My Boss, My Alpha. (In progre...

By EvanescentFlower

319K 8.7K 807

Yvonne Selesa is in the Moon Struck Pack, and is in search of her mate. Instead her Father wants her to marry... More

My Boss, My Alpha.
Saying Goodbye.
My Mate, My Job.
Out of Place, Luna. <\3
Business and Love Don't Mix!
His Desire My Choice.
You're Mine, Only Mine.
My Punishment
Our Official 1st Date (Part 1)
Our Official 1st Date (Part 2)
Jealousy Strikes
Luna's 1st Meeting
****Another Teaser!****
Unwanted Guest
Unwanted Guest (Part 2)
Unwanted Guest (Part 3)
Adult Content!!!! Skip if needed!!
UnRevealed (Part 2)
SNEAK PEEK into... UnRevealed (Part 3)
UnRevealed Part 3
UnRevealed Part 4 (TEASER)
The Death of Us..
Revive me
Take Me
Take Me (Teaser)
Take Me (Part 2)
**TEASER** for Upcoming Chapter Our War
Our War (Part 1)
Our War (Part 2)
Reader Appreciation
Let Go (Teaser)
Let Go
Prophecy (TEASER for Part II)
Prophecy (Part II)
Plan? (Part I)
Plan? (Part II)
Plan? (Part III)
A Luna's Nightmare (Part I)
A Luna's Nightmare (Part II)
The Wedding (Part I)
The Wedding (Part II)
I Do?
Honeymoon (Part II)
My Wife
Forward (TEASER)
Melting (Part I)
Melting (Part II)
Melting (Part III)
Melting (Part IV)
A Frozen Wall

UnRevealed Part 4

1.5K 65 10
By EvanescentFlower


Let me start off with apologizing for disappearing I am going through a depressing moment in my life and I sought help to get out of this darkness I put myself in. I'm doing a little better just taking one day at a time and I thought perhaps this would take my mind off of things.


"Jack it will never happen.. I'd rather die."

"It's going to happen..and the best part of all of this is not only do I get what I want but I have finally found a way to destroy Dominick. I couldn't ask for a better situation, I knew there was something special about you and now I know it was meant to be this way.. and it was meant to be YOU."

He walked close to me and tipped my neck over. "No mark?"

I lowered my eyes to the floor, "So it is true... He has not marked you just yet?" He chuckles and begins to clap. "it gets better and better.."

"You will me my wife, this pack's Luna, and the mother of my pups. That's a definite."

"I will not. I refuse to."

He grabbed my face roughly, "You will be all of those things for me... because you will have no other option after I kill your mate!!"

"No matter what I will never be those things for you! Never.."

I saw his face light up with anger, "JASMINE!!"

The door slowly opened to reveal a tall and slim brunette. I stared as she walked to Jack, "Yes?"

"Talk some sense into her while I'm gone!"

Her brown eyes focused on me, I watched her lips open to speak then she stopped. Her lips were covered in red lip stick that was shaped perfectly. Her curves were beautifully executed by a black dress that went passed her knees. As I sat here staring at her I couldn't see her being on Jack's side she looked so beautiful and innocent.

"Yvonne, My name is Jasmine. I was hoping for Dominick to introduce us.. or even Ashton. Sadly, that's not how things have turned out."

Jack slammed the door on his way out, I shivered at the feeling I felt afterwards.

"What does any of this have to do with you?" I asked .

"Dominick and Ashton were once my lovers. Not at the same time of course but Ashton was first and he ended up disappointing me so I moved on the Dominick. I have decided that Dominick is mine and I will be the one to hold the place at his side as he becomes a God! Not you.. "

"Excuse me?"

"You seem confused.. "

"Why help Jack in the process though? You know Jack is going to kill Dominick if he gets his way.. So there goes your chance. "

"You're lying! Jack and I made a deal! I give him you and I get Dominick!! As long as I have Dominick use his gifts for Jack's purpose.. which is where you will come in my dear. Dominick would do anything and everything to ensure your safety so Jack is going to use you to fulfill his desires. All while his old best friend Dominick watches you stand at the side of Jack. Marry Jack. Support Jack. Be the Mother of Jack's pups.. That is your purpose."

"It is not my purpose! Dominick will not let this happen even if it endangers me. He has a duty to his pack and will not neglect those duties to protect and lead them to the best of his ability!"

"So what your're saying my dear is that Dominick will not come for you but rather choose to protect his pack?"


"How does that make you feel?"

"I understand his place and as Alpha he has to think of his people before his own personal desires or issues. He knows this and will not let Jack do this.."

"How noble of you Yvonne." She chuckles. "Yet so sad.."


Yvonne's P.O.V

"You know.. I simply don't understand a beauty like yourself having to go to such measures to get a man is there something wrong with you? Like an extra toe or something? If you are so great as you think why couldn't you seduce Dominick from me yourself? " I spat.

Jasmine kneels down and puts her face close to mine. "Well, because my family is the cause of their curse and when they found out of course they despised me.. Especially Ashton, that poor soul."

What the freak if she talking about? A curse.. IS this what their Father was talking about?

"Don't tell me neither of them told you.." She laughed. "Well, my great grandmother cursed their family and that curse caused the death of their mother. The curse is passed on generation through generation so Dominick and Ashton both possess it and I plan on taking advantage of this curse."

"What are you talking about!?"

"Hm.. I guess I should let Dominick or Ashton tell you."

