the final round #Wattys2018

By everyhearthasahero18

2.3K 3K 47

a prequel to code lyoko More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 25

35 53 0
By everyhearthasahero18

Music to Soothe the Savage Beast



"Now pay attention children an electrical charge flows through a section of conductor..." Mrs. Hertz explained writing on the chalkboard.

Everyone in the class is writing down the notes.

"There isn't one ticket left completely sold out, and I have to find one for night." Odd complained.

"Relax Odd. Aelita is going to give us each a ticket. She's the opening act for the concert and tickets for all of us." Ulrich whispered back.

"I know that the problem is I need two tickets for tonight." Odd explained.

"I see you made a girl a promise you didn't know you could keep." Ulrich smirked.

"You could never understand Ulrich." Odd growled.

"Odd?" Mrs. Hertz asked out loud. "Would you repeat what I just said?" Mrs. Hertz asks.

Odd says the wrong thing and everyone laughs at him.

"I know someone who's a lot more stressed out tonight." Ulrich says looking over at Aelita.

The bell rings

Everyone walks out of class.

"Aren't you coming to lunch Jeremy?" Aelita asks him.

"No. I came up with a brand new program that should help us locate new replica's." Jeremy explains walking back to his room.

"I'll see you later too." Odd said walking away as well.

A few minutes later


Aelita walks to her dorm room getting stopped by Herb and Nicholas.

"Aelita? Would you give us your autograph?" Herb asks holding up a magazine.

"Please." Nicholas pleaded.

Aelita started to blush.

Sissi hits Herb on the back of the head.

"You dork. Don't you see she's just dying too." Sissi growled.

Aelita knocks on Jeremy's door.

"Come in." Jeremy answered typing away on his computer.

"Am I disturbing you Jeremy?" Aelita asks opening the door.

"I just finished my calculations, thanks to my program we'll be able to find the last replica's with no problems." Jeremy answered.

Aelita sits on his bed.

"That's great. Say Jeremy about tonight-"

"Oh right the concert. I bet you can't wait to get on stage." Jeremy smiled looking at her.

"Um, not really." Aelita muttered.

"You'll be great Aelita don't worry about it." Jeremy answered cleaning his glasses.

Aelita storms out Jeremy's room when he said something she didn't like leaving his ticket on the bed and closing his door.

A few minutes later


"Hiroki. You got to be kidding." Odd yelled.

"Take it or leave it. I can double the prize from a dozen other kids" Hiroki smiled.

Odd searches through his pocket for change.

"You wouldn't take an IOU from your sister friend would you?" Odd asked.

Hiroki shakes his head.

"See ya." Hiroki said walking away.

Sissi, Herb, and Nicholas walks towards Odd.

"You wouldn't have tickets for tonight uh?" Odd asks Sissi.

"Wouldn't you think? Being the principle's daughter has it's advantages." Sissi sighed.

"And um. You wouldn't have an extra one by chance?" Odd asked nicely.

"I do. But not for you Odd." Sissi smirked holding up the tickets in her hand.

The three of them walk past Odd, while Herb and Nicholas laugh.

"Then again." Sissi said while stopping in front of him. "If you can convince Ulrich to go to the concert with me and not with that skinny crow. What do you think?" Sissi smirked.

"Okay." Odd sighed.

Wreck room

Odd enters the rec room with the extra ticket in his hand.

"How was your hunting expedition?" Yumi asks.

"It was cool, I got a ticket." Odd smiled.

"Odd didn't pay an arm and a leg for it?" Ulrich asks.

"Oh by the way Ulrich I need to ask a tiny favor okay." Odd answered.

"Ask me a favor? Come on what kind of favor?" Ulrich asks.

Odd looks at Yumi weirdly.

"Oh. No big rush, why don't we talk about it later." Odd answered.

"There you are, I came to give you your tickets for tonight." Aelita said walking over to them sitting down.

Aelita lays three tickets on the table.

"What's wrong?" Yumi asks.

"Oh, it's nothing it's on the account of Jeremy." Aelita blushed.

"Relax princess you'll see. You'll bring the house down tonight." Ulrich said.

