Cursed with Wings (Thranduil...

By spypuppy

514K 18.1K 2.8K

[Book 1] Belle is a cursed She Elf. Betrayed by her own family, Belle runs for the hills, forced to accep... More

Chapter One: The Curse.
Chapter Two: The Fear Of Losing A Mother.
Chapter Three: The Change.
Chapter Four: Meeting An Elf.
Chapter Five: Blue Eyes.
Chapter Six: The Prince.
Chapter Seven: The Disappointed King.
Chapter Eight: The Arrow Of Hunger.
Chapter Nine Part 1: An Unsuspected Guest.
Chapter Nine Part 2: Meet The Healer.
Chapter Ten: Raina Meets Belle.
Chapter Eleven: The Queen.
Chapter Twelve: The Lullaby.
Chapter Thirteen: Grandma
Chapter Fourteen: Ollie.
Chapter Fifteen: The Royal Pain In The Arse.
Chapter Sixteen: The Dying Queen.
Chapter Seventeen: The Tortured Seamstress.
Chapter Eighteen: The Ball.
Chapter Nineteen: The Willow.
Chapter Twenty: Questions.
Chapter Twenty One: The Moonlight Dance.
Chapter Twenty Two: The Unconscious Angel.
Chapter Twenty Three: Mother In The In-between.
Chapter Twenty Four: The Damsel In The Queen's Garden.
Chapter Twenty Six: The Loss Of A Great.
Chapter Twenty Seven: Saving An Innocent.
Chapter Twenty Eight: A New Hope.
Chapter Twenty Nine: The Newcomers.
Chapter Thirty: The Elixir.
Chapter Thirty One: The Battle & The Cure.
Chapter Thirty Two: The Fateful Encounter.
Chapter Thirty Three Part 1: The Announcement.
Chapter Thirty Three Part 2: Miserably In Love.
Chapter Thirty Four: A Possible Future.
Chapter Thirty Five: Be Still...
Chapter Thirty Six: The Death Bed.
Chapter Thirty Seven Part 1: The Betrayal.
Chapter Thirty Seven Part 2: The Demon.
Chapter Thirty Eight: The Aftermath.
Chapter Thirty Nine: The Truth.
Chapter Forty: The Poor Criminal.
Chapter Forty One: Memories.
Chapter Forty Two: The Battle.

Chapter Twenty Five: The Dream.

10.6K 359 42
By spypuppy

Belle's P.O.V


My stomach kept turning uncomfortably, the sun burning against my skin. The sound of hooves alerted my eyes. Am I on a horse? I squinted my eyes against the blazing light. Miles on greenery was in-front of me and the gorgeous brown horse I was riding. A sigh escaped my mouth as I looked down at my firm hand that held the rein. Nervousness washed through me as I felt my body turn to jelly, but despite my nerves I still stand strong. A thought appeared in my mind "This is for Gareth and our new future" my hand landing upon my belly. Strange.

My head suddenly turned left, three male elves on horseback. Once they saw me, they nodded their head in respect. I tried to turn my head the other way, but couldn't. I tried to scrunch my fist, but again, nothing... Apparently this must be one of those dreams were you are only the eyes. But is it a dream?

"We camp here for the night, at morn we will ride until we reach the kingdom," a deep powerful, rich voice appeared from my right. I turned my head to find a strong handsome man. With dark red hair that went past his shoulders, kind dark blue eyes looked directly at me. A small loving smile appeared across his face as he dismounted his horse. Another elf grabbed the reins of his horse and leaded it to the others.

I watched as the dark eyed elf walked over to me, stopping in front of my horse. He opened his arms wide ready to catch me, a toothy smile displayed on his face. I let out a small giggle as I swag my other leg over and slid off the saddle. Landing in his arms, he embraced me as tight as possible. I faked hyperventilating, causing him to chuckle. I gently placed my hands on his armoured chest, feeling him smile against my hair, gently kissing the top of my head before letting go, but not my hand.

I grunted a little, mumbling, "Over protective little bugger," under my breath. I felt his hand tighten on mine even more, causing me to roll my eyes, typical men!


I watched as the flames glowed into the night. The choir of soft snores from the men brought a little smile to my face. My head gently resting on his legs, feeling him gently playing with my hair, humming a small tune as he took watch.

