Past's Lovers

By kxkeesic101

189K 6.5K 2.6K

Determined to help her friends on the battlefield, Naru takes a shortcut through an unknown dense forest. Bes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 7

9.7K 376 141
By kxkeesic101

"Don't they seem a bit too excited for this, Hun?" Hashirama asked his wife as they both stood in an isolated training ground. Both gazing to the Nidaime and blonde Uzumaki who were staring each other down stubbornly. "They're both eager to beat one another into the ground. I'm surprised."

Mito giggled and linked her arm with her husband's arm. "Don't underestimate an Uzumaki's competitive nature, Love. Though this reminds me of all the times we used to spar before we got married."

Hashirama chuckled and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Ah, I remember. I was actually quite terrified of you when we first sparred, but I guess I fell in love with that side of you too."

Mito whacked Hashirama lightly with a small giggle. "Your sweet words have no effect, Shodai-sama." She teased and saw the challenging look in her husband's eyes. It seemed another spar was going to take place at a later time.

"I accept, Uzumaki-dono." He gave her a cheesy grin. How his wife ever put up with him, he would never know? Calling out to the two excited shinobi. "Rules are simple. No deadly jutsu and winner by knock-out, death blow or forfeit."

Naruto and Tobirama nodded. Naruto wearing the clothes Kurama insisted she wear. She wore a simple black singlet, black leather gloves with black shorts underneath a short grey apron skirt. Low-heel, low calf black boots with a sleek katana strapped diagonally to her back. Opting to tie her long hair into a high ponytail with her bangs framing her face. She was dead serious on winning. Ramen was no joking matter. Her style was based on speed, reflex and fast-paced movements like the wind. Heavy armour would only hinder her. There was no way she would dress like Tobirama in his blue armour. It was a good thing Kurama gave her a katana. It seemed Tobirama was a skilled swords user too. She loosened her shoulders as she slid into her own stance. She hid many things. Jiraiya said it was best to keep her abilities hidden and use them as several trump cards. She was ready to beat the Nidaime Hokage into the ground. She was going all out. Even when she returned to her time, she would go all out. No more hiding. Her fight with Nagato had taught her this.

Tobirama was at first confused at her choice in attire, but one look at the fox smirking next to Mito told him not to underestimate the blonde. He wasn't going to lose to the girl that caught his attention. His safety with his followers was at stake. This was a prime opportunity to get closer to Naruto and be safe at the same time. A win-win situation in his books.

Hashirama saw the two reach for the hilts of their respective katana with dead-seriousness in their eyes and nodded.

"A minute, Shodai." Kurama muttered and drew quick seals with his tail into the ground to protect them from the destruction he knew was coming. Erecting a barrier around the three of them as sat on his hind legs before he transformed into a human. His face was void of emotions. All three of them were looking forward to this fight. "Common, kit. No holding back now." He whispered.

The Shodai nodded when Mito confirmed the Fūinjutsu and called the match. "Begin."

Nothing happened at first, when suddenly a large gust of wind blew across the field as the two opponents were clashing with their blades in the middle of the field. Kurama smirked. Mito had saw what Naruto had did as Hashirama was surprised somebody was able to keep up with his brother's speed.

Naruto smirked as she spotted the shock in the Nidaime's eyes. "Weight seals. Had them on since I was 12 as a gift from my Jiji." She explained with them both leaping back and slid back into their respective stances.

Tobirama nodded. She was definitely fast. He wanted to see more of her swordsmanship though and dashed towards her. She was prepared for him as with every clash of their metal, sparks flew and air currents were sliced as the wind was pushed in another direction. Slicing up the field as they danced.

Naruto leapt over Tobirama and prepared to slice him in half when he spun around and blocked her attack. She was vulnerable in the air, but smirked as she poofed out of existence.

Tobirama bit back his curse and sensed around for the blonde. " BELOW!" Leaping out of the way as the blonde came crashing through with her blade. Their blades clashing at an odd angle that had them both flying and wedged themselves into the trees on the opposite sides of the battle field. Tobirama landed on Naruto's blade and balanced easily as she landed on his katana.

They were evenly matched.

They nodded to one another to move on.

Naruto held her hands up in a half ram sign and muttered. "Release." Dropping more weight. She lacked in Taijutsu, but Gai and Lee said if the shinobi wasn't a specialist or lacked experience of a seasoned shinobi, she would have the upper-hand in her unpredictability.

They two clashed eyes and they were off.

