Deceived Heart |✔️

By pennais

4.1K 773 40

Amelia is turning eighteen and that marks ten years of her having to wait for a new heart . Not everyone know... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Important , please read :
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chaper 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 37

42 14 1
By pennais

Deceived Heart

Amelia's POV : 

"Beep beep beep ." Was all I could hear and I instantly figured out where I was . The damn hospital .

I open my eyes and tried to adjust to the light in the white room . I fully open my eyes to see Tyler sitting next to me in a hospital gown .

"You look awful ." I chuckle .

"So do you ." He smiles .

"What happened ?" I ask moving to the side and I pat my bed gesturing that he comes in .

He stands up slowly and gets into the bed with me . I put my head on his chest .

"You had a panic attack ." He says tracing my hand .

"I know what happened to me . I'm talking about you ." I say sadly .

"A car accident ." He shrugs as if it's nothing .

"Tyler , don't take this lightly . What happened tonight ?" I sit up and look at him .

He plays with my fingers and sighs .

"You don't think this is your fault right ?" He asks looking at me .

"I feel like it is because I let you walk out of that door ." I wipe my cheeks .

"I had a fight that night with my dad . We've never fought but we fought and it was something so stupid . I thought I lost him so I knew you had my back but then I saw you texting that guy Micheal and then I remembered that I'm losing you to Zion . I'm not sure how exactly I feel about you having another guy in your life . I guess I was over thinking that means I wasn't focusing on the road . The other driver was however driving under the influence ." He tells me .

"Tyler ." I look at him .

"May we please not talk about it ." He tells me softly .

"Okay ."

"I'm sure he's in here ." I hear my mothers voice .

She walks in with Doctor Jones and they look at us with flushed faces .

"Did you run the marathon or something ?" I laugh .

"Practically . Tyler you shouldn't be here ." Doctor Jones says .

"Dad , I needed to see that she was alright ." He sighs .

I knew that Doctor Jones is Tyler's father but I didn't know him further than that . I know him as one of the doctors who had operated on me .

"Let's go ." Doctor Jones says .

"Okay ." Tyler sighs .

I help him up so that he can get back on the wheelchair . He tells me to come closer so I lean closer .

"I'll see you later ." He whispers to me then gives me a kiss on the cheek .

"So mother , how long have I been out for ?" I ask her .

"A few hours . Are you fine Sweety ? It scared me seeing you on that floor especially after your surgery ." She says .

"You know , I just realized that over the months we've become closer . I hated you and dad last year ." I chuckle .

"You thought that I had an affair with Doctor May for crying out loud ." She laughs taking a seat on the bed .

"I still think you do at times ." I tell her sarcastically .

"Amelia !" She scolds making me laugh .

"I'm joking ." I laugh clutching my tummy .

"Take it easy there Tiger ." She laughs checking my blood pressure .

"Am I fine mom ?" I ask her sadly .

"You're alright sweety . Your heart felt a bit of pressure but you're alright ." She smiles .

"When will I be discharged ?" I sigh .

"Tomorrow . Look Sweety , Tyler isn't allowed to leave his bed okay ? If you want to visit him call a nurse to take you ." She holds my hand .

"I'll remember that mom ." I smile at her .

"Okay , you will carry on with your heart pills , you have two weeks left to finish them ." She puts them on my table .

"Okay thank you , may I please get some food . I'm quite hungry ." I yawn covering my mouth .

"Coco pops ?" She chuckles .

"You know me so well ." I laugh .

I look to the side to see my phone already there so I take it to see I've got a few messages and one of them is Micheal .

Me @10:05
Hey , sorry I'm in hospital *laughing faces*

Micheal @10:07
Hey , are you alright ? *sad face*

Me @10:09
Don't cry for me Argentina !

Michael @10:11
You are so weird *laughing faces* , I'll visit you after my class .

Me @10:12
Oh my goodness ! He's a rebel ! I cannot associate myself with rebels *laughing faces*

Micheal @10:14
It is quite a boring class , I could actually leave anytime I wanted to but I'm not THAT much of a rebel .

Me @10:15
Just so you know , I'm not the distraction here *winking face* .

