Seventeen Reactions And Prefe...

By Honeycomb_7

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Many scenarios that I know you've imagined yourself in... :) More

Vocal Unit: First Time Seeing You
Hip Hop Unit: First Time Seeing You
Performance Unit: First Time Seeing You
Vocal Unit: Asking You Out
Hip Hop Unit: Asking You Out
Most to Least Likely: Dating a Foreigner
China Line: When You can Speak Chinese
Most to Least: Showing PDA
Walking in on You Changing
When You're Sick (Snaps)
Boyfriend S.Coups
Boyfriend Jeonghan
Boyfriend Joshua
Boyfriend Jun
Boyfriend Hoshi
Boyfriend Wonwoo
Boyfriend Woozi
Boyfriend DK
Boyfriend Mingyu
Boyfriend The8/Minghao
Boyfriend Seungkwan
Hearing You Sing
Boyfriend Vernon
Boyfriend Chan
When a Guy Flirts with You
Making Up After a Fight
When You Say 'I Love You' First
When You Give Them a Pick-Up Line
When They Realize They are in Love
When You Struggle with Self-Esteem
When He Sees Himself on Your Phone
When You Get Stressed About School
When you 'Accidentally' Call Them Daddy
Romantic Things They Say
Q&A Time!
What They Say When They Confess
When They See You with Glasses
First Kiss~
When You Tell Him He's Going to be a Dad
Not an Update, Just Important Info!
When You Break Up...
When You Want a Hug/Cuddle
When You Go to the Hospital
Long Distance Relationships
When You Struggle with Depression/Anxiety
When He Struggles with English
When You Have a Big/Small Chest
When You're a Youtuber
When They Want to Comb/Style Your Hair
(NOT AN UPDATE) Just for Fun~
When You Give Him a Random Gift
When You're Bullied
Just Another Gif Chapter~
When They Lose Your Daughter/Son
When They Talk About Their Family (Orphan)
When You Have to do a *Scandalous* Dance
Thank You All!
When Fans are Unsupportive (Male Reader)
Brother S.Coups
Brother Jeonghan
Brother Joshua
Brother Jun
Brother Hoshi
Brother Wonwoo
Brother Woozi
Brother DK
When You Have a lot of SVT Merch
When You are a Bookworm
When They Find You Crying
New Story!
When You and a Friend are Hyperactive
Seventeen as Amazing Feelings
Hello, Everyone :)

Performance Unit: Asking You Out

10.4K 214 45
By Honeycomb_7


Being a leader that everyone else admired, Hoshi knew that he had to ask you out in a very admirable way. Feeling a bit pressured, he might be jittery when he simply pops the question after dance practice with all the other boys watching from their hiding spots. He would pull out a large bunch of roses for you from a secret hiding place, along with a cute stuffed bear holding a little heart. Cheesy? Yes. But did it work? Like a charm.


Being the king of confidence, Jun wouldn't really have any nervousness when asking you out. He may stutter a little but would continue to have a very manly and bold appearance. He would ask you out after he and the rest of the unit performed a specialized dance just for you. The vocal team would create a small song just for you and Jun, and the Hip-Hop team may also join in on the action with a little section of the song dedicated to their own raps. Everyone would be so supportive of your relationship, knowing that Jun deserved a wonderful person like you.



Minghao would be so nervous to ask you out. His plan was to just ask you one night when you two were watching a movie in the dorms with takeout. He wouldn't want all the boys in on it and wanted to keep it very quiet and down to earth. When you say yes, he would hug you so hard, nearly crying over the fact that he could be in a relationship with you and from all the stress he put on himself. He would cuddle you as long as possible, never wanting to let go of his girlfriend. 


Being the baby boy he is, Dino wouldn't really have much experience with asking someone out. He would want to have a big dramatic way of asking you like in every K-Drama ever. He wouldn't really plan anything, but one day the two of you would casually be walking when it starts to rain. This was perfect! He would turn you around as the rain poured, asking you to be his girlfriend. When you laughed and hurriedly said yes, he would kiss you right then and there. Just like a drama.

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