Hashirama nodded his head, impressed. Mito was astounded that there was a girl that could keep up with Tobirama and was 11 years his junior. Kurama only smirked. This was far from over.

Tobirama didn't have time to rest as he fought with Naruto. Having to be quicker and lighter on his feet as Naruto didn't back down. It was like she was an endless supply of energy. They were constantly switching through offense and defence and were thrown off guard when Naruto leapt far away from his hit.

They were both panting. They landed the same amount of hits on one another, but Tobirama felt that she was holding back.

Naruto clicked her neck and pulled her gloves on tighter. "I've always wanted to do this." She smirked as she tossed a fist to the ground and completely shattered the earth. After seeing Tsunade's monstrous strength, she had incorporated the style into her fighting. Though without chakra. Taking the Nidaime's distraction by rushing towards him and socked rasengan into his middle. She smirked when he splattered in water and forward flipped to dodge the side kick. He had a smirk on his face as she leapt away from him.

"Interesting, Uzumaki." He complimented. Running towards her at his top speed and tossed a dozen kunai at her. She didn't move as she continued to shock him by swiping her arm with the wind sending the kunai off course and held a hand in a half ram sign.

"That's not all I have." She smirked at he was still running towards her. "KAI!" she shouted and exploded. Creating a dust cover over the field as the real her was hidden in a tree. Slipping out of the tree when an explosive kunai whizzed her way. Sticking sideways on a tree with her chakra. Caught off guard when he appeared behind her and kicked her to the floor. Quickly getting up and easily created 2 dozen clones. Secretly sending one off to hide and gather nature chakra as her clones went to work as she set up her trap.

Tobirama frowned and created 3 shadow clones to help him take out the clones Naruto had created. He could tell this was a diversion, but for what exactly?

Kurama sensed Hiruzen approaching with Jiraiya and growled as he quickly grabbed the two and placed them within the safety of the barrier. "Water-boy is going down. Even if he is the Hokage, he lacks the experience on shinobi like Naruto." Kurama was correct in a way. The Nidaime hadn't gained his reputation that the kids learned in their history class just yet. He earned his feared and respected reputation when his brother died and during the first war. He would be considered a rookie by Tsunade or Jiraiya while fighting against Naruto.

Mito nodded. "Kurama-san's right. This spar won't last much longer. Give Tobi-kun a few months and he could win against Naru." She knew right from the beginning that the girl was going to win. The blonde had already planned way ahead of time and accustomed for every situation present. The trouble was finding the right time, which was now when Tobirama was disoriented from using the Shadow Clone jutsu for the first time in a battle situation. Naruto had told her this morning while they had breakfast together about the advantages of the jutsu. The memories would throw Tobirama off course.

Hashirama didn't say anything and continued to watch the fight.

Tobirama had taken out all of Naruto's clones, but he didn't leave unharmed. He saw Naruto before him, but something was different. Her chakra was different. There were orange pigments around her eyes as her blue orbs were now yellow with horizontal slits. This wasn't a transformation, this was something else. Just like his brother. "Shit..." He cussed. Sage-mode.

Naruto smirked as two clones appeared behind her and held out her hand. Seeing that Tobirama was about to move and teased. "Nu-uh, Hokage-sama." Surprising everybody but Kurama as golden chakra chains shot out from her back and wrapped up Tobirama tightly and drained his chakra slowly. Her clones disappearing as soon as they created her Rasenshuriken. Holding it up high as the power screeched throughout the entire field. Victory was hers.

"Winner: Naruto Uzumaki." Hashirama called out. He could feel the power of the blonde's attack. It was mighty powerful and dangerous. Quite possibly s-class.

Naruto tossed the Rasenshuriken over to the forest and let the wind eat at the trees. It was impossible to dismiss that jutsu after completing it. Last time she did, she almost killed Yamato. Releasing the last of her sage mode as the chakra in her chains died down a bit and released the Nidaime.

Kurama rushed to the blonde's side and caught her just in time as she collapsed. Using a tanned hand to brush the bangs from her face. She had used up too much chakra. His suspicions were correct. Them both using chakra in this time was dangerous. "You did well kit. Better than the last time you used your Chakra Chains. Your mother would be proud." He saw her eyes shimmer in thanks as she passed out in his arms. The last time Naruto used her chains was when she, Shizune, Tsunade and Jiraiya were facing Orochimaru and Kabuto. The blonde had seen Kabuto attack Tsunade and her emotions went rampaged with the chains appearing and almost crushed Kabuto to death if it wasn't for Orochimaru's intervention. The girl passed out for three days afterwards. It took a lot of chakra to use due to her lack of control back then, but she was getting better each day. She had firmly told the two Sannin that she didn't want to depend on her Kekkei Genkai, yet she never pried on how she inherited it.

