Black Spartans

By H27_Venom

10.4K 235 88

They called him a traitor, He killed more then any. Command wanted him in chains, he broke them, He had train... More

Nothing like the Simulations
A Planets Ancient Secret
Blacked out
Heros of the people
Meeting an Old Friend
Spartans...... Forever
Battle Brothers
What would you do... For family?
One Big Family
Black Legion
A New Friend?
Reunited in the worst Way
Family of War
Family and Business, Don't Mix
Family's A Funny Thing
Declaration of War
Her Army
Calculated Risks
Let It Be Known
Hell To Pay
Summer Break

Before and After

351 6 0
By H27_Venom

"Go to hell!" Mark shouted at his father. "Watch your tongue! Just because your sisters got a better test score then you doesn't mean that you can run off like that!" Marks father shouted at him as Mark stormed away. "Its because you on purposely put me and John apart! I should have never agreed to try for the Spartans! I knew you would be here!" Mark shouted turning back. "Maybe if you hadn't ran away from home you would be already out there!" His father shouted. "I ran away because of you! And that whore mother of mine!" Mark shouted, his temper flaring. "We were both upset by that Mark! Get over it!" A female voice called, Mark snorted as his sisters stood beside his father, one of the admins behind the ORION Project, as he always had been. "You are all treated like royalty here, the best treatment, the best training, the best of everything! You were always the prodigies! Mom was the only one that treated me like I was a human being! Then we find her sleeping with another man high as hell on cocaine!" Mark shouted. Then he turned and ran off, only for his sisters to catch up to him. "Its alright little brother." They said softly. "Dads gone, come on, we dont have much time!" His oldest sister whispered, they dragged Mark into a training room, the first of many private training's his sisters gave him.

"Got you!" Marks sister called as she punched at him. "Not today sister." Mark said turning and pushing her shoulder back, forcing her away. His sisters attacked and attacked, but nothing ever was able to land, months of training had insured that. Finally after hours of fighting, his sisters were growing tired. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" A voice called. Mark froze, then looked to his father and about a dozen other subjects standing there, watching. "Its simple sir, we were giving our friend here a little extra training, we need the best of the best sir." One of Marks sisters said glancing over to them. "Is this why your scores are going up? Because you need to be trained by the best? Because you need more training to keep up with everone else!?" Marks father yelled walking up. "Take a step back Adam." A female voice called, she walked in with a single boy following her. He walked over to Mark and fist bumped. "Hey John." Mark said smiling. "Hey Lukas." John said, Mark hated that he had to hide his identity, but he smiled none the less. "What do you want Halsey?" Adam sneered. "Despite needing a little more training, he raised from the bottom all the way to the top, even exceeding John on some occasions." Halsey said showing the scores. Adam looked through the scores with great interest. "Running, Acrobats, Marksmanship, Hand to impressive hand to hand combat score." he said nodding slightly. "One of the single best we have ever had." Halsey said nodding. Adam turned and snarled at Mark, then turned on his heel and walked out. "Im going to kill him.... I swear it." Mark said growling, then turned and walked to his tube, he had due augmentations.

