Life In Gravity Falls (dipper...

By IvBeauty

513K 10.3K 22.1K

You're a girl who lives and works at the Mystery Shack after you're whole family mysteriously disappears and... More

Ep.1: Tourist Trapped
Ep.2: Legend Of Gobblewonker
Ep.3: Head Hunters
Ep.4: The Hand That Rocks The Mabel
Ep.5: The Inconveniencing
Ep.6: Dipper Vs. Manliness
Ep.7: Double Dipper
Ep.8: Irrational Treasure
Ep.9: The Time Traveler's Pig
Ep.10: Fight Fighters
Ep.11: Little Dipper
Ep.12: Summerween
Ep.13: Boss Mabel
Ep.14: Bottomless Pit
Ep.15: The Deep End
Ep.16: Carpet Diem
Ep.17: Boyz Crazy
Ep.18: Land Before Swine
Ep.19: Dreamscaperers
Ep.20: Gideon Rises
Mabel's Guide To Life!!!
Dipper's Guide To The Unexplained
Season 2/Ep.1: Scary-Oke
Ep.3: The Golf War
Ep.4: The Sock Opera
Ep.5: Soos and The Real Girl
Ep.6: Little Gift Shop of Horrors
Ep.7: Society Of The Blind Eye
Ep.8: Blendin's Game
Ep.9: The Love God
Ep.10: Northwest Mantion Mystery
Ep.11: Not What He Seems
Ep 12: A Tale Of Two Stans
Ep.13: Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons
Ep.14: The Stanchurian Candidate
Ep.15: The Last Mabelcorn
Extra Ep: See The Memories, Reveal The Past
Ep.16: Roadside Attraction
Ep.17: Dipper and Mabel Vs The Future
Ep.18: Weirdmageddon Pt.1
Ep.19: Weirdmageddon Pt.2: Escape From Reality
Ep.20: Weirdmaggedon Pt.3: Take Back The Falls
A Chrismas Surprise
Special Message
Omg hi!!
Hello From Six Years Later?!

Ep.2: Into The Bunker

10.6K 216 907
By IvBeauty

Your POV

Dipper, Mabel, Soos, and I were in the woods to investigate something. Yay, another adventure that will probably almost get us killed again. When will I stop following these two?!? What I didn't except was for our  guest.

Dipper: *clanks the lantern* Thank you all for coming.

Mabel: Hey, when there's a mystery, you can count on your sister-e!

Soos: *laughs* That's amazing rhyme! When you want to good, would- would you need a Soos you- oh, gosh, I don't know...

You: *roll your eyes with a giggle*

Dipper: We're here to solve the number one mystery in Gravity Falls. *takes out his journal* Who wrote this journal? Thirty years ago, the author vanished without a trace. *shines the dark light at a page* But according to this new clue, we may have found his secret hiding place! We find that author, we learn the answers to everything! We just need to figure out a way to get down there.

???: Chop it down, dudes! *stops her bike*

You: Wendy?

Mabel: Wendy!!!

Dipper: Hey, you came!

Wendy: *as she takes off her helmet and puts on her usual hat* Dude, I'm so stoked about this! I've been wanting to go adventuring with you guys! Sure beats picking after my dad at home. Thanks for the invite, man! *runs over to the tree*

Dipper: Of course!!! Anytime you wanna- I don't- we're always- *laughs awkwardly*

Mabel: Uh oh~ Inviting Wendy on our mission~? Me thinks there's romance afoot!!!

Dipper: No, look, Mabel, I've thought this through and I'm over Wendy.

Dipper: I've looked at it from every angle and that thing wad going nowhere. I know what matters to me now and it's finding the author of this journal.

Mabel: You're over Wendy?!?

You: *with annoyance in your town as you cross your arms and glare at the ground* That's hard to believe.

Mabel: Allow me to out on my skepticals! Oop!!! *uses her fingers to form circles around her eyes*

Dipper: I've moved on, girls, you should too. *goes with Wendy*

Mabel: You know, I would've thought you'd be happy to hear those words come out if my brother's mouth!

You: I would, yes, if he actually meant them. It's obvious he still has feelings for Wendy...

Mabel: *hugs you* It's ok, (y/n), one of these days he'll recognize your feelings! I promise!

You: Yeah, pretty sure that day doesn't exist... *go over to Dipper and Wendy*

Wendy: Hey, is it just me or does that branch kinda look like a lever?