Good things come to people who wait. That's what she said.

Tobirama was in the same state as Naruto. Mito had caught him and asked her. "Is Naruto okay?" Seeing her nod before he passed out from exhaustion.

Hashirama shook his head in amusement and placed his brother on his back as Kurama picked up Naruto. Saying to his companions. "They didn't even realise how much they destroyed this training ground." Gesturing to the destruction the two caused and quickly fixed up the mess.

Mito picked up the toddler and looked into Sarutobi's eyes. The boy was too stunned to do anything. Leading the two boys to the cottage where the two shinobi would rest for now.

Jiraiya was giggled happily as he clapped his hands. His eyes never leaving the blonde girl he took a liking to.


Naruto groaned as she fluttered opened her eyes as someone kept pulling at her cheeks and was greeted with a giggling Jiraiya that was climbing over her body. She looked around and saw that she as in her room with the door slightly open for the toddler to walk through. Naruto chuckled and sat up. Holding the babbling baby comfortably in her lap as she played with his spiky and thick white locks. "You cheeky, toad. Have you always been a perv right from the start?" smiling softly as Jiraiya just giggled and cuddled into her frame. Naruto looked up when the door opened further and saw Kurama walk in with a defeated face.

"So this is where the brat went." He grumbled as he sat at the end of Naruto's bed. "That crazy old hag had Wood-boy and I running around Konoha to find the perv and here he is."

"Let me guess, Mito-Ba-chan scared you and you forgot to use your sensory to find the Lil toad." Lightly pinching Kurama's cheeks and laughed when he flipped the bird as he was flustered. "So you were right huh? We can't use chakra."

Kurama nodded as he flicked his wrist to close the door. "Indeed. We are not from here. You aren't born and I am different from my past self. The world has already been written here. I'm not saying we can't use chakra, but we have to be careful. Not even 2 hours and you passed out from chakra exhaustion. This has never happened to you before, kit."

Jiraiya looked up to Naruto in concern and touched her face to gain her attention. "Ma...mhu..."

Kurama barked in laughter. "Well won't you look at that. The old perv is trying to say Mama to his beloved Goddaughter."

Naruto kicked Kurama off the bed and got out of the blankets as she placed Jiraiya on Kurama's back. "And one day, Ero-Sennin will be calling you papa." Laughing as she ran out of the room and soon collided with a solid someone and fell to the ground.

"Hehe Karma, Kit. Karma." Kurama chuckled as Jiraiya was giggling over his shoulder.

"Sorry..." Naruto mumbled and sat up. Gazing down to the disoriented Nidaime and patted his cheek to get his attention. "I won. So I get free ramen and you have to call me Naruto."

Tobirama groaned and sat up. Staring at the blonde in amusement. "I always keep my word, Naruto." Giving a look to the red-haired man with Kurama nodding and left the cottage to play with Jiraiya.

"Where is Hashirama, Mito-Ba-chan and Hiru-chan?" Naruto asked as she looked around the empty cottage.

"They went out for lunch." Now noticing that she was sitting on his lap and smirked and in a flash had her held bridal style as he kicked open the door and left the cottage. Chuckling when she squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck. Looking down at her and said. "I have a surprise for you. Hold on tight, because I'm going full speed."

Naruto gasped at the sudden lurch in speed and held onto Tobirama tighter as he took to the trees at a blinding pace.

Tobirama looked down at her and saw the fascination in her clear orbs, knowing that her mind was racing as to where he was taking her. It was time for his plan to commence; he only hoped she didn't push him away after the confession. "Close your eyes, Naruto. It's a surprise."

Naruto rolled her eyes, yet she listened to his request as she said. "Fine, but if you drop me like last time, it would be a shame if you woke up one day without your hair."

Tobirama chuckled. "I won't drop you anymore, I promise." Holding onto her tightly for emphasis that made her giggle and lean closer to him as Naruto rested her head on his chest and began to hum a tune lightly. Finally getting to the destination a few minutes later and simply held her in his arms for a minute before he placed her down and whispered in her ear. "Not yet. Don't open your eyes yet." Turning the blonde to the correct direction and bravely held her tightly from behind and voiced. "Okay, now you can open them."