"Look out!" John yelled running over and punching one of the other kids knocking them out, then extended a hand down to Mark. "Thanks." Mark said spitting. "Back off ODST!" John yelled. "Tell him to apologize!" One of the lead ODST yelled back. "Spartans never do anything without a purpose." John said cracking his knuckles. "Its two of you versus twenty five of us! You dont have a chance." The ODST 'leader' yelled charging forward. Mark came out of no where, grabbing the kid and throwing him back, knocking over a few other kids in the process. He turned and caught the fist heading for him, turned it slowly, then punched the kid.... hard. The kid fell back clutching his broken nose, and possibly a broken cheekbone. John helped with the next one jumping over Mark and locking his legs around the kid, spinning then throwing him back into the wall. Only about ten left, ten kids to victory. John turned to late about to take a knee to the face, when the kid was lifted off the ground and thrown into some of the equipment in the room. "You alright John?" Mark asked stepping between John and the others. "Fine, he got the jump on me." John said standing up. Mark blocked a arm and threw him to John, who raised his fist, the kid came in fast enough that the simple landing into Johns fist knocked him out cold. "Eight!" Mark called, smiling. He ran forward, punched one kid, bringing him down, then placed his knee into the kids jaw. Then he wrapped his arm around a charging kid and kicked him in the stomach, then threw him into another kid. Mark glanced around. "3!" Mark and John yelled in unison. Mark found his last opponent, the kid threw a punch, Mark dodged it and broke the kids arm. Then flipped back and brought his leg down on the back of his neck. Then he turned finding John fighting one, Mark found the other about to throw a dumbbell at John, he ran forward and caught the dumbbell turning and threw it back. It hit the kid and threw him back into a wall, the force was enough to bend the metal walls, Mark locked his jaw, it would be a slim chance for his survival. Mark turned back to see John beating the absolute shit out of the last kid. Mark rushed over. "He's done John, relax! He cant hurt us anymore!" Mark yelled pulling John back, it was a good thing he did, a second later guards and a certain admin ran into the room. "I think we can call this test a success." Adam said smiling at Mark, an evil smile that he hated. "A test! You sent them in here knowing what we would do!?" Mark yelled. Adam smiled. "Escort them back to their chambers, their armor mounting is tomorrow." Adam snicked. Mark glared at Adam as he was rushed out of the room, and into a barracks with John. Other spartans gathered near, asking all kinds of questions. "GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY!" A female voice called, the crowd parted showing Marks sisters approaching. "You, come with me." She yelled, grabbing the back of his shirt and draging him to a different room and locking the door, Mark's sisters all looked worried. Mark looked up and felt his oldest sister pull him into a hug, her spartan armor cool and relaxing. "Your bleeding, what happened?" She asked looking at the bloodstains. "Dad had a test, he sent twenty five ODST after me and John, we beat them but.... never mind." Mark said looking away. "Mark, what did you do?" his oldest sister Sarah asked, Mark shook his head. The door suddenly opened and there stood, Halsey, she walked inside and locked the door. "Lukas.... sorry Mark, im sorry but the ODST you threw the dumbbell at isnt going to make it." Halsey said, Mark couldnt meet the burning gazes that burned into his skull. "I knew he wouldnt.... ma'am, is it bad that I dont feel emotion?" Mark asked, Halsey looked at him intrigued. "What do you mean Mark?" Halsey asked. "When he threw the Dumbbell at John, I just burst into action, and even now I dont really mind that I killed someone..... Does that make me evil?" Mark asked looking up. "Mark.... you were defending your friends... that doesnt make you evil, and besides, once I heard what Adam did I was infuriated, no one should force people to fight, he is evil." Halsey said softly. Mark nodded and smiled. "Are you going to be alright little brother?" Sarah asked bending down, Mark smiled and nodded. "Better get out there, John will probably break down the door soon." Halsey said only half joking. Right on queue a huge thud hit the door. "There he is, haha." Mark laughed walking to the door, he waited with his ear pressed against the door and then opened it as John rushed forward, he flew through the door and Mark caught his collar as he ran. "Im okay John, come on lets get some lunch." Mark said as his stomach growled, John smiled and walked away with Mark. To the lunchroom.