Micheal @10:18
Are you trying to say I'm easily distracted Amelia ?

Me @10:19
Well if you want to take it that way then so be it *smirking face*

Micheal @10:22
You're a sly one . I gotta go , I'll see you later on .

Me @10:23
Room 32B

"Okay , Coco pops ." My mom hands me the bowl .

"Where do you even get these coco pops ?" I raise my eyebrows at her .

"Uhm the children's side of the hospital ." She laughs walking out .

"Wait mom ! Can I go to Tyler's room ?" I ask her looking at my bowl .

"You two cannot stay apart for more than an hour ." She sighs walking back to me .

"You need to take your drip with ." She tells me and I stand up with her help .

We walk across the hallway which takes us to Tyler's room .

"This was planned wasn't it ?" I laugh .

"Yeah , we knew you two would want to be together so we didn't want you walking halfway through the hospital ." She tells me .

"We ?"

"Doctor Jones and I ." She smiles helping me into a chair next to his bed .

She walks out and Tyler walks out from the bathroom holding onto his own drip .

"We look like a bunch of sickos ." I laugh .

"What are you eating ?" He asks getting on his bed .

"Coco pops ." I sigh having another spoon .

I feel my bowl being taken out of my hands and Tyler having my food .

"Hey ! What do you think this is ?!" I shout at him .

"It's like they are trying to make me lose weight . Who has toast and butter for breakfast ?" He grumbles having more .

"You I'm guessing ?" I laugh .

"You could have asked you know ?" I cross my arms .

"You look so cute right now !" He laughs .

"What are you high on ?" I laugh .

"Come here ." He gestures to his bed which is bigger than mine .

I get onto the bed with his help and I get comfortable with his arm around me .

"I missed you yesterday because we weren't together . That's why I went over to your house knowing that you were going to help me feel better . I'm sorry that I walked out on you ." He brushes my hair .

"I understand Tyler ." I smile kissing his hand .

"So I was thinking , we haven't had what you went through in your past for a while now and this is the best time . Are you up for it ?" He asks me as I put my head on his chest .

"Only if you are ." I smile at him .

"Well I took you to a French restaurant ." He laughs loudly clutching his stomach .

"Ohhh I've always loved cuisines , so how was it ?" I smile up at him and he continues laughing .

"Okay , let me tell you about the day . We went to school where Cassidy went off with you . You once again made her aggravated by turning her words against her and well she stomped away . Okay school was quite uneventful in my opinion but later , well I decided to take you to a French restaurant .

"You ate something and you said it tastes weird on your tongue so I shrugged it off and told you to have another plate . You enjoyed it only to find out that it was frog legs , I told you that it was beef ." He laughs .

"Oh you sneaky rat !" I hit him on his chest .

"You enjoyed it though . At first you were eating chicken livers in gravy but you didn't like it . Something sad happened that day and I was quite afraid ." He sighs rubbing his hand on my hand to make it warmer .

"What happened ?" My ears perk up ready to hear the story .

"You were home alone but I had to get home . You told me that you would be fine so I left you that evening but probably five minutes later I got a call from your house number ." He looks sadly at me .

"Why did I call ?"

"You said you were hurt and I could hear it in your voice so I rushed to your house where I used the extra key to open up because it was locked . I found you in the kitchen but there was blood everywhere . I later realized that the blood was from you and you had an accident . You fell by the steps and they cut you on your arm , that is why you've got that scar ." He pulls my arm to show me the deep looking scar .

"That looks sore ." I groan looking at the scar is disgust .

"Yeah , You seemed pretty hurt . I cleaned you up and got you to bed because there was school the next day but I stayed ." He smiles .

"Ncaw , Tyler stayed for me !" I smile up at him .

"You know that I would do anything for you right ?" He asks me .

"Well mom and dad say so and I believe them . I would also do anything for you Tyler , you scared me ." I pout .

"I'm sorry darling , I'm alright ." He kisses my temple and I smile up at him
• • •


Truth time ? Tyler was supposed to die like a long time ago , like he was supposed to give Amelia his heart but that didn't happen soooooooooo yeah you can celebrate . So you happy people should vote , don't you think ? 😂😂


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