BBC Merlin Fanfic Book 2 - Fe...

By xKatnipx

36.8K 874 78

The adventure and fulfilment of destiny's continue in this book! (Based upon season 2 BBC Merlin series)! Rea... More

Before Reading!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 8

1.3K 37 2
By xKatnipx

Superrrr long chapter guys!! Enjoy!

Row's POV:

And so, I ran. I ran till the sound of swords chiming died out. I could see the tunnels end but an arm pulled back causing me to stumble. I fought the man's grip and when it didn't loosen I used my heel to stub his toe. A cry of agony left his mouth but I was too late two men stood behind me blocking the exit and more approaching with Valiant at the front. "No! No! Please just let me go! Please I beg you!"

The whole population of the castle heard my screams no doubt and I didn't stop until someone's hand covered my mouth. Yet again I tried to break free by biting his hand and elbowing him in the chest casing him to completely let me go. I was free again and I was running until he caught me a final time and lifting me up onto his shoulder. Two men approached me with a piece of rope. One attempted to hold my hands together and the other tied me up.

We had reached the caged area I had seen on the first night and the portcullis to the inside was raised. We were waiting for who knows what so instead of standing around doing nothing I decided to do a bit of eavesdropping.

I could hear the laughs from everyone in the filled up room of this dreadful camp which only quietened down at the voice of that barbarian Hengist. "Before you die, I can promise you the most unimaginable pain." More cheers filled the room. "You can do what you will with me, I do not care. You can do no harm to Lady Rosa." Lancelot... no...He sounded so impressed, if only he knew how I had failed him. "And you really believe she is worth dying for?"

"She is worth more to me than you will ever understand". Without any more time to my own thoughts we began walking, well I say we... Valiant carried me up the slight incline and literally threw me to the ground so that I landed on my knees.

I couldn't even look at him without feeling the shame. All I heard was the low mutter of a no coming from his lips. "You thought she got away? No, you failed her! And that must hurt you more than I would ever understand." He said that last bit in a totally different pitch to his usual gravely one. "He didn't fail me, he did his best and that is all anyone can ask for. He wouldn't have to risk his life if it wasn't for you and your pompous bandit members!"

"Was that meant to offend me Lady Rosa? It did everything but. I'm starting to grow tired of your defiant behaviour."

"Well at least I'm not a coward hiding behind some bars from facing me up close? Tell me Hengist what is so terrifying to you? Not used to women standing up for themselves?" He slammed his hands against the bars hoping it would at least startle me but nothing. "Tie them up!"

Valiant was back at my side again "get your hands off me or a swear I'll-" He laughed wickedly before cutting me off. "You'll what Lady Rosa? You'll kill me? Think you're a bit tied up at the moment?"

Lancelot and I were now back to back at the mercy of these crooks. We knew our fate already but it was a matter of when.

Hengist silenced his crowd and began to pace around. "What do you say! Shall I spare them?" Can you guess what they did? They laughed and began to chant the phrase 'kill them'. The panic that arose in me then was indescribable. I quickly turned to Lancelot as much as I could despite the awkward fact that we were tied back to back. "I am sorry! This is all my fault."

"You have nothing to be sorry for! You reminded me of who I am and I will die with faith in my heart! That is worth more than anything."

"Release the wildren!" cheers surrounded us and I couldn't help closing my eyes. The last thing I saw on this earth would not be the face of that beast! I heard it's screeching and its footsteps becoming increasingly louder by the second and my head was now against Lancelot's hoping that the sense of someone would at least take away the horrid feeling of loneliness I found.

Before the creature could harm me, I felt the ropes slacken and the feeling immediately caused my eyes to widen. The firm grip of two strong hands pulled me up pushing me behind them. Upon acknowledging my saviour, it was none other than the Pendragon Prince himself. What great timing that was....


He didn't have time to reply as the beast approached him. Lancelot had now acquired a sword and was working with Arthur to fight it off. Who knows what they were talking about but before I knew it I was being pulled in the direction of the portcullis. "Merlin!! Don't sit there cowering let's go!"

Merlin was here too and that somehow brought a flood of relief to me.

He was over the top of the cage within seconds and we were about to run through but Lancelot stayed behind as well as my 'brother'. "Take Row now, I'll hold them off. The familiar feeling of Arthur' hand in mine was comforting but we were still not safe. He managed to find the right tunnel and we were almost there until...

