaning against the wall, and placed it on the ground. I hope getting in the house was going to be easy. Spence being a light sleeper and all. Plus mom and dad were home. Three times the danger.

I placed my left foot on the board and sped through the quiet neighborhood.
                               *  *  *
10 minutes of my life had passed. I finally reached home. Now, how to get in. Climbing the tree to my room was a pretty good idea. But, me being me, locked the balcony doors. What if there was a robbery or rapist?

Oh well. I got to go through the front door. I hid my board in the bush and took out my keys in my pocket. Dear Lord, please let no one be there waiting in the living room like those movies. Please!

I put the house key through the hole and slowly opened the door. I only opened it a little, so it didn't squeak. That won't be good. I slipped through the gap and closed the door. I turned back around and tip toed as fast as I could to my room. My heart was about to fall out of my chest. Why do we have so many stairs? God, Justin was right. Plus, I just skateboarded home. Give this girl a break.

I opened my bedroom door and went in. Please don't squeak! I closed the door, slowly as possible. I hate my door. When you open it, sound. Close it, no sound. Ugh. Lets hope luck is on my side.


I walked further in my room and took out my phone and placed it on the homework desk. So tired! I flop myself on my precious bed. Sleep took over within seconds.
                                *  *  *
Today is Alexis's 'don't mess with me day'.

Alexis's 'don't mess with me day definition':

-No makeup
-Hobo clothes
-Messy hair
-In a really bad mood

Yes, I'm on the girls', 'one month ticket to blood university'. How did this day got its name? Spence. He kept saying it, so I guess it so passed on to me. He said he couldn't say the word 'period'. Boys.

I got ready for school. Shower. Brush. Tie my hair in a messy bun. Shorts that look liked it was brought from the dumpster. And an oversized t-shirt. I grabbed my phone and backpack and went downstairs.

I grabbed a stupid apple and left the house. To my surprise, Arrow, Justin, and the twins were all here. But leaning against motorcycles! I loved motorcycle. Well duh, I have one.

"Why are you monkeys here?" I asked with no emotion on my voice. Yeah, and I don't swear or like people swearing on my day...well week. This week was reserved for me. It should be a pure one.

"Monkeys?" Arrow asked raising one eyebrow.

"Yeah monkeys. Got a problem?" I asked my eyes glaring at him. He puts his hands up in surrender.

"What crawled up your as-" Arrow stared but I cut him off with, "Apples." I started to walk away, towards the garage.

"Apples? Is this about yesterday?" Arrow asked. That's it. I took wide strides towards him, and grabbed his shirt. I lower his face, so it was at my level. He is getting on my nerves.

"Listen here big boy, don't mess with me today. And this is not about yesterday. If you are going to stick by my side all year, you better get used to seeing my like this every month." I sneered in his face. I let him go and brushed off my shirt. Cooties.

"Oh, so you're on your period." He said smirking.

"I. Am. Not. On. My. Period!" I lied each word slowly, each word getting louder. I hate when boys think when girls are in a bad mood, they are on their period. Which are true 99.9% of the time. But still, gosh.

"Jeez okay." I looked at the other three. They have been awfully quiet.

"What's up with the three of you?" I asked boredom lacing my voice again.

"N-nothing!" Vincent and Victor answered at the same time. I looked at Justin waiting for an answer. He just shrugged his shoulder.I brushed off his weird behavior and I walked to my garage and type in the passcode. "Wait!" I turned around and put my hands on my hip.

"What?" I ask irritated.

"Since I couldn't drive you home yesterday night, I thought I give you one today." Oh. Well, isn't it Mr. Pretty Boy. Now, he wanted to drive me back. Too bad too late.

"Sorry, no can do. I can get to school myself." I answered and turned back around.

"What? You scared?" I knew that was Arrow by his voice. I guess he wanted a death wish. But his ticket to death will have to wait for later.

"Me scared? Sorry, but I am not scared to ride a motorcycle." I said confidently.

"Prove it." Arrow said smirking. I typed in the code, I walked inside the garage. I walked up to a motorcycle and remove the sheet that was covering it. I walked to the box of keys and dug around for mine.


"Wait, is that your bike?" Justin asked wide eyes.

I smirked, "Why, yes. Yes it is." I hopped on my number one baby and started the engine. Wait a minute. I grabbed the helmet on the handle and placed it on my head. Safety first. I saw the guys travel their eyes down my legs. Perverts. "Race you monkeys back to school." I shouted since the helmet made my voice sound muffled. All the boys smirked and did the same thing I did. Kind of.



And left.

What?! Cheaters! I pressed the pedal and sped off, following the guys all the way.
* * *
I parked my black bike next to the guys' bikes. The school notice five bikes. They are probably used to seeing only four. And this parking spot is reserved for the 'bad boys'. I can't wait to see their faces. I haven't ride my bike in two weeks! Why? My precious baby doesn't like the big crowds.

I got off my bike and took off my helmet. Jeez, now my hair looked like a bird's nest. I could hear students gasps. Gosh, it's wasn't the first time I rode my bike to school. I glared at each student I saw. Nicole was standing to my far right, jaw open wide. Oh, I wish I could stick her heels in there. What? Give this girl some slack. She has been through rough times.

"I still can't believe, our tutor, a nerd, can ride a bike." Justin said looking amused.

"What did you say?" I asked giving him my best glare. I saw Justin stiffen. I smirked. I am not a nerd.

"N-nothing!" He said real fast. I ignored him, and made my way into the school. Class started in 20 minutes.

I walked to my locker and unlock the lock. Ha! I use the word 'lock' three times in one sentence! Well, not really.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around. I was going to yell at the person but, Carly was standing there...her hands on her hip. This can't be good.

"Where have you been all week? You didn't call or text! We didn't even hang out!" Carly exclaimed throwing her hands in the air.

"Sorry! I have to tutor the boys. And, things just haven't been the same." I answered. But irritation was clear in my voice. I can't help it! I am trying to be nice! Carly noticed this and opened her mouth, in a shape of an O.

"You're not the only with blood leaking out of their vagina like a f.ucking tsunami." After Carly said that, she said a quick bye, then left.

I glared at her until she was out of sight. Don't mess with Alexis on this day. She was the Queen today.
• • •

OTD: One fact about you.

Answer here_________

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