The Island With No Parallel

By Celesteharte

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Highest rating: #364 in Historical Fiction!!! Completed! The kingdom of Ecencia is in danger of its own princ... More

Uncle Stretton's Visit
Necklace (edited)
Spanish Baron (part 1)
Spanish Baron (part 2)
The Ancient Ones
The Letter
The Chosen
Family History
The General of Fear (part 1)
The General of Fear (part 2)
A Letter to My Son
Step Into Caorfi (part 1)
Step Into Caorfi (part 2)
Revett (Part 1)
Revett (Part 2)
The Spy (part 1)
The Spy (part 2)
Two Foreign Maids (Part 1)
Two Foreign Maids (Part 2)
A Killer at the Party
Raided (part 1)
Raided (part 2)
Shattered (part 1)
Shattered (part 2)
Murky Waters (part 1)
Murky Waters (part 2)
Reflections of the Past
Torches and Pitchforks in France (part 1)
Torches and Pitchforks in France (part 2)
A Portal in the Plaza
The Golden Ram
A Game of Saahd'man
The Scholar
Deals and Contracts
The Dead Queen's Request (part 1)
The Dead Queen's Request (part 2)
The Wisdom of the Imanu
A Tale Finally Told
Lurking in the Depths
A Battle Awaited for Centuries

Lord Luca Valentwood

26 5 11
By Celesteharte

The first priority after arriving to Gaiza, the bustling Eleven country, was making sure Luca got professional medical care.

They appeared in a street full of people in motion. Torchlight threw golden light to the caramel colored people of Gaiza that moved in an incredible hurry. Even if the notion of five people appearing out of nowhere seemed strange to them, it didn't seem they had the time to notice.

The only thing on Yunara's mind was making sure Luca was safe. She approached the nearest person, tugging on their colorful robes to get their attention. "Please, do you know where I can find a doctor?"

"What? No, go away,' was the man's brusque response.

"Please, he needs help!" she called out to him, but her insisting was merely shrugged off as the man continued in the perpetual motion of the city.

Youssef put a hand on her shoulder. "You're too polite, Yunara. Let me."

He grabbed a man by the collar of his cloak and pulled him close enough to smell the breath behind yellowed teeth. "Where's the doctor's office?"

"I-it's over there, down M'rahl street and to the right."

Youssef smiled, baring more of this crooked teeth. "Thank you very much."

With a shove, he sent the little man back on his way, and he gestured for the rest to follow him as they followed his directions.

"Papa always told me he hated going to Elven country," Kailu commented as Youssef slowed to help Manuel support Luca. "I guess now I know why."

"Eh, it's not so bad," Youssef argued. "They just appreciate when someone proves their mettle. What I don't like are the nobles here. They are all obsessed with being smart all the time."

"And with any luck, you'll be one of them in a few days," Luca said weakly with a crooked smile. "Temporarily, of course."

"Shut up and preserve your strength, Valentini," Kailu instructed.

"I couldn't have said it better myself," muttered Manuel.

Yunara spotted a building with the word "Medic" on it.

"There it is," she pointed out.

Youssef said," Don't forget, if it comes up, we're Ecencian foreigners visiting the country."

"And Crilian," added Kailu matter-of-factly.

Youssef rolled his eyes as he rapped on the door none too kindly.

In order to cover for Manuel, Luca, and Youssef's non-Caorfian features, they decided it would be easier to pretend they were fairies and just keep their backs covered with a thick cloak, a simpler disguise than trying to hide the lack of gills or pointed ears Naiads had. Pretending to be Elf was out of the question because it would be too easy for someone to realize that no one had ever heard of them before, especially in a tight-knit society like the Elves. So they decided to pose as nobles of Ecencia and Crila to better suit their guise.

Yunara felt her cheeks warm as they stepped in and she remembered how she looked, wearing a dress so far beyond her means. This was a hard role for her to play, not because she didn't know how, but because she instinctively handled the dress as if it was practically volatile, when she knew he had to act like she had a dozen more just like it in her closet. And a personal seamstress to boot.

