Zodiac Ask Blog

By AmanriaPhoenix

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Not much of one but this is basically a Truth Or Dare book for the Zodiacs. These are different from the ones... More

Chapter 1- The Ask Blog Is Open!
Chapter 2- Like Looking For A Needle In A Haystack
Chapter 3- Hidden In Plain Sight
Chapter 5- Chain Reaction
Chapter 6- Inter-Dimensional Pop Ups
Chapter 7- *Record Screech*
Chapter 8- Merry Go Ride
Hello Again

Chapter 4- Meet The Masters

303 4 7
By AmanriaPhoenix

Truths and dares are from Musiccakez.

*The Zodiacs are watching Ouran HSHC (from a previous chapter) since they actually liked the anime. A knock sounds from the door and Cancer gets up without a word to get it.*

Cancer: Hello again, Horizon. I'm assuming we have new truths and dares to do?

Horizon: Right you are, Cancer! And nice to see you again as well.

Pisces: Why don't we start now?

Horizon: Alright then, we have truths and dares from Musiccakez.

Earth and Water signs: *Fangirl* Holy sh*t!

Horizon: I'm guessing you know who Musa is?

Cancer: We're fans, actually! Even Scorpio, though he doesn't like to admit it.

Scorpio: *Hides behind Aquarius* You saw nothing!

Horizon: *Sigh* Goodness gracious... Anyway, the first truth is for all of you. Musa asks if you like K-pop and if so, who's your favorite artist?

Capricorn: We don't really know the genre, like the author, but for me I guess Blackpink? I dunno...

Horizon: That's fine. The second truth for all of you asks that if you've read Musa's books, who your favorite Sodiac is?

Aries: We've all read Musa's TOD book sometime or another, so this isn't hard. My favorite Sodiac would be... Tauran, because he's mature.

Taurus: Ari, for her energy.

Gemini: I'd say it's a tie between Lea and Sagi. They both have good personalities, Sagi being bubbly and childish while Lea is kind and more mature.

Cancer: I guess Virg. He's mature and responsible but also kind and cares about the others.

Leo: To be honest, I like all of them. No preference.

Virgo: I admire Lea for her leadership and the fact she was first to attempt to make amends with Gemi after the incident with Scorp.

Libra: Scorp, because he did what he felt was right. Of course I do think he should've been more honest about it but I have no right to judge.

Scorpio: Cap, cause most of the time, he doesn't seem to give a f*ck, but when it comes down to it he'll always be there.

Sagittarius: Libbi, because she's sweet and kind without being a doormat.

Capricorn: Cance, because even though he doesn't know English well, he still does his best to learn it and perseveres.

Aquarius: I like Pi simply because she's caring and bubbly, something I'd like to be.

Pisces: Aqua, because he's not afraid to be himself.

Horizon: *Smiles* Those are all excellent reasons, and I can see where you're coming from. Next truth is for Aries. Musa asks: do you hate your stereotype, which had anger management issues?

Aries: Some of it speaks truth, and I do get angered easily, but that doesn't mean other people under my sign are going to be that way too. And I don't like stereotypes in general.

Horizon: I agree. Scorpio, Musa wanted to know which gender you prefer.

Scorpio: I like both genders, honestly. Either one is comfortable and has its own uses, and even though I do tend to lean towards the more feminine side of things, neither of the genders is preferred.

Horizon: Okay now we have dares and these are individually targeted to each of you. Except Scorpio, he's free.

Scorpio: Umm... Yay? *Wanted to do a dare* Guess I'll help Aqua with hers then...

Horizon: Aries, your dare is to dance ballet in a ballet costume to a pop song. She didn't pick a song I'll be the one choosing. Actually, I'll let you pick.

Aries: *Whispers in her ear*

Horizon: *Nods* Good choice. Now go get in the costume, I'll handle the rest.

Aries: Okey! *Goes to his room to change*

Horizon: *Puts on the song* (Which is the one below)

Aries: *Comes out wearing a ballet dress* You know, this isn't even that awkward.

Horizon: Have you worn a dress before?

Aries: *Nonchalantly* Yes. On several occasions.

Horizon: Why...?

Aries: Well um... I wanted to? Also... I'm trans. Female to male.

Horizon: Oh. Well you can dance now.

Leo: He was cute as girl. Still is.

Aries: Leo! *Blushes* Anyways, that's why my voice is a little higher and I'm smaller than the other guys. I went through the sex change surgery when I was... 16? Yeah. Back to dancing...

