Star Crossed

By Alexis_Jade_R

809 43 6

Love sucks. Especially when your in love with a Moriarty. -CH (Not a sheriarty fanfic) More

Star Crossed
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Authors note Part 1
Authors note part 2
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Authors note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
200 READS!!!
No Idea!!!!

Chapter 8

39 4 1
By Alexis_Jade_R

Chapter 8

Cameron's POV:

I had always herd a long distance relationship didn't work, but I didn't know how true that was till those excruciatingly long two days of Jim Moriartys trial. Even though our long distance was only through a telephone.

Dillion had been keeping contact with me through phone but it didn't feel the same. I still missed him terribly even with the calls and txts.

A day after the trial I awoke at nine in the morning, an hour later than I usually wake up. It was a Wednesday so John was probably out buying groceries or hitting on some poor girl whilst Sherlock was either home or at St. Bart's.

I walked into the main room to find it cluttered, as usual, and deserted. The kitchen mirrored this as well which confirmed that Sherlock was out and would come back whenever, probably late tonight. I had had just finished pulling on my ripped jeans and my black "Bitch please" floaty tank top when I herd the stairs creek.

I quickly grabbed my gun out from inside my night stand when I herd a voice,

"I know your there, Angel. You can't hide from me!"

I immediately relaxed before running to the voice and almost tackling it to the ground with a hug.

"Dillion," I exclaimed stepping back to arms length, "I've missed you so much! Why are you here My dad could be back at any moment!"

I was to worried about his safety that I barley herd him chuckle,

"I missed you too, Love. And Don't worry about Sherlock he'a to busy at the moment to even think about coming home."

His words made me frown a bit but I didn't have time to reply before having a pair of lips smashed to mine. I instantly responded to the kiss by rising on my tip toes and throwing my arms behind his neck. His tongue grazed my lower lip which made me moan granting him access to my mouth. I didn't notice him walking backwards whilst our tongues battled for dominance. He quickly won as he flopped into the armchair pulling me down to straddle him. We continued our heated makeout session for at least another five to ten minutes before we cuddled into the chair. My head was laying on his chest whilst he played with my hair.

"Cameron?" He mumbled

"Dillion?" I replied in an equal tone.

"Would you still love me if our Fathers found out about us?" He asked looking at me like a lost puppy. I quickly took his hand, standing up before leading him to my room. 

"Come on I want to show you something." 

When I was twelve I had discovered that the old bookcase that came with my/Sherlocks room was really a door. I had named it the ghost stairs (very original, I know) because it lead to a narrow staircase that went up to a room the size of our flat. Ever since then it had been my hide away. I put all my musical instruments, science equitment, and books that I owned there plus some very comfy chairs, blankets, couches, etc. Sherlock was always to busy to notice and John to naive. 

Still pulling Dillion along, I slowly opened the ookcase before climbing the oh so familar staircase. 

I herd Dillion let out a small gasp as we entered the room. My baby grand piano was facing a slighty sunken in leather couch that seemed to be having a conversation with one grand armchair and one lazy looking bean bag. My guitar and violin stands stood diagonal from the piano bench facing the three massiver bookshelves that lined the same wall as the door. The room was flooded with natural light which made it even more dream like than I thought possible. An awe filled silence descended upon us as Dillion began skimming through my books and I walked over to the piano.

"Im not very good with telling my emotions, Dillion." I spoke hesitantly sitting on the piano bench,"So I composed this and, um, yeah." 

I didnt know what else to say, so I just handed him the sheet music containing my sprawled cursive writing. 

"Play it for me." He said sitting down beside me. I looked at him nervously. I had never played in front of anyone, not even Sherlock. He gave me an encouraging smile as I took the sheet music and began to play. (A/N: The song is Not about Angels by Birdy which I am completely and utterly in love with!!!! So I give complete credit to her for making such a beautiful song and its over to the side if you want to check it out.) 

 Not about Angels By: Birdy 

We know full well there's just time

So is it wrong to dance this line

If your heart was full of love

Would you give it up 

Coz what about, what about angels

They will come, they will go make us special

Don't give me up 

Don't give me up

How unfair it's just our luck

found something real that's out of touch 

but if you searched the whole wide world 

would you dare to let it go 

coz what about, what about angels

they come, they will go make us special 

don't give me up 

don't give me up 

coz what about, what about angels 

they will come, they will go make us specail 

It's not about, not about angels



Dillion's face was a mixture of awe and love as he leaned in to kiss me. I kissed back almost instantly but were interupted by a clearing of two throats. 

"So this is where you spend all day at, son?" 


Hey guys i'm eally sorry the update was slow but I promise to up date tomorrow cause i'm leaving sunday for a mission trip that I probably wont be able to update on. If I can update though I promise to try to update as fast and efficently as possible. Again thank you for taking time to read this story it means alot to me. Remember to Vote and comment if you like it and if you have any ideas just comment them or DM me. I'd seriously love to hear what you have to say!!! 

Toodles for now -AR

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