The doctor jumped to his feet as soon as they walked in and he saw Luca's state.

"What's happened to him?" the doctor exclaimed as he released Manuel of his burden and helped Youssef bring Luca into a room on their right.

"He's recovering from a stab wound," Kailu explained.

Luca was eased into a bed as the doctor directly opened Luca's blouse shirt to examine the wound. He took a small breath of relief.

"It has been dressed well. But he should not be out and about the town like this, he should be in bed. How did this happen?"

Yunara opened her mouth to speak, but froze. They hadn't come up with a story to explain his injury.

"Pirates," Manuel answered, receiving an icy glare from Luca. "Our ship was raided on our way here from Ecencia. They ran him through and left him for dead. When we finally managed to fend them off, we treated him as best we could."

The doctor tsked and shook his head as he continued his examination. "You must be careful sailing Dreahan waters. The seas between Ecencia and the Elven lands is very treacherous."

"Yes, we know that now," Luca said, flashing Manuel angry looks that he thoroughly pretended not to notice.

"There's no one more dastardly than a pirate, is there?"

"Other than perhaps a foo–"

"Will he be alright?" Yunara interrupted.

"Yes," the doctor announced. "You have done very well to treat his wounds. I see that the wound has been stitched up, so I'll leave those stitches in place for the time being. But he should not be on his feet like he was for another month, at least. How long are you staying in Elf country?"

"A few months. We're here on business," Luca answered, relaxing as the doctor applied a balm to the injury. The color was coming back to his face, especially now that he was back to resting. "Do you know how we can get in contact with Gaiza's most finest scholars? We're seeking infinite knowledge and all that."

The doctor laughed incredulously. "'Infinite knowledge and all that'? Well, not that I'd know, but I can tell you this: one does not simply arrive in Gaiza for one day and acquire an audience. Their wisdom is not to be dispensed to just anyone. Only the very elite and knowledgeable."

Luca rolled his eyes. "If we were so knowledgeable, we wouldn't be looking for them, now would we? Nevermind, you're of no help. Out of curiosity, how many rooms does this building have?"

"About a dozen or so. Why?"

"Well, you've just said I should avoid being on my feet," Luca said, as if the answer should have been obvious. "And I have no idea how far away the nearest inn could be. You certainly have enough rooms for my friends and I."

The doctor's wide mouth simply flapped open and closed before he finally managed, "I will not be renting you out a room, sir. This is an establishment for treating patients!"

"I didn't ask you to." He pulled out a heavy sack of gold coins and spilled it on the bed. "I'm purchasing the whole building from you. I think I'd like it better as an inn."

The doctor's eyes were wide, and so were those of everyone in the room.

"Bu-but my practice..."

Luca shrugged. "Rent out another building for it, I don't care. Or go into retirement, you're old enough for it. But don't let any of the riff raff in here, at least not while we're staying here. Oh, except for my servants. Make sure you leave enough rooms for them."

The doctor's bulging eyes kept flicking back and forth from Luca to the coins on the bed. "H-how many rooms will they require... sir?"

Luca began ticking off his fingers. "All of them."

The doctor stared at him for a few moments before finally saying, "Yes sir." And Yunara had to keep her mouth from falling open.

Luca had not problems playing his role.

"Under what name do I book you under?" the doctor asked.

"Lord Luca... Valentwood. That's Ladies Kailu and Yunara Hemsway, Youssef Ryingly, and Manuel Cunning. They're my friends."

"Yes, Lord Valentwood."

"What is your name, good doctor?"

"Er, Cha'al Moufed, sir."

"Very well, Cha'al, do you know where I can find some servants?"


Yeah, so Luca's definitely a character XD

What do you think about their little charade? I loved writing about Gaiza, it's one of my favorite places in the story. Tell me what you think!

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