Brothers in Arms

By ShadowAceSonic

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Eclipse the Darkling has had a rough life, and it's about to get harder--due to his own choice. When constant... More

Eclipse the Darkling: Guiding Stars
Shadow: Guarded Encounter
Eclipse: Elucidating Argument
Shadow: Alarming Revelation
Shadow: Careless Conjecture
Eclipse: Awkward, yet Emboldening
Shadow: A Sagacious Spy
Eclipse: Scalpels and Slip-Ups
Shadow: A Talk with Tower
Eclipse: Humor over Heartache
Eclipse: Terror and Tribulations
Shadow: Fights and Forbearance
Eclipse: Trial By Force
Eclipse: Emergency
Eclipse: Anxiety, Anger, and Andrews
Eclipse: Ally or Agent?
Shadow: Return to Reality
Eclipse: Talking Shouldn't be This Hard
Shadow: The Dumb, the Dumber, and the Angry Bat
Eclipse: What do You Mean I Almost Burnt Down a Sublevel?
Eclipse: But Taunting You is So Fun!
Shadow: You Only Have One Bed
Eclipse: A Simple Quest for a Good Conversation
Shadow: The Calm and the Storm
Eclipse: Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire
Eclipse: When Past and Present Collide
Eclipse: Not the Same
Eclipse: To Blankets and Back Again
Eclipse: Right Here; Right Now
Eclipse/Topaz: Stand Up Comedy Isn't a Joke!
Eclipse/Andrews: I'm Here, Little Ones!
Sally: Who's Andrews, and Why is He a Chaos Wielder?
Shadow/Rouge: Even Heroes Need Help Sometimes
Shadow/Eclipse: This Car Trip is Ruining My Reputation
Sonic: The Gang's All Here
Amy/Tower: You Weren't There
Tails/Sonic: Enemies to Rivals
Sonic: Brawling to Bromance

Shadow: Initial Interactions

583 18 33
By ShadowAceSonic

"And you're sure the Dark Arms can not trouble Mobius without outside assistance? That their powers are impotent while alone?" The Commander questions, hands clasped in a serious manner on the conference table as he sits in a large group of high-ranking people.

"Yes, I am sure," Eclipse sighs, and--despite myself--I understand why. We've been standing here for over three hours just so top G.U.N. officials can ask the same questions five different ways. I know cross-examination is important, but, Chaos, I have a life, and this is not what I want to spend it doing. Glancing over to Omega, I see that he's still in his rigid position, and I wish that I could shut down my mind while leaving my body awake, too.

I silently curse the fact Eclipse wasn't injured enough to warrant immediate treatment, feeling that, since I'd still be mad if I had been the one 'not sufficiently in danger of permanent bodily harm,' I'm not specifically wishing him pain. After all, I was quite disappointed to find out I didn't have a concussion from my time spent as a landing pad, the likes of which would have gotten me out of this ordeal. All in all, it's a singular distinction and one no one but me knows about, but I'm just bored enough to take the time to make it.

As it is, Rouge made her excuses while the top consultants of the Commander were gathering, and Omega is doing nothing but recording the conversation for later review. Unfortunately, Eclipse and I don't have the luxury of not listening--Eclipse because he is being questioned, me because I have to verify what Eclipse is saying.

"Shadow?" Asks the Commander, giving me a meaningful glance, and I reluctantly reach out to Eclipse's mind to make sure he isn't lying, making sure to stay in my half-brother's subconscious, so he can't influence my thoughts without me noticing. As I'm shuffling through Eclipse's memories of the Dark Arms--which can't, incidentally, use any of their powers without a Black Arm host--my half-brother risks a brief moment of raw mental contact between his mind and mine, which makes me twitch in surprise.

You know, for a military set-up, your organization is quite uneventfully monotonous. I do not see how you can stand doing this all of the time, he thinks, sending the thought my way. At first, I'm wary to see if he'll attack me, but he doesn't and instead waits for a reply. Resigning myself to the fact one thought can't hurt too much, I respond.

This isn't exactly what I do everyday. Normally, I'm in training or working on an assignment. I don't think I've ever spent this long on a mission report. A slight lull follows as we both expect the other to keep talking. Eclipse's silence, though short, gives me the opportunity to bring up something odd I've noticed over these past few hours. Casting about for a way to start my sentence, I say, So, um, is there a reason you never use contractions? I haven't heard you use a single one all this time, even a simple one. I's kind of unusual. A sense of miffed surprise flows through the hivemind from Eclipse.

I just do not like them. This language is already hard enough to understand without slurring words to save a minuscule amount of time.

You find it hard to understand English?

You do not?

I never have.

Well, congratulations, he replies, and I can practically feel the included eye roll. You are a native speaker. At any rate, I do not have to use contractions if I do not want to.

Doesn't mean you shouldn't. A brief silence follows my sentence, and Eclipse responds suspiciously after a few moments.