Dipper: Huh, yeah. But how but how do we get up there...?

As Dipper starts to mutter to himself, Wendy takes her belt and wraps it around the tree and herself using it to climb up to the branch. With her ask she hits it and we all cheer. She explained how she learned to do it. When she finished, the tree started to shake causing her to fall, luckily she landed on a bush. The ground beneath her sunk and Soos and Mabel helped her out. As we all stare into it, the hole revealed stairs going down. The whole thing gave me a spooky vibe, but then again in this town everything has a spooky vibe.

Dipper: Alright, guys, this is it! Remember: remember happens down there, we tell no one.

Mabel: *gives him a serious thumbs up*

Soos: *turns his cap around*

Wendy: *does the secret sign*

You: *give him a small salute*

Dipper: Now who wants to go first?

During this whole event I was pretty close to the edge. I peeked into the whole when I felt a bump push me in. Luckily, this hole wasn't as deep as the one from the Dinosaur Hole, still hurt though.

You: Ow!!! Seriously?!?

Dipper, Mabel, Wendy, and Soos: *run down to you*

Dipper: *helps you up* You ok?!?

You: Apparently, I seem to have a thing for falling into holes.

Wendy: This happened before?

You, Dipper, Mabel, and Soos: Long story.

Well, I destroyed another heroic moment. Anyways, we go into the tree which had more stairs. At the end was a room, like some sort of bunker. It was strange yet interesting.

All: Woah...!!!

Wendy: This is so stupid cool!!!

You: It's like a fallout shelter...!!!

Dipper: Must've belonged to the author...!!!

All: *wonder around*

Wendy: *takes out a metallic poster* This is going over my bed!!!

Mabel: *sticks her head in a barrel, then takes it out revealing a face full of caterpillars making her laugh* My face feels fuzzy!!!

Dipper: This is incredible...!!!

You: It's like he was preparing for a disaster.

Dipper: Yeah, but what kind of disaster would need supplies for over sixty years?

Soos: *opens a cabinet revealing many weapons* Oh my gosh... *takes a smez dispenser* A smez dispenser!!! I remember these things!!! What's that? Yes, I will have some of your old-timey face food!!! *eats a piece of its candy* Ew, dusty! *eats another piece*

You: Uh... guys...? *pick up an empty opened can* I think this can was opened recently...

Soos: The author might still be alive!!! Down here!!!

Wendy: Wait a minute... *walks over the a Gravity Falls map and rips it out revealing a passageway* I think I know where he might've gone.

We all crawl through the passageway which lead to a strange room with even stranger symbols.

Wendy: Oh man! Was this place built in the past or the future?!?

Soos: Yeah, this room is way creepy!

Mabel: Not as creepy as Dipper's internet history! Heyo!!!!

(Does anyone else wonder what Dipper searches for? No? Just me? Ok.)

Dipper gets pushed by his sister making him land in a symbol on the floor which soon lights up, followed by the other symbols in the room and closing the door where we had come through. Shortly after, blocks start to come out off the wall and try to squish us.

Mabel: Wall things!!! Crazy wall things happening right now!!!

Wendy: *tries to push some of the blocks* It won't stop!!!

You, Mabel, and Soos: *try to push some more blocks*

Mabel: Dipper, what do we do?!?

Dipper: Ah.., uh... *searching the journal and murmuring to himself* C'mon, c'mon, c'mon...!!! *uses the dark light, then shows us the page* Find these five symbols!!! Quick, everybody step on one!!!

Soos: *presses one* One!!!

Wendy: *punches another* Two!!!

Mabel: *slaps another* Three!!!

You: *step on another* Four!!!

Dipper: *sees the last symbol and climbs some blocks, then presses it* Five!!!

A door opens and we run for it. It the process, Dipper's vest got stuck on the door, making him leave it stuck.

Wendy: Woo, that was nuts!!! *as she playfully punches Dipper* You ruled back there, man!!!

Dipper: Hehe, thanks!

Wendy: *goes to the other side followed by Soos* Get a load of this crazy surveillance room!!!

Soos: Check it out, dudes! *takes two science vessels and places them together in front of his eyes making them seem hilarious as he makes funny noises*

Wendy: Soos, Soos, that is hilarious.

I see Dipper's vest stuck the door and decide to get it for him. As I yank it out, a crumbled up note. I got curious and opened it. 'Dear Wendy, I've always had a crush on-' I stopped myself, I already knew what came after. Clutching the note to my broken heart, I walk over to Dipper.