"I should tell him, before it's too late!" The thought came to my head as I suddenly felt extremely nervous. I turned my head so I looked up at him. "Gareth," I whispered, he looked down at me and answered with "Yes, darling?" He said as he gently caressing my cheek.

I felt my cheeks reddened as I said "I have something to tell you," grabbing his hand for support.

Gareth face was shadowed by the fire, making it hard to see his expression. "What is it Ana? Are you nervous for tomorrow?" he said.

I instantly shook my head and said "No, it's not that." I stopped ,taking a big breath before saying. "Gareth, Um, I'm-" I was cut off by a shout.


Gareth was instantly to his feet, drawing his sword. I watched as the other elves drawled their weapons, waiting. All of a sudden, I heard an Orc scream, making me jump. "Stay behind me, Analee" he ordered, grabbing my wrist and placing my behind him.

Orcs appeared from the trees, ahead of us, armed. I gulped as I watched an Orc came up to us. He smiled, showing us his yellow teeth as he swung his newly bloodied sword at Gareth. Gareth instantly deafened before swinging his sword to the left, nicking the Orc's arm. The Orc hissed in pain and angrily swung his sword towards Gareth face. Gareth quickly brought his sword up to his face and deafened it. He then kicked the Orc in the head, distracting it as he plunged his sword straight through the chest. The disgusting beast collapsed, dead.

I quickly looked around in horror seeing elves dead in pools of blood, only a few remaining, while Orcs kept coming. Gareth grabbed my arm, dragging me to the horses. I knew what was going to happen as the words left his mouth.

"Whatever happens Analee, please know that I love you, I love you with my heart, my darling dove" He said, wiping the tears that fell down my cheeks.

"I am not leaving you!" I said, shaking my head. "No, no, no" I mumbled as I heard him put a saddle on the horse. "I am no-"

I was cut off by his lips landing roughly on mine. I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling me closer to him. He cupped my face, tilting my face more to the side, deepening the kiss. I felt his hands slid down to my shoulders, pulling me back before lifting me onto the horse. His hand still grasping mine.

He then gently kissed my forehead, tears falling from his eyes as he said "I love you Analee, please forgive me" Before I could respond he hit the horse's backside. His hand slipping out of mine as I zoomed off, watching Gareth fight the remaining orcs.

He looked back at my retreating figure and shouted "I LOVE YOU AN-" I cut him off by shouting "GARETH! BEHIND YOU!"


Raina's P.O.V

As I closed the desk, I felt as if I am being watched. I looked behind my shoulder, to the window. Two blood red orbs started back at me, nothing, but pure black darkness of the night surrounded it. I felt a sense of anger give off, but its eyes were not elvish or even human. It was like its soul was surrounded by darkness, unable to see the light.

I must have made a sound because the creature looked directly at me. The atmosphere around me suddenly got colder. My breath became mist in the air. Bumps started to form on my bare arms. The creature sort of glared at me, before jumping of the tree outside and running off...

I felt heat instantly flow back through my body. I stood there frozen to the spot, my heart pumping against my ribs in fear. Never before have I experience anything like this... creepy, very creepy. I quickly ran over to the window, checking it's locked and the curtains closed. I looked around the now darkened room, my eyes landed on Belle's sleeping figure. Her face seemed confused, her hands gently gripped the sheets, her face turned into sacredness. Her eyes scrunched as well as her hands. Her mouth was slightly open, letting out a small whimper before her legs lashing out against the blanket, her whimpers turned into small paranoid screams, tears started to fall from her closed eye lids.

I raced over to her bed and firmly grabbed her shoulders. She instantly lashed out at me, her nails nearly coming in contact with my cheeks as she screamed out "GARETH! BEHIND YOU!" Belle's eyes snapped open, revealing scared bluely green eyes covered with a lake of tears. Her breath quickened as she instantly sat up, shaking fingers threading through slightly knotty hair.

I gently laid my hand against her cheek and said, "It's okay hun, it was only a nightmare, it was not real."

Her eyes looked directly into my eyes and her voice was shaky as she said, "It was real, it was all real...."