...are you trying to antagonize me?

No. I'm just telling that what you're doing is weird and that your interactions would go a lot more smoothly if you stopped speaking like you're writing a formal essay.

I have no problems with my English, Shadow.

That may be so, but your words are stilted, and your sentences wrap around themselves. It's hard to follow you.

He gives me the equivalent of a mental glare.

English is not my native language. If I do not speak like humans are used to people speaking, then that is their concern, not mine. Scowling back at him with my mind, I shoot back a retort.

I'm just trying to give you advice. Take it or leave it.

You are preaching to an atheist, Shadow.

That's not how the expression goes.

The original expression does not illustrate my point.

Changing the words defeats the purpose of using an expression in the first place. Regardless, how do you even know what atheism is?

You have never wondered if Gerald Robotnik inquired as to whether Raen have a religion? It takes me a moment to recognize the Raennep term for the Black Arms--'Raennep' being the actual Black Arm language--and I resist the urge to roll my eyes, knowing the Commander would notice.

That's not exactly what I spend my time wondering, no. Do you?

Do I what?

Do you have a religion?

'We,' Shadow. Not 'you.' And, no, not strictly. It entirely depends on how you define religion.

"Religion: the belief in and worship of a supernatural, controlling power, especially a god, gods, or force."

How cheeky of you... By that definition, no. On another note, I assume I am obliged to tell you that your Commander is trying to gain your attention? At those words, with a mental gasp I hope my body doesn't imitate, I immediately withdraw back into my own mind, snapping back to reality, having become too focused on the conversation. Nervous as to how long I was distracted, I gulp, cursing the fact Eclipse is able to pay attention to his surroundings while using the hivemind.

"--adow! Pay attention!"

"Apologies, Sir," I reply, embarrassed by my lapse. "It's hard to hear when I'm not attuned to my senses."

"I don't need an excuse, Shadow. Is what the alien said true?" Tower asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yes, Sir," I say, nodding rather exaggeratedly, trying to refocus, and silently berating myself for being so careless. The questioning continues, and, through its information, I learn that Eclipse was, indeed, ambushed by a group of humans after he arrived on Earth. To my annoyance, I end up having to explain the encounter because many of the things present in the capture attempt were unfamiliar to my half-brother--though, I'll admit, after several minutes of hearing such misconceptions as calling a pair of sunglasses a 'mask,' I would probably have been more annoyed if I hadn't stepped in to tell the story.

To sum it up, Eclipse was snagged and bound by an unidentified group of armed humans using energy nets--humans that didn't account for the fact their prisoner would have no qualms about leaping out of a flying helicopter in favor of surrendering. Fighting with the energy blockers on the way down, he narrowly escaped being pancaked from hitting the ground without his powers.

His bravery resonates with me, and I feel my respect for him grow when he explains he had no idea my team was below him. He had simply not considered giving in to be an option.

For some reason, Eclipse's tormentors didn't pursue him once he'd managed to leap out of the helicopter, though the Commander assumed, along with most others, that the reason was Team Dark's arrival. There's no sense in attacking a dangerous alien and a trained G.U.N. field team when either one could easily best most any adversary, after all.

The formidable amount of blood--the dried remnants of which are still, rather unsettlingly, all over his torso--had come from his being shot in the left shoulder and left hip while he wrested free of the restraints. That detail surprises me, as I had always assumed Eclipse was bulletproof, like me. Apparently, his red crests are, but his rough, gray skin isn't.

"Agent Shadow," the Commander declares, yanking me out of my thoughts for the second time this evening. "You're dismissed. Escort the detainee to Sublevel 8 and stay for his evaluation before you disengage from work." I salute at the Commander. Eclipse scowls, miffed at being talked about as if he isn't there. I ignore him, used to getting the treatment myself.

I bring out my dark blue Chaos Emerald, preparing the direct route to the subterranean lab. I say the command, and Eclipse and I appear in an empty metal hallway, far beneath the surface.

"Kry!" Eclipse yelps as his damaged arm hits the wall--he seems to be unused to Chaos Control, falling over as soon as we materialized. I recognize this word as well; Kry! is one of the many Black Arm interjections, all of which start with the English equivalent of 'k,' all of which convey an emotion, this one's emotion being pain. Basically, Eclipse saying "Kry!" is the equivalent of a human saying "Ow!" I wince, having felt his pain through our mental link. Eclipse grumbles a foreign curse under his breath, grasping at his shoulder and slumping on the wall for a moment. I let him collect himself before we start down the hallway.

"You'll be seeing Professor Ayers," I say, trying to make conversation as I walk up next to him. He ignores me, and I go on. "She's pretty okay. Absolutely brilliant, and, once she sees you, she'll be on cloud nine. She has an incredibly strong desire to learn all she can about creations, especially otherworldly ones. I like her alright. You'll never find a more competent and comprehensive biologist." Eclipse doesn't reply, outside of pulling his ghastly, pale mouth into a tight-lipped expression, and I try to think of something else to say, worried he's nervous.