"Congratulations.... spartan." John said clasping Marks forearm. "To you too Spartan." Mark said smiling behind the visor. Everyone watched as the two walked down the lane, towards freedom, to the open city which neither of them had seen in years. "Lukas! Over here!" A voice called, Mark smiled running over to Alice. "Its so good to see you!" He yelled picking her up and spinning her around and around. "Come on guys!" Alice said motioning to a car, Mark and John looked to each other. "We have a couple weeks before we go to reach, come on, lets go!" Mark said taking off. John gave in and ran after them, entering the vehicle and sitting next to Mark, who had his arm around Alice. The car drove off and ended up at a huge building, Mark got out holding Alice's hand, then he walked inside. "Where are you guys going?" John asked looking at the mansion. "Oh, welcome to mi casa, my home!" Mark said opening the door. "Mark!" A voice called, Johnson ran over and embraced Mark. "Its been to long sir." Mark said smiling. They all had a great day after they got out of the armor, relaxing in civilian clothes made Mark and John feel uncomfortable, but they suffered through it.

"Lukas get up!" John yelled shaking Mark until he woke up. "We gotta go! A covenant fleet is closing in on Reach!" John yelled, Mark jumped to his feet and started mounting his armor, then they ran out and into a car. Mark caught a glance of Alice and he stopped. "John... I cant go, I have some family business to figure out before I go." Mark said stopping. "You cant! If they find-" "Just go! I'll be alright!" Mark interrupted running to Alice. John looked at Mark for a long time. "We will meet again John, but they need you, go!...........and John, my real name is Mark." Mark confessed , John nodded slowly and took off, Mark watched as his best friend and only true brother took off to the ships


"Mark!" the Chief yelled, his pod suddenly opened and Mark was thrown to the wall as the ship rocked. "Oww!" Mark said standing up. He looked up to John laughing to himself. "Fuck off." Mark said simply cracking his neck. "Cortana whats happening?" John asked. "I dont exactly know, the ship is severely damaged, we're being attack by something... maybe if you can open the blast doors we can see." Cortana responded. They nodded to each other and started off. "How long were we out?" John asked. "4 years 3 months 7 days." Cortana said. Mark wasn't surprised, his armor was back to full charge, it took a long time for it to automatically charge like that, and even longer in stasis. A sudden red scan brought Mark out of his thoughts. "The hell was that?" Mark asked looking around. "Someone is scanning the ship, and I dont know who." Cortana said quietly, they shrugged it off and kept running. Suddenly Mark's instincts kicked in and he ducked out of the way just as a plasma grande flew past, he would have been killed. Mark turned and fired the magnum striking the grunt. Then was pinned down by an elite, Mark reached for his sword before he remembered. *Flashback to the drive to the Forward unto Dawn*

"Arbiter, you have not stopped staring at my blade for this entire drive." Mark said as he glanced back. "I was wondering if I could borrow it to make more." Arbiter asked kindly. "I dont see why not, here." Mark said handing the blade to the Arbiter. "Thank you, I ensure that I will give it back." The Arbiter said taking the blade. *Flashback End* 

"Dammit!" Mark yelled then finally reached up and broke off one of the elites jaws, kicked it off and took its energy blade. He cut the Elites head clean off and stood tall as its blood seeped down from his visor. "You alright?" John asked. "Fine, why the hell are the covenant attacking? I thought we were friends?" Mark asked firing away and cutting the covenant down. "They wear a new style of armor, perhaps they are a band of rebels?" Cortana suggested. John opened the blast doors just in time to see a destroyer fly past. "HOLY SHIT!" Mark yelled. "Or maybe its an entire rebel fleet!" Cortana yelled. "The payload! We have to take down that ship!" Mark yelled pointing. "I cant access it!" Cortana yelled trying again and again. "ALPHA WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Mark yelled. "Combat A.I. Program initiated, designation...Alpha." A voice said. "727, you require assistance? Oh what has been going on while I was asleep?" Alpha asked confused. "Doesnt matter, can you launch the missiles to that ship?" Mark asked pointing. "I will try." Alpha said diving into the computer. He came out a few minutes later. "I have prepped the missiles for launch, however they were damaged.... I can not launch them from this terminal." Alpha said. "Where to Alpha?" Cortana asked. "To the outside station... please be advised I am detecting multiple life forms moving towards out position." Alpha informed. Right on queue drop pods hit the walls and covenant started flowing in.