You: *offering his vest* Hey Dip...

Dipper: *takes his vest and puts it on* Thanks (y/n)!

You: I um... I also found this. *show him the note*

Dipper: *gasps slightly before snatching it while whisper yelling* Give me that!!! She might see it!!!

You: ... *take a deep breath* You should tell her.

Dipper: Are you crazy?!?

You: Dipper, she deserves to know. And not from a silly note, you should tell her personally. Trust me, wether she accepts it or reject, you'll feel better afterwards.

Mabel: (y/n)'s right, you need to tell her!!!

Dipper: Look, girls, I can't tell her no matter how much I want to!!! Just drop it, ok?!?

Wendy: *from a far* Dude, Dipper, you got to check out this weird metal closet! *enters the closet and speaks with a robotic voice* I am a robot, I have a metal closet.

Dipper: Coming! *whispers to you and Mabel* This never happened! *goes with Wendy*

Mabel: You know, you should take that advice yourself.

You: Yeah, maybe... But first we need to help Dipper with his feelings, what do you say?

Mabel: I thought you'd never ask!!! *whispers an idea to you, then follows you to Dipper* Brother, whatever happens, I want you to know: this is for your own good.

Dipper: What?

You: *push him into the closet as Mabel closes and locks the door*

Dipper: What the-?!? *starts banging on the door* Girls, let us out!!!

You: Oh, we'll let you out~!

Mabel: As soon as you tell Wendy that thing you've wanting to tell her!!!

You: You'll thank us for this later!

Wendy: What are they talking about?

Dipper: Uh, Mabel's been eating raw sugar packets again and (y/n) had three cups of coffee this morning.

You and Mabel: That's besides the point!!!

Dipper: *banging the door* Let me out!!!

Wendy: Ugh, where are the lights?

We hear something click before strange noises. That's when Wendy and Dipper stopped talking for a couple of seconds. Then we hear screaming and both Dipper and Wendy hitting the door asking to let them back in.

Dipper: Girls, open up!!! For real!!! There's a monster in here!!!

You: What?!?

Mabel: Don't worry, (y/n), he's just trying to mess with us. Nice try, the only monsters are your own inner demons, Dipper!!!

Soos: That is so wise!

You: *look at the door with worry* ...

Wendy: Dipper, just say whatever they want you to say so they'll let us out of here!!!

Mabel: C'mon, Dipper!!! Now's the time, bro!!!

Dipper: Wendy, I-... I-... I'm gonna find another way out!!!

Wendy: Wait, what?!?

My mind started to wonder. What if there really was a monster there?!? What if Mabel was wrong?!? But then again, Wendy loves pranks and Mabel could be right... I started to look around the room, eventually seeing some metal with my reflection. I look at my neck where a golden chain was wrapped around it. I put my hands over it, but I only felt my bare skin and the chain went away, but I could only stare in shock at what I had seen. Soos's voice broke me out of my trance.

Soos: They sure are taking their time in there. Hey, do I look smarter with this coat and briefcase? I feel like I look smarter!

Mabel: Razzle-dazzle!!! *looks at a computer monitor which shows a big tube* Look at this tube-y thing!!! *presses a button* Frozen, *presses it again* unfrozen!!! *again* Frozen, *again* unfrozen!!! What's this bizz?

You: *read the paper* "Experiment #210, The Shape-Shifter, became too dangerous. Placed in cryogenic stasis."

Soos: Shape-Shifter? Uh, dude, didn't Dipper say there was a monster in there with them?!?

Mabel: *gasp* I thought he was just joking!!!!

Soos: You know Dipper's jokes are terrible!!!

You: Guys, we gotta help them, now!!!!

You, Mabel, and Soos: *go through the door, but stop running when you realize it's too dark to see*

Soos: Wendy?!?

You: Dipper?!?

Soos: Ugh, it's so dark, how will we ever find them?!?

Mabel: Leave that to Mabel!!! *presses her sweater which lights up*

Soos: Woah, rad!!!

You: Isn't an electric sweater a fire hazard?!?

Mabel: No, it's a fun hazard! Now let me light the way!!!

We follow Mabel into the dark abyss. After running for a while, we bump into Dipper and Wendy!!! I was so happy to see they were ok and wanted to wrap them in a bear hug!!!

Mabel: Dipper, Wendy!!!

