Drunk In Love (Glee & Mike Ch...

By ryderlynnfever

146K 2.4K 328

Ever believe that you can fall in love with a guy when you get drunk? No. I never believe that. I even never... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Jake Puckerman is HERE!!!
Tribute to Mark Salling
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Finn Hudson's Fanfiction
New Sam Evans Fanfiction
New Finn Hudson Fanfiction
Sebastian Stan x Lily Collins
Santana Lopez Fanfiction
Mike Chang! Finally!
Straight Blaine Anderson

Chapter 35

1.1K 21 1
By ryderlynnfever

I'm sitting down on a seat in Breadstix and eating my bread also drinking my soda and waiting for Mike. He went home this week and we decided to have a date here.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." Mike sits down across me and gives me a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates.

"Only about ten minutes late." I smile at him.

"I missed you." Mike smiles back at me.

"I missed you too. Uh by the way, I already ordered our food and it probably will comes in minute so..." I giggle.

"You look beautiful today." Mike smiles at me.

"I always am." I chuckle. "We are like having our first date become awkward like this."

"I dont know. Maybe if I do this, it wont be awkward." Mike simply said and take my drink and drink that. "I'm so thirsty."

I cant help it and laugh. "Stop being silly, you dork." I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"Why are we here by the way? We can go to my house or yours." Mike asks me.

"My parents out for a date and I'm hungry so..." I shrugged.

Mike chuckles and rubs my hair until our food is finally come and it's kinda too much actually but I'm hungry and besides I will pay for the date.

"Let's eat." I grin at him.

"Aren't you rejoin the cheerios?" Mike frowns at me.

"Yes. Why?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Don't eat too much, babe. Coach Sue will ask you to lose some weight." Mike says to me.

"Mikey, you're here only for weekend and I'm so hungry so just shut up." I simply said to him and eating.

Mike chuckles and eat his food. "So how about the new girl you told me?" Mike asks me while eating.

"Well, we apologize to her and she forgave us. Also I didn't know that the sweater she wore was secondhand and then her mom tied JCrew label on it." I said to Mike.

"My mom never do that to me." Mike simply said.

"Mine either. Mom always buy me new clothes." I simply said. "Oh when can you go back home again?"

"I don't know. Starting next week, I'm gonna face busy week so I'm so sorry if I will be late answering your text messages or calls." Mike rubs my hand.

"That's alright. College guy must be busier than me." I half smiled at him.

"Yeah, I'm sorry babe." Mike sighs. "Look, I will make it up. Thanksgiving, Christmas, I will come home and we will have the best holiday ever." Mike smiles at me.

"Alright. Just don't ever hung up on my calls." I giggle.

"I wont. I promise." Mike smiles at me.

I smile back at him and continue eating my food. Maybe since he is busy with college, I can fill my free time with my own life. I already become the captain of 16 clubs and next thing is senior class president.

I have to start thinking about my running mate. Maybe I can pick a guy for my running mate so it will make me powerful.


I'm sitting down on my seat in choir room and changing the pages of my book while I read it. I already sign up for senior class president and I haven't find the perfect one for my running mate.

"Okay, let's give a big New Directions welcome to Jake Puckerman." Dad walks in with a guy who ever pushed the music stand to the ground while auditioning.

"Puckerman? No wonder he was rude." I mumbled.

"Hey, dude. Uh, me and your bro were practically best friends. Is it weird that I know him a lot better than you?" Sam frowns at him then sits down.

"Welcome, bro. God made you, and God doesn't make mistakes." Joe says to him then sits down.

That Jake guy just looking at us one by one. I roll my eyes and close my book then put it into my bag. I know this guy ever smirked at me a lot when I had my cheerios practice.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" He asks me and points to the seat next to me.

"The seat is empty." I simply nodded.

"Okay, as you all know, as national champions we get to host the annual Show Choir Rules Committee meeting." Dad says to us as he sits down on a piano.

"Please tell me you're gonna ask what 1/3 vintage meant last year?" Tina grins at him.

"Or like, why some teams get to sing six songs and other ones only do one?" Sam asks.

"Speaking of competitions, shouldn't we start like, preparing for ours?" Jake raises his hand.

"I have some ideas which I am working on very hard. Um I don't really want to give anything away right now I have no ideas." Dad says to us.

I raise my eyebrows and shakes my head. "Daddy, what are you talking about?" I roll my eyes.

