I Swear This Time I Mean It (...

By amarie19xoxo

102K 2K 358

Ariel Simmons always wanted to be a WWE Diva. She finally got her dream job. She knew it was going to be hard... More

First Day
Dive Bar
Gym / Flashbacks
Day Off
Heading Home
Home at Last
The Date
To The Concert
The Fight/Flashback
Day Off Date
Live Show
Pre-Raw Fun
The Next Fight
Girls Day Out?
Slammy Awards
Make Up
Good Morning
We're Going On A Date?
The Big Night
The News
Small Bump
The Bosses
New Scripts
The Announcement
It's Time
Congratulations Are In Order
What's Happening?

Happiest Woman Alive

3.2K 63 1
By amarie19xoxo

I woke up the next morning still wrapped safely in Colby's arms. He was still sleeping, so I rolled over to face him making sure my movements didn't wake him. His two toned hair was tied back in a ponytail, it was frizzy but I think it was the most perfect thing I had seen in my entire life. He had a small smile on his face and his eyes were lightly closed, fluttering every once in a while. He always had a certain snore and I don't know what I would do if I had never gotten to hear that snore again.

His sleepy face was honestly the only thing I ever wanted to see for the rest of my life. I never wanted to leave his side ever again. In this moment everything was perfect and I want that forever. I watched him as he slept. I honestly don't know why it was effecting me so hard but it was. He snored a little extra loudly for a second and I knew from experience that he was going to wake up soon after that. I watched as his eyes fluttered open and he quickly began smiling.

"What?" He asked in a sleepy voice.

"Nothing." I replied sweetly.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asked innocently.

"I just forgot how amazing you look when you sleep." I responded with a smile.

"Well, I have never forgotten anything about you Princess." He responded sarcastically with a chuckle.

"Hey that's not fair." I said play slapping him on the arm.

"Oh so you wanna play rough now huh?" He asked with a devilish grin.

Before he could move I pushed him back down and tried to tun away. I underestimated his reflexes. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back onto the bed with him. His lips crashed into mine and I couldn't think of anything else. We stayed in bed making out for a while, to be honest I lost track of time. But then I had to break the kisses.

"Babe, we have a live event today and we have to get ready. Come on." I said through mini showers of kisses.

"But baby can't we just stay in bed together a little longer? I've missed being able to hold you." He said in a whiny voice. I looked at the clock on the bedside table, it was only 11:23 so I decided I would give in.

I wordlessly cuddled back into him and he smiled acknowledging my defeat before wrapping his arms around me. He kissed the top of my head as I snuggled further into his chest. The next thing I know I was opening my eyes to Colby staring at me intently.

"What?" I asked groggily, "Did I fall asleep?"

"Yeah you kinda did." He said with a laugh, "and nothing I just like watching you sleep."

"Okay Edward Cullen." I responded laughing.

"Not like that Princess." He smiled, "I mean I miss being able to see you sleeping, happy and peacefully. It's one of my favorite things in the world. You are beautiful when you sleep. You are beautiful all the time really but when you sleep you have this little smirk as if you know something in your dream that the rest of the world doesn't know and your eyes flutter and I honestly have never seen someone so perfect in my entire life." He said with the most compassionate look on his face.

"Colby...." I said trailing off, he looked at me intently waiting for me to continue. "Prince Eric, I love you so much." I said quickly afraid I was telling him I loved him too soon. I mean I had said it before because we had dated for three years, but I was trying to go slow this time and it just wasn't working to my advantage. Before I had a chance for my thoughts to progress anymore, I was cut off by his lips crashing into mine before he broke the kiss and said;

"Princess Ariel, I love you more than there are stars in the sky." He smiled and I'm pretty sure my face was redder than the real Princess Ariel's hair. When we dated the first time he would always say that to me when I would try to get into I love you more arguments. I pecked his lips before getting up from bed. He grabbed my arm but I slid away quickly, however not quick enough. He grabbed my hand.

"Baby, come backkkkk." He whined again.

"Babe, you let me sleep too long. It's 1:30 and we have to get ready for the live event." I said firmly.

"Fine, fine. You win princess boss pants." He responded sarcastically.

"Ha." I responded before going into my bathroom.

I had two bottles of red hair dye on the counter and I decided that I would use them. It was going to be a surprise to Colby when I came out because he had no idea I had been planning to live up to my nickname. I applied the dye and had to let it sit for about a half an hour before I could get in the shower. I scrolled through Tumblr again. I had the water running already so all I had to do was hop in when the time was up. I found some more Sessandra stuff and then my little iPhone alarm went off telling me time was up. I hopped in the shower and began washing my hair.

"Ariel!" Colby called from the bedroom.

"What my love!" I called back hoping he could hear me over the running water.

"I have to go home in order to get ready baby." He responded closer to the door now.

"Nononononononononono." I screamed over the water.

"Hehe. I win." He said walking into the bathroom.

"When I'm done showering we will go back to your house TOGETHER. You aren't leaving me." I responded accidentally sounding a little clingy.

He chuckled walking out of the bathroom. I quickly finished my shower and tossed on my outfit. I stepped out of the bathroom with my wet red hair in a ponytail. Colby looked up from his phone and his eyes grew wide. I instantly assumed he didn't like it and then started regretting doing it.

"What do you not like it babe?" I asked Colby nervously.

"No, baby, I love it. It is beautiful, you are beautiful. You look just like Princess Ariel now. It is amazing. You are amazing. Wow. You are perfect sweetheart." He said tripping over his own tongue.

