Beyond The Void || doctor who

By gigglybuff

61.4K 2.9K 612

WATTYS 2016 The Doctor is lonely, and after plummeting into another dimension, he meets Jessica Bennett, who... More

Beyond The Void
Time - Nate Hawk
Chapter One: Hello, I'm The Doctor
Chapter Two: The King of Okay
Chapter Three: The Blue Letter
Chapter Four: Amazingly Fantastically Impossible
Chapter Five: Don't Ever Change
Chapter Six: Imaginary Or Not
Chapter Seven: Wardrobe Predicaments
Chapter Eight: Elaine Harper
Chapter Nine: The Doctor, The Party, and The Attic
Chapter Ten: Argumentative Affiliations
Chapter Eleven: A Noble Absence
Chapter Twelve: The Doctor Dances
Chapter Thirteen: Confessions of a Grumpy Tree
Chapter Fourteen: The Underground
Chapter Fifteen: A Christmas Curiosity
Chapter Seventeen: Something Small, Something Blue
Chapter Eighteen: Richard and Mayra Walden
Chapter Nineteen: Welcome to the Family
Chapter Twenty: Prepare for Trouble, Make it Double
Chapter Twenty-One: A Selfless Plan

Chapter Sixteen: Someone's Coming

897 55 5
By gigglybuff

"Doctor!" Jess called, scrambling to follow his quick pace. "Doctor, what's going on?"

He didn't answer. She glanced behind her shoulder. Elaine and Melissa both had confused expressions plastered on their faces from their places in front of the small Christmas tree.

She heard a groan escape her lips. "You stay here, I'll go talk to Mr. Mysterious."

Jess's footsteps were muffled by the heavy thud of rain. Her toes made a squashing noise with the impact of the wet earth. The journey to the TARDIS seemed longer than usual, but she eventually found herself outside the blindingly blue doors.

Fishing the silver key out of her pants pocket, she fumbled with unlocking the doors. When it opened, she was met with an empty control room.

"Doctor," she shouted, walking around the dimly lit room. She bumped into a gravity globe. She gave it a shake before throwing it across the room.

"Ow," she heard from somewhere below her. She walked around the main floor until she found the mezzanine and jumped down. She crossed her arms at the sight of the Doctor nose-deep in an old book, his round glasses sliding down his nose.

"I thought you threw that out," she pondered aloud, seeing the word manual.

The Doctor's eyes met hers cautiously. He flipped over the manual and looked at the cover.

"What," Jess breathed. The two sat facing each other, legs crossed, equally confused.

"I found a new one," he said, the curious expression not lifting from his features. "Can you read what it says?"

"Yeah ... ?" she responded, bemused. The odd expression didn't lift from his features. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

He paused for a moment, his eyes flicking back to the book in his hands.

"It's written in Gallifreyan."

"So? The TARDIS translates ..." a look of realization flashed in her face, "... everything except Gallifreyan ..."

Jess felt as if her heart would leap out of her chest. "Doctor, what does this mean?"

"I don't know." He shook his head. "But we have other things to worry about."

He stood up and ran around the main floor, pulling at levers and pushing buttons, his forehead creased in concentration. Jess pulled herself up and watched as he fumbled with the controls, mesmerized with his actions, as if she were witnessing a choreography.

"Hold on a second," Jess said, stepping away from the Doctor as he flailed around. "What do we have to worry about?"

The Doctor only paused momentarily before going back to work on ... whatever he was doing.

"Does this have something to do with that letter?" she questioned.

Realization hit her as she said those words, remembering her own mysterious letter waiting for her to open.

The Doctor dramatically pressed a flashing orange button before answering. "As a matter of fact, it does. "

"Doctor," she said, her eyes blank as her mind sped, "I got a note too. And it said I need to open it today."

His eyes widened, and he raced across the room so they were inches away.

"Hm," he hummed, staring her in the eyes.

"Hm?" she repeated, eyebrows arched in patience.

"I'm not entirely sure if we should share the contents of our letters with each other," he said, his brows furrowed, "as I don't know how directly related they are."

Jess felt around her pockets for the folded envelope. There was nothing there except a piece of paper with a phone number and her TARDIS key.

That's funny, she thought to herself, trying to seem nonchalant as her anxiety levels flew through the dimensionally transcendental roof.

"I didn't look at mine yet," she said, worry gripping at her throat. "And I seem to have misplaced it."

"What the hell guys!" Jess jumped at the muffled voice. Both her and the Doctor edged towards the white doors.

"This isn't funny! Where'd you go off to? I could've sworn they were here ... great! Now I'm soaked."

Jess opened the door, cocking an eyebrow at seemingly dumbfounded and drenched Elaine, who held something in her right hand.

"How the hell did you do that?" Elaine shrieked, noticing the two in front of her.

"What are you on about?" 

"You just appeared out of thin air!" she said, her cerulean eyes wide in shock.

"I don't know what you're --"

"I had to ... do something to the TARDIS. Make it untraceable. And invisible. I'll tell you about it after you find your letter," the Doctor whispered to Jess.

Elaine held up the thing in your hand. "This letter?"

Jess grasped it from her, stuffing it in her pocket. "Where the hell'd you find that?"

"Must've fallen out of your pocket or something." She crossed her arms defensively. "Funny trick though, forging my handwriting, Bennett."

"What?" She looked at the cursive writing on the envelope. Oh. It did look like Elaine's handwriting.

"Did you read it?" she asked, her mind racing with the possibilities of ruptures in the space time continuum if she'd seen something directly from her future.

"No," she said, not-so-convincingly. She sighed. "Alright. I tried to. But it's all circles and scribbles. Probably a diagram or something."

Jess looked over at the Doctor, her eyebrows furrowed in worry. "Gallifreyan," she muttered.

"Galluh ... huh?" Elaine questioned, her cerulean eyes clouded with confusion.

"It's Gallifreyan. The language of my people," the Doctor answered.

"It doesn't translate because it's the TARDIS's native tongue," Jess added, glancing over at the Doctor. He had an aged expression on his face, and she couldn't help but feel sad for him. For him, the Time Lords were dead. For him, he was the last Gallifreyan in existence. But that wasn't completely true. Not that she could explain that to the Doctor, of course.

"Alright, so if all of your other Time Lord people have spaceships like you do, why can't you just call one of them for help?"

"I'm all alone," he mustered. He didn't meet Elaine's eyes. "There was a war ... a war bigger than the universe. The only way to stop our enemy was to ... was to destroy my own people as well." His eyes wandered to the wet earth at his feet. "I'm the only one left."

A surge of empathy caused Jess to do something she'd never done before: she grabbed the Doctor's hand and squeezed it with her own.

"You're never alone, Doctor," Jess whispered, the rain masking the tears they were both silently beginning to shed.

"And indeed we aren't," he said, his tone lively all of a sudden. He sent a smirk in Jess's direction. "Because someone's coming."

hihihi me again i just wanted to point out that i got a new laptop 3 days ago and i already managed to download a virus thx and  goodniGHt

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