Brittany suddenly raises her hand. "Yes, go ahead." Dad says to Brittany.

"Excuse me, I'm not sure if what you were saying was actually important 'cause I wasn't listening but I'd like to make an announcement." Brittany says to us and stands up from her seat. "First, I'd like to know if anyone can prove that Paris Schuester was actually born in this country."

Dad chuckles and shakes his head. "Of course, she was born in Atlanta." Dad says to Brittany.

"Thank you. Second, I'm wrapping up the election by selecting Artie as my running mate." Brittany grins at us.

"Ah! All right." Dad smiles.

I roll my eyes and shake my head also crossing my hands on my chest. Yeah Brittany saw me signed up being senior class president to principal Figgins.

"I think by bridging the human-slash-robot divide, we'll ensure that both students and vending machines will be voting for us. Still not a robot." Brittany says to us.

"Brittany, that's not fair. This isn't a popularity contest, it's about who's got the best ideas. It's about believing you can make a change, right?" I raise my hand.

"What is that taste in my? Is that sour grape?" Artie simply said.

The bells rings. I roll my eyes and put my books inside my bag then walk out from the choir room.

"Blaine!" I walk to Blaine and stop him.

"Yes?" Blaine turns around at me and stops his way.

"I'd like to offer you to be my running mate as my VP since you are the only one normal person I know in Glee club except me. I mean no offense." I giggle.

"Oh..uh.. I really want to but I cant. I have another new extra lesson outside school and I'll be very busy with that since I want to fill my dates with Kurt." Blaine says to me.

"Oh yeah. I understand. That's what I did exactly to fill my free time with new things since Mike become busy." I giggle.

"Well, I will help you with your campaign and support you. How about that?" Blaine grins at me.

"Yeah sure. Thank you very much." I smile at him.

"Alright, I'll see you around." Blaine smiles back at me and waves at me.

I let out a sigh and walk to my locker. I open my locker and arrange some stuff. Who will be my running mate?

"Hey, I'd like to introduce you to Sam Evans." Brittany walks to my locker with Sam next to her.

I raise my eyebrows. "Umm yes? We know each other. We even kissed once." I nodded.

"He's your candidate for vice president." Brittany says to me.

"Uh, no. I'm picking my own running mate." I shake my head.

"My family's on food stamps, so that will get you the sympathy vote. I'm not gay, so that'll help with the not-gay vote, and you know, I don't want to brag, but my impressions are hilarious. It's George Bush, come on." Sam says to me.

"Okay, sure." I let out a sigh and nodded.

"Awesome. First order of business, Artie and I challenge you and Sam to a debate." Brittany grins at me.

"You're on." I smirk at her as she start walk away.

"What's a debate?" Sam whisper at me.

I roll my eyes and turn my face at him and looking at him from head to toe. "Seems like you need makeover."

"Makeover?" Sam raises his eyebrows.

"Yes, my house after school today." I nodded and shut my locker then walks away.

Well, if I can change Sam to be a better person with smarter brain maybe I can win this thing. Besides let's see what Brittany accomplished last year? Nothing except dinosaurs prom.

I take my cellphone from my pocket and dial Mike's number. I keep walking in the hallways and trying to call him but no answer except his message tone. I let out a sigh and put my phone back into my pocket. Seems like he is really busy now.


"Honey, there is a guy named Sam looking for you." Mom knocking on my room door.

"Tell him to come here, mom. Thank you." I smile at her.

I continue turn my face to my computer then print out some paper. Suddenly someone knock on my door. I turn my face and Sam smiled at me.

"Hey, come in." I said to him.

"What were you doing?" Sam asks me and sits down on my carpet floor.

"I'm making some campaign posters and quiz tag for you to learn for our debate." I said to him.

"What is debate looks like?" Sam asks me.

"This." I turn on a YouTube video about debate from my computer then show it to Sam.

"Nice." Sam nodded and watching the video.

"Paris, your Mikey doesn't want to leave daddy's legs." Dad walks in while holding Mikey. "Oh I didn't know you're here, Sam." Dad smiles at Sam.

"Yeah Paris told me to come since we are running mates for senior class president." Sam said to dad.

"Alright. Good luck you guys." Dad smiles and put Mikey on the sofa in the corner then walk off of my room.

"So what do you think?" I ask Sam and shows him our campaign poster.

"You designed it?" Sam asks me.