Dipper: Mabel, (y/n), Soos!!! Wait... *puts an arm in front of Wendy as they back away* How we know you're not the shape shifter...?

Soos: *gasp* Maybe I am!!! Mabel, inspect my shape!!!

Mabel: *pokes Soos's stomach* Poke!

Soos: *laughs* Do that again!!!

Mabel: *pokes Soos again* Poke!

Soos: *laughs* Even better the second time!!!

Mabel: (y/n), want me to poke you?!?

You: Do it and you'll loose that finger.

Mabel: Understood.

Dipper: It's definitely them. *gasp* Oh my gosh, Wendy, you're bleeding!!!

Wendy: It's cool, it's cool! It's just blood, man! Don't freak out!

You: What happened?!?

Wendy: We got attacked by the shape-shifter! *takes her jacket* He broke out of his cage, pretended to be the author, and wants Dipper's journal. *rips off its sleeve and wraps it around her bleeding knee*

Dipper: Imagine if he escapes into town!!! He can transform into anything!!! We can never trust anyone ever again!!!

Mabel: What do we do?!?

Wendy: Well, he took us into his home, tricked us, and tried to destroy us. I say we return the favor.

We made a plan. After we got into our positions, the shape-shifter thing started calling Dipper. Him and his sister were bate, and it was their turn.

Mabel: Oh boy, Dipper, that book sure is filled with some great monsters!!!

Shape-Shifter: There you are!!! Ooh, and a new one!!! *turns into Mabel* Should I be one? *turns into Dipper* Or the other? How about both? *turns into a terrifying mix of both twins and a spider, then roars*

Dipper and Mabel: AHHHHH!!! *run to where you and the others are*

Dipper: Guys, he's coming, he's coming!!! Now now now now!!!

You, Wendy, and Soos: *start to turn the valve*

Soos: It's not working, dude!!!

Shape-Shifter: *uses its tongue to grab Dipper's journal*

Dipper: Hey, let go!!!

Wendy: *helps Dipper* You leave him alone!!!

Shape-Shifter: *pulls the journal along with Wendy to it*

Dipper: Wendy!!!

Wendy: *prepares to shop off the creature's tongue*

The water started to come out hitting Wendy and the shape-shifter. It started to fill up the whole place. We tried to outrun it, but we were taken by it. As the water cleared, I saw the journal in front of me and clutched it to my chest. I hear Dipper calling for Wendy, that's when we all saw her laying on the floor unconscious. Dipper ran to her side tears falling from his face.

Dipper: Wendy!!! No no no no no!!! Can you hear me?!? *shakes her softly* Oh, please be ok, please be ok!!!

Wendy: ...

Dipper: *gasp* Oh no, oh no, this is all my fault!!! If I had told you when we were in the closet we wouldn't be in this mess!!! But I was too scared and now you could be hurt or worse and I never even got a chance to tell you I'm like in love with you, Wendy!!!

I clutched the journal as if I was holding on to my life. I didn't know if the tears falling down my face were from what words came out of Dipper's mouth, or because of me being scared of losing my big sister. But they stopped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Wendy?!?

You: *wipe your tears off and give her a surprised yet confused look*

Wendy: *smiles at you before going near Dipper* Uh... Dipper...?

Dipper: Wh-wha- wh- Wendy?!? Wait, then who's-?!?

The Wendy who was laying on the floor growled, then looked at me, a glare that could kill. Then she transformed into me. I had forgotten I had the journal in my hands.

Dipper's POV

The Shape-Shifter transformed itself as (y/n) before going and attacking the real one. They started to fight over the journal and eventually I lost track who was the real one and who was the fake. I could tell Wendy had the same question. I took Wendy's axe and went over to the two (y/n)s.

You 1: Dipper, hit her with the axe!!!

You 2: Don't listen to her, Dipper!!!

You 1: She's the Shape-Shifter!!!

Dipper: Uh-I-I-I don't know who's who?!? Give me a sign!!!

You 2: *winks*

You 1: *do the small salute*

I knew who the real (y/n) was now. I slashed the ace into the Shape-Shifter letting green ooze escape. As he transforms back to his normal form, (y/n) and I back away. Wendy pushed the creature into the tube which closed at the right moment. I was surprised at first, but then I realized it was Soos and Mabel. The creature stared to transform into different things trying escape, but gave up and was covered by the ice smoke.