Valiant seemed to come out of nowhere. The unexpected visit meant that the two of us lost our grip and I was now being used as a shield with a dagger to my throat. "We meet again Prince Arthur. Since being here the Lady Rosa has caused far too much trouble for anyone's liking and deserves the proper punishment don't you think?" He was absolutely crazy! "Why I didn't kill you all those months ago is a mystery to me." Arthur had his sword up ready when Valiant' moment of weakness would arise... if it arose.

"Perhaps you should have killed me off. But then I wouldn't be able to do this!" At that moment I felt the pressure of the blade and without any time to lose I used my elbow to at least loosen his grip to allow me to get out of his horrid hold and it would seem I succeeded but, he was approaching quickly and clearly angered. But before he could get any closer Arthur had managed to somehow get in to his blind spot and ran his sword through Valiant' torso holding his hair "I told you to stay away from her all that time ago or I would kill you. Guess I have fulfilled my promise." Valiant stared at me until his last breath and fell to the ground.

My feet were stuck on the ground, my wide-eyed gaze focused on the open eyes of Valiant that were still locked upon me. I didn't even here Arthur calling me but I could feel the trembling in my hands.

The next thing I know is I'm being pulled along to a metal gate the strong but gentle hand of Arthur' leaves my back as he begins to unlock it. I wanted to say something but the moment passed when I heard loud heavy footsteps approaching us. There was no way I was going back in there again but thankfully Arthur was by my side this time and sensing my apprehension watched the dark hall silently with his hand on his sword.

A sigh left my lips as I noticed the two dark haired men approaching. "It's good to see you both". Lancelot's voice seemed to echo around the cold passageways as he glanced at the Prince and his servant. "Where are your knights?" the clicking of the lock on the gate stopped as Arthur glanced behind him to see Lancelot. "Uh it's just us." What? Just the two of them? I turned to Merlin who was biting his lip nodding to me signalling it was the truth. "We've got to keep moving".

Again, the hand of Arthur was there to help me up quickly guiding me to who knows where. The sun was beginning to set and the exhaustion was finally beginning to take its toll but thankfully we had made camp and the warmth of the fire was a soothing touch to the dark cell I had been in.

Merlin and Lancelot had gone to collect more firewood which meant Arthur and I were left alone. We hadn't spoken a single word since the tunnel and silence was of no comfort. The sound of footsteps caused me to lift my gaze seeing the blue-eyed Prince coming to sit next to me. He was nervous for who knows what reason as he twiddled with his thumbs.

My small hand planted itself on top of his and I felt the movement stop. My eyes were fixed on the moving flames of the fire but out of the corner of my vision I could see him watching with a soft gaze. "I'm sorry... that I wasn't here sooner. I could have prevented a lot if I hadn't have waited around". That was the moment I chose to look at him. The slight shimmer in his eyes told me everything it needed to. They held guilt, regret and even thankfulness. "You have nothing to be sorry for Arthur, you came that is all that matters to me."

A strand of my messy hair fell to the side of my face. Arthur' gentle fingers caressed my cheek before moving the sun kissed strand back behind my ear. "I was worried Row. Worried that you were hurt or worse." I shook my head slightly with a small reassuring smile. "I promise you Arthur I'm just fine" I stood up twirling around slightly proving that I had no physical harm. That sentence was only half true though. On the outside, yes, I had no scratches but my mind had endured a worse fate. Who knows how long that would take to heal.

He stood revealing his tall stature and carefully dragged his hands down from my shoulders to my hands. "Along the way I came to a realisation and as annoying as he is Merlin was the one who made me truly think." Oh goodness what had he said. Arthur was never this serious. "I know now more than ever how much you mean to me and that I can't stand the thought of anything happening to you. So, what I'm trying to say is that..."

Before Arthur could let another word slip through his lips Merlin and Lancelot were walking through the tree line laughing hysterically at something as they approached. "You were saying Arthur?" he looked at the pair approaching and then back at me as if her were debating it. "Doesn't matter, forget I said anything". He stormed back to where he was previously sat gazing into the fire with who knows what on his mind. What was he trying to tell me?

The two men threw the sticks down that they had recovered from the woodland surrounding us. Merlin told us that the pile should keep us going through the night. The two sat down near each other and I followed returning to the small log I had used as my seat earlier. "I'm surprised you would undertake such a rescue mission with just the two of you." Lancelot's voice filled the awkward silence, his point was valid, but I wasn't really bothered as to why. I was just glad they had come when they did otherwise we 'd be that beasts dinner.