"Sublevel 8 used to be my worst nightmare," I eventually add, knowing he can't be too thrilled about being handed over to a bunch of human scientists. "I was worried G.U.N. would go back on its word and do something awful to me. It took me months before I could truly relax. It--"

"Shadow?" Eclipse butts in, cutting me off. "Thank you, but I hold no desire to converse with you right now."

"I'm just trying to distract you from your shoulder," I reply, somewhat surprised. Isn't that what I'm supposed to do? Rouge always nags me that small talk is important.

"Well, do not."

"Why? I know you're probably feeling uncomfortable right now, but distracting yourself can really lessen pain."

Eclipse sighs heavily, giving me an indiscernible look somewhere between exasperation and frustration.

"And, that is the thing, is it not, Shadow?" He asks, looking oddly dejected and annoyed at the same time. "You talk to me to lessen physical discomfort, but you are a far greater source of pain for me than my shoulder.

"Tolerating you, a reminder of my past I am not grateful for, as part of this truce takes enough of my energy, on top of which I am uncomfortable, exhausted, in pain, and surrounded by unfamiliar things. I would appreciate it greatly if you made yourself less intrusive." I stare at him, immediately feeling embarrassed by my blindness to his emotions and frustratingly guilty for Black Death's death all over again.

"Oh," I manage sheepishly, and I fall silent, retreating into myself. The awkwardness between us is palpable when we arrive at the lab, and I wonder if anyone notices it. I inquire a scientist as to where I should take Eclipse, and the man replies after a moment of thought.

"There's an examination room down the second hallway on the right; you can take it there." Eclipse bristles--well, as much as one can bristle when they don't have spines or fur--with indignation at being called an 'it,' but I steer him down the hallway before he can make a remark. As we step into the room, I lift Eclipse onto the table--he's got his power controller on now, and I don't want him to hurt his injured shoulder trying to climb onto it.

"Don't take the comments personally," I hazard, not knowing if he'll snap at me again. "I still get called an 'it' sometimes. They're not trying to be rude; they just don't gender you unless you request it. Also, you'll want to avoid talking. The Commander will get mad if you let out classified information."

"What classified information? I do not know any," Eclipse says incredulously, sounding annoyed.

"Well, you're classified information, to start. Just don't take the risk."

"How bluntly kind of you," Eclipse replies, and I almost smirk at the exaggerated sarcastic tone he feels is necessary. We wait in the room until a male researcher appears and informs us that Professor Ayers will be in later. I lose interest as he starts doing routine examination on Eclipse, lost in my own thoughts as I watch them.

I never thought Eclipse would ever, in a million years, surrender to G.U.N. It's such an unexpected thing; I can't help but think he's planning something. But, what if he really is being sincere about this and actually wants to assimilate into Mobian life? I'd be awful for denying him the opportunity simply because of my prejudice. I sigh, a big, confused swirl of emotions forming an anxious tempest inside me. I really want to believe him, but I don't know if I can...

I guess all I can do is wait. Eclipse might not even want my help, anyways; it's not like we have a history of getting along. Heck, I'm not even sure if I want to help him yet! I mean, I have sympathy for him, but he's still a bona fide villain. A snarky part of me pipes up that it takes one to know one, but I shove it back down with a snort.

This is a very infuriating situation, really. It would be fantastic if Eclipse is truly trying to move on from the past, but I'm worrying that this is all an elaborate ruse. I used to be so much more trusting of people--it almost makes me ashamed to have so much doubt in him. He's only doing what I did when I came to G.U.N., asking for work. A slight burden guiltily comes off of my chest as I make that connection; as shameful as it is to be grateful for such a thing, I'm glad it isn't even up to me how much of an opportunity Eclipse gets.

The Commander will decide whether to trust him or not, and, either way, I'll remain open to both sides. That way, I'll give Eclipse the chance he deserves, the chance I got, but I won't let my guard down completely. I'll be wary, but I won't scorn. That's a good compromise, right?

Anyways, I don't think he's unreasonable. His father was a threat to Mobius, and I did what had to be done. I'm sure he will recognize that, given time, and, then, maybe we can work something out. For a while, the thought soothes me, but I can't help feeling I'm overlooking something, whatever it may be. For some reason, I feel as if I'm missing the larger point here, but I don't know what it is. Frustrated, I continue my vigil, letting my feelings drain away as I stand guard.

I'll figure this out later... 

Author's Note: This is late, which is embarrassing since it was already written, but I was doing some major edits to the chapter after this one, and I wanted to make sure they still fitted together. So, here's this one, and the next one will probably be two to three days from now, to make up for the tardiness on this one.

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