Belle's P.O.V

My head started to spin as my body started to heat up. It felt as if my flesh was burning, melting off my bone. I put the back of my hand against my forehead, feeling my stomach spin in gaseousness. I have to get out of here, I thought to myself, pulling back the covers and standing up. But as I took my first step, my legs turned into jelly. I gripped the edge of the bed head for support. Taking a deep breath, I took another step, hoping my muscles will support my weight.

I looked out the semi covered window, looking at the tree outside. On one of the branches was a dead rose, all brown and flaky. Moving gaze up to the full moon, looking back down at me. I have a few hours till sunrise. I quickly run out of the room. My legs still a little shaky, but I didn't care.

I run down the dark corridor as quietly as possible, not wanting to disturb Raina. I saw the light in the kitchen still on. I peeked inside the kitchen. Raina sat by the table, a glass of red wine in her hand while she fiddles with what looked like a piece of carved wood. She took a sip of her wine and set the cup on the table. She sniffled a little, wiping her stray tears away with a handkerchief. I tiptoed as quickly as I could, but as I reached the doorway to the living room, the floor board squeaked, causing Raina to look up at me.

"Where do you think you are going, Missy?" she questioned, her eye narrowed a little. "Out to get some fresh air" I answered, taking a small step towards the living room. "No you are not! Belle, go back to bed this instant!" she ordered, pointing her finger to the hallway. I shook my head and said "No Raina, I am not sick and I am only elf at night! I need to go out!" Before she could say another word I grabbed my cloak and fled the house.

I heard her shout my name as I was at the end of the village, heading towards the forest. "I need to find my bow" I mumbled to myself, walking down a leafed path. Searching for where I last put it. That's when I remembered the first time I transformed into an owl. The bow must be by the lake! But where is it? So I kept walking along the path, worried I'll get lost. That's when I spotted a big oak tree with a broken branch hanging by a few threads.

I smiled, remembering the Orc trap and Thranduil thinking I was a threat. I walked up to the tree, putting my hand against its huge trunk, I felt heat surge through my hand and into the tree. Suddenly I heard rustling of leaves, branches snapping and rubbing against each other. I looked up and gasped, the tree was in full bloom. With bright green leaves and acorns sprouting at nearly every branch. Before I pulled my hand away, an old voice appeared in my head. "Thank you, sweet female elf."

I was shocked at first, a tree is actually talking to me, but smiled and replied with, "Call me Belle and you are?"

"Lancewood," he replied.

I smiled and said, "It's nice to meet you Lancewood." I gently patted the oak tree before carrying on wards.

The path was blocked by a fallen tree. Gently I swung myself over and heard the sound of rushing water. I came into view with a small lake, a thin layer of ice over the top. This is the lake. I walked around the small lake, looking for any sign of my bow, which may be covered with dead leaves. After a while I became frustrated, why are there so many damn leaves! That's when an idea came to my mind.

Slowly, I concentrated on the wind, feeling it swim through my fingers as I pointed my hand to the ground. The leaves suddenly dance away, flying and higher into the air. Once all the leaves were up in the sky. I spotted my boy laying on the other side the lake.

My sliver bow which I had made not too long ago. It had an Ivy like pattern going down the sides, small birds singing on some of the leaves. And on the front was my favourite flower. A Blue Bell.

I walked over to where it laid, bending down I grasped it. Feeling the cold silver touch my skin, testing the weight and string. I then picked up my quiver, it rough grey fabric that held all my arrows. I gently brushed the white feathers at the end of the arrows. I carefully pulled an arrow out of the bag. Feeling its familiar touch. I looked down at my arrow. It was wooden and had curvy lines carved into it, a silver arrow head with a little blue bell carved into it.

I smiled as I strapped the quiver onto my back, and sliding the bow on my shoulder. Suddenly it was raining leaves. Whoops! Noticing that I lost concentration with the wind. That's when I heard a Rip!

I looked down to see I was still wearing a nightgown that had a big tear running down the side of my right thigh. Raina isn't going to like that.


I found an open spot, just near the village. There was a huge dead tree on the ground. It had painted targets on its trunk. This must be where the archers practice. I stood ten feet back, I gripped an arrow and locking it against my bow. I aimed at the target, pulling back the string to my cheek and took a deep breath. I felt the feathers brush against my cheeks as I let the string go. The arrow went flying until it hit bull's eye. I jumped in joy "This girl has still got it" I said to myself. Taking another arrow and aimed at a different target. Taking a deep breath, the arrow shot out of my grasp and hit the middle of the target.