"Father was trying decipher a plan and it was going to slowly for me so I made my own." There was some sort of rivalry in the air and it was making me nervous. I glanced over at Merlin who held a baffled expression just as I did. "So, you went against your father for this mission?" That was it I couldn't handle it anymore. "I think I'm going to get some rest. No doubt the journey back to Camelot will be a long one. Perhaps we should all take some time for ourselves?"

"She's right we should all get some rest" Arthur slowly rose from his bench heading to a spot where a blanket was laid out. "I'll stand guard for a while". Lancelot held his sword firmly taking a position somewhere in the distance keeping a look out. "I'll take my leave too, you should get some rest Merlin." I spoke up.

"I will in a little while. Sleep well Row". I bid him goodnight and went to the opposite side of the camp where I had my privacy and settled down for the night.

The bird's song was what woke me up the next morning as well as the slight shuffle in the camp. Opening my eyes, a saw a gloomy Merlin putting the fire out. Searching the camp, I saw Arthur in the distance checking the woodland but no Lancelot. "Where's Lancelot?" Merlin turned around but hardly looked me in the eye. "Where is he Merlin?"

"He's gone?" Confusion hit there and then, why would he go? He could have come back with us? "He told me to tell you he is thankful for what you have done for him but some things even if we wish it cannot be." Was he talking about his life in Camelot? I'm sure after everything he has done for me he could have had a fresh start. "Oh" was all I could get to come out. The slight movement behind Merlin made me divert my gaze to see the blonde-haired Prince who was silent for a few seconds.

"We have a long walk ahead of us" he extended his arm holding his hand out for me to take. I nodded picking my dress up slightly as I made my was over to him stepping over a few longs before finally taking his hand.

He was right about about it being long but thankfully the horses they came with part of the way were still there where they were left. Realising there was only two and there was three of us made me wonder what was going to happen.

"Here Row you take my horse" Merlin held the reigns of the brown-haired stallion so that I could get on smoothly but declined. "I will not allow you to walk the rest of the way we still have a full day to go and that's on horseback. I will just sit behind you." He was about to protest when Arthur butted in. "You can ride with me I don't trust Merlin on a horse".

"Hey I'm not that bad!" Merlin's childish comeback made me laugh quietly to myself. Walking over to Arthur I crossed my arms looking up at him. "Why is it that I always have to be put in this situation time and time again with you?" it was his turn to laugh now. "Perhaps it's because I say so... or because I like being by your side." My mouth opened slightly his last remark catching me off guard slightly, I didn't have time to reply as I was hoisted up to the front of the saddle where I was sitting sideways. Arthur used the stirrups to help him up before taking the reins which meant I was now in a slightly awkward position with the Prince of Camelot's arms around me.

It took us several hours before we spotted the tall turrets of the infamous castle. It stood proudly on the hill and it was a sight I welcomed warmly. Entering the gates, the people bowed before their prince. Once noticing me however their smiles turned to frowns and concerned eyes. Attempting to reassure them I waved and smiled as best I could.

Arriving in the castle courtyard Arthur easily got off his horse then raising his hand to my waist effortlessly bringing me down to the ground. My hands were locked against his strong arms and we shared a gaze that I never wanted to end. Slowly leaning in to one another memories of times like this flooded in my head and how happy he made me, each one brought me closer and closer to him. Our foreheads now touched and we both let out a sigh of comfort neither of us moving. Just cherishing the moment.

"Row! Thank God your alright!" Arthur and I jumped away from each other realising how close we were and in front of countless guards never mind the young raven-haired girl racing down the castle steps. She ran and literally jumped so that we could embrace one another. "I thought I'd never see you again! Are you alright?"

I moved my hand up and down her back trying to calm her down "It's alright Morgana, I'm home now. I'm safe." When she let go she seemed to inspect me before beginning to speak again. "Uther wishes to speak to you both but I had to get here first". Upon hearing his name, I looked to the doors to find an expressionless Uther. Was he not happy to see me?

Arthur went up first having a seemingly short conversation that didn't seem to end well at all. He then turned around and gestured me to come up so that I could then speak with his father. Once again gripping my dress slightly so that I didn't fall I made my way carefully to the king. "Your majesty" I curtsied then looked up at him. He didn't move for a while but then brought me in to him stroking my hair slightly. "You're safe now, everything is fine". If only things could go back to normal straight away where i felt that way. 

"Guinevere has been informed of your arrival and is preparing a bath as well as some fresh clothes for you. You deserve a good rest, who knows what you have been through."

I nodded making my way though the familiar corridors. Finally, I was home.    

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