"Thank you baby." I said smiling relieved that he liked it.

"We ought to get going I have to get my gear and what not from my house." He responded.

"Okay babe, just let me get my bag together." I responded grabbing my sports bag and shoving all my freshly cleaned gear into it. Thank the gods for my mother.

I grabbed my headphones and my water bottle and then we left the house, after I said a quick goodbye to my mother who was sitting in the living room watching one of her soap operas. She knew that Colby and I were leaving tonight and she was really sad about it but, she knew there was no other option.

The drive to Colby's house was quiet but comfortable, he didn't really want to stay there long so I just hung out in the car while he ran in to grab his things. Five minutes later he came out making sure the door was locked and that everything was secure because who knows how long it was going to be before we were home again.

We drove to the arena listening to Bring Me The Horizon. We walked in hand in hand and half the roster nearly started a party right then and there.

"Hey Colbs you did it! I'm so proud of you." Joe said slapping him on the back.

"Way to go bro." Jon said to Colby before going into the locker room to get ready.

"Ariel, way to go girl." I heard Dani shout from the corner where she was standing with Nicholas.

A bunch of other assorted congratulations were shouted throughout the backstage area and we both smiled and said thank you where it was needed. We sadly had to part ways to change and get ready for our matches. I was up against Dani again tonight while Colby had a little match with John. Nothing to big considering that this wasn't going to be televised, but just enough to entertain the fans.

I got ready and then headed out to the gorilla. Of course my match was the first one of the night. Big surprise. Make sure all the men are awake by sending out the diva's first. Randy walked up beside me and grabbed my hand. I went to pull away but he spoke before I got the chance.

"I am to escort you to the ring tonight. As Nicholas is with Dani. You don't have an option." He said bluntly.

As my music hit we walked down to the ring hand in hand and we stood there waiting for Dani's music to hit. But, before it did, Paul's music blasted through the venue.

"I figured I would make this live show interesting for the wonderful people in this arena." His voice rang out over the sound system. "This match will not only be between Summer and Kassandra, but it will be a tag match. Randy and Kassandra against Summer and Dolph. Good luck guys." He said before waving and turning on his heel to walk away.

Summer's music hit a few seconds later as she and Dolph strolled down to the ring. The match was good but seemingly uneventful, again because the event was not set to be televised. Colby's match also went fairly well. He defeated John by the skin of his teeth. As John was about to deliver a five knuckle shuffle, he jumped up off the mat and stole a move out of Joe's handbook by superman punching John in the face earning a huge cheer from the fans. He pinned John and the ref counted to three. He had won. I was honestly so proud of him. He had done everything he had set out to do and he was only moving up from there.

All of the superstars were backstage after we had showered and changed because we were told management had a new plan for us.

"EVERYONE SETTLE DOWN." Paul screamed across the room. All of the superstars fell into a hush as Paul continued to speak, "We have decided as a company that it would be cheaper for the WWE if we traveled by tour bus from now on. Bus assignments are up on the wall here if you would please look at the listing, collect your belongings and get on to the bus as quickly as possible so we can move on to the next town. We will still be staying in hotels, the buses are just for the travel. We are sorry if this causes any inconveniences. Thank you. Have a nice night folks." He finished before climbing off the table and disappearing into the management office.

Colby and I quickly ran over to see the bus assignments, afraid that we were going to be split up. But to our great surprise we weren't. We were on a bus with none other than Dani and Nick. I could tell this was going to work out well because we all got along and we were both couples so we were basically going to keep to ourselves. We saw them standing at the back of the line to check the listings so we walked over to them and informed them that they were stuck with us. Dani smiled and Nick high fived all three of us. I could tell this was going to be a good fit. Colby and I grabbed our suitcases and what not from the trunk of his car. He texted our moms to see if they could come by and pick it up.

About ten minutes later my mom's car showed up on the lot with Colby's mother in the passenger side. They both got out and spent a good five minutes gushing about how happy they were that we were back together before Colby informed them that we must get going. He handed his mother the keys to his car and we said our goodbyes as he and I began walking to the bus.

Dani and Nick were already there and had claimed one of the two bedrooms in the bus. They weren't very big rooms but they were enough for travel and that was fine by me. Colby and I settled our things into our room before walking out into the living area of the bus, which consisted of a kitchenette, a couch area with a flat-screen tv, and a dining area. Dani and Nick were cuddled up on one of the couches.

"Hey," Colby said. "Do you want to watch a movie together or something?" He asked them smiling.

"Sure." Nick replied returning the smile.

"Yeah, sounds great." Dani said with a huge grin.

We settled on watching The Nightmare Before Christmas after ten minutes of trying to figure things out. Colby popped the movie in while I made popcorn. The two couples settled into their respective couches and cuddled up eating their snack and watching the movie. The last thing I remember was setting the bowl on the floor while Jack was singing whats this. The next thing I know I feel myself being lifted up and carried. I opened my eyes to see Colby bringing me to our room and I see Nick following behind him doing the same for Dani, seeing as she must have passed out too.

But, I was too tired to keep my eyes open so I let them close as I felt myself being but down. Colby curled around me like some sort of protective shell, and I felt like the luckiest woman on earth. I honestly couldn't believe how things were working out. Everything was amazing. I felt Colby kiss my head and whisper 'I love you more than there are stars in the sky Princess Ariel. Even if you can't hear me' he added with a chuckle. So I let him believe that I was sleeping and a few minutes later I slipped into a dreamless sleep.

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