Suddenly, loud clap filled the air, I quickly notched an arrow in and turned around. Thranduil stood there. Once he saw me with my bow aimed at him, he dropped whatever he was holding and held his hands up in surrender, a cheesy smile plastered on his face.

I lowered my bow, mumbling a curse. "You know a lady never curses" The prince said to me. "Good thing I am not a lady" I answered back with a smile. I then looked up at him, he was dressed in fighting gear, a sword strapped to his hip. "Why are you here?" I asked, why is he up at this hour?

He smirked "For two reasons. One, I wanted to give you this" he said, picking up what he dropped before and giving it to me. I undid the bow to revel what looked like archer\fighting gear. "I talked to Dawn and she agreed to make you some gear," I looked up at him with amazement, he did this for me?!

Before he could say anything else, I wrapped my arms around his neck, engulfing him into a hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said into his shoulder. I felt his arms wrap around my waist, creating butterflies in my stomach. I went on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek before running off to a bushes to get changed.

As I was putting my boots on, I looked over the bush to see Thranduil with a hand on his just kissed cheek, his mouth a little open and his eyes wide. I giggled causing Thranduil to look at the bush were I was behind.

"And what was reason two?" I said, while standing up and walking back to him in my new gear.

He looked at me for a moment before saying "Um, I am going to teach you how to sword fight." I was about to say something but he held up his hand and said, "Nah ah. This is my wish, so no excuses."

I rolled my eyes and placed my bow down on the ground. Thranduil grabbed my arm and lead me to a clear patch of green grass, lighted with nearby torches. He threw me a wooden pole which I caught with ease. Once I looked up at him, I felt something hit my leg hard, causing me to lose my balance. I landed on my back, letting out a grunt. I felt the wooden pole on my chest. I looked up at Thranduil, my eyes narrowed as I saw an amused smile on that bastard face of his.

"Rule one," he said. "Never get distracted." holding his hand out for me, I instantly hid my evil smile as I grabbed his hand. But instead of him pulling me up, I pulled him straight down. He landed on his hands and knees, like a cat. I pounced on him, turning him over as fast as I could, putting my wooden stick across his throat.

"Rule two," I said, trying to impersonate his voice, but failed miserably. "Never trust your opponent." I quickly stood up and watched as he slowly stood up, muttering a few curses. "Oh, it's on Bells," he said adjusting the stick in his hand. I lashed my pole out at him and hissed out "Don't call me Bells!" But as always, he deafened my blow with his pole, damn.

"You are not strong and also small Belle, but you are fast. Use that against you opponent, okay," He stated, giving me a small grin.

We kept fighting each other until he slashed at my pole. I heard the horrible sound of wood snapping in half. I am now without a weapon.

"What are you going to do Bells?" He taunted, knowing I am on the edge of defeat. I had more bruises than skin, but that prince! Had not even had a scratch.

"Now," he said, looking at my every move. "What are you going to do. Think Bells, Think!" he ordered pointing to his mind.

I kept thinking of attacks Thranduil had demonstrated to me. But on second thought, if he had shown me all those moves, wouldn't he easily know how to deflect them. I took a step back, that's when I felt something inside my boot, so sharp it sliced the side of my foot. A dagger!

Oh I love you Dawn! I thought to myself. I kicked my foot up high, then immediately stomped my foot straight down against the forest floor. The dagger came out flying from my boot. I saw myself smirk in the blade's reflection as I quickly grabbed it and slashed his pole in half. I swiftly then turned around and threw it. The dagger went soaring through the sky before landing right in the middle of the targeted dead tree.

I turned back to see the Prince with a priceless expression upon his face. I chuckled and said, "Thranduil, did you forget about the other night, when I told you that I am good with daggers."


Thank you for reading this chapter!

I am sorry if the chapter is soo confusing. I hope it makes some sense.

Ask me any questions

This is the longest chapter I have every written, but its mostly crap.

I still hope you guys enjoyed it.

Until next time.

Spypuppy :)

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