By AttitudeQueen17

106K 5.6K 907


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter twenty Four
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
Authors note...do read and share pls
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
Part 45
chapter 46
Part 47
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
chapter 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 70
chapter 71
chapter 72
chapter 73
chapter 76
chapter seventy nine
chapter 80
eighty one
chapter 82
chapter 83
chapter 84

Part 69

983 65 16
By AttitudeQueen17


'I don't know. I just don't see it, Raman and tattoos... Nooo ...'' Said Ishita smilingly with mixed feelings

'Although I find it a bit strange that you two know the number of a tattoo artist off head...'' Said Mihika looking at both of them

'He is also a very good artist...'' Said Ishita laughing

'I don't care you both are way too familiar with each other and in a strange way... it is kind of weird'' said Mihika

'Why are you jealous?'' asked Ishita innocently and what she saw she wasn't expecting

'What... Pleeaasseee... Why would I be jealous of anything much less you and him? I mean please never in a million years. I don't care...'' Mihika answered causing Abhimanyu and Ishita to start laughing amused at her reaction

'All you had to do was say no...'' Said Ishita still laughing

'Then maybe it would have been more believable...'' Said Abhimanyu throwing his head back laughing causing Mihika to slap his shoulder

'Mihika ouch... Stop hitting me it actually hurts when you do so...'' he added still laughing not noticing that he was actually hurting her feelings

'Stop laughing at me...'' she said slightly hurt

'Mihika we are just playing...'' Said Ishita chuckling but Mihika didn't respond

'Okay... Okay I am sorry...'' said Abhimanyu looking at her but she looked away

'Mihika come on am sorry...'' Added Abhimanyu as he came and knelt in front of her

Ishita was sitting there her mouth open not understanding what they hell she was witnessing. Mihika was not a girly girl, I mean yes she could be so cutesy and all but she was strong to the bone with thick skin. Things like this never got to her. Something had changed and whatever the case, the dynamics of hers and Abhimanyu's relationship had changed whether or not they knew it.

Ishita smiled as she watched Abhimanyu plead his case and had a warm feeling in her heart. Abhimanyu deserved this, Mihika needed this and they both deserved each other. She so hoped that it worked out. Mihika smiled at Abhimanyu telling him

'It is okay... I am not angry I was just a bit embarrassed...''

'Why... This is me. We laugh with and at each other. You don't have to be embarrassed when it comes to me and you know it...'' Said Abhimanyu holding her hand

'I know I am just not sure why all of a sudden I get like this around you...'' She answered in a way even she was not expecting. Abhimanyu looked at her and smiled acknowledging that this was her giving him half a chance and boy was he going to grab it with both hands

'Ohh look how cure you two are... I just love you so much...'' she said as she spread out her hands as if a kid asking for a hug which they obliged hugging her as they complained

'Okay we need to get out more seriously...'' Said Mihika

'I so agree...'' added Abhimanyu

'What is the occasion...'' asked Raman who had just walked in

'Hey Raman...'' Said Mihika as she let go of Ishita

'Hey how was your day...'' Said Raman

'Good thank you yours...'' Said Mihika as she turned to look at Abhimanyu who was still in Abhimanyu's hold

'You wife is...'' Abhimanyu tried to talk but Ishita pulled her in some more

'Ishu let go...'' he added

'Sorry...'' Said Ishita smiling as she added

'I was just so happy...'' causing Raman to smile at her childish antics

'Dinner is ready; all of you are needed downstairs... Aditya's orders...'' Said Raman

'Oh yeah come on Abhi... Ishu you're also expected down stairs today, you're not having your dinner from here or that balcony...'' Said Mihika looking at Raman

'I will bring her down I swear. Just please take her wheelchair...'' Raman answered

'How will she get down if her wheel chair is here... Oh right...'' Said Mihika realizing Raman was intending on carrying her down

'You know you don't have to carry her downstairs every time she wants to go downstairs. You can just wheel her down...'' Said Abhimanyu

'I know Abhi I am not an idiot but I prefer to get her there my way...'' Said Raman

'Abhi what's your problem. Leave my husband a lone...'' she said smilingly causing Raman to turn and look at her because this was the first time he had heard her call him her husband in a long time.

Abhimanyu turned and walked out shaking his head as he said

'I swear you are spoilt to the tee...'' and he could hear Ishita say

'You know you can carry her as well if you want too...'' but he just ignored her comment smiling as he walked out

'What was that all about?'' asked Raman curiously

'Uhh nothing much... Just teasing hum a little...'' said Ishita as she put her arms around Raman while he carried her off the bed to take her down stairs


The kids were so excited about the dinner. It had been a whole since they all shred a meal together and they (the kids) were determined to remind their Ishima how good it had been before things fell apart.

Ishita was also a bit excited because knowing Santosh this dinner was going to be packed with delicious foods that she wouldn't wait to get her hands on. Raman and she made their way into the dining room and they could see it had been set and ready to go. She sat beside Raman like she always did while Abhimanyu and Mihika took their seats as well joining the rest of the family although Ishita could feel something was missing

'This is going to sound weird but where did Simmi go? I think the last time I saw her was the day I came back. This doesn't seem complete without her. Where is she staying'' She asked but everyone just kept quiet and didn't say anything

'What's wrong? Why won't you all say something? Is she okay...'' Asked a genuinely concerned Ishita

'She is in her room. She doesn't come out of her room much especially when you're out of yours...'' Said Ruhi

'Why is that...?'' Asked a somewhat surprised Ishita because she thought they all had got passed the whole tarish issue

'Because she feels guilty for what happened plus papa...'' Said Aditya who looked at his father and kept quiet causing Raman to interrupt

