Not your average Muslim love...

By 97Ayesha

197K 10K 821

When a trip to Haiti, turns Zara's world upside down. She must fight, inorder to complete her bucket list bef... More

Not your average Muslim love story!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Authors note
It's up!!!!

Chapter 22

5.2K 318 18
By 97Ayesha

I was lost. I was hoping to make my way to the shopping mall which we were at a few days ago because I knew my way from there. I decided to ask someone, but I couldn't see anyone the streets were deserted. I started to pray, but this time for my wellbeing.

A few hours of merciless wondering and I was back at the shopping mall. I sat in the first café I saw which was near the entrance, I was tired and hungry. I sat at a table and rested my head. "Are you okay?  Can I get you anything? " I turned towards the voice that just spoke and I broke out into a huge grin. "Couldn't wait for our date tomorrow? Were you that eager to see me?" I laughed as Asif sat down on the seat opposite me. My heart was doing leaps at the word 'date' and then it was replaced by the word Haraam and I immediately felt guilty and was thinking the whole thing off. "You work here?" I asked. He nodded." I had just finished my shift when I saw you struggling with the bags the other day. I know what you're thinking, that I'm rich and don't need to work but I wanted to work instead of just relying on my parents for money." It made sense and I admired him for it.

I looked at him sheepishly. "So, What do you recommend because I'm starving. " Asif started to laugh whilst he opened the menu that was already placed on the table and pointed to a cheesy chicken pasta. "I absolutely love this. Um would it be weird if I..." he stopped mid sentence and looked towards the door. "I'll be right back." he said as he got up to help a customer.

I watched him help the old man to a table and write down his order before coming back to me. " What were you going to say?" I asked. "Oh, um," he hesitated before carrying on. " I'm going to be on my break soon,  so would it be okay if I ate with you and you can tell me why you look like you've ran a marathon and why your here by yourself. "

"On one condition. " He raised his eyebrow and I continued. " If you get me the cheesy chicken pasta." Asif smiled before leaving to get mine and his food.

He brought the food 15 minutes later and usually I would be self conscious about eating in front of someone but I was starving and did not care. He got himself the same as me and whilst we waited for the pasta to cool down I ventured into the whole story about Zayd and the engagement. I wanted to be honest and truthful. After I had finished the story we were already half way through our meals and Asif looked torn as if he wanted to ask me something but didn't know whether to.

"Spit it out, you can ask me anything you want?"

"Do you still like him?"  I shook my head, during the hours in which I was wondering around Manhattan I had come to terms that I neither hated or liked Zayd and that I had no feelings for him. I said this to Asif and he looked relieved, which made me smile. "Now it's your turn to tell me all about you." I said as I took anothet bite of the delicious pasta. "Well I'm not as interesting as you, I haven't wrote a book or got it published,  I don't do much charity work but I donate when I can. I'm just not as extraordinary as you." His eyes held a sort of emotion that relayed what he had said was genuine.

"Oh come on, just start from when you were born up until now. " he nodded and began. "Fine, so little Asif and Adil were born on the 25th of November. I was born a good 3 hours before Adil and we were immediately best friends no one could seperare us, he was the quite and shy one where as I was the loud and confident one so because of his personality people were more comfortable with talking to me then him and occasionally he would be left out. Adil wasn't the one to complain but I couldn't see it then as I was loving the attention but we grew apart. Then the dreaded teenage years arrived, I had turned to Allah and Adil to drugs and Alcohol.  It was only when Abdulaziz was born that he changed because Abdulaziz was born with a hole in his heart and that was when Adil turned to Islam, he was scared he would lose his baby brother. Anyway, I was a good child with okay grades, went to high school and then collage and graduated.  I wanted to be an architect, that's why I wanted to design Anne and Aarons house. My mother and father were always very supportive but I knew my fate was to run my dads company he wanted me to do it and well I refuse to let him down. It was my mother's idea to get me married and settled, she had gone on and on about it and I would usually refuse but I don't know what made me say yes but I'm glad I did or I wouldn't have met you." he smiled at me and gave me a sincere look and although that last part sounded cheesy or cliché but I believed him. We had both finished with our food and I was feeling better then I was a couple of hours ago. I smiled at him because I didn't know what to say or how to reply. Asif got up and took our plates and I got out my purse from my pocket. "Don't worry I got it." shouted Asif from behind the counter and I got up and walked towarda the counter.  "No it's fine." I said as I pushed a $20 dollar bill toward him.

"Honestly Zara, it's fine. " I looked around the café which was now filled with families and couples and friends and I turned back to him. " If you don't take my money,  I'll scream rat." I pushed the bill towards him and he raised his eyebrows, challenging the idea. "You wouldn't dare." I crossed my arms defiantly. "Try me. " he raised his hands in surrender before smiling and taking the $20. I smiled victoriously, however it was shortly lived as I realised I had to go and that my mum, aunt and cousin were probably filled with worry.

"I need to go, my mum is probably panicking. Thanks for making me feel better. " I said as I ran out of the café.

I quickly hailed a cab, I couldn't do this earlier as the street I was on was more or less empty. I gave the cab driver my aunts address. He nodded and was off towards the opposite direction to of which I arrived at the mall from.

Once I got to my aunts house I realised no one was at home as none of the cars were parked in the driveway, even though the engagement party should of finished by now.

I jumped in the shower wanting to rid myself of the sweat I had succumb to after walking for such a long time and I dressed in my minnie mouse pyjamas and put on a hijab just in case, I went straight to the kitchen to find the maid,  I couldn't remember any of my family or friends numbers so I told the maid, Sara, I was here just in case anyone called and she simply nodded in understanding before getting back to a Spanish tv show she was watching on her phone during her break.

I wanted to watch The vampire diaries or Pretty little liars but decided against it, I was exhausted and the day was bittersweet as it did not start so well but had ended on a positive note and I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

Salaams/hello lovlies again this is early but there is one more chapter (yes your probably thinking that it's too early and I agree but I needed to finish it off, I'm not exactly happy with this story) That's tomorrow and then there's an authors note which if it won't be too much trouble than can you read it? I know that some even skip these but idk lol. How is everyone doing?  It's my first day of being healthy in August and my sister decides to eat a chocolate muffin in front of me and my brother decides to eat chicken wings and chips. Agggggghhhhhh it's harder than I thought. Oh yh the chapter is early because I can't stay up till midnight tonight, I have to be up early to go in to town. Much love, Ayesha xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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