"For sure." Yumi said.

"Anyway. Don't get there to late the crowd going to be really big." Aelita smiled.

Later that night

At the concert

Aelita was putting make up on when there a knock at her dressing room door.

"Surprise." Odd, Yumi, and Ulrich say opening the door.

"We came to see our favorite star before she gets to famous to see us." Odd explained.

"Don't be so silly. I'm really glad to see you all. Um, didn't Jeremy come?" Aelita asks.

"Sure he did, but we lost him in the crowd." Ulrich answered.

"You know Einstein. A great head for math, but it's always clouds everywhere else." Odd smiled.

"Don't worry. He'll be out there listening and cheering you on." Yumi said.

"Hope so." Aelita muttered.

"Aelita, your on in five minutes." a female voice said.

"Time for me to start concentrating." Aelita said.

"Okay, we'll take off." Yumi said.

Yumi, Odd, and Ulrich leave the dressing room.

"Odd." A girl yells waving at Odd.

"There you are Kelly. This is Yumi and Ulrich." Odd says.

"Hi." Ulrich and Yumi say.

"Let's go." Odd said walking away with Kelly.

"Odd." Sissi yells rushing over to him and Kelly.

"Oh, hey Sissi. How you doing?" Odd laughs.

"What's that skinny crow doing here? I gave you a ticket in exchange for a date with Ulrich." Sissi yelled.

"What?" Ulrich growled.

"Well in that case give me back my ticket." Sissi yells grabbing the ticket from Odd's hand.

"Kelly you can have mine." Odd smiled.

"Listen Odd. You told me you spent your last penny buying tickets to this concert..." Kelly growled walking away.

"Wonder if she bites." Yumi asks.

"By the way Odd. What was the tiny favor you wanted me too do?" Ulrich asks.

"Forget it." Odd muttered.

Aelita's dressing room

Milly and Tamyia open the door to Aelita's dressing room.

"Aelita can we ask you a couple questions for the Kadic News?" Milly asks.

"Not, now you couldn't have picked a worse time." Aelita answered looking at them.

"Aelita your on in just two minutes. I'm afraid you'll have to leave now girls." A woman says appearing next to the door.

A few minutes later

Mountain Sector

A tower turns from white to red.

Jeremy's and Harry's room

Jeremy works on his computer late at night, then Jeremy's phones rings.

"Hello?" Jeremy asked.

With Yumi, Odd, and Ulrich

"Jeremy what are you doing the concert is about to start. Aelita was really crushed not to see you." Yumi replied.

Jeremy's and Harry's room

"Oh. I didn't realize how late it was. Just one more calcaulation to run, I'll be right there." Jeremy said looking at his watch.

An activated tower appeared on Jeremy's screen.


As a woman walks towards Aelita dressing room, a specter possess the woman.

"It's Aelita's turn now." Odd says to Ulrich and Yumi.

"Sophie, I'm ready." Aelita says looking at Sophie as Sophie opens the door.

"So am I." Possessed Sophie says flashing the eye of Xana.

Chris looks at the stage when his phones rings.

"Hello." Chris answers.

"Chris? Aelita isn't at all well, she can't do the first part of the concert. You'll have to begin without her." Possessed Sophie replied.

Chris hangs, and looks at his band mates.

"Aelita sick guys. We're going on without an opening act." Chris informs them.

"That's a real bummer, sure hope it's not serious."

"Anyway, let's go get them."

"Ladies and gentleman the subdigitals." A loud voice says.

Chris and his band mates walk onto the stage waving at everyone.

"Why didn't Aelita go on?" Odd asks.

Yumi checks her phone to see Jeremy calling her.

"Jeremy?" Yumi asked.


"Xana just launched an attack." Jeremy replied.

"They just cancelled Aelita opening act." Yumi informed him.

"That sounds like Xana, check it out and meet me at the factory." Jeremy replied.


"Xana alert, let's go backstage to see if Aelita's okay." Yumi informs Ulrich and Odd hanging up on Jeremy.

"There she is over there." Yumi said pointing at Sophie holding Aelita.

Sophie runs off with Aelita.