"Yep. Is it bad? Ugh I know I cant design." I roll my eyes.

"No, it just shouldn't be like this. Can I fix this?"

"Yeah sure." I nodded and walk to my bathroom to take a pee.

After that I walk out and dry my hands and Sam is sitting down in front of my computer and seems like he is fixing something.

"You really have a comfortable room." Sam says to me.

"Thanks, I decorated it by myself." I smile at him.

"Does Mike knows that you're running for president with me?" Sam asks me.

"Not yet. He hasn't answer my call since this morning. He told me he is going to be busy so..." I sigh.

"I'm so sorry." Sam half smiled at me.

"Don't be. That's why I keep myself busy with some senior stuff." I giggle and lay down in my bed.

"I understand." Sam simply nodded. "What about this one?"

I turn my face to my computer and look at the design he made. "I like that. You're good in designing."

"Yeah arts is the only one subject that I'm good at that's why I was a stripper." Sam simply said.

"Not make sense, you dork." I laugh and throw my pillow at him.

Sam laughs and throws the pillow back at me. I just lean on it and looking at my phone. No calls or even a text from Mike.


I walk in the hallways and sticking some campaign poster on the wall that Sam made for us. I can't wait for the debate.

"Hey, I was thinking that I want to be your running mate." Blaine says to me.

"Blaine, I'm so sorry but I already choose Sam." I half smiled at Blaine.

Blaine turn his face to the poster and nods. "I see." Blaine nodded.

"I'm so sorry. But I can put you in one if my administration if I win." I grin at him and crosses my arm around his elbow as we walk down in the hallways together.

"I just wanna fill my time you know." Blaine said to me.

"I know. I understand. Long distance relationship is sucks." I let out a sigh as we both walk to the cafeteria and pick up our tray. "I mean, Mike only texted me twice since yesterday even he didn't give me any signal when I told him that I'm running president with Sam when he usually jealous with Sam."

"Last night, I asked Kurt about what bowties I should wear today and he was busy with talking about his new job at Vogue." Blaine sighs.

"We both screwed up." I let out a sigh and sit down on an empty table.

"I know. It's like they're moving away too fast. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm happy that Kurt got job as an intern in Vogue.com but he is totally like stranger to me now." Blaine said as he eat his food.

"I feel that too." I nodded and eat my food.

"Hey there you are, I was looking for you." Sam suddenly joined us bring his food tray.

"What?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Brittany said that the debate will be held tomorrow." Sam simply said to me.

"Okay." I nodded and continue eating.

"Do you know a plan to against Brittany?" Blaine asks me.

"Yes, I have some files that anything Brittany ever accomplished last year and it was nothing except dinosaurs prom with banned hair gel." I said to Blaine.

"True." Blaine nodded.

I nodded and turn my face until I see Jake and Marley are flirting at each other while sitting down next to each other.

"Ugh young love." I roll my eyes.

Blaine and Sam turn their face at Marley and Jake. "Mike hasn't talk to you yet?" Sam asks me.

"He only texted me twice. That's all." I lean my head on my table.

"Hey, he is only about four hours away from here. You can drive there and meet him." Sam says to me.

"Yeah, you don't need to get into a flight or something." Blaine said to me.

"What about the day after debate, I'll drive you there? I don't mind waiting in the car and sleep." Sam smiles at me.

"You wanna do that?" I chuckle.

"Of course for my friend." Sam nodded and smiles.

"Alright then." I smile at him.

"There you go." Sam smiles back at me.

"By the way, you need to study about pop quiz I gave you for our debate tomorrow." I said to him.

"Alright, alright." Sam made an impression.

I chuckle and eat my food. Yeah Sam is right. Chicago is only about four hours drive from here and I can totally visit Mike on the weekend and meet him. That would be nice.


I'm sitting down in living room downstairs while looking at my laptop and looking for some debate strategy. I also read Jacob Ben Israel's blog that 90% of the students will attend to see the debate because they want to hear Brittany say something stupid.

"Hey, your mom asked you, you want chicken or beef for dinner?" Dad asks me.

"Chicken will be fine." I simply said and keep looking at my laptop.

"My princess is become busier these days." Dad sits down next to me and rubs my hair.

I lean my head on his chest and still having my eyes on my laptop. "Do you think I'm gonna make it being senior class president?"

"Of course you will. It's Paris Schuester against the world." Dad rubs my hair.