'Let's just eat, we'll all talk about this later...'' he said

'Raman... Let the boy talk... Aditya Papa is...'' Said Ishita

'She thinks papa wouldn't approve of her being here with you and also he doesn't talk to her much.'' Said Aditya

'They don't speak since the day they took you...'' Said Ruhi

Ishita turned and looked at Raman and he understood that she was expecting an explanation from him

'Look I am not to blame if she has a mind set of her own. I have never stopped her from coming out neither have I asked her not to show up today. If she doesn't want to eat, how is that my problem ...'' Said Raman defensively

'REALLY... That is you excuse... That is the best explanation you could come up with...'' Said Ishita knowing he was lying because but he just looked at her shrugging his shoulders as he turned his plate ignoring her

Ishita knew better than anyone that if he set out to make you feel unwelcome you would feel it without him even saying a word. She looked at him not so much surprised but more disappointed. He should not have blamed his sister that way because she may have been gullible but this wasn't her fault.

'I should have known... I should...'' She said shaking her head and beating herself at the predicament of her sister in law because she would have known better

She backed out from the dining table and began to wheel herself out of the room.

'Ishu where are you going...'' Asked Mihika

'Mom... How about...'' Said Aditya

'Give me 20 minutes Adi I will be back...'' Said Ishita as she left and made her way to Simmi's room

'Knock... Knock...''

'Who is their...'' Simmi lazily asked

'Knock Knock...''

'Okay ... Okay I am coming...'' She as she came to the door and opened it

Simmi stood there holding the door staring at Ishita like she was seeing her for the first time. She came out and looked around almost as if she was expecting her to be with someone else

'Ishu is everything alright... Are you okay...'' Said Simmi

'That depends are you going to let me in or not...'' said Ishita looking at Simmi

'Uhhh I was... Does Raman know you're here...'' she asked

'Why... Do I need his permission to come see you...'' said Ishita

'No... I was just... Sorry please come in...'' Said Simmi as she opened the door wide letting her in for a talk they both knew was long over due

Simmi closed the door and came and sat down on the bed facing Ishita but not looking at her, mostly because she didn't know what to say but also because she was extremely embarrassed and guilty.

'I am s...'' she tried to talk but Ishita interrupted saying

'Please no apologizes... Plus stop behaving like you and I are strangers. Look at me when you talk, makes me feel like you actually listening...'' which caused Simmi to bring her head up looking at her

'I would like to however apologize for Raman's behavior and I also am sorry that all this happened to you... You didn't deserve it and sure as hell don't deserve to be carrying around all this guilt.'' Said Ishita but Simmi who was struggling to get everything together since this whole conversation started as she began to fall apart

'Why are you apologizing... This is not your fault... You could have died Ishu... You could have...'' she said as tears streamed down her face

'True but I didn't. In fact if I am not mistaken you helped get me home. So we'll call it even...'' Ishita answered

'What is the matter with you? Why aren't you screaming at me and being so mad right now? I don't understand how anyone can be so forgiving...'' Said Simmi

'Because I know that Tarish being here and Parmeet coming into your life was all a plan something that was not of your own doing. Someone took advantage of your kind and loving heart just because they wanted to hurt me and I can't blame you for being you. That would be crazy...'' Said Ishita

'Doesn't mean I don't feel guilty for everything. I brought him here and Raman could have lost you because of me. How does anyone forgive me for that?'' Said Simmi as tears came streaming down her face

'You two just need to talk things over... It will be okay... Do you want me to talk to him...'' Said Ishita

'No that will just make it worse... I am just...'' She said before she came forward taking Ishita's hand in hers and saying

'I know you don't want me to say this but I am very very sorry for all that happened. They way I treated you, what I said to you... I am genuinely sorry and I am so glad that you're okay...'' Said Simmi as she cried

'It is okay... I forgive you. Plus all this crying make me want to cry as well and also makes me really hungry...'' said Ishita trying to make light of the moment and it worked because Simmi begun to chuckle

'Oh My God it is beyond me how you manage to stay this small given how much you love to eat...'' Simmi replied smiling as she rubbed her tears

'Portions my dear... Eat in portions...'' Replied Ishita putting her index fingers as she chuckled

'Can I ask for one this though...'' Simmi said

'Yeah sure...'' Said Ishita

'Please don't go... Stay here with us at least then we know you're not angry with us...'' said Simmi

'But I am not angry with any of you...'' Said Ishita

'Oh really... Then why are you hell bent on divorcing Raman if it is not our fault...'' Said Simmi looking straight at Ishita even with tears in her eyes

'It is different... My wanting that has nothing to do with what he did but rather wanting him and you all safe. Trust me...'' Said Ishita as tears filled his eyes

'Yeah I don't buy that. It is because for my mom and me...'' said Simmi

'No it is not and you know that. Plus why does everyone keep on saying that...'' Said Ishita completely surprised

'Well that thera... Not important even though what you're saying and your actions are completely different...'' Said Simmi holding her tongue before she let the cat out of the bag

'What therapist?'' Said Ishita who had heard enough to deduce what Simmi was trying to say

'No... Not important. Plus I think you need to go back in there before Raman gets annoyed...'' Said Simmi changing the topic

'No I will only leave if you come with me...'' Said Ishita

'No please... Just please let me fix things with Raman my own way. Don't force it...'' Said Simmi

Ishita looked at her and felt bad because she knew for as long as Raman was acting this was, Simmi was a long way from being back to her old self. She looked at her feeling sorry because she could see how broken she was

'Okay fine but can I at least get a hug to know we are okay...'' Said Ishita to which Simmi obliged and when she embraced Ishita all the strength she had been putting up as being strong went out the window and she fell apart crying like all the weight of pain was coming off her


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