Yumi, Odd, and Ulrich run off after her getting stopped by Milly and Tamiya.


Jeremy comes out of the sewers and runs towards the entrance of the factory.


Yumi, Odd, and Ulrich back away from Milly and Tamiya.

Ulrich sees a sheet on a box and smirks.

"I'll try and distract them. You guys go and get Aelita back." Ulrich says.

"Good luck dealing with the press." Odd says running off with Yumi.

Ulrich throws the sheet at Milly and Tamiya.

The sub digital's keep playing their music.

Yumi and Odd make it to the entrance as Yumi's phone rings.

"Jeremy a woman has taken Aelita away. She's probably heading for the factory." Yumi informs him.


"Okay, I'll try and hit her off. You guys better hurry it up." Jeremy replied.

Sophie runs on the bridge with Aelita still out cold on her shoulder.

Jeremy attacks Sophie as Sophie got close to the elevator.

Sophie throws Jeremy against the wall and gets in the elevator.

A few minutes later

"Scanner Aelita, virtualization." Sophie says sending Aelita to lyoko.

Mountain Sector

Aelita lands on lyoko.

A kankerlot and blok show up as she landed on the ground.


Yumi and Odd swing down from the entrance of the factory.

Jeremy wakes up grabbing his head.

Mountain Sector

Aelita makes her wings appear, then tries to fly away getting hit by a laser from a manta.

"I'm surrounded." Aelita muttered, seeing Harry onto of the manta that attacked her.

Harry smirks, and jumps down next to the blok.


The elevator opens up in the lab with Yumi and Odd in the elevator.

"Jeremy, if your there answer me?" Aelita cried.

Sophie looks away from the computer to look at Yumi and Odd.

"Level pattern and pence strategy." Odd says to Yumi. 

"What's that in English?" Yumi smiled.

"Let's go." Odd replied.

Yumi and Odd run towards Sophie.

Sophie shoots lightening at them.

Odd kicks Sophie. While Yumi tackles Sophie to the ground.

Sophie glitches.

"How was that for strategy?" Yumi asks Odd.

The elevator door opens again with Jeremy in the elevator.

"Guess we beat you here Einstein." Odd replied.

"Where's Aelita?" Jeremy asked.

"She already got sent to lyoko." Yumi answered.

Mountain Sector

The blok and kankerlot fire at Aelita, as she gets past them, while Harry watches.

"After her." Harry commanded.

Aelita gets stopped by the manta and the kankerlot.

"Aelita? Are you okay?" Jeremy asked.

Aelita dodged a laser as the kankerlot was destroyed.

"Jeremy at last. This isn't exactly where I was excepting, but I'm happy to hear your-" Aelita said forming two energy fields.

"I'm sorry about the concert." Jeremy interrupted her.

"We'll talk about it another time." Aelita replied being hit by a laser from the manta.

A sword is thrown down to the ground behind Aelita, stopping her from going any further.

"William." Aelita muttered looking towards the sky, then gets hit by a laser.

William forces his sword back to him.

Harry smirks, then disappears as his job was done.

"See you later Aelita." Harry smirked.


Sophie layed against the wall asleep. Jeremy was typing on the keyboard.

"Are you ready?" Jeremy asks Yumi and Odd.

Yumi and Odd waited in their scanners.

"Transfer Yumi, transfer Odd. Scanner Yumi, scanner Odd..." Jeremy said.

Mountain Sector

"William is here." Aelita alerted Jeremy.

"I saw him, I also noticed Harry left lyoko. I'm sending the in cal-very." Jeremy replied.

Aelita jumps back as the manta William is on fires at her.

A blok fires at Aelita.

Aelita forms two energy fields firing one at William.

A fan hits William.

"Nice one Yumi." Odd commented.

"Thank you, ready for the tall dark bad guy?" Yumi asks.

"Uh, I think we have an audience." Odd replied.

Yumi looks behind her to see two kankerlots, then where Aelita was.

Aelita throws an energy field at a manta.

"Jeremy. We're stuck here no way to reach Aelita without some transport." Yumi said.