I let out a sigh and take my cellphone and looking at the screen then lock it again. "And Mike is gone out of nowhere."

"He is probably busy with some college stuff. You know you made him got into Joffrey, and just let him built his own dream." Dad says to me.

"Dad, this weekend Sam and I planning to go to Chicago." I said to dad.

"What for?"

"Well, he want to carry me to see Mike. So we can exchange driving. He said he did that for a thank you because I helped him make his grade better." I said to him.

"Well, that's alright." Dad nodded and kissed my head.

I smile and still leaning my head on his chest and looking at the tv as some news are airing on the tv. I hope that I can make the debate tomorrow.


I'm sitting down in front of the vanity mirror in the backstage before the debate begin. I'm fixing my hair and my blazer and my skirt.

"You know what you have to say right?" I ask Sam.

"Yes. Don't worry about it." Sam nodded and walks to the stage.

I stand up from my seat and cross my arms on my chest and looking at the stage as the debate start to begin.

"Attention, miniscule segment of the student body. Principal Figgins is out this week, with what he describes as religious fever. And I am forced to moderate these proceedings." Coach Sue says from the stage.

I'm standing in the edge of the stage and fixing Sam's tie before he goes to the stage and start debating against Artie.

"Do your best okay." I said to him.

"I'll handle that." Sam takes a deep breathe and nods.

"There are two new utterly disheartening wrinkles to this year's absolutely pointless contest. First, the horrifying fact that this year's slate of candidates consists entirely of Glee Club members. And secondly, the inexplicable introduction of a vice presidential field for no discernable reason whatsoever. So let's meet these second-tiered losers. You know them as the pimp and the gimp. Artie Abrams and Sam Evans." Coach Sue said.

Sam walks to the stage and standing in front of the microphone. I hold my hand and hope that he wont ruin anything today. Well, I teach him a lot of things actually.

"Stumbles, my first question is for you.
Who, in God's name, gives a hot, wet, steamy dump about student government?" Coach Sue asks Artie.

"I do. And I think everyone in this room should, too. First of all, student government isn't just a way for us to pad our college resumes. It's a way for us to take an active role in our own education. Study after study shows that an active student body is a successful student body." Artie said.

"Okay, moving on...."

"Student government is just the beginning.
We need more after-school programs, and better-qualified staff to support our teachers, who are overworked and underpaid. And that's just the beginning. I want to talk about the cafeteria, 'cause I believe at the beginning of every year to see if enough to support our brain activity. That's one of the many goals I promise to reach by the midway point of my first term, as outlined in my 96-point Pierce-Abrams Road map To Restore McKinley's Future." Artie finally finished his speech.

"Merciful sweet Jesus, thank you. Sam Evans, your response?" Coach Sue asks Sam.

"I wasn't really listening. Whatever Artie said, I agree with that." Sam simply said. I roll my eyes and facepalm.

"Our next question is from the Twitter.
@HungrySouthMouth asks Sam Evans, "Rumor has it you were a stripper.
Aren't you ashamed?" Coach Sue asks Sam.

"No, I'm not. In fact..!" Sam suddenly takes off his suit and tie and start stripping on the stage.

I just can hitting my head to the wall while watching him. God. Why do I have to do now to make this thing better?

"Okay, that's enough. Now moving on to the candidates for senior class president, Paris Schuester and Brittany S. Pierce." Coach Sue said.

I let out a sigh and walk out from the backstage as Sam is walk back to the backstage to fix his clothes. I'm standing behind the microphone and smiles at them.

"Little Butt Chin, what do you say about Brittany's accomplish work last year?" Coach Sue asks me.

"Students at this school have every right to be angry. Last year's student council, led by my opponent, was the most ineffectual in a generation. Brittany S. Pierce, in her last term, accomplished absolutely nothing, except plan a dinosaur-themed prom and ban the use of hair gel. Ladies and gentlemen, telling anyone what they can or cannot put into their hair is disgusting.
It's the first step towards tyranny, my friends. Next thing you know, they'll start burning books. And then they'll probably start burning people, too." I said to them.

"That's a lie." Brittany simply said.

"This tyranny all ends today, McKinley. I want to offer you a change. And I am that change. Let's make history, Titans. And vote Schuester-Evans. Thank you." I said to them.

"Sweet, simple Brittany. What say you?" Coach Sue asked Brittany.