Horizon: Taurus, your dare is to meet Musa. Wow you have a nice one!

Taurus: *Mouth drops open* Holy sh*t, holy sh*t, holy sh*t!

Earth and Water signs (except Taurus): *Clapping*

Horizon: Why don't you do that on the side, huh? And before that, Gemini's dare is to kiss his crush. We already know who that is so... Go ahead.

Gemini: *Kisses Taurus* There. Now you can go meet your cherished author.

Taurus: Gemini! *Blushes profusely* I just like her books!

Horizon: *Turned away from the débâcle* Cancer your dare is to take your crush on a date and make sure it's successful.

Cancer: *Takes Pisces' hand* Let's go, Pi!

Pisces: Wheeee! *Is being half dragged by Cancer*

Horizon: Anyway... Leo you have to punch Libra every time someone says a name, and Virgo must slap her enemy whenever her crush speaks to her. Libra must suffer Leo's dare.

Leo: I don't wanna punch Libra! He's really nice! *Realizes what he just said* F*CK! *Lightly socks Libra in the arm.*

Libra: It's okay, it's for a dare.

Capricorn: *Walks over to Libra* I don't want you to get hurt...

Libra: *Smiles* I'll be fine, Capri

Leo: SEE WHAT I MEAN? *Incoherent screaming noises*

Libra: Please calm down!

Aries: *Smirks* Allow me. *Kisses Leo interrupting his screaming*

Leo: *Stops screaming*

Virgo: I... Have no enemies... *Hugs Sagittarius*

Sagittarius: It's okay, Vivi.

Leo: *Socks Libra again around Aries*

Libra: *Sighs* Oh well. It's only for a little while.

Horizon: .... Sagittarius your dare is to take a selfie with the Zodiac Rp gang, including the pets.

Sagittarius: Bye Vivi! *Leaves to go take a selfie*

Leo: *Socks Libra around Aries again* *Mumbles* Sorry...

Libra: I understand... *Stays where he is* It's in the shoulder thank goodness.

Horizon: Capricorn your dare is to hug your favorite Rp pet.

Capricorn: Gladly! *Goes to the Rp gang and hugs Coco* Fluffy.

(Words like this are thoughts, and words like this are speech or actions.)

Horizon: Aqua's dare is to... Become spider Aqua and save a baby from falling off a building.... Wtf Musa?

Aquarius: Well I can't exactly become 'Spider Aqua', but I can save a baby. *Snaps fingers*

*Aquarius and Horizon are teleported to a skyscraper*

Aquarius: Watch this! *Holds her locket and feathery black wings unfold on her back* Whoo! *Leaps off the building and starts to fly*

Random Baby: *Falling through the air*

Aquarius: *Flies underneath it and catches the baby in her arms* Let's get you home. *Waves hand over the baby and it disappears*

Horizon: That was very strange but okay.... Pisces has her dare but she's on a date with Cancer... Hold on... *Gets her phone out*

Pisces: *Phone beeps* Um, Can?

Cancer: *Stops eating* Yes, dear?

Pisces: *Blushes at the pet name* I'm going outside, Horizon sent me a text...

Cancer: Okay! Just come back when you're done!

Pisces: *Looks at message* Steal a lollipop from a baby and give it to my crush? That's not exactly the nicest thing but I can do that...

Another Random Baby: *Has a lollipop in their hand*

Pisces: *Goes to a candy store and buys a lollipop* Okay, here we go. *Swaps the lollipops without the kid noticing* Phew!

Cancer: Where is she? *Tapping fingers on the table*

Pisces: *Walks in* Hey Can! I for something for you! *Holds up the lollipop*

Cancer: Oh thank you, Pi! *Takes the candy* Where did you get this?

Pisces: It was for a dare, but I took it from a baby. I got one that was nearly identical and swapped the two so they didn't notice.

Cancer: Clever.

Pisces: Meh. *Texts Horizon that the dare was done* Back to what we were talking about before...

Horizon: *Sees the text* Okay, Pisces did her dare so we can close out now. This is Horizon!

Leo: Thank god this is the last time! *Socks Libra*

Libra: ..... *Sigh*

Capricorn: *Hugs Libra* It's okay.

Zodiacs (except Cancer and Pisces because they're on a date): And the Zodiacs!

Horizon: Please don't forget to comment or Pm the author if you have more truths or dares for the Zodiacs. Adieu!

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