Jack's P.O.V. (HOLY MOLY)

I slammed the door behind me, "How dare she!? She thought she could just leave ME and be with Dominick! How fucking dare she!! I have only looked for her all these years and now she is finally in my grip.

My wolf growls, "She is ours now. We must ensure that this doesn't change or I will claw her throat out myself."

Yvonne will be mine and I will do anything to make sure of that!

I throw the door open, "Jasmine bring Yvonne upstairs to my bed room please."

Dominick's P.O.V

"We need to find her Now!!!"

"Dom, everyone is trying their best. Can't you sense her or at least smell for her scent? She is your mate afterall."

"No we haven't mated nor have I marked her.. On top of that Jack has Jasmine make something to cover up scent which is why we were unable to detect them here."

"What were you waiting for?" Ashton chuckles.

"For her to be ready and so it is perfect for her.." I mumble.

"Alpha, we tried everything .. we can't locate them." Rolando screeches..

"Come on we will find her Dom.. Together."

I look up into Ashton's eyes, "Ashton.. What is going on? Why are you looking like that?"

"Can we talk about this later? This not the right place or time for this."

"Ashton, Look at me!! Do you have feelings for my mate?!" I had to know and I had to know now!

Ashton grabs my arm and pushes me into the secluded wood away from the rest of the pack. "Dominick! KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN!'"

"Ashton, tell me now! Whats going on with you!? I've never seen you like this and its over my mate! SO DON'T TELL ME TO KEEP MY VOICE DOWN!"

"Damn it Dom!! YES I DO LOVE HER.. I Loved little flower the day I saw you two kissing.. Its just a feeling I have and my wolf whimpers at the thought of her being with you! He yearns for her love and touch! As do I!"

I looked at him in disbelief.. "But, you're my brother.. I thought you actually wanted to act like one for once and be here but really you were just trying to be with my mate! Ashton, she is not a whore or like any of the other girls you just play with! She's my mate!!"

Ashton shoves me to a tree, "Don't you fucking say that when you know nothing about how I feel about her!! I would never hurt her especially in the way you do! You don't deserve her! You got all of dad's attention and you know what you got everyone's attention! What about me? Huh? Why can't I have one thing? I tried so hard to be happy for you and be there for you as YOUR BROTHER! But I just can't anymore I want her so bad it hurts!" I watched as tears leaked from his eyes and his face turn red.

"Ashton she is Mine! I will fight for her until the very end and I will not lose! I don't give two shits about your pathetic excuse to betray me Ashton, you come back for what? Her?!"

"Dom. Why can't you just let me have her? Please.. You can be Alpha with all of the power and money.. You can have it all. I just want her. I just want little flower. Please Dom.. I'm sorry for doing this to you but I can't take it anymore and neither can my heart.."

"Don't call her that."

I shove pass him pushing him to the ground.. I can't believe this. How could he ask of that from me... She is the love of my life.. My other half.. But he is my brother. I put my fingers through my hair in frustration. Yvonne Please call out to me.. Something!! I need to find you.. Now!

Yvonne's P.O.V

Those words are like glass grinding in my ears..

"Jasmine bring Yvonne upstairs to my bed room please."

Jasmine unties me and grabs me by the back of my head by my hair. "Tobias, come help me with this wench."

I watch as a enormous guy stomps towards me lifting me and throwing my over his shoulder. He had red hair with brown eyes and he had to be at least 6'2.. His hands are bigger than my entire torso!

I squirmed in fear of getting hit by this giant man, he made his way up the stairs to the last door on the right. He kicked the door open and I could feel myself lifting into the air and falling onto a cushon surface.

This room... sent shivers up and down my spine. It was all black.. The sheets, the furniture.. everything except the walls were a light gray..

"What a sight.." But That voiced made me want to die right then and there...

"Jack, please just let me go and I will convince Dominick to let you and your pack live."

"Live?" Jack laughs, "Honey, he's going to be the one begging for mercy and for not only his life but his entire packs."

"Do you not know how strong Dominick's pack is..? You must know since you were once allies..."

"Of course I know which is why I have a few tricks under my sleeve..." He grabs my face roughly, "I found Dominick's only weakness including Ashton's... That's all I need for those brothers and their pack to fall to their knees!!'

"Dominick won't let his pack fall .." I scream back.

"We both know for you he would do anything.. and once he comes for you I will kill him right in front of you.. You will watch the love of your life bleed to death right before your eyes without being able to do a damn thing about it."

I couldn't hold the tears in any longer, I felt the tears fill my eyes... I felt the anger for Jack inside of me boil up to the point I just wanted to kill him. No matter how hard I tried to change into my wolf I couldn't.. I couldn't even hear or feel her anymore..

"Just now noticing your wolf ifs gone?' Jack sits down next to me. "The serum we injected you with blocks your wolf out and any powers you may have for about 3 days."

His hand grazed my shoulder and up to my face... His big hand cupped my chin facing him.. I closed my eyes trying to disappear and act as if I am somewhere else.

"The way I see it you have two choices ... Be mine and I won't hurt your precious mate or continue to fight me on this and I will simply kill him right in front of you. So which is it?"

I open my eyes, "Jack, I am not dumb! You will kill him anyway.. So you can take your deals and shove 'em."

He grips my throat and presses his lips on mine.. "Fine. We can do it the hard way!"


Soooo What do you think?? What a long time coming huh? Lol much love!! I just love you all for reading and continuing this journey with me! Once again, I am so sorry and if anyone could pray for me please do.. I am trying to start to be myself again..


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