"This better be good because I've never..." Naruto gasped as she took in the sight before her in awe. Placing a hand to her mouth as her eyes watered and whispered. "You found this...for me?"

Tobirama rested his head on her hers and replied. "You said so yourself that you wished to find a special place here that was similar to that view at Mt Myōboku. Do you like it?"

Naruto looked out with a soft gaze to the view high up in the hills that showed all of Konoha's lush forest. It was magnificent. Straight out of a fairy-tale or a dream...definitely a dream that was for sure. She could feel all of the chakra coming of the trees and knew straight away that the Shodai created this vast forest due to her Sage-abilities. Though Tobirama's presence seemed to overpower the feeling of the forest yet felt the trees and Tobirama's chakra seep into her pores with Goosebumps appearing over her body. This place was indeed magical just like Mt Myōboku. "It's beautiful..." she whispered happily and leaned her head back to look at the proud Nidaime. "Thank you for bringing me here."

Tobirama nodded as he laced his hand with one of hers and said. "Do you remember this? Our time at Mt Myōboku was similar to this. You took me to your special place and believe it or not, this is where I like to come to think. I find this fascinating. Don't you think so too, Naruto?"

Naruto chuckled and leaned into Tobirama. "You know, I'm not a believer in fate. I don't like the thought that my life is already planned out...but just this once, I'd like to believe in fate. I'd like to believe that I met you for a reason."

"Would my love for you be a good enough reason?" He felt her stiffen and try to turn to face him, but he held onto her tightly and rested his forehead on her shoulder. "Please don't look at me, Naruto. This is quite embarrassing, but what I said is true. I know that we haven't known each other long or know much about each other for the matter, but whenever I'm with you I feel as if my life is complete with you by my side. I've never joked, laughed, bickered and enjoyed myself like this ever. You make me question my views on life in a good way. Everything that you do catches my eyes that I find myself always gazing or thinking about you. I've never been in-love with somebody, Naruto and I'm willing to wait for you no matter how long. I know that you're worth waiting for."

"Let me look at you..." Naruto requested in a small voice and with the lessening of Tobirama's embrace, she took that as an okay. Turning slowly and faced him. Looking into his shimmering red eyes carefully and lightly touched his cheek with a small smile. She understood that what she saw was real. "I've never been in love with anybody, but please give me time to give you an answer. I want to respond to you properly."

Tobirama gave her a dazzling smile. "Of course. I understand, Naruto." Placing a lingering kiss on her forehead like she had done yesterday and released the blonde. "I can wait." Taking the first step and walked away from the blonde. He was relieved that she didn't outright reject him, but he would admit that he was nervous for her answer. He could never read her, but that didn't mean he wouldn't give up on her. Senju's were stubborn people. Even Hashirama kept up his pursuit on Mito when he found out he was madly in-love with her.

Naruto watched Tobirama leave before she faced the view that he had taken her to. A soft smile touched her lips as she sat on the ground. She didn't know how to think. Yes, she was once stalked by fanboys but her density made them lose interest and she had never had a crush on anybody before...well there was that one time she thought she had a crush on Kakashi-sensei but it turned out to be admiration. She sighed. "Life always has a way of screwing us over, right Kurama?" Looking over to the fox beside her, knowing that the first thing he did when he left was drop Jiraiya off at the orphanage or to Hiruzen.

Kurama wrapped a tail around his host and allowed her to snuggle into his fur. "Indeed it does, but life helps us grow into the people we are today. I approve of the water-boy, kit. I see the way he makes you feel. You don't act around him."

"But our time difference..."

"You deserve to be happy. Even if it's for a few days, weeks or months. Enjoy the moment while it's here, kit."

"But then the time for us to leave will come..."

"He won't remember."

"But I will..."

"And I will be there to support you every day, kit and you know it. Stop making excuses and think over the Water-boy's confession." Kurama smirked in victory when Naruto sighed and didn't say anything, but there was this feeling in the back of his mind that had been bugging him ever since Naruto's meeting with the Great Elder Toad. "Tell me something, kit. What happened after I left you alone with that geezer toad?"

Naruto scratched behind Kurama's ear and replied. "It was about Ero-Sennin..."

"Which one? Your perv or baby-perv?"

"My perv..." Naruto chuckled as her face evened out with a dark look crossing her sapphire orbs. "That asshole...he's still alive."

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