"Okay, Yumi we'll have your vehicles in no time." Jeremy replied.

Jeremy sends Yumi and Odd their rides.

Mountain Sector

William goes closer to Odd and Yumi.

The two kankerlots fire at Odd.

Yumi uses her fans to dodge the lasers from the manta William's on.

The over-wing appear behind Yumi.

Yumi jumps onto the over-wing and goes up in the air.

The over-board appears for Odd, and Odd gets on it.

"Laser arrow." Odd yelled firing at the kankerlots and destroys one of them, then destroys the other one.

A few minutes later


Milly and Tamiya shot lightening at Ulrich at the same time.

Ulrich grabs a bow staff where he was hiding, then he ran towards Milly and Tamiya kicking them in the face knocking them down to the ground.

"Awfully sorry ladies, but no interviews." Ulrich smiled.

Mountain Sector

Yumi dodges the manta's attacks.

Yumi throws one of her fans at the manta, hitting the manta's tail, but did nothing to destroy it.

After a long chase through part of the Mountain Sector Yumi throws her fan at William, while William deflects it.


Sophie wakes up and gets out of the restraints she was in.

Mountain Sector

Odd and Yumi's vehicles disappear on them and they land on the ground.


Ulrich gets thrown to the ground he hits boxes.

Tamiya shoots electricity at Ulrich, Ulrich grabs a mirror that was next to him.

Mountain Sector

One of the manta's attack Aelita as she was close to the tower.

Aelita runs away from the tower getting  fire at by lasers, then a blok fires at Aelita as she runs towards it.

Aelita throws an energy field at the blok destroying the blok.

Aelita gets hit by a laser from behind getting knocked off her feet and going over the edge hanging on to the edge.

"Odd trampoline spinning action." Yumi said to Odd running with him.

"Gotcha ya." Odd replied.

Yumi jumps onto Odd's feet as Odd does a hand stand. Yumi throws her fans at William and the manta he's on.

"Game over for you Yumi." William warned her appearing behind her after his turned into smoke as the manta was destroyed.

"For you too handsome." Yumi stuttered being sent back to earth.

William disappeared when two fans hit him in the back.

Odd sees a manta flying around.

"Oh great I was in the mood for fish today."

Odd jumps on top of the manta distracting it with its claws trying to stay on it.


Milly looks at Tamiya glitching on the floor. Milly looks back at Ulrich and shoots electricity at him.

Ulrich dodged.

The band on stage looks both them seeing the electricity.

"Rock and roll." Chris yells.

Mountain Sector

Aelita manages to pull herself up to the ground floor.

A manta flies towards her.

"Laser arrow." Odd yelled shooting at the manta coming towards Aelita.

The manta is destroyed.

"Okay let's go princess." Odd said.

Aelita makes her wings appear and flies towards the tower.


Jeremy opens his eyes to see Sophie laughing evilly.

"No." Jeremy yelled.

Mountain Sector

Aelita enters the tower.


Code Lyoko


Milly stops shooting at Ulrich and passed out.

The Sub Digital's finish their song.

The crowd cheers loudly.


Sophie falls to the ground passing out.

Mountain Sector

"Tower deactivated." Aelita muttered.


Jeremy pulls himself up using the chair in the lab.

"Return to the past now." Jeremy said pressing a button on the keyboard.

Everything turns white.


Cars driving pass the concert.

Aelita sits in her dressing room doing her makeup.

"Come in." Aelita answered when there was a knock on the door.

Jeremy opens the door to her dressing room.

"I wanted to see how your doing Aelita?" Jeremy replied smiling at her.

"Well, I have less stage fright. I guess I've already been here if you know what I mean." Aelita answered smiling back at him.

"No way I was going to miss the concert the second time." Jeremy replied.

"You know I- I didn't mean to blow up at you like that." Aelita answered feeling guilty.

Aelita walks out onto the stage, then she starts playing her music.

Chris, his band mates, and Sophie smile watching Aelita.

Yumi, Odd, Ulrich, Jeremy and everyone else in the auditorium dance to Aelita's music.

"Where's your girlfriend?" Yumi asks looking at Odd.

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