the bad boy fell for the good...

By btsin2013

155K 3.8K 592

you hated yoongi. yoongi hated you. he hated how he had a crush on you. he hated having a crush on the nerd... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
part 6
thank you
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
Part 11
Part 12
part 13
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
A/N+ face revel
past 1k
bonus chapter
bonus ch 2
im stupid😂😂
thank you best friend❤😂
new story in the works
new story
New story ideas?

part 14

3.4K 95 3
By btsin2013

~your P.O.V~
Im scared. Its black. Pitch black. I cant move. Cant speak. I can hear everything around me. I feel everything. Then i hear something that breaks my heart. "wake up Y/N. Please wake up. I cant stand seeing you like this. Just wake up so i can hold you again." i knew that voice. Yoongi. Why was he crying. Im awake... I think? that is untill his voice fades and i cant hear anymore.
~Yoongi's P.O.V~
When i cought her i noticed her breathing was shallow. I pick her up and take her to the nurses office. The nurse gave me the news i feared most. "she need to be taken to the hospital." i was frozen. Couldn't move. Couldn't speak. "H-Hospital?" she nodded then dialed 911. The ambulance arrived a few minuets later. They took her to the hospital. I wanted to be next to her. Through the whole ride i held her hand. I didn't even notice i was crying untill water started to drip onto her hand. we arrived to the hospital and the nurse told me to wait in the waiting room. I wanted to refuse, but i waited in the waiting room. I wanted to stay by her. Forever. I love her to much. Her smile
Her laughs
she is my everything. My world. The reason i woke up day to day. She made me happy. She brought light into my dark world. She was my reason to live. I love her to much to lose the one thing that keeps me alive. If i lose her. I lose myself. I cant live without Kim Y/N.
After i calmed my self down a little i called Jin.

"J-Jin H-hyung?"
"what's wrong yoongi?" he asked worried
"its Y-Y/N. Shes......"i couldn't form the words to say. Jin new me too well. He knew something was wrong
"which hospital?"
"the one closest to the school. I don't know what's going on with her. Show up quickly please."
"im on my way yoongi. Just don't over think things."

After that he hung up. I started crying again. Why... Why her? i just confessed that i liked her. Now shes in a fucking hospital?!
~4 months later~
I sat there next to her hospital bed. Crying.
"wake up Y/N. Please wake up. I cant stand seeing you like this. Just wake up so i can hold you again." That's when it went all wrong. Her heart stopped beating. I quickly called a doctor. 2 doctors and 3 nurse came into the room. "sir, you need to wait outside the room." i shook my head and waited outside. i silently prayed to myself that she would be alright. I've been missing school just for her. I've been not sleeping because of her. I've been not eating. I look horrible. Everyone tells me to go home. But i cant. I want to stay here just incase something happens. "Please let her be alright. I don't want to lose her" one of the doctors walked out. He motioned for me to come into her room. i walked into her room and instantly bombarded the doc with questions "is she ok? what's going on? why did this happen?" he answered every question "she is ok. For now. My heart just stopped, But we got it going again. This whole thing i told you was because she put to much physical and mental stress on herself the past for months. Her body couldn't take it." i nodded and understood bit what the doctor said next scared me "if she doesn't wake up soon we will have to cut her off life support" that's when i broke down. "WHAT?! YOU CANT DO THIS. Just.... Just please keep her on. I believe she will wake up. Shes strong. I know she will wake up..."  the doctor gives me a sad smile and leaves. I probably look like a ghost that's a twig. I have bags underneath my eyes. My hair is greasy and is sticking up in all places. My back hurts from sleeping in the hospital chairs, But i don't mind as long as im next to her. Ill do anything.

I fall asleep praying she will wake up.
~time skip 3 days later~
I woke up to feel her hand move. Hope lights up in my eyes as i see her arm twitch. "DOCTOR. COME QUICK."

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