Soos: Let's get out of here, dudes.

Shape-Shifter: *laughs, then appears out of the smoke making you all gasp* You think you're so clever, don't you, Dipper? But you have no idea what you're up against. You will never find the author! If you keep digging, you'll meet a faith worse than you can imagine. And this will be the last form you'll ever take!!! *transforms into Dipper screaming, then freezes*

Dipper: *stares at the now icy statue of "himself" then at his reflection* ...

Soos: *chuckles* Good luck sleeping tonight!

You: *start to wobble around*

Mabel: (y/n), are you ok...?!?

You: I feel a bit... *faint dropping the journal*

Dipper: *gasp* (y/n)!!!

Wendy: She must be tired out from the battle!

Soos: *picks her up* Yeah, I mean she went through all that just to save your journal!

Dipper: *looks at you, worry covered his face*

Mabel: We should leave, I don't want to stay in here any longer.

Wendy: Agreed.

We exit, Soos carrying (y/n) since he was the strongest. When outside, the tree raises itself as if to be like any normal tree.

Soos: Dude, I think I'm kind of adventured out for a while. My face hurts from doing this all day! *does a scared face*

Mabel: *giggles* Yeah. But you git to admit, we're all total heroes!!!

Soos: Hey, who wants to get some hero's breakfast?

Mabel: I'll cook!!! That way (y/n) can have a nice meal when she wakes up!!!

Soos: Good thinking!!!

Mabel and Soos: *leave, Soos still carrying you*

Wendy: *starts to walk away*

Dipper: ...look, Wendy, about earlier... In the heat of the moment, I might've said some dumb things and can't we just pretend none of that ever happened...? Please...?

Wendy: Dude, dude, it's ok. I always kinda knew.

Dipper: Wait, you did?!?

Wendy: *chuckles* Yeah, man! I mean you think I can't hear that stuff you're constantly whispering under your breath?!?

Dipper: *groans from embarrassment as he covers his face and sits down on a log*

Wendy: *sits next to Dipper* Listen, Dipper, I'm like, super flattered but... I'm too old for you. I mean you know that, right?

Dipper: Ugh, (y/n) and Mabel said confessing would make me feel better...

Wendy: Well, how do you feel?

Dipper: Anxious, scared, I'm kinda itchy-

Wendy: *chuckles* Dude! Don't be itchy, man! Let me tell you something: this summer was super boring until you showed up. I have more fun with you than like practically anybody else. And if you ever stop being my friend, I would like throw myself into the Bottomless Pit!

Dipper: So things... won't be too awkward now...?

Wendy: Of course not! And besides, I can't be the only girl you're in love with.

Dipper: What's that supposed to mean?

Wendy: Wow, Mabel was right, you are an idiot when it comes to romance.

Dipper: *raises an eyebrow*

Wendy: I've seen the way you look at (y/n), man. It's even more lovestruck than anytime you look at me! It's obvious you have feelings for her, and if I'm being honest, I think they're a lot stronger than your feelings towards me.

Dipper: Wha-?!? That's not-!!! It's not-!!!

Wendy: *stares intently at Dipper* Dipper, look me straight in the eye and tell me you feel nothing for that girl.

Dipper: *looks at Wendy* I-... I-... Oh man, I do like her...!!!

Wendy: *smirks* Told ya! But uh, you should tell her. After today, I think she'd like to know. *puts on her helmet* See you for movie night tomorrow, your place this time.

Dipper: Yeah.

Wendy: *leaves on her bike*

Mabel: *sits next to Dipper* So~? How'd it go~?

Dipper: *gasp* Wh- wha- what did you hear?!?

Mabel: Everything, all the time!!!

Dipper: Aren't you supposed to be making "breakfast" with Soos?

Mabel: Soos is with Stan making sure (y/n)'s tucked in bed. *shrieks* I can't believe you have a crush on (y/n)!!! And I can't believe you just realized!!! *punches Dipper* You are so stupid, bro bro!!!

Dipper: I guess I am...

Mabel: So when are you gonna tell her?!?

Dipper: Woah, Mabel, at least let me take this all in!!!

Mabel: Yeah yeah!

Wow, so that's what I felt every time I was with (y/n)... All this time I thought she was just a really close friend, never realized that 'that something more' would be me falling for her...

SQUEEEE!!!!!! Yay, Pinetree realized his feelings!!! *ahem* Thanks for reading!!! 'Till next time!!!


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