"Uh I love you. I love you so much, McKinley High School. Simple as that. In fact I think that everyone should love this school as much as I do. If you elect me as president, I promise to outlaw summer vacation, so we'll have school all year round. That means we'll spend every day of every summer indoors with all our friends, in McKinley High School's award-winning air conditioning. Also, I promise to end McKinley High School's policy of having weekends. If you make me your president, Saturday and Sunday will be illegal, so that Monday will come right after Friday, which is the funnest day anyways. Vote Brittany and Artie. Thank you so much." Brittany grins at them.

I raise my eyebrows and shocked. She doesnt realized that what she said actually really make her gonna lose the election. Well, let's see who is going to be the next senior class president.


"Wow so this is Joffrey looks like." Sam said as he park the car in front of Joffrey building.

"You know what? This is ridiculous. We dont have to come here." I let out a sigh.

"You go out there and meet him. He cant ignore you and leave you without any kind of messages for fucking three days." Sam says to me.

"He is probably busy, Sam." I shake my head.

"No matter how busy he is if you are his priority, he will text you back or answer your call even once a day. Come on, I can sleep here."

I let out a sigh and nodded then walk out from the car. It's been three days Mike is gone out of nowhere without any kind of messages. I mean I know he is busy but he completely ignores me.

I walk enter Joffrey building and look around. I'm looking for Mike and this is weekend so there must be no class in the weekend.

I walk to the dorm building and gets in. It's look so strange for me. But I remember Mike's room number so I decided to go there.

I keep look around and looking for Mike's room number until I found his room. I'm standing in front of it and knock the door.

"Come on in!" A guy shout and it's Mike's voice.

I press the door knob and open the door and gets in. "Surprise!"

My heart drops when I see Mike is sitting down in his study table looking at laptop and a girl is sitting on his lap and having her arm around him.

"Paris?" Mike frowns as that girl gets up quickly.

"Surprise." I giggle and hold my hand to hide my tears.

"Hi. I'm Val, Mike's roommate." She smiled at me.

"I'm Paris." I fake smile at her.

"Alright, I'll leave you two for a little talk." She winks at Mike and grabs her coat then walks out.

"Why didn't you tell me before that you wanna come?" Mike takes my hand and let me sit down on his bed.

"You didn't tell me that your roommate is a girl." I raise my eyebrows at him.

"I dont want to upset you. Besides she just move in to my room since a month ago." Mike simply said.

"So.." I turn my face at him. "Three days no messages or return my calls because you were with her?"

"I'm so sorry." Mike sighs and looks down.

"I guess we should set each other free now. I dont want to have a long distance relationship that will end up with cheating with each other." I half smiled at him.

"But I never want to break up with you." Mike says to me.

"But what's the point to continue this when we cant be honest with each other? You completely gone, Mike. You're like a stranger for me now." I said to him.

"I'm so sorry. I completely lost myself." Mike cover his face with his hands.

I let out a sigh and holding my hand. No. I dont wanna cry in front of him. "Alright, I have to go now." I stand up from my seat.

"You drive alone to get here?" Mike asks me.

"Nope. Actually Sam drove me here he is waiting in the car probably sleeping. He told me that I should meet you instead of waiting for all your calls and messages." I said to him.

"I'm so sorry, Paris. I never mean to hurt you or anything." Mike says to me.

I simply nodded and half smiled at him. I hug him and walk out from his room then walks back to the parking lot as tears slowly fall down to my face.

I open the car door and Sam suddenly jump from his seat. "I'm sorry for waking you up." I said to him and sit down on the front seat.

"Are you okay? Did you just cried?" Sam frowns at me.

"Well, Mike and I have a little bit mature conversation. Not mature, we talked to each other about what's best for us and we totally broke up. Officially." I said to him and wipes my tears away.

"What?" Sam raises his eyebrows.

"There was a girl in his room and they were like really close. And he has been lying to me for a month saying that his roommate was a guy but the fact that girl and I knew there were something behind them." I let out a sigh.

"You're really strong to face this by yourself."

"Some people need to grow up sometimes." I nodded.

"Alright, wanna back home?" Sam asks me.

"Yes please. And we can stop to some cheap restaurants for eat." I said to him.

"Alright, ma'am." Sam said and start the car.

I turn my face to the street abd let out a sigh. No. I shouldn't cry. This is for the best. It's better than one of us end up with cheating each other and I literally dont wanna do that.


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