It took a little but 727 and 117 had reached the outside platform, John was covering Mark as he put Alpha into the terminal. "The Launch sequence it initiated, but the locks refuse to release, you have to release the locks." Alpha said pointing. "Thanks Alpha, thats all for now." Mark said as they ran towards the lock. John tried to force it in but it was too heavy, so Mark pitched in and it slowly started to move, until it finally gave in and the missile launched and hit the destroyer. The familiar red scanner passed over them again and this time, something started to pull the ship. "Woah!" Mark yelled balancing himself. "We have to go! The planets sucking us in!" Cortana informed. They took off running, through the halls away from the planet. "SHIT!" Mark said as he was pulled to the wall and through. He and John flew through the walls hitting every one until finally they landed on the planet, Mark looked up and rolled just in time to get out of the way of a falling piece of scrap. "Where the hell are we?" John asked shaking his head. "Some kind of planet, I dont know, lets get moving, maybe a few covenant ships are scavengable." 727 offered. The Chief nodded standing up and shaking the loose dirt from his suit.

"asaddfdgasdSdARWFsdadadasDASDAWFadadFASDGdfDsdfGFdkALfhAKJfhSJDfh:DkASFsafM<DjSG:" A scrambled connection suddenly came through on their comms. "The hell? I thought we were tuned into human radios?" 727 asked confused. "I know I am, did you hear that?" The Chief asked, 727 nodded and they started forward. "This is the UNSC Infinity, doeeesss anyyyonnnnnnee reeeeeeaaddd usssss?" The comms came again. "Infinity, this is 727 wave off I repeat wave off, this planet has a gravity field!" 727 yelled. The same message repeated, showing that they had not heard 727. "Jamers." the Chief said looking ahead. They continued forward until Cortana suddenly started yelling. "What the hell!" 727 said jumping to the side. "Cortana... are you alright?" The Chief asked. "A.I aren't meant to last this long, Alpha was designed to last as long as needed, but me...." Cortana trailed off. "She has" "Alpha please." Cortana begged looking to Alpha. Who for once, stopped talking. "I understand, you can tell them when you wish." Alpha said, listening to Cortana. "Thank you." Cortana said and they continued forward, this repeated itself for three more times before the Chief suddenly had enough. "Cortana, whats going on!?" The Chief asked sternly. "My time is going up, I-Im dying John." Cortana said. "How?" The chief asked. "Rampancy." Alpha blurted out. "No.... I'm so sorry Cortana." Mark said looking away, a close friend of his's AI developed rampancy, he knew what was happening. "Whats Rampancy?" The chief asked.  "We don't just 'shut down.' Our cognitive processes begin dividing exponentially according to our total knowledge base. We literally think ourselves to death."  Cortana explained. Mark nodded walking over. "Halsey...If we get you back to Halsey, she can fix you." The Chief said. "Chief..... dont make a girl a promise, if you know you cant keep it." Cortana said. Mark walked off to chat with Alpha. "How much time does she got?" he asked. "Not enough, only a couple of hours." Alpha said. "Could you extend it? Take some data?" 727 propositioned. "I have never tried, I was designed to last for at least 10 years without repair, I have enough data for it." Alpha said, then he disappeared and reappeared by Cortana. Mark walked over and watched as Alpha laid a hand on Cortana, then turned back. "I have linked our data, she should be able to make it, if we hurry. " Alpha said. "Are you going to be alright?" Mark asked. "If we make it out in time, yes." Alpha said veering away from the question. "Alpha, give it to me straight, thats an order." Mark said locking his jaw. "If we dont make it in time, neither of us will." Alpha said looking away, Mark nodded then looked to the Chief. "We better destroy that gravity well and the jammers." He said walking forward. "Wait, Mark." John said catching up. "Why would you do that? Risk your A.I for mine?" He asked. "I know what its like to lose a friend, and I cant imagine loosing Alpha, he's one of the closest friends I have ever had." Mark said simply walking forward. They fought their way through hundreds of covenant and a strange new creature as they moved closer towards where the A.I said the jammer was coming from. "Promethean knights!" Cortana said as she analyzed them. "Weird, they're just starring at us." 727 said looking around at the Covenant and the Promethean's. John Pressed a button and the ball at the center of the room started to glow, then it started to shake. "RUN!" Cortana yelled, Mark followed the chief under the bridge just as the ball let out a huge pulse. They looked up from the cover to see something stand from a lowering platform. "So fades the great harvest of my betrayer." The thing said. "Do we shoot it?" Mark asked. "Just wait." John said watching the man. He turned to them and they ducked down. "Even these beasts recognize what you do not, humans." The thing said. "Well shit." Mark said shaking his head. "Your nobility has blinded you, as ever. " The thing said, then their cover faded into embers. "Can we kill it now?" Mark asked. "You're the superior officer!" John said. " Oh Fuck yeah! Fire!" Mark said, the thing extended two arms and they felt themselves being pulled towards it. "The Librarian left little to chance didnt she?" The thing asked as it held them there. "I cant reach my rifle!" 727 said straining against the paralysis. "Turning my own guardians, my own worlds, against me." The thing continued. "But what hubris to think she could protect her pets from me forever, if you havent even mastered these primitives.... Then man has not obtained the mantle, and your ascendance may yet be prevented, time was your ally, but now it has abandoned you, the forerunners have returned." the thing finished,its mask covering its face. "This tomb... is now yours." The thing said throwing them, they flew into a wall and Mark was nearly sent over the edge. "I gotcha." The Chief said grabbing him at the last second. "Go time, brother." Mark said stepping up. "SLIP SPACE RUPTURE! BOTH OF YOU MOVE!" Cortana yelled. "OH shit!" Mark yelled running. They barely made it further before a blast knocked them both out. 

"Chief! 727! We gotta go!" Cortana yelled. Mark sat up shaking his head. "That hurt." He said looking to Mark. "Lets go." Chief yelled pulling him up. "We gotta get out of here before the whole network collapses! Grab a ghost!" Cortana yelled. Mark jumped onto the ghost and took off, only checking once to make sure the chief was behind him. They raced through the portal and Mark jumped off, turned and caught the Chief. "You alright?" He asked. "Yes sir." Chief said. "Whats with the sir, were friends, right?" Mark said slugging his shoulder. "We're at war now Mark, put your gameface on." Chief said. "Alright, I get it, lets go." Mark said locking away his emotions as he had before, sealing his thoughts towards the mission. "This is the UNSC Infinity, we are without power and heading towards a unknown forerunner planet, any help please respond." A voice cut from the radio. The Orb suddenly popped up in front of them, scanned the area, then took off into the distance. "Hes in a hurry." Cortana said. "And we know where to." The Chief said starting forward.

When they finally reached the crash sight, the Diadact was scanning the ship, covenant were flooding in. "This is Lasky of the UNSC Infinity, were up to our necks in bad guys down here, anyone respond, over?" Laskey asked. "This is 727 and 117 of the UNSC Forward unto dawn, we are ready to assist where you at, Over?" 727 asked. "Negative copy, did you say Forward unto dawn, Over?" Laskey asked. "Signals bouncing all over the place, I cant clean it up." Cortana said slightly sad. "Alpha, light them up for me, our boys need help." 727 said. "Do the same for me Cortana." Chief said, 727 had already started off, heading towards the tags. When they got closer they found Covenant and Promotheans, blocking their path. 727 cut through them with no remorse, he pushed forward stomping over the dead bodies. When they finally reached the signal a horde of enemies were upon them. The Chief and 727 burst into action, not missing a single bullet. They finally reached the friendlies, most were badly damaged,  but the few they had were spartans. "They tried to make more of us." 727 growled standing still. "I dont think thats possible, Commander, Chief." A man said approaching. "Wasnt this the man you brought with you from one of the raids?" 727 asked. "Yep, that was me, I heard stories about you but we never met, Im Laskey First Officer of the Infinity." Laskey said. "727, or Ghost, as a few friends used to call me." 727 said. "Your black Spartans? Yeah they're still around, last I heard they were heading just a few galaxies away from us, they might pick up the distress call from the Forward Unto Dawn." Laskey said. 727 turned and looked at the spartans. "LOCK IT UP!" A female called. 727 turned and his heart froze. "Impossible." he said turning. "MARK!" A spartan said, she took off her helmet, moving forward and embracing her older brother. "Wha-what are you doing here! I forbid you to join the military!" 727 growled. "You disappeared, so did Allison, I just wanted to help. "Wait wait wait, where is Allison!" 727 growled. "No one knows, even her boyfriend doesnt know... I think he's lying, he started up that program.... what was it called? 'Project Freelancer'?" Anna asked, 727 nodded walking with the chief. (A/n Oh yeah, we are going there)  The Chief turned to 727 suddenly. "Commander. Looks like we need to kill some more knights." he said, 727 loaded a new mag into his rifle. "If it keeps my sister away from danger, Im fine with that." 727 said moving forward. "Later sis!" 727 called waving slightly as they walked out. 


"Why are you here?" Halsey asked. "Do you believe that 117 and 727 are the best because of the different  augmentations? The ones that made them less human?" The man asked. 

"What do they have to do with this?" Halsey asked. 

"Do you? Answer the question." the man asked. 

"You want to replace them... dont you? Sure everyone knew about the chief, but you really think you can replace the Black Spartan himself?" Halsey asked. 

"They are dead, no one could survive this long." The man said. 

"I bet you're wrong, I think they're still alive, I worked with them both, incredible scores, maybe you didnt put that into a count? Or maybe you just want a weapon?" Halsey asked. 

"Spartans never die, least of all Mark." A woman said entering. 

"Sarah? What are you doing here?" Halsey asked. 

"As much as I hate to say it, we haven't heard a single thing from them, its been four years. If they are alive, where the hell are they? We need something to protect us Halsey." Sarah said. 

"I cant believe you would betray your brother like this!" Halsey hissed. 

"Fine, I guess we will just have to work on it our own." Sarah said turning and walking out.  

*Back on Requiem*

As 727 walked back in from helping the men he watched the captain, he gave the chief some orders then turned to him. "Commander,if I should even call you that." The captain said. 

"Be nice before I finish what I started, I still should put a bullet in your skull." 727 warned his grip on his magnum. The former Field Soldier snorted then turned away. "I want you on overwatch for this op." He said. 

"Yeah yeah fuck you." 727 said turning. He got into the Pelican and smacked the side hard, the Pelican took off

727 landed hard as his pelican crashed, he was lucky to be alive. "You damn idiot! Shouldn't have gone so far ahead!" 727 coughed as he crawled out of the wreckage and aimed the target designation , the laser that had shot his pelican down exploded and 727 began to shoot at the covenant forces charging in for him, he was nearly out of ammo when the chief arrived. 

"You alright sir?" He asked. 

"I've felt worse." 727 said standing up and jumping into the Warthog. They continued to destroy the anti air guns until they went into a forerunner building, they spoke with the Librarian, who did something to them. 

Then they were outside again.

 "What the hell just happened?" 727 asked. 

"Best not to question it sometimes." Chief said shrugging. They continued with their mission until they reached the gravity well. 727 tossed the chief the designator. 

"You do the honors." he said leaning on a wall. 

"Target Locked!" The comms said, then the Gravity well exploded. 

"Why do I feel like we just set the  Diadact loose?" 727 asked. 

"I felt it too, this may turn out to be the biggest mistake we've ever made." The Chief said turning away, 727 caught up with him and walked to the